Friday, February 2, 2018

Shannon Beador: I Want David Beador OFF The Real Housewives of Orange County!

It’s been about two months since Shannon Beador filed for divorce on December 1st.

Since then, things have gone from somewhat amicable to no-holds-barred hostilities between Shannon and David Beador.

Now, Shannon is taking things a step further — and reportedly trying to get David fired from The Real Housewives of Orange County.

A little before Halloween, Shannon and David Beador decided to split after 17 years.

It had been reported that the two of them were basically living separate lives in the same household anyway, so the separation was not a huge surprise.

Still, the two of them had resolved to maintain some semblance of normality for the sake of their daughters.

For starters, even though David stopped loving Shannon when she became “fat,” they had resolved to keep things friendly.

They even scheduled regular weekend activities for the whole family.

But it’s really hard to go from loving your partner in life to feeling neutral-yet-friendly towards them. It is so much easier to hate them.

Things no longer appear to be amicable between the exes.

For starters, Shannon Beador apparently does not make the kind of money that David does, so she’s wanting a good deal when it comes to division of property and when it comes to alimony.

That’s pretty standard for divorce, but so are contentious debates about money.

In fact, it’s been reported that Shannon Beador accuses David of hiding money. If true, that sort of sneaky move to make it appear that he has less than he does could mean that a court might not have him pay Shannon her fair share.

And now it sounds like Shannon can’t even stand the sight of David.

RadarOnline reports that Shannon Beador wants David fired from The Real Housewives of Orange County.

She’s getting divorced, so that’s a huge thing that they’d need to cover, but Shannon believes that there’s enough unused footage of David from previous seasons.

“Shannon wants producers to use old footage to tell her story next season.”

That’s a hefty demand, especially from someone who’s reportedly negotiating more money from the show in order to spill secrets for the cameras.

“At this moment, she doesn’t want anything to do with him and filming with him would make this whole process so much harder on her.”

So this sounds less like a calculated financial sabotage and more like a lack of desire to show up to work with a man she can’t stand to be around.

“It is already really hard on her and the kids and there is just no reason to bring him on-camera if they already have what they need.”

For Shannon, this is a deep and emotional pain. They only split a few months ago and it will take a lot of time for these fresh wounds to heal.

“She is still hurting inside a lot.”

Imagine getting a divorce but showing up to work and your spouse is there and the two of you are supposed to spend a lot of time together. That’s what she’s facing.

“Shannon is in a better place than she was but she still does not want to have to face him, on-camera or in real life, because it is very hard.”

Shannon’s desire to go without David is very understandable.

And obviously, if one of them is to leave the show, we can’t imagine why it would be the Housewife. Not all of the Real Housewives are actually wives, but Shannon still makes more sense than David.

But we can’t help but wonder if this effort could come back to bite her.

Were he so inclined, couldn’t David try to sue her for “ruining his reality career” as Blac Chyna has been attempting with the Kardashians?

This is a fight over money, ultimately, and there’s no reason to believe that David will just go quietly.
