Friday, January 20, 2017

Amy Duggar Slams Dillon King: He"s a Joke!

If you"re down in the dumps about your own troubled relationship, we highly recommend that you and your partner take in an episode of We TV"s Marriage Boot Camp.

Not because the show will help you sort out your problems, but because it"ll make you realize that many other couples – celebrity couples, no less! – have it much, much worse.

This season"s most un-salvageable shipwreck of a marriage belongs to Amy Duggar and Dillon King.

In fact, the very fact that Amy and Dillon are appearing on the show is enough to get them disowned by her ultra-conservative family.

Fortunately for the Duggars, they"ve elected not to watch the show.

We can"t imagine the notoriously private clan would be very pleased with the way the kings are airing their laundry.

First, a preview for the show hinted that Dillon abused Amy.

She later clarified that the quote was taken out of context, and she was talking about someone else, but things still aren"t looking great for her marriage.

Now that filming has wrapped, Amy claims her marriage is "great" and that she and Dillon exaggerated their problems for the cameras.

But we have our doubts.

The latest preview for the show, underscores fan"s beliefs that Amy might be headed for the first divorce in Duggar family history.

Check out the Kings taking shots at one another in the clip below, and you"ll see what we mean:


Amy duggar slams dillon king hes a joke