Friday, April 27, 2018

Prince Louis: What"s Behind William and Kate Middleton"s Baby Name?

Earlier this week, Prince William and Kate Middleton introduced their third child to the world.

But early on Friday, Prince William and Kate Middleton truly introduced their child to the world.

Because now that child has a name!

Indeed, the newborn pictured above is SO gosh darn cute!

But he’s also named Louis Arthur Charles, we can now confirm, courtesy of a Tweet today from Kensington Palace.

To be exact (and formal), he’ll be called “His Royal Highness Prince Louis of Cambridge.”

It’s better than True, Stormi or Chicago, right?

But from where did this name come? Why did William and Kate go with Louis as their son’s first name?

For starters, a multitude of British royal family members have used the moniker as a middle name, including William himself (whose full name is William Arthur Philip Louis), and also big brother Prince George (whose full name is George Alexander Louis).

Louis also happens to be the middle name of Queen Elizabeth II’s youngest child, Prince Edward (otherwise known as Edward Antony Richard Louis).

In all likelihood, this is who the name is meant to honor.

Philip’s grandfather was Prince Louis Alexander of Battenberg.

The name holds significant meaning to William’s own father, too, Prince Charles, whose great-uncle and mentor, Earl Louis Mountbatten, was actually killed by the IRA in 1979.

For what it’s also worth, notes CNN, Louis stems from the name Ludwig, which can be interpreted as “renowned warrior.”

That’s a pretty nice term/noun to be affiliated with, no?

“Louis is obviously a favorite name and an indirect nod to the Duke of Edinburgh and his side of the family,” Joe Little, managing editor of Majesty magazine, tells People, adding:

“I did think that Philip might have appeared in there somewhere.”

So did we. Alas.

As for Arthur and Charles?

Both names are shared by the baby’s grandfather, whose full name is Charles Philip Arthur George.

Here, once again, William shares Arthur as a middle name.

Moreover, Charles is a middle name of the child’s uncle Prince Harry, whose full name is Henry Charles Albert David.

There’s a lot to consider here, people. Many Royals across many generations come into play.

The important thing overall right now, of course, is that the baby is doing well.

Now that they are back home in Kensington Palace with their new baby boy, Prince William and Kate Middleton have started life as a family of five.

It’s all worked out so well for them.

“It completes them,” royal biographer Ingrid Seward tells People in this week’s cover story. 

Elsewhere, a friend of the couple notes that Middleton “is one of three siblings, and it’s a good family size. Boy-girl-boy is pretty cool as well.”

We agree!

Congrats to everyone involved!
