Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Alex Rodriguez: BUSTED Cheating on Jennifer Lopez?!

It’s been less than four months since we first learned that Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez are dating, but it looks like their similar nicknames won’t be enough to save these two from the temptations of infidelity.

According to Radar Online and The National Enquirer, Rodriguez has been busted sexting with a woman named Lauren Hunter, a former flame who’s apparently seeking to rekindle her romance with the baseball legend.

It seems that A-Rod and Hunter remained in the habit of sending one another explicit text messages long after they broke up … and it looks as though they kept up the racy exchanges for at least the first few weeks of his relationship with J-Lo.

The Enquirer has obtained transcripts of these texts, and we think it’s safe to say Jen will be less than pleased by Alex’s explicit conversations with his ex.

“Made you a video,” Hunter reportedly tells Rodriguez at one point.

“But no c——s,” Rodriguez replies.

(Guess we’ll have to use our imaginations on that one.)

“I made you a video of me playing with my c–t,” she said. “Yes.”

Another conversation gets just as racy just as fast, and this one appears to be initiated by Rodriguez:

“Are you home alone?” A-Rod asks Hunter.

“Is that where you want me…In my bed with a wet p—y.”

“Yes. Always babe. Which # do I call you on [FaceTime]?” Rodriguez wrote, adding:

“Video video please. Want to see and hear you c** :).”

Jeez, if Rodriguez rounded the bases this quickly during his career, maybe he wouldn’t have needed all that HGH.

Just kidding, A-Rod!

A third conversation reveals that Rodriguez attempted a rendezvous with Hunter when he was in Kansas City for a baseball game in mid-May.

It seems Hunter was initially on board, but got cold feet when it was time to meet up:

“How about you just contact me when you ur single,” Hunter texted Rodriguez.

“Hard with ur secrets.”

We’re guessing this news isn’t going over well in the Lopez-Rodriguez household.

Those who know the couple well say Jen has the upper hand and brokers no BS from Alex.

If he’s lucky he’ll get off with a suspension and a few years of random phone testing.
