Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Ken Bone: Who Will He Vote For?!?

Ken Bone remained above the fray on Sunday night.

While insults flew back and forth between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton (see above video), this red-sweater wearing gentlemen from Missouri earned the love and affection of nearly every Presidential debate viewer.

Toward the end of a torturous 90 minutes, Bone stood up and asked a question about each candidate’s energy plan.

A 34-year operator at a coal plant, Bone was one of the undecided voters selected to put Trump and Clinton on the spot at the town hall debate broadcast live on Sunday evening.

And he did so by wearing an outfit the Internet cannot get over, while also posing a straightforward policy inquiry.

“What steps will your energy policy take to meet our energy needs while at the same time remaining environmentally friendly and minimizing job layoffs?” he asked.

Along with his appearance, Bone was spotted taking photos of the debate setting with a disposable camera soon after the event ended.

He’s become America’s new viral hero.

But for whom will he actually vote on November 8? That’s the big question.

In a phone interview the day after he went viral, Bone said that he had been leaning toward Trump, but that Hillary Clinton “really impressed me with her composure and some of her answers last night.”

Clearly a very nice and innocent man, Bone added that he was “let down” by how personal and ugly the debate turned at points.

“There were a lot from both sides, but I feel like Mr. Trump did a lot more of the talking over and the personal attacks,” he told reporters. “I would have liked to see less of that and more on the issues.”

Bone concluded that he will decide, once and for all, who he wants to see as President after the third debate, which is scheduled for October 19.

(Yes, there will be a third debate. Please shoot us now.)

Also of note? The red sweater for which Bone has become known was actually NOT his first fashion choice that night.

He had been planning to go with an olive suit, but…

“Apparently I’ve gained about 30 pounds, and when I went to get in my car the morning of the debate, I split the seat of my pants all the way open. So the red sweater is Plan B and I’m glad it worked out.’

It sure did.

Bone is a former Domino’s Pizza manager who now works 12-hour shifts sitting in the control room of a coal-fired power plant.

As you can see in the video shared above, he also appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night.

“Donald Trump may be more aligned with my economic interests,” the father of one told the comedian and his viewers, adding of why this decision is so difficult:

“But I would really hate for anyone’s rights to be taken back. We fought so hard to get marriage equality and rights expanded to more American.

“It’d be unconscionable for those to be taken away by a supreme court judge that Trump elects.”

It’s unclear how long Bone will remain in the spotlight.

But he does have a dream endorsement deal in mind in case his 15 Minutes get extended beyond these past few days.

“Do they still make mustache wax?” he asked Kimmel. “I would like my own line.”

Can some company please get on this?!?

Meanwhile… Bone may remain undecided, but are you?

Study the options below and sound off: Who do you want to be President of the United States?

And the Winner is?

Donald, Hillary or… Gary? Who has your vote to be the next President of the United States? View Poll »
