Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Josh Duggar: REFUSING to Let Danica Dillon Drop Her Lawsuit?

After weeks of publicly claiming that he had paid her for sex on multiple occasions, Danica Dillon sued Josh Duggar for sexual assault in November.

Dillon claimed that Duggar manhandled and verbally abused her during their encounters, leaving feeling as though she’d been raped.

She filed a civil suit requesting $ 500,000 in damages for the physical injuries and emotional trauma she’d allegedly sustained.

Dillon’s lawyers – like most who followed the case – seemed to be under the impression that Duggar would be eager to settle the case out of court in order to prevent the details of the accusations from being made public.

Instead, it seems that after months of public humiliation, Josh is happy for the opportunity to defend his reputation.

First, his lawyers petitioned the court to make Dillon prove she’d had sex with Josh by corroborating certain details of her story.

(Josh continues to maintain that he’s never even met Dillon.)

Now, in one of the cases most shocking turns yet, Dillon has decided to drop the suit – but Josh isn’t having it.

According to TMZ, her attorneys approached Duggar’s lawyers looking to have the case thrown out with the option to refile at a later date. 

Josh’s lawyers rejected the offer, and it seems they won’t settle for anything less than total victory.

The attorneys want Dillon to surrender her right to refile, as well as to publicly apologize and retract the accusations she made on social media.

Dillon has reportedly refused, and sources tell the website that she and her lawyers believe Josh will regret being so stubborn.

The case almost certainly now proceed to trial, where Josh and Danica will tell two very different stories.