Thursday, January 19, 2017

Johnny Depp Wins Icon Award, Thanks Fans for Support

There haven"t been many positive headlines written about Johnny Depp over the past few months.

His recent divorce from Amber Heard followed accusations by the actress that Depp abused her, along with a video that featured a drunken Depp GOING OFF on Heard verbally.

There"s been a lot of ugly back-and-forth between the stars, and it"s all been made public.

But Depp remains quite popular in the eyes of that same public, as evidenced on Wednesday night when he won Favorite Movie Icon at the 2017 People"s Choice Awards.

“I came here for one reason tonight and one reason only," Depp said on stage, trophy in hand.

"I came here for you, the people, who through whatever good times or bad, you know, have stood by me, trusted me. Thank you.”

While the unseemly details of his marital split have been in the news for a long time, Depp himself has said very little about the situation.

He certainly didn"t mention it at the ceremony, simply adding:

"You’ve very, very graciously invited me here tonight. I appreciate that very much – you have no idea how much I appreciate it."

Depp was married Heard for 15 months before she filed for divorce last May and accused him of prolonged domestic abuse.

Watch his speech now:

Johnny depp wins icon award thanks fans for support