Monday, April 23, 2018

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 21 Recap: Kim Zolciak Claims Racism "Wasn"t Real" and Is Magnified by Social Media

Kim Zolciak took her final stand against her enemies on The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 21, and we think it’s fair to say she won’t be missed. 

From deplorable comments to even more deplorable comments, Kim went out by pretty much incinerating what little credibility she had left. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you will already know that Kim has been going at it with most of the other housewives all season long. 

However, most of the housewives took offense to Kim branding Leakes as “sick and disgusting” for living in a roach nest. 

The housewives felt like this lapse in judgment was racist, and that Kim should own up to what she did wrong. 

“You’re reaching. Reaching,” Zolciak-Biermann fired back when she realized her words did not land with the ladies. “Don’t try it. It has nothing to do with the projects or none of that s—. A roach is a roach.”

But the real drama was saved for when Kim when Kim held a private meeting after the show was over. 

However, Andy was not ready to admit defeat and urged Kim to make her comments heard. 

“That bitch knows I’m not racist. NeNe knows I’m not racist,” Zolciak-Biermann said to Cohen.

“You know why you have not found another white woman to [join the cast]? Because nobody is dumb enough to do that!”

“Put yourself in my shoes — five African-American women — just hammered! I couldn’t even speak, my mind’s a f—— whirlwind!”

Kim then went a step too far by complaining that racism was only something being made bigger by social media. 

“This whole racism thing in this day in age is b——. Everyone of those m———— on that couch owe this world a f—— apology for this racism s—,” she said.

“They already tried to claim that s— long ago. Nobody bought into it then because the social media wasn’t there and racism wasn’t f—— all that real. You know it.”

We wish we were kidding about what she said, but she drew a line and took a high jump over it. 

It makes sense now that Kim is off the show because she never wanted to admit she was wrong, and the other housewives all seemed to echo Leakes’ sentiments about her. 

“How much can a person take?” Kim asked Cohen in the show’s final moments.

“There wasn’t even one positive question for me. I was hammered! … There wasn’t a positive question. I have a very success marriage, I have beautiful children, there was nothing positive.”

But Andy knew Kim had made her bed, and he or the producers were not to blame for the way she acted. 

“There was nothing positive, unfortunately, in your story from the season,” he told her. “It was all combative, it was. Because your whole time on the show as combative, it was.”

Yeah, we think it’s doubtful that Kim will ever appear on the series again, but she still has Don’t Be Tardy, and we’re not sure how that’s going to pan out. 

Okay, what did you think of the final episode of the season? Did Kim go too far? Should she return to reality TV?

Hit the comments below. 
