Friday, April 13, 2018

Jenelle Evans "Jokes" That David Eason is Black: What is WRONG with Her?!

Jenelle Evans … just … bless her heart.

She can be completely awful, of course, and she does awful things all the time, but sometimes those things are less about her character and more about her intellect.

Which is to say that sometimes she does horrible things not because she"s being malicious, but because she"s just kind of dumb, honestly.

Take, for instance, her tweets from earlier this week about her husband, David Eason, and how he can"t be racist because he"s black.

And before you ask, yes, she actually said that …

1. Honey, No


This whole mess began when we learned that MTV was doing us a solid and airing footage from last year’s infamous balloon incident — the thing where David popped a bunch of balloons with a knife at a New Year’s Eve special they filmed.

2. Who Cares?

Who cares

Jenelle tried to play it off, like she doesn’t have any problem with the world seeing how unhinged her husband is. Which, come to think of it, is probably true.

3. Real Subtle

Real subtle

This barely even makes sense, because obviously she isn’t “doing fantastic” — her husband got fired and her future with Teen Mom 2 still isn’t secure. Though we do believe that MTV is upset with her and is no longer interested in trying to give her a good edit, which is why they’re finally airing the baloon thing in the first place.

4. Sure, Jenelle

Sure jenelle

Because everyone knows that when you’re happy and content and loving life, you tell the internet about it every single chance you get. That’s obviously how that works.

5. What

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

Next — and this is just too great — someone asked her how her “racist and homophobic husband” was doing. Jenelle’s answer?


Jenelle evans pregnant again

“My husband is black, but yeah ok sure. Lmao.”

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