Showing posts with label Actually. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Actually. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Anna Duggar Actually Tweets, Sends Note to Brother-in-Law

Anna Duggar Tweets less often than family members of hers have babies.

That’s barely even a joke.

The Duggars have A LOT of babies and Anna sends very few messages on Twitter.

But the woman who is stuck sharing a bed each night with Josh Duggar took to her social media account on Tuesday night in order to address her brother-in-law, John David Duggar.

Anna did so in light of the bombshell news that John David is courting.

He’s officially googly eyes (and nothing more!) at someone named Abbie Burnett, having confirmed the development yesterday to Us Weekly and then on the official Duggar website.

“Abbie and I are just so excited, we’ve known of each other for several years,” the 28-year-old explained simply, adding that the two “fell in love quickly.”

Burnett, meanwhile, says she and her beau really connected at a church event in Oklahoma, which is where she resides and works as a nurse.

The relationship is taking a segment of the Internet by storm, prompting even someone as shy as Anna to chime in.

“Congratulations! So happy for you both!” she wrote in response to John David and Abbie praising the goodness of God on their joint Twitter account.


Oh, yes, things are serious enough for this new couple to already have a Twitter handle, @johnandabbie.

The message you see above is the first they’ve sent from it.

And the message penned by Anna above is the first she has personally sent since May 1, at which time she asked if anyone else was going to watch some film titled “Like Arrow.”

Aside from that, her Twitter page over the past two months has just been filled with re-Tweets of posts from the official Duggar account.

The mother of five has stayed very quiet on all forms of social media ever since her husband was accused of molesting two of his sisters, along with the family’s babysitter, in 2015.

Josh eventually admitted to this digusting actions, and also later admitted to cheating on Anna through the hook-up website Ashley Madison.

The guy totally sucks, but that isn’t the point right now.

The point, instead, is that John David may have at last found the woman of his dreams.

At 28 years old, in the view of his controversial parents, he’s waiting long enoughm that’s for certain.

This is what Jim Bob and Michelle had to say in the wake of their son’s courtship confirmation:

We are so excited to announce the courtship of John David and Abbie!

John David brings our hearts so much joy and we’ve watched him faithfully pray, wait, and trust God for the right girl to come along!

Now, a beautiful relationship has blossomed between the two of them.

We can’t wait to see what the Lord will do in the future.


Jerry Seinfeld Actually Defends Roseanne Barr

First, Jerry Seinfeld refuses to hug Kesha. Now he’s defending Roseanne Barr, of all people.

Remember how Roseanne Barr got fired for her racist tweets?

Seinfeld thinks that canning her was overkill.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Jerry Seinfeld defends Roseanne Barr, which has left a lot of people scratching their heads and others outraged.

“I didn’t see why it was necessary to fire her,” Seinfeld said.

Seinfeld then hits his interviewer with a very peculiar analogy.

“Why would you murder someone who’s committing suicide?” Seinfeld asks.

The suggestion seems to be that Roseanne was killing her own show or career and that ABC should have “let the market decide” when her show would end.

That perspective is both devoid of moral judgment and, quite frankly, seems to be willfully ignoring broader PR and business concerns for ABC and for Disney.

Mostly, Seinfeld sounds bewildered at how quickly Roseanne sabotaged her own career and her own show.

“But I never saw someone ruin their entire career with one button push,” Seinfeld muses.

ABC greenlit a Roseanne spinoff, The Connors. This will give 200 people, including the cast, jobs for at least another season.

(We would point out that some of those crew members may have missed other job opportunities since they were already on Roseanne, so this is very welcome news)

Jerry Seinfeld has opinions about that, too.

“I think they should get another Roseanne.” Seinfeld suggests.

Recasting someone for that famous titular role would be a bizarre choice, especially since the character’s name is also the actor’s name.

“They brought Dan Conner back,” Seinfeld points out.

Seinfeld mentions that the character’s resurrection is somewhat famous, pointing out that “he was dead and they brought him back.”

For that reason, he believes, a simple recasting wouldn’t be a stretch of the imagination.

“So,” Seinfeld asks, with Dan’s resurrection in mind. “Why can’t we get another Roseanne?”

For one thing, Barr would probably have to sign off on that.

Seinfeld argues: “There’s other funny women that could do that part.”

Sure. But … what, some wonder, would be the point of making an awkward situation more awkward?

“You need,” Seinfeld insists. “To get the comic in there.”

“I hate to see a comic lose a job,” he laments.

A pity that he doesn’t reserve some of that hate for dehumanizing racism.

Twitter saw Seinfeld’s comments and responded by excoriating him.

One person tweeted: “Please f–k off Jerry, thank you!”

