Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Flash Season 2 Episode 10 Recap: Slowly Poked

A new villain made his presence strongly felt on The Flash Season 2 Episode 10.

His name was Turtle and let’s just get the jokes out of the way now: he did not sell tequila, nor did he hang around with anyone named E or Vince.

Instead, this was a metahuman who was able to slow down everything around him in order to steal anything he wanted. Including people.

This baddie was doing his evil thing just as Barry was contemplating revealing his identity to Patty, something Iris strongly encouraged him to do.

Not only did she deserve to know, Iris argued, but she would definitely be able to handle herself in situations of danger.

However, Earth 2 Dr. Wells disagreed, persuading Barry to keep the secret or risk Zoom going after Patty.

With Barry weighing his options, Turtle went after Patty, kidnapping her and forcing Barry to stop thinking about ways to open up to his girlfriend and start thinking of how to rescue her. Which he did do eventually.

He then planned to confess everything to Patty… only to learn that she’d decided to leave Central City to pursue her dream of becoming a CSI.

Elsewhere, Joe and Wally attempted to bond like father and son. But the latter wasn’t too pleased that his dad didn’t even know he existed, yet now wanted to act like some kind of happy family.

So the two decided to slow things down a bit, with Wally at least agreeing to get to know Joe little by little.

Meanwhile, Caitlin realized that Jay Garrick is ill and the only cure is to recover his speed lies with Zoom.

So now Caitlin is especially motivated to stop Zoom because no way can she deal with losing her love yet again.

Finally, as you’ll see when you watch The Flash online, EOBARD THAWNE RETURNED.

We concluded the episode with the Reverse Flash sprinting through what looked like the streets of Central City. What will this mean for Tema S.T.A.R. Labs?!?