Monday, June 19, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Under Fire for Racist Comments on Marriage Boot Camp!

Farrah Abraham has never been the greatest person.

She’s actually never really been even an OK person.

She says terrible things all the time to everyone — she’s abrasive and rude and she yells and yells and yells. It’s overwhelming.

But as bad as Farrah always is, she’s rarely as bad as she was during the most recent episode of Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars Family Edition.

In the episode, Farah got into a little bit of a spat with Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson’s mother, Paula.

Paula, as Chad explained, was drunk, and she asked Farrah if she’d ever graduated from high school. After that, things escalated quickly.

Farrah told her that she did graduate high school, and then she went through college, “and guess what — I didn’t have to leave my kids like you did!”

Paula didn’t care for that response and called her “trailer park trash.”

Then, for some reason, Farrah told her that she’d send her a picture when she sleeps with her son.

(Over the weekend, Farrah did share some screenshots of some flirty texts between Chad and herself, and she also hinted at a new sex tape.)

Paula lost her mind over that comment and started asking Farrah to compare herself to her son — we’re not sure what exactly that means, but she sure was angry.

They yelled at each other for a while longer, then Paula called her “trailer park trash” one more time, and Farrah couldn’t take it anymore.

She picked a plate off the coffee table and raised it to throw at Paula, apparently to show her some real trailer park trash, but her father stopped her.

Farrah was led away from Paula, but before she was gone she cried out “You f-cking disgusting black piece of sh-t.”

As she disappeared into another room, she shouted it on one more time: “Black piece of sh-t!”


Many cast members were visibly shocked — especially Kendra Wilkinson, who has a black husband and biracial children.

“I’m not going to be in the same room as Farrah, after using the race card,” she told The Situation, who says that she demanded an apology from Farrah.

Later, Kendra called Farrah a “racist bitch,” and said “She didn’t just offend Paula. She offended my husband and children and me.”

“I will not be in the same room as a person who discriminates and judges people on their skin color,” she added.

“I do not accept it and that is what is wrong with the world and this is what is wrong with our country.”

Immediately after Farrah made her terrible comments, Paula flew into an absolute rage and started crying, and she told the therapists on the show that they let Farrah “get away with it,” which they denied.

They sent her to a hotel for the night to calm down, and we guess we’ll see on the next episode how everything plays out.

After the episode aired, viewers began expressing their disgust with Farrah, and Dr. Ish Major, a therapist on the show who happens to be black himself, addressed the issue.

“Guys, we spent the rest of the night after #Paula left talking to the group about race, the fight and how unacceptable it is.”

“We got on [Farrah] strong about the race issue. The ENTIRE group did, wish we would have shown you all that tonight too.”

Kendra also hopped on Twitter to share her feelings on the subject in a series of messages.

“It’s simple,” she wrote. “Really. My fam and friends are black. Camera men n producers were black around. Not going to stand around picking my nose.”

“Felt highly uncomfortable with the things were said and spoke my mind. Paula we all knew had issues and felt bad when she was picked on for a minute. Everyone should’ve just left her alone.”

“Both sides were wrong by throwing out racist sh-t,” she continued — some people thought “trailer park trash” was a racist remark, too.

“But there was one person in that situation that could’ve had self control but didn’t.”

“Do I like Farrah or even know her?” Kendra asked. “NO. But do I honestly believe Farrah is a racist? NO. She f-cked up.”

“I freaked out seeing there were 100 people n cameras on us and nobody was addressing the race card that was thrown.”

As for Farrah, she hasn’t commented directly on the controversy, but she’s retweeted comments congratulating her for “standing up to the bully.”

She also retweeted someone who wrote “Paula said a racial slur 1st ‘trailer park trash’ why was she not addressed for that?!”

Maybe because “trailer park trash” isn’t a racial slur and Farrah has a history of making racist comments?

It’s all just so, so awful. And we’re not even the least bit surprised to having this conversation about Farrah Abraham.
