Thursday, June 8, 2017

Jinger Duggar: Hiding Baby Bump in Latest Photo?!

Back in November, Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo.

And naturally, the pregnancy rumors started flying almost immediately.

After all, Jinger is a Duggar, which means she’s been raised to believe that women have been placed on this planet for the sole reason of serving as breeding vessels.

So it’s somewhat surprising that nearly seven months after she and Jeremy exchanged vows, there’s still been no official confirmation that Jinger is knocked up.

Of course, there’s been plenty of speculation about Jinger hiding her pregnancy in her latest social media photos.

And why would a woman who’s been open about her plans to raise a brood of comparable size to the one she grew up in?

Because the Duggars have a new season of Counting On to promote, of course!

Weddings and pregnancy announcements are the Duggars’ bread and butter, and Instagram posts don’t always result in ratings bumps.

In order to fully cash in, the revelation needs to be made on TV, which might be why we get photos like this:

Jeremy posted that photo yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“Jinger and I couldn’t be more grateful for our dear friend Pastor Michael Mahoney of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA and his amazing family. We love you guys!”

Yes, Jinger and Jeremy are indoors in Califorina in June, and yet Jinger is going with the full Inspector Gadget-style trench coat.

Look, all of us who have been slacking on working on our summer bodies would love to rock four or five layers this time of year and not be questioned about it.

But when you’re a public figure who’s very likely knocked up, getting questioned about your attire is unavoidable.

We’re not saying with any certainty that Jinger is knocked up, but we can certainly see why other people might be saying that.

“Only the top [button] is buttoned. It’s a bun in the oven!” one fan commented on the photo.

“It’s very possible that Jinger could be expecting,” another stated bluntly.

The Duggars do a lot of things well, breeding chief among them. 

But as we’ve learned in the past, keeping secrets is not their strong suit.

Watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for next week’s season premiere.
