Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Kim Zolciak: I Don"t Photoshop My Instagrams, Get Over It!

When you share pictures from the dermatologist’s office, you have to expect some snark.

Kim Zolciak, she who is unapologetic about her body and shameless when it comes to Instagram, had a photo taken from Magnolia Med Spa, where she was getting a Venus Freeze treatment.

The treatment is described as a non-invasive way to contour the body, and reduce cellulite and wrinkles by tightening the skin.

“Gotta keep my shit tight!” she wrote. “#BeachBoundTomorrow #LastWeekBeforeIStartFilming #StarBucksInHandOfCourse.”

The photo of Zolciak looked so flawless that some accused the reality star of photoshopping.

Not one to sit back and let the backlash wash over her, Zolciak wrote a message to them haters, complete with a bikini photo of herself in paradise.

“Let me share something with you… You see who’s holding me, you see where I am, my kids are here… You know why I have the life I have… Because of how I lived it, how I treat people, what I give back, and how I think,” Zolciak proclaimed.  “I’m so fuckin over all you bullying trolls!

“You sit behind a computer screen with your fake profile pictures, your ‘I love Jesus’ in your bio and your private none the less, ” Zolciak continued.

“Do me a favor hit UNFUCKINFOLLOW.. Get off my page!!! I don’t want your negative energy on my page, I don’t want to share any part of my incredible life (REMEMBER we all have the same 24hrs) with you.

“You are jealous and it’s a disease, GET THE FUCK UP.. And FIX YOUR LIFE!”

Going to fix my life, okbai.