Short and to the point. Not terribly sweet, though.

Another tried to explain: “Hello. Disney is an international company. By Keeping her they’re saying the agree with her views. Think about the repercussions this could have on Disney around the world. They had no choice.”

Very reasonable.

Another tweeted: “well Curb > Seinfeld so yea.”

That is referring to Larry David’s Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Another settled for a gentle burn: “Seinfeld, didn’t his show get cancelled?”

To clarify, Roseanne has years of history of being explicitly racist on Twitter. We don’t mean “edgy” humor. We mean sincere tweets about combatting “Jewish mind-control.”

Roseanne has also expressed the belief that Donald Trump is conducting secret arrests of non-existent Illuminati pedophile rings. She routinely shares fringe-right conspiracy theories on social media.

So, while one particular tweet became the focus of viewers’ ire, Roseanne hardly ended her career with a single button-push.

Instead, it was death of a thousand cuts, and that tweet, if you’ll allow mixed metaphors, was the final straw.


Monday, June 25, 2018

16 Conspiracies About the Kardashians People Actually Believe

Kim Kardashian and her famous sisters have been making headlines for years.

This is what happens when you star in a sex tape… give birth to many babies… and annoying shill for every product one can.

But Kim Kardashian and her famous sisters have also been making headlines for years for stories that are less factual than the examples listed above.

That is, the Kardashians and Jenners have been at the center of more rumors, innuendo and straight-up conspiracies than any family in recent memory.

Scroll down for a list of these sorts of stories that have actually made the rounds:

1. Khloe is O.J. Simpson’s Daughter!

Oj simpson khloe kardashian split

We’ve gotta start with the very best one first. There are multiple stories out there that STILL try to argue that O.J. Simpson is Khloe’s biological dad. The “evidence” behind this? Simpson was friends with Kris Jenner and Khloe is taller than her sisters. That is pretty much it.

2. The Kris Humphries/Kim Wedding Was a Hoax

Kim kardashian and kris humphries

Not stunning people believe this, considering Kim filed for divorce after 72 days. But think about this: If it was a previously-agreed-upon hoax, why would they split after 72 days? Wouldn’t they keep the marriage intact for a longer period of time… just to make this so-called hoax seem less obvious?

3. Kylie Was Kim’s Surrogate!

Kylie jenner chicago west kim kardashian

Kim and Kanye West welcomed baby number-three via a surrogate. And she happened to arrive right about the time that Kylie was due to give birth. So, naturally, Kylie had to have been her half-sister’s surrogate, right?!? (If only photos didn’t exist of both Chicago AND Stormi, huh?)

4. Kim Was Replaced by a Lookalike in the Family’s Calvin Klein Ads

White wonders

Speaking of surrogates… we have no clue why anyone thought this, but articles went up online that questions whether Kim herself is truly posing with her siblings above.

5. Blac Chyna Got Knocked Up by Rob Kardashian on Purpose!

Rob kardashian and blac chyna christmas snap

Well, on purpose in order to exploit the last name of her then-boyfriend and profit from her connections to the Kardashian for years to come.

6. Same for Tyga!

Tyga kylie jenner blond hair yeezy season four

Tyga is the father of Chyna’s first child AND dated Kylie for many years. Did he and his ex really conspire to both go out with members of this family in order to make serious bank off the relationships down the line? Yes, some believe.

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Friday, June 22, 2018

Roseanne Spinoff: Actually Confirmed by ABC!

Roseanne is about to die.

Not Roseanne Barr.

Roseanne Conner.

Allow us to explain…

On Thursday evening, ABC announced that it has ordered The Conners to series, confirming that 10 episodes of this spinoff will start airing this fall on Tuesdays at 8 p.m.

The sitcom will be a spinoff of Roseanne, the wildly popular show from the 1990s that was revived by the network earlier this year and earned tremendous ratings during its resurrection.

Roseanne had been renewed for what would have been its eleventh season overall… only for its lead star to finally be too racist on Twitter for the network, prompting cancelation in late May after she wrote some abhorrent stuff about a former White House advisor.

Got all that?

Original cast members John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf, Sara Gilbert, Lecy Goranson and Michael Fishman will all reprise their beloved roles on The Conners.

Barr, however, will have no association with the program at all.

“I regret the circumstances that have caused me to be removed from Roseanne,” Barr said in a statement yesterday, adding:

“I agreed to the settlement in order that 200 jobs of beloved cast and crew could be saved, and I wish the best for everyone involved.”

Barr, of course, has not typically been this reasonable and restrained in the wake of her firing.

She said on social media at one point that she’s only been receiving backlash because she’s Jewish.

