Monday, June 12, 2017

Corinne Olympios: I Did Not Consent to Sex with DeMario Jackson!

Corinne Olympios reportedly says she did not consent to any pool sex with DeMario Jackson on Bachelor in Paradise … and has lawyered up.

What does she say happened on that night in question?

CO and DJ

She has no idea. Which is the issue here, of course.

The infamous Bachelor and Bachelorette alumni hooked up on the set of the ABC show, and production has been shut down in the aftermath. 

According to TMZ, citing sources close to Corinne, she was in a blackout state of drunkenness when she got sexual with DeMario Jackson.

She blames producers for not pulling the kibosh on the Bachelor in Paradise sex scandal before it started and protecting her that night.

However, other sources quoted by the celebrity news insist there is footage of Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson floating around.

Those sources say Corinne looks lucid and fully “engaged” in … well, the intense sexual acts she and DJ were performing on each other.

Regardless, there seems to be consensus that Corinne was drinking the entire day of filming before she ended up naked in the pool.

While DeMario remembers everything, including “rubbing, touching and fingering” to “licking her genitals,” Olympios reportedly doesn’t.

At all.

The day after the graphic pool sex incident, she claims that fellow cast members began regaling her with stories about herself and Jackson.

She says several cast members told her they had voiced concern to producers that she was in no position to consent to sexual activity.

The crew did not heed their warnings, apparently – at least at first. Bachelor in Paradise has since been suspended, as we reported.

Olympios and Jackson were sent home after this, while the entire cast of The Bachelor and Bachelorette spinoff was dismissed soon after.

Production sources refute this, claiming that no cast members complained about Corinne being too drunk, so it’s a little confusing here.

Still, clearly Corinne is feeling bad about this.

She’s reportedly told her friends she has a boyfriend and wouldn’t have done what she did – with cameras rolling no less – to risk that.

All that being said, Corrine doesn’t fully blame DeMario for his behavior that night because he too was drunk, according to TMZ.

Rather, she blames producers for not intervening and has retained counsel. The show has been shut down until further notice.

DJ and CO

DeMario’s side of the story is reportedly that the two were both drinking at the bar and started to make out before taking it to the pool.

Some “intense rubbing” followed, TMZ writes.

Cameras rolling and inhibitions long gone, they began “rubbing, touching and fingering” one another with reckless abandon.

At that point, Corinne allegedly thrust her genitals into DeMario’s face and her co-star started to tongue her sacred area.

This is where accounts begin to differ.

Jackson reportedly said he was not able to engage in intercourse with her because of all the alcohol he consumed beforehand.

In any case, Tuesday, despite Jackson and Olympios getting along perfectly well on set, producers got wind of this and booted them.

bip cast pic

They were told that another producer was “uncomfortable” with the how they had acted – even if they were reportedly fine with it afterward.

The producer filed a formal complaint with Warner Bros., prompting the company to immediately shut things down and launch an investigation.

An Instagram photo shared last weekend (above) features the Bachelor in Paradise cast, sans Jackson and Olympios, in the Houston airport.

If they weren’t sure what was going on then, they obviously are now, as we have to imagine this marks the end of the show as we know it.

It’s hard to see a scenario in which this s–tshow ends – even if Jackson and Olympios are fully exonerated – with the status quo resuming.

Stay tuned for more as the situation unfolds.
