Friday, January 6, 2017

Jinger Duggar Reveals Weird Reason Her Wedding Dress Train Was So Long

If you watch Counting On online, then you probably remember the reality series November 16 installment.

That was the episode in which fans finally got to see Jinger Duggar’s wedding, because in Duggar Land, marriages aren’t official until 2 million people have witnessed your awkward first kiss.

For the most part, the Duggar faithful were as unquestioningly supportive as usual, but there was one detail that seemed to cause mass befuddlement on social media.

Jessa’s wedding dress led many fans to openly wonder why she went with such an impractically long train.

Now, Renee Miller, owner of the Arkansas bridal shop where Jinger was fitted for her dress, has revealed that the /.. year-old made it clear exactly why she wanted a mile-long train.

And like just about everything else the Duggars do, her decision was rooted in a strictly literal interpretation of the Bible.

Miller says Jinger and Jeremy came into her shop in search of a gown that met the specifications of an esoteric Old Testament verse:

“Both Jinger and Jeremy desired for the dress to have what I can a ‘train fit for royalty,’ based on a Bible verse that Jeremy had quoted to his wife-to-be,” Miller wrote on the Duggar family blog this week.

“That verse was Isaiah 6:1.”

“When Jinger tried on the three protocol dresses, she always looked at the train before she looked at the front, so I knew that was her heart. 

She adds:

“I wanted the train to be the center of attention.”

In case you’re also looking to take your fashion cues from a Bronze Age mystic, the verse reads:

“I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.”

But if God had a crazy-long train, wouldn’t that mean Jinger wouldn’t want one, what with all the rules against graven images and likenesses and whatnot?

Eh, we doubt the big guy is too upset about it either way.

Miller, who also designed Jill and Jessa’s dresses, says that she’s favored by the Duggars because she considers dress-making to be a spiritual calling:

“I tried to listen to her heart, which was difficult because we hadn’t yet met face-to-face,” Miller says of creating Jinger’s dress.

“I prayed that I would be able to create a unique dress that would fulfill her dreams.”

Sounds like she met the challenge.

Of course, Jinger is so gaga for her dude, she could’ve gotten hitched in a burlap sack with arm holes, and she still would’ve had a huge grin on her face.