But anyway. Back to that whole death thing that we mentioned up top, right?

ABC has not revealed how Roseanne (the character) will be written out of the spinoff, but it seems impossible to imagine any way this show will make sense unless the family matriarch is killed off.

The network also said in a press release that “a sudden turn of events” will force the Conners “to face the daily struggles of life in Lanford in a way they never have before.

This statement also read as follows:

“The Conners’ stories demonstrate that families can always find common ground through conversation, laughter and love. The spinoff will continue to portray contemporary issues that are as relevant today as they were 30 years ago.”

As for Goodman, Metcalf, Gilbert, Goranson and Fishman, many of whom have spoken out against Barr?

This is what they had to say about the spinoff:

We have received a tremendous amount of support from fans of our show, and it’s clear that these characters not only have a place in our hearts, but in the hearts and homes of our audience.

We all came back last season because we wanted to tell stories about the challenges facing a working-class family today.

We are so happy to have the opportunity to return with the cast and crew to continue to share those stories through love and laughter.

Additional cast members for the series, along with a premiere date, will be announced at a later date.

Finally, to be clear, Barr will have no financial or creative involvement in the spinoff whatsoever.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Amy Roloff Actually Defends Ex-Husband, Sticks It to Haters

Family feud?

WHAT family feud?!?

This is basically what Amy Roloff just said on Facebook, after a few followers of hers either hurled shade at Matt Roloff or at Amy herself for implying that Matt was a bad father.

It all started on Father’s Day this weekend because Amy shared a collage of photos that featured her sons, Zach and Jeremy, both of whom became parents over the past year.

This was the first time each had a chance to be celebrated on a holiday specifically designated for dads.

“Happy Happy Father’s [sic] Day Zach Roloff and Jeremy James Roloff,” wrote the Little People, Big World star as a caption to the following image.

She added:

“I’m so proud of you both and the Dad you are growing into for your son and daughter. It’s the best forever role that keeps blessing you everyday.”

Very sweet and simple, right?

amy collage

Yes, everyone agrees.

But some also noticed that Amy did not acknowledge her ex-husband on this occasion, despite Matt being the father of her four children.

Matt Roloff and Amy, it ought to be noted, got divorced two years ago, although they remain in very close contact, working together on the family farm and starring together on the aforementioned TLC series.

In response to Facebook comments that called her out for excluding Matt from her well wishes, Amy said the following:

It’s all good. Matt is a good father and we’re both a part of our kids and we both love them greatly.

defending matt

This certainly does appear to be the case.

Matt has filled up his social media feeds with photos of himself, his kids and his grandchildren.

However, there has clearly been tension between Matt and Amy on recent episodes of their reality show.

Late last month, for example, Matt blasted Amy as insecure and not business savvy.

Moreover, the romance between Matt and Caryn Chandler has admittedly started to bother Amy a lot.

Then there was last night’s installment of Little People, Big World.

A bulk of this episode centered on last Christmas and the exes trying to decide if they wanted to host one giant family gathering in honor of Jesus Christ’s birthday.

This would have meant Amy and boyfriend Chris Marek hanging out with Matt and Caryn, of course.

“I do not have to be best friends with Matt and Caryn,” Amy told the camera at one point. “In fact, I don’t even have to be friends with them, but I try to be respectful for the sake of my kids.”

Matt and Chandler felt similarly hesitant about getting everyone together for the party, but the former seemed a tad bit more open about building a friendship with his ex-wife down the line.

Said Matt:

“Obviously a lot of divorces, there’s all this tension and stuff and then over time exes become friends, but if Amy were to say, ‘Hey, I don’t want you and your girlfriend here at the farm,"” then we would have to change things.

Despite all that we’ve seen of late, though, Matt insisted awhile ago that everything is great between him and his loved ones.

Amy seems to be echoing that sentiment here — and we’re glad to hear it.


Monday, June 18, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Actually I Was Never Arrested!

Last week, Farrah Abraham was arrested after allegedly attacking a hotel employee. Police documents suggested that she was intoxicated. It was a mess.

After vowing to never stay at another hotel, Farrah seemed to blame everyone else on the planet for her arrest.

Now, she’s changed her tune … by saying that she was never actually arrested.

Speaking to TooFab on the red carpet, Farrah wants to make one thing clear about her arrest last week.

“I wasn’t arrested,” Farrah quickly insists.

That is an interesting statement, given that it was widely reported that she was arrested.

Also, that’s usually what it’s called when police haul you away after someone dials 9-1-1 because they believe that you’re committing a crime.

Farrah offers clarification: “I was taken to containment.”

That sounds more like a euphemism for someone who doesn’t like to say that she spent time in jail sobering up.

