Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Presidential Election Results 2016: Who Will Win?!

November 8, 2016. 

A campaign that spanned the better part of two years all came down to Tuesday evening, with the 45th occupant of the Oval Office to be determined.

Will Hillary Clinton eke this one out? Will Donald Trump pull off an upset? Soon enough, we will know who will be president come January.

We’ve had months to digest what each candidate brings to the table, their strengths and flaws, in what has become a political bloodbath.

You’ve had months to profess your not-actually-profound views on Facebook in hopes of influencing people who blocked you weeks ago.

Now it’s time to get it done. Go exercise your civic duty. If you’re on the west coast and wondering where do I vote, there’s still time. 

Go make it happen. Then sit back and watch the results roll in as this insane roller coaster takes its final turn toward the finish line.

Either way, history will be made in a presidential election like no other … and either way, the deluge of absurd ads will be over at least. 

Earlier this morning in Chappaqua, N.Y., Hillary Clinton became the first woman to cast a presidential vote for herself as a major party candidate.

She’s all but certain to win the Empire State’s 29 Electoral Votes against Donald J. Trump, who also voted for himself today in Manhattan.

While N.Y. State is not up for grabs, plenty of other states are, and national polls show a very tight race, with a modest Clinton advantage.

Are the polls right? We’re about to find out.

We’ll be updating this post with the numbers as they become available. For now, and throughout the day/night, sound off on this historic event!

Tell us in the comments: Who will prevail, and who are you voting for? Is the system rigged? Will she (or he) be an effective president?

And the Winner is?

Donald, Hillary or… Gary? Who has your vote to be the next President of the United States? View Poll »
