Monday, January 2, 2017

Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 6 Recap: Another Catfishing Scandal?

The drama on Sister Wives has always been up there with some of the best on reality television, but Meri Brown’s catfishing scandal was one of the craziest developments on TV last year. 

The drama continued on Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 6, with Meri struggling to move on in the aftermath of it, but why did Kody just want to move on from it?

He did not want the perpetrator to get any more ammunition to use against the family.

While that is definitely a good reason, Meri needed some closure and that closure came in the form of causing some more drama. 

Meri decided that the best course of action would be to go meet up with a woman named Cheryl, who was targeted by the same person. She kept Kody in the dark about the whole thing until she booked her flight to Atlanta. 

As you probably know if you watch Sister Wives online, Kody Brown does not like being blindsided, but there was really not much he could do about this one.

It’s not like Meri was going to get the money back from the flight ticket. 

Robyn was very supportive of Meri.

She understood that Meri needed to close this chapter in her life and doing so would allow her to move on and not worry about it popping back up down the line. 

When Meri met up with Cheryl, both women became instant friends.

That’s sort of what happens when you realize the same person who made your life hell, did the same to someone else. 

In other words: they had much to discuss. Meri was very open about just how far Sam/Lindsey went to pull the wool over her eyes.

Meri revealed that Sam had lied about investing in the business and that she had given over some details about the family. 

Meri then lifted the lid on the big road trip fiasco. She had went on a road trip with Lindsey because she had cancer. 

Meri put all of the pieces of the puzzle together when she was in that car and there was much drama when Lindsey went crazy when Meri questioned her. 

The psychotic person even went as far as saying that Meri’s phone and house had been bugged and that eher every move was being watched.

It genuinely sounded like the most horrible experience for anyone to go through. 

It was clear that this whole meeting was a positive thing for Meri. Just being there, laughing about the person who had made her life hell made her realize that it was all in the past. 

Meri’s next plan of action with Cheryl was to visit a therapist to understand the catfisher’s motivations for being so cruel to everyone.

The therapist was quick to point out that there’s no solid reason they were targeted. 

In the end, Meri returned to Kody and the pair got talking about their life together. Things are actually looking up for them. 

Elsewhere, with Maddie’s wedding out of the way, it was time for the family to start planning Mykelti’s. I mean, does this family ever stop planning weddings? 

Christine was nervous at the prospect of Mykelti getting married.

She felt that things were moving along a little quickly and she was not quite ready to hand her daughter over to Tony.

Christine was also annoyed that the pair were making out in front of the younger siblings.

She felt like she needed time with Tony to lay some ground rules and to get to know him. 

What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!