In Farrah’s defense, she does have Sophia with her. Maybe she doesn’t want to get real in front of her 9-year-old daughter.

Or maybe, in her world, this is Farrah-speak for “I wasn’t charged.”

Farrah continues, saying that not only was she not arrested, but that she also had not done anything wrong.

“And people lied,” she claims. “And said I touched or battered somebody and was trespassing.”

Specifically, Farrah was accused of having struck a security guard in the face with her forearm, of grabbing his ear, and of pushing him in the face while he was just doing his job.

As we mentioned, police said that she appeared to be intoxicated.

Farrah then goes on to insist those are things of “which all I’m not guilty of and never did.” 

If you think that she phrased that a little strangely, get ready for this word salad:

“So everybody else out there, a public form of bullying somebody who is well known,” Farrah says. “I don’t tolerate that and I’m much stronger than that.”

Everyone’s sentences can get a little jumbled, but this is how Farrah speaks and writes … consistently.

Farrah seems much more eager to discuss a movie project about which she is hopeful.

“I plan on doing my ‘Teen Mom’ film,” Farrah says. “So maybe Paramount, it’s a Viacom-owned company, maybe we’ll do a film together.”

Farrah accused Viacom of committing “hate crimes” against her, so … she must be in a forgiving mood.

Farrah continues: “That’s what I’m working on, screen writing, the next thing in my career I’m excited for.”

See, she is hoping to make a movie out of her book, My Teenage Dream Ended.

Dream big or go home, we suppose.

TooFab also asks Farrah, because she has been so frank about her cosmetic procedures in the past, which of them was the most painful for her.

Perhaps because it is the least comfortable or perhaps because it is simply on her mind, Farrah quickly answers.

“The most painful recently, which I’m not trying to show right now,” she says, pretending to hide her face behind her hand. “I was actually taking some filler out of my face.”

Dermal fillers are not uncommon, but this may be the first that we’ve heard of someone removing them from their face.

Farrah confesses: “And I actually have a bruise and was trying to cover it up.”

Well, we didn’t really see any sign of a bruise on her face. So … good job?

Farrah herself was dressed like a magician for the red carpet.

Her top screamed “magician,” anyway. Her bottom half screamed “magician’s lovely-ish assistant.”

Farrah had her 9-year-old daughter Sophia in tow.

Some wonder if Farrah brought her as a human shield to force interviewers to moderate their questions. You don’t ask a mom if alcohol makes her violent when her 9-year-old is standing there.

Of course, some wonder if a red carpet event is an appropriate place for a 9-year-old in the first place. That’s a fair question.

But this is Farrah. She’s a legend for questionable decisions.

She’ll sure be a tough act to follow.


Friday, June 15, 2018

Beyonce: ACTUALLY Pregnant With Baby #4?!

Earlier this week, one of the greatest mysteries of our time was solved when the world learned the identity of the actress who bit Beyonce on the face.

Of course, Queen Bey might be the most scrutinized woman on the planet, so we shouldn’t be surprised that a new mystery has already emerged to take that one’s place.

Currently, Beyonce is performing with Jay Z in the wildly ambitious, globe-trotting On the Run 2 Tour.

The concerts have already given fans plenty to talk about, including possible hints that Jay was caught cheating again.

Now, the rumor mill has really kicked into high gear thanks to widespread speculation that  Beyonce is pregnant with her fourth child.

The rumors seem to be based on little more than Bey’s choice of costume on the tour.

But if you thought such shaky evidence would prevent fans from eating these reports up unquestioningly, then you don’t know Beyhive Twitter.

“If you notice on Beyonce’s dress a heart is located on the mid section. I’m convinced that there is a little angel growing inside,” one fan speculated via Twitter.

“Heart represents Heart beat,” the fan added, in case you’re really, really not big on symbolism.

“She’s wearing blazers, capes, and extra accessories around her abdomen,” another added.

“I’m suspicious. Beyonce might be pregnant again.”

Other fans believe they’ve already spotted a bump.

Pretty bold declaration, but hey — we live in a time in which being first trumps being accurate every time.

Fans have noted that Bey and Jay both have the number 4 tattooed on their ring fingers, but that’s not necessarily an indication that they’re planning to have four children.

Beyonce Baby Bump?

Bey’s fourth studio album was titled 4 and Jay’s latest release was titled 4:44.

So we think it’s safe to say the number carries significance to the couple that goes beyond the number of offspring they’d like to raise.

Besides, we’re sure the Carters are too smart to leave something like that to chance.

If Beyonce has kids again, the whole motif would be ruined!

