Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sister Wives to Kody Brown: We"re OUTTA Here!

Kody Brown’s unhappy Sister Wives want out, according to a new report which comes on the heels of previous gossip of this nature.

Rocked by Meri Brown’s catfish scandal, not to mention other internal turmoil, the family has been on the brink of disaster for months.

Now, reports In Touch (via Radar), two wives are pretty much finished with Kody, the head of TLC’s most famous polygamous family.

“Janelle has told the family that she wants to focus full-time on her real estate career,” a source said of Brown’s 46-year-old spouse.

It’s not just a going-back-to-work-to-find-balance thing.

She plans to use that career path to become financially stable so she can leave her husband, says a source close to the reeling Janelle.

Sounds like she’s not the only one in that boat, either.

“The idea that the Browns are a polygamist family is laughable at this point. Janelle, Meri and Christine all have one foot out the door.”

Kody divorced Meri to marry Robyn in 2014, leaving him legally married to his fourth wife, with whom he welcomed a child a month ago.

That could be all he has left by the end of this year.

“It’s just Kody and Robyn who are together at this point,” the source claimed, reinforcing rumors of Kody being dumped by three Sister Wives.

After Meri’s emotional, online affair with a woman who claimed to be a dude and catfished her last fall, the Browns fell apart at the seams.

“Behind closed doors it’s miserable,” another insider tells the celebrity news magazine. “There’s a ton of tension and no one is happy.”

The TLC show is going to reflect this, as well.

“The upcoming season will focus on Kody, Robyn and Ariella,” the source said of the couple and their new baby (Kode-man’s 18th overall).

That, the theory goes, will quietly but obviously “allow for Janelle and Meri [who also wants off the program] to slowly begin their exit.”

Truth or speculation at this point? Stay tuned.