Monday, November 28, 2016

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 6 Recap: Who Returned?

The Walking Dead has a knack for pushing some characters on the side for some time. 

On The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 6, Tara and Heath returned to the drama after some time out and there was a lot going on for them. 

We picked up with a young girl named Rachel, who was a little too excited to stab a bloated walker.

An older girl, Cyndie, told her to stop when they realized it was Tara. 

When Tara wakes up, she’s been given water, a spear and fish from the older girl.

They both disappear and Tara follows them. 

Then, we got some details on what went down in the wake of the attack on the savior’s outpost.

Heath just couldn’t go on after killing all of the Saviors, but he didn’t know there was plenty more around the corner.

When Heath and Tara continued their supply run, they got in some trouble and it sent Tara into a river. 

Back in the present, Tara followed the two girls back to what looked like a campsite, with a group of women carrying baskets.

When Tara was shot at, she managed to overpower one of them and took the gun. 

Rachel tried to murder Tara again, but Cyndie came to her defense.

After that, Tara got to meet the leader, Natania, who revealed the only reason she was not dead was because Cyndie liked her. 

Tara is then welcomed into the Oceanside community, but they get annoyed when she questions where the men are.

After refusing to join them, two women lead her through the woods and started shooting at her. 

Cyndie saved her for a third time, before giving her a bag of supplies and leading her to find Heath.

The only thing she found was his broken glasses, so she returned to Alexandria. 

She learned about Denise’s death and didn’t know what to do next.

Rosita was trying to get her to join forces to find guns and go to war with the Saviors, but Tara was against this due to everything she learned about them while she was away. 

For now, it looks like everything is stacked against our survivors.

Will they be able to rise from the ashes and take out Negan?

We’re not so sure, but they can hope. 

If you watch The Walking Dead online, you’ll know that the characters will not give up on their people. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below!