Speaking, of twins, Bey gave a special shoutout to Sir and Rumi at a recent performance, saying:

“Happy Birthday to Sir and Rumi. We love you!”

We’re sure the Beyhive is currently dissecting that comment for clues.


Friday, June 8, 2018

Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor: Actually Engaged!!!!!

Back in April, we asked the following question:

Is the romance between Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor really over for good?

Fast forward about three months and we have a definitive answer from the Vanderpump Rules cast members:

Heck no! It will literally NEVER be over!

Indeed, Cartwright and Taylor stunned a majority of the Internet on Thursday night by announcing their ENGAGEMENT!

The veteran reality stars did so via Instagram, with Brittany sharing a close-up of her impressive diamond ring and a smiling Taylor staring into the camera in the background.

“Omg omg!!!!!!!! We are ENGAGED! What a way to start our summer and season 7!!” wrote Cartwright as a caption, managing to tease both her personal future and professional future at once.

She added:

“I am so happy, so in love, and so beyond excited for this next chapter of our lives! I can’t wait for all of you to see how he proposed!

“I am the happiest girl ever right now.”

Cartwright and Taylor, whose journey toward this moment will be chronicled next year on Vanderpump Rules, celebrated their engagement at beachside restaurant Neptune’s Net in Malibu, California.

Taylor, meanwhile, chimed in himself via Instagram by gushing as follows:

She said yes!!! I can’t wait for y’all to see how this happened next season!!! I am marrying the woman of my dreams and I could not be happier!!

He then plugged a couple friends/companies who very likely gave him and Brittany a free piece of jewelry and a free meal in exchange:

Make sure y’all tune in season 7 to see how this unfolded. My amazing friend/brother @kcdlovecampaign knocked it out of the park on this ring. I told him a few details but I trusted him and as you can see he came through above and beyond.

When I decided to do this he was the only one I wanted to design Brittany’s ring and this is why.. flawless Kyle absolutely flawless.

Also thank you Margaret owner of @Neptunesnet for allowing me to make this special day possible at one of our favorite spots to eat in Malibu.

Why did this announcement take us by surprise?

Why did we never think this day would come?

Because Jax and Brittany seemingly broke up last year amidst a rather intense and ugly cheating scandal.

The former admittedly slept with Faith Stowers, a former SUR staffer Faith Stowers who knows Cartwright pretty well.

But that’s not even the end of it, although that in and of itself would put an end to most relationships.

Stowers has talked openly about this affair, stating for the record that Jax said his sex life with Brittany sucked and that he hoped he could have a threesome with Stowers and Cartwright.

He supposedly just wanted to bring Stowers into bed with him and Cartwright, without actually dumping the latter.

Alas, the threesome never materialized, as far as we know, and Jax simply banged Faith on the side.

Stowers then pretended to be pregnant, while Taylor did all he could to win Brittany back over.

“He has betrayed me in so many ways,” Cartwright told the camera during a Vanderpump Rules episode that aired in April, adding:

“He’s cheated on me, he’s begged for me back, he’s played mind games with me.

“And I know that he’s not changing and he’s always going to be the same Jax Taylor he always has been.”

And yet, apparently, Cartwright simply can’t get enough of this Jax Taylor.

Tweeted Jax this spring:

“I am not perfect and I will never be but I am working very hard on myself.

“I realized later that @BNCartwright is my angel and she makes me want to be a better man.”

Welp, we’ll see whether or not Taylor was serious.

Because he and Brittany have now taken a serious step in their relationship.

Join us in wishing these stars the best of luck in their engagement and leave a Comment below with your thoughts on whether it will last a full week or as long as one month.


Friday, June 1, 2018

Roseanne Spinoff: Might It Actually Happen?!?

If at first you succeed, try again.

Such was the thinking behind the Roseanne reboot, which took a classic sitcom and revived it for the year 2018… to surprisingly strong ratings.

But then Roseanne Barr opened her often-racist mouth, ABC canceled the series and now a source alleges that executives are contemplating a second line of thinking:

If at first you succeed, and then you try again successfully until your star proves herself to be an irredeemable dirtbag… well… try again. Again.

In other, less complicated:

A Roseanne spinoff is in the works at ABC.

Insiders close to the situation say that network higher-ups are thinking of re-branding Roseanne and centering it on Sara Gilbert’s character of Darlene.

The thinking is that:

  1. The Roseanne brand still resonates with millions of viewers.

  2. Gilbert is far, far, far less of a terrible person than Barr.

Gilbert has supposedly been calling co-stars to gauge their interest in such a show, with John Goodman described by TMZ as “very interested.”

These same television sources say Tom Werner, who produced Roseanne through his company Carsey-Werner, is involved in the effort to reboot the show around Sara.

