Monday, February 15, 2016

Jenelle Evans" Ex, Nathan Griffith Faces Eviction From Apartment

First he gets arrested for stealing her car.

Now, Jenelle Evans’ ex-fiance, Nathan Griffith is being evicted from his apartment falling behind on rent.

Radar Online got ahold of paperwork (two sets, in fact) filed by Griffith’s landlord in Horry County, South Carolina.

On December 7th, 2015, Griffith owed $ 1,534.74 with a note from the landlord stating that  “The tenant fails or refuses to pay the rent when due.”

A source came to Griffith’s defense, claiming that “he was late on his rent but he paid it and is still in the apartment.

“The leasing company sold the property so that is why it was listed twice.”

On February 3rd, Griffith was arrested for misdemeanor larceny charges after he stole $ 1000 worth of items from Evans’ car while she was on vacation in Miami with boyfriend David Eason.

Before that Evans and Griffith got into it over the car.

“Nathan asked what Jenelle and David are doing about the car since he pays for it,” a source tld Radar.

“It’s Jenelle and Nathan’s car that they have always had. Jenelle lets David drive the car and Nathan knows Jenelle is handing the car in after she gets it fixed. Jenelle discussed all of this with him.”

Griffith is fighting for more visition rights, since Evans retains sole custody of their son, Kaiser.