Monday, January 23, 2017

Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 9 Recap: The Truth

There really is never a dull moment on Sister Wives… the cast seems to think so, too. 

That’s why TLC thought they would surprise us with a special episode that finds the cast revealing how they felt in the aftermath of some of the crazy developments. 

When Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 9 got underway, it became clear that several months had passed since filming of the most recent batch of episodes. 

This gave them ample time to get their feelings in check and bicker some more about them. 

NBC News Correspondent, Andrea Canning wanted to start things off in quiet fashion. Basically, she did not want any of the family bailing on her before she got to the good questions. 

She brought up Maddy’s wedding and we got to see the family in happier times, but it was revealed that the family were not shocked about Kody forgetting about the exchanging of rings. 

Kody owned up to being nervous about the whole thing. Even Maddy was not upset because she knew that was something that could be done later on the day. 

Andrea then questioned the differences between a monogamous and polygamous one. Apparently, polygamists don’t tend to have large weddings because they are scared of being arrested. 

It was also revealed that rings were not part of the ceremony. When quizzed about how they knew how a monogamous wedding would play out, they revealed that they watched a lot of movies to understand how they worked. 

Pretty smart. Right?

We then got some deets on the questions that Kody asked Tony when the latter asked permission to marry Mykelti. Kody then said that he did not care what his grandchildren wanted to do in life and that he only asked the question to understand whether Tony was the right man for Mykelti. 

Kody had no idea whether Tony would be against his lifestyle and if he would restrict potential grandchildren from seeing the family. Additionally, Kody took issue with the engagement coming so soon after Maddie’s wedding. 

When quizzed about pushing the wedding to December, Kody felt that would leave enough time from Madison’s wedding. He was also concerned that Mykelti was only wanting to get married so quickly because she wanted to have sex. 

The younger kids did, however, side with Kody because they respected how blunt he would be in situations and they felt it was better for them. 

After that, the drama surrounding Meri was brought to the forefront. Andrea quizzed Meri about whether she really wanted to leave the family, or if that was all blown out of proportion. 

However, Kody butted in before Meri could get a word in and said the family was not legally together, so if someone wanted out, they could go. 

The other wives were not impressed. As you would have probably expected, Meri was more upset that he did not declare his love for her. 

Yeah, Meri is still complaining… even months later. 

That’s a wrap on the first part of the special. Be with us next Sunday as we recap the second half!

What did you think of all the drama?