Just three days ago, Roseanne quipped about former White House advisor Valerie Jarrett, saying she was a mixture of an “ape” and the “Muslim Brotherhood.”

In a statement mere hours later, Channing Dungey, president of ABC, did not hedge in the any way, shape or form when she said the following:

Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show.

So that was that… until Roseanne blamed the use of Ambien for her racist remark.

She also went after any colleague who dared to call out her awful viewpoints on life, one of whom was Gilbert hereslf.

Here is what Gilbert said the day Roseanne’s Tweet went viral:

Roseanne’s recent comments about Valerie Jarrett, and so much more, are abhorrent and do not reflect the beliefs of our cast and crew or anyone associated with our show.

I am disappointed in her actions to say the least.

Elsewhere, showrunner Bruce Helford said he was “horrified and saddened” by the insult.

Barr was later dropped by her talent agency ICM Partners; while TV Land, Paramount Network, CMT and Hulu all announced that Roseanne reruns were being yanked.

But would there be interest nationwide in a Darlene-centric sitcom?

It would not lack for publicity, that’s for sure.

“Don’t feel sorry for me, guys!!,” Roseanne Tweeted at one point this week, adding:

“I just want to apologize to the hundreds of people and wonderful writers (all liberal) and talented actors who lost their jobs on my show due to my stupid tweet.”

Well, not at least one of those talented actors may end up with an even better job.

But why do we doubt Roseanne will be happy for her?


Kanye West Drops Album, Actually Calls Out Tristan Thompson

So… THIS is why Kanye West has been ranting and raving for the past several weeks?

On the evening of May 31, 2018, the rapper debuted his first full-length project since 2016’s The Life of Pablo, holding a listening party for fans in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Along with some journalists and music industry heavyweights stars such as Chris Rock, Jonah Hill, Big Sean and Pusha T were in attendance.

We learned West"s new, seven-track album is titled "YE" and we learned he has a lot to say about his marriage and about Tristan Thompson cheating on his sister-in-law.

Scroll down for a look inside this listening party… and for a rundown of Kanye"s most pointed new lyrics:

1. It’s All Led to This Moment

Kanye west on rap stage

Kanye has spent his return to the spotlight singing the praises of Donald Trump and saying black people CHOSE to be slaves. Was it all in promotion of this record? And will the destination make that controversial journey worthwhile for the artist?

2. Here We Go, Folks

Kanye west tweets about emma gonzalez

Chris Rock joked about Kanye’s run of ridiculous remarks, introducing the new album by telling those in attendance: “Hip-hop is the first art form created by free black men. And no black man has taken more advantage of his freedom than Kanye West.”

3. What Does Kanye Have to Say?

Kanye west at tmz

These new songs feature appearances by Kid Cudi, Ty Dolla $ ign and Nicki Minaj. They touch on everything from the superstar’s mental health and drug addiction … to Tristan’s cheating scandal.

4. Until Death Does Them Part?

Kimye marriage pic

Yup. Kanye rapped about his slavery comments and Kim’s reaction: “Wife calling screaming saying we’re about to lose it all I had to calm her down cuz she couldn’t breathe/I told her she could leave me now but she wouldn’t leave. This is what they mean for better or for worse huh?”

5. So There Was Something to Those Divorce Rumors?

Kimye ready to kiss

Maybe the D-Word was never dropped, but sounds like this report about the couple’s marriage wasn’t TOTALLY off base.

6. The Lyrics EVERYone is Talking About

Tristan thompson sweating

But this is the verse that has the Internet all abuzz: “All these thots on Christian Mingle/That’s what almost got Tristan single.”

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Friday, May 25, 2018

McDonald"s: Customers Actually Sue for $5M Over Unwanted Cheese

Two McDonald’s customers are suing the fast food chain for $ 5 million

They are claiming injury. Because the double quarter pounder comes with cheese, essentially.

Do they have a point … or is this lawsuit insultingly absurd?

Cynthia Kissner and Leonard Werner don’t like cheese on their double quarter pounders.

But, to be clear, this is not a case of people complaining about being served an undesired ingredient. Or of them being poisoned or pranked.

They are seeking class action status for their lawsuit, which was filed on May 8 in Fort Lauterdale.

(Yes, these people are in Florida. The adventures of Florida Man and Florida Woman continue)

According to the contents of the lawsuit, McDonald’s previously offered four different menu options for the quarter pounder.

Two of those options apparently came without cheese by default, and cost between 30 and 90 cents less.

“At some point,” the lawsuit accuses, McDonald’s made a change to their menu.

They are no longer “separately displaying these products for purchase on menus, and currently lists the availability of Quarter Pounder with Cheese and Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese.”

