Friday, June 23, 2017

Jennifer Lopez Slams Haters: I Earned My Abs!

Jennifer Lopez is one of the most famous celebrities on the planet and for very good reasons. She’s talented and very hot. 

The 47-year-old took to Instagram yesterday with a picture of her toned abs, and as you can probably expect, the trolls appeared relatively quickly to complain that the celebrity was using photoshop to alter the appearance of her body. 

Jennifer is not one to bite her tongue, so she swiftly responded to the haters with plausible excuse for the whole mishap.

“Omg…Just a smudge on the mirror…lol…not photoshop. #lordblessthehaters #gymrat #youshouldtryit #wishtherewasphotoshopforhaters,” she wrote, referencing the small smudge placed next to her side in the photo.

For what it’s worth, there was a visible smudge on the mirror, and the haters are likely grasping at straws because they are jealous of the superstar’s physique. 

It’s not uncommon for people to be so jealous of someone that they will pick out their flaws at every point to know their self-confidence. 

Thankfully, Jennifer has thick skin and is not about to let a group of keyboard warriors get her down. Jennifer has been in the spotlight for many years, so we think it’s fair to say she knows first hand what the trolls are like. 

One thing they won’t be jealous of is Jennifer’s romance with Alex Rodriguez. You will probably already know they have been all over each other since they got together earlier this year. 

Unfortunately for Jennifer, there have been a string of cheating rumors because, well, A-Rod does not have the best track record for staying faithful to his lady friends. 

There’s word that A-Rod has been indulging in some wild sexting sessions with his ex-girlfriend Lauren Hunter. Would he really cheat on Jenny from the Block?

We have no idea, but Jenny seems to think things are going alright. 

Did you see those baecation pictures? They sure looked like they were having fun. Like we said earlier, Jennifer has been in the industry a long ass time, so she probably knows how crazy some of the rumors can be. 

Time will tell if the couple manages to stay together, but they sure look like they’re having a lot of fun with one another.

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!
