Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Teen Mom OG Season 3 Episode 9 Recap: The Tipping Point

MTV’s Teen Mom OG Season 3 Episode 9 saw Amber Portwood reveal a surprising new addiction, and Farrah Abraham launch a new business.

No, not one involving sex toys or porn. This time.

Meanwhile, Tyler worried that Catelynn had reverted to her old ways, and Maci Bookout prepared for the biggest day of her entire life.

Her ex, meanwhile, got thrown out on his a$ $ .

If you watch Teen Mom OG online, or read any celebrity gossip at all, you know Ryan Edwards has been a drain on Maci since … forever.

Ryan, who spends his days being a cat-murdering degenerate, had just endured a big fight with his dad, and was still moping about it.

Maci’s friend Keelie Lewis told the mother of three, who just married Taylor McKinney, that Ryan is like her fourth child at this juncture.

She’s not wrong.

Producers were at Ryan’s parents’ house talking about the big fight; Ryan was MIA, but his dad went OFF on the “blood-sucking leech.”

His words …

After Edwards STILL didn’t show up at his son Bentley’s baseball game, Bookout fumed, “Grow up. Everybody just grow the hell up.”

Maybe someday.

In Indiana, Amber Portwood’s struggles with her weight pale in comparison to her complicated issues with Gary Shirley or Matt Baier.

Still, it was a struggle for her as she wants to get healthier – both for herself and as an inspiration to fans who watch and look up to her.

A noble endeavor. 

Speaking of the aforementioned Matt Baier, he laughed off tabloid reports that he is not paying child support for his (at least) seven kids.

When you have to address rumors such as this in contrived fashion, that speaks for itself. To Matt’s credit, though, he really loves Amber.

His support of her healthy new lifestyle, and the way he comforted her and showed compassion and self-awareness, was nice to see.

Things were not going so well with Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra, as he continued to body-shame his wife and struggle emotionally.

With Cate fresh out of rehab, he wasn’t thrilled to see that she wasn’t going to her after-care, out-patient program, and vented to his mom.

“I feel like people don’t understand – and I don’t think even Cate understands – how damaged she really is,” Tyler lamented at one point.

Fortunately, Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra say their marriage is fine, and that they will get through this, so here’s hoping it’s true.

There’s a long way to go until these two reach a happier place, clearly, but fans remain squarely in their corner during the long journey.

As for Farrah Abraham’s froyo shop, FroCo?

No one really cares about that, we’re guessing, but as a departure from her relationship with Simon Saran, we can appreciate the respite.

In typical Farrah Abraham fashion, she conducted job interviews in which both she and the applicants wore ridiculous novelty sunglasses.

Why? Who knows. Does it even matter?

That’s Farrah Abraham for you, but again, any scene in which she’s not freaking out on her parents or exploiting her daughter is a win.

By default, sure, but a win is a win.