Right. McDonald’s has made a number of changes to its menu over the years. It’s pretty standard to overhaul things to add new items or simplify options.

If you are one of those who doesn’t want cheese on your double quarter pounder, you can simply say “no cheese,” right?

But Kissner and Werner say that this doesn’t take care of the problem.

The issue, they say, is that the double quarter pounder’s price without cheese is too high.

“Customers have been forced, and continue to be overcharged for these products.”

How so?

“By being forced to pay for two slices of cheese, which they do not want, order, or receive, to be able to purchase their desired product.”

So it sounds like they are demanding that the price for the food product decrease when they request that cheese not be included.

And they assert that McDonald’s making this menu change is raking in the dough — unfairly.

“McDonald’s is being unjustly enriched by these practices because it receives payment for cheese it does not deliver to its customers.”

According to The Miami Herald, Kissner and Werner believe that their class action suit for $ 5 million is justified because:

They “have suffered injury as a result of their purchases because they were overcharged, and were required to pay for cheese, which is not a component of either a Quarter Pounder or a Double Quarter Pounder, that they did not want and did not receive”

McDonald’s has replied:

“We do not believe the claims in this lawsuit have legal merit.”

Their statement continues:

“The advertised Quarter Pounder burger comes with cheese. We try to accommodate our customers’ requests by allowing them to customize their orders, such as a Quarter Pounder with no cheese.”

There are many examples of real and valid lawsuits against major companies that are totally valid. Some actions by heartless corporations have ruined lives.

This … does not sound like one of them.

Remember, this is not about people being given cheese in their actual food when they did not want it. That would be different.

Is it not industry standard for almost all restaurants to keep the price for an item the same, regardless of what special requests a customer makes to remove an ingredient?

Take an ingredient off of a specialty pizza order from any restaurant — the price will stay the same. That’s how it works at every fast food restaurant.

The only thing that sets this apart is that McDonald’s once offered a dbuble quarter pounder without cheese.

We don’t know what a court will do with this, but we can say that we don’t know of any legal statute requiring a business to offer past menu items for all eternity.

Perhaps there will be a surprise twist or they’ll make a compelling case.

But so far, it sounds like this pair of Florida Persons are just embarrassing themselves.


Monday, May 21, 2018

Katy Perry Actually Said WHAT About Meghan Markle"s Wedding Dress?!?

Now that Katy Perry is done feuding with Taylor Swift, the singer has apparently chosen a new target for her wrath.

And that target is…

… Meghan Markle?!?

Apparently, yes.

Following Saturday’s royal wedding, the rare event met with universal approval across the Internet, Perry was asked for her reaction to Markle’s wedding down.

It was a pretty basic ensemble, designed by Givenchy and worn perfectly by the glowing bride.

Or at least that’s what we thought.

“I would have done one more fitting,” the American Idol judge told Entertainment Tonight about the gown, adding with a smile:

“I’m never not going to tell the truth! One more fitting, but I love you!”

Let’s keep in mind that this fashion assessment is coming from someone who went out in public looking like this recently:

Designed by Great Britain’s own Clare Waight Keller, Markle’s dress featured a sleek silhouette featured and an open bateau neckline, along with slim three-quarter sleeves.

Moreover, it expertly emphasized the bride’s slender sculpted waist, according to Kensington Palace’s official release.

Has the gown received the sort of praise bestowed upon Kate Middleton’s wedding dress in 2011? Which actually led H&M to come out with a much cheaper version that it now sells in storeS?

No. Not yet at least.

But why be so harsh, Katy Perry?!?

“Kate won! Kate won!” Perry added even more obnoxiously, making clear in this same interview that she preferred Middleton’s Alexander McQueen-designed frock.

(Do you agree? Vote below!)

Fashion Face-Off!

You must pick one: Who wore her Royal Wedding Dress best, Meghan Markle or Kate Middleton? View Poll »

Markle and Harry got married on Saturday, May 19, of course.

The ceremony was attended by several hundred guests, while thousands of people lined the London streets to cheer on the couple and millions more watched at home on television.

We’ve since learned that Harry gave a speech at the evening reception in which he said he cannot wait for him and Markle to be an official “team.’

He also praised his bride’s “grace and dignity,” both of which truly have been on display while she gets dragged left and right by her terrible family members.

In her speech, meanwhile, Markle reportedly thanked her mom (“You have always been there for me through everything…”) and the Royal Family for accepting her into their lives with open arms.

Markle and Harry remain in Great Britain right now, putting off their honeymoon for an undetermined period of time.

It’s unclear just when they’ll depart and it’s equally unclear just where they are actually going for this big trip.

