Thursday, January 12, 2017

Shepard Smith Defends CNN, Slams Donald Trump

Donald Trump has been right all along, folks:

He really can bring people together.

On Wednesday afternoon, the President-Elect held a joke of a press conference, skipping over various questions; lashing out at reporters; and handing over a bulk of the event to his attorney.

But the most talked-about takeaway from the gathering was when Trump blasted CNN, refusing to even take a question from journalist Jim Acosta because he believes the network peddled "fake news" while relaying information on Trump"s alleged ties to Russia.

The truth, of course, is that CNN merely reported that Trump and President Obama were made aware of an unverified intelligence report that outlined Trump"s rumored relationship to The Kremlin.

It did not reveal any details pertaining to this relationship at all.

Outraged over Trump"s treatment of a fellow member of the press, Shepard Smith took the shocking step last night of sticking up for his rival news network.

"President-elect Trump today told CNN’s Jim Acosta his organization amounts to fake news," Smith said to conclude his bradcast, adding:

"CNN’s exclusive reporting on the Russian matter was separate and distinctly different from the document dump executed by an online news property.

"Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN’s report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards and that neither they nor any other journalists should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the president-elect of the United States."

Watch Smith deliver this unexpected defense of CNN below, salute the anchor and then wonder: Where does the media go from here with Trump?


Shepard smith defends cnn slams donald trump