What is VERY clear, however, is that these two deserve a very long vacation.

They’ve been in the public eye for a long time now and they don’t need to just sit back and take this sort of criticism from someone like Katy Perry.

We hope they get the chance to get far away from it all soon, to kick back, relax and makes all sort of sweet and passionate love.

Don’t you agree?


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra: Actually Divorcing?!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have been together for a long time.

A really, really, really long time.

Forget being high school sweethearts — they’re actually middle school sweethearts, if you can believe it!

They got together when they were just twelve years old because, as Tyler explained in that book they released a few years back, Catelynn had “the biggest tits in seventh grade.”

But it doesn’t matter why they got together, because they’ve obviously formed a deep, loving relationship.

They’ve been through so much together, including but certainly not limited to the abusive, drug-fueled marriage of his father and her mother and the birth of Carly, the child they placed for adoption.

Things were rocky between them for a while during those teenage years, but they stayed together and now they’re married with a daughter, Nova, and they’ve been open about their plans to expand their family.

Unfortunately, it looks like they’ve entered a bit of a rough patch in the last few months.

Catelynn had a miscarriage back in the fall, and both she and Tyler had a hard time dealing with it, understandably.

She struggled so much that she contemplated suicide, and when she realized how bad things were, she decided to spend six weeks in a treatment center in Arizona.

Tyler was very supportive of that, but when she decided to go back for another six weeks shortly after coming home … well, that was a bit different.

All of this went down on the last Teen Mom OG season finale — about three weeks after coming back, Catelynn told Tyler that she was still struggling and thought another rehab stay would be the best thing for her.

He urged her to try dealing with things at home first, since Nova had a hard time going without her mom for so long during her first trip to rehab.

But she’d already made up her mind.

In a surprisingly candid chat with his sister, Tyler complained about Cate’s decision, and he even compared her leaving for multiple trips to rehab to his father being in and out of his life when he was a child.

He said that he’d told Catelynn that going back to Arizona might be the best thing for her, but that trying treatment at home would be the best thing for their daughter.

Her response to that, according to Tyler?

“She’ll manage.”

He honestly seemed a little disgusted by her attitude about Nova’s wellbeing, and many fans were as well.

He was so upset that during that conversation, he even told his sister that maybe he and Catelynn weren’t right for each other anymore.

It was the second reference to a possible divorce in that single episode — earlier. she’d told him that maybe he should just leave her, since she’d been having so many problems.

Not a great sign, honestly.

But the episode aired, and Catelynn and Tyler tried their best to prove that these days, they were doing a lot better.

There have still been some pretty concerning signs though.

One was a tweet Tyler wrote last month in which he wrote that even though he was lying in bed next to his wife and listening to his daughter sleeping on the baby monitor, he still felt “so empty and so alone.”

Another has been the poetry he’s been sharing on social media, which is all pretty dark and has honestly made it seem like he could perhaps be suicidal.

But a couple of days ago, he shared a new poem … and if we were Catelynn, we’d definitely be feeling a little upset.

In this poem, Tyler called himself “that pathetic f-ck up who got famous just for f-ckin his girlfriend & gettin her knocked up.”

“That motherf-cker ain’t sh-t,” he continued, “that motherf-cker’s gotta take a hint, he’s gotta get it together if he wants his life to fit.”

“That motherf-cker’s gotta get a job even though I doubt that he could, & he’s gotta leave that broad if he ever wants to be heard.”

So … that’s not great.

In the caption for this post, he explained that these were the kinds of things he hears from people — from his haters, if you will.

It sounds like he doesn’t actually believe these things, he’s just turning insults around because he thinks it’s “ironically motivating.”

Still, if you take this and add in the other developments from the past week, things aren’t looking too great for the Baltierras.

As you may have heard, there was a big fuss because fans noticed that on Catelynn’s Instagram, she lists her last name as Lowell instead of Baltierra, her married name.

The thing is that her name has always been Catelynn Lowell on Instagram, and the name thing got more attention than a much more interesting little tidbit, which was that for a little while, she actually unfollowed Tyler.

Besides that, they didn’t spend Mother’s Day together — she was in Florida and he was in Texas.

He didn’t even write a big gushy message about her for the holiday, which, if you’ve followed this couple for any length of time, you know is very, very strange.

There’s been so much going on to point to a possible split that Catelynn felt the need to address the rumors.

In a statement, she wrote that they aren’t getting a divorce, and that “couples go through ups and downs, that’s normal life.”

“We are a solid couple that will work through anything life throws at us!”

Which is even more suspicious, because while she did say they aren’t getting a divorce, she definitely implied they were going through some issues.

Come on, Baltierras, pull through!
