Showing posts with label Baier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baier. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2017

Amber Portwood: Abusing Matt Baier on Teen Mom OG?!

For the past few weeks, have you been approaching all the new Amber Portwood news with a “well, at least it can’t get any worse” attitude?

Yeah, just go ahead and cut that out now.

Because, as we’re learning, it can always get worse when it comes to this girl and her messy, messy life.

And as long as she insists on keeping Matt Baier around, it seems like a sure bet that things will get worse.

Take, for instance, this little sneak peek for the upcoming season finale of Teen Mom OG.

The episode airs on Monday, and we we can see from this clip, it will feature Matt’s now-infamous lie detector test — the one that inspired Amber to kick him out of her house.

And boy, does it look like a doozy.

In this clip, we see Matt doing the test, and we see him being asked about cheating on Amber.

We don’t see his answer, but we do see Amber’s reaction: she gets very panicked and upset, and keeps repeating that she’s “about to freak out.”

It’s not much in terms of content, but it’s very interesting.

Because this clip goes along nicely with the sneak peek we saw after the last episode of Teen Mom — the one where Amber has to be held back by crew members.

In that footage, she tries to lunge at Matt while screaming “You f-cking bitch,” which is not a great look to be sure.

But she and Matt are wearing the same clothes in both scenes, which leads us to believe that the lie detector test happened, Amber heard something she didn’t like, and she tried to take it out on Matt.


It wouldn’t be the first time she was filmed throwing down (or attempting to throw down) on the show. We all remember what happened with Gary.

And in April, there were some pretty widespread rumors that she’d been abusing Matt. They both denied those claims.

And don’t forget, Amber has admitted that she’s been “on both sides” of domestic violence: she’s abused, and she’s been abused.

But, as she claims, real women don’t talk about those sorts of things.

As she proves in a new interview, real women also go to any lengths to convince the world that they’re making good choices in staying with their gross, douchey boyfriends.

Amber, as we know, is still on the fence about being with Matt. She says they’re not engaged, but she’s willing to stay with him if he works on himself.

And even though we’ve just seen her losing her mind over that lie detector test, now she’s trying to spin it to make Matt look better.

“I was happy with some of the results,” she says. “It clarified some things. I think people will actually be shocked by some of the results.”

“Some of them actually pleasantly surprised me and made me feel amazing and I think it will make a lot of people look really stupid that always been talking sh-t.”

… Yes, we’re sure that’s what will happen.

Amber admits that “It still doesn’t change the other problems we had in our relationship and things that happened in the past like lying.”

“So there’s a lot that needs to be worked on there for us to even think about being together.”

Yes, she acknowledges that he’s a liar — she’s even called him a pathological liar — but she still believes some nice things he said in a lie detector test?

Amber also says that she doesn’t believe Matt’s ever cheated on her, but she thinks he’s “made gestures” towards cheating, whatever that means.

“He hasn’t been the best,” she says. “He’s just met a person that doesn’t deal with his sh-t. But he’s also met a person that he really is in love with and doesn’t want to let go.”

But Amber, all you do is “deal with his sh-t.”

She’s made excuses for his lies about the number of kids he has, she’s defended his deadbeat dad ways.

She even made excuses for his deplorable behavior in recent episodes of Teen Mom — handing her cast members pills and calling her “psycho” behind her back?

Get. It. Together. Amber.


Friday, June 16, 2017

Simon Saran: Matt Baier DID Abuse Amber Portwood, and She Needs to Speak Up!

Is it just us, or does Amber Portwood seem intent on breaking our hearts these days?

She refuses to just leave Matt Baier alone — though she’s said they’ve broken up, they’re rumored to be going on Marriage Boot Camp together, so we’re not holding our breath on a permanent split.

Even after he was shown to have a pocket full of pills on TV, even after he embarrassed himself with the immortal words, “Do you forgive Daddy?”, she’s still involved with the creep.

It’s all very disappointing, but perhaps the most disappointing thing of all is that horrible Instagram Live rant Amber went on earlier this week.

In the video, she decided to open up about her history with abuse.

“I’ve been through domestic violence,” she said. “I was the one on the other f-cking end with the domestic violence — it went both ways.”

Meaning that in addition to being the one dishing out the physical violence, she was abused, too.

“However,” Amber went on, “I never opened my motherf-cking mouth about anybody ever f-cking hitting me! Anybody! Because that’s what a real f-cking woman does!”

“That’s what a real woman does. I can f-cking take that!”

Yes, that’s Amber explaining that a man she was in a relationship hit her, but she kept it to herself. Because apparently, that’s what a real woman does.

Except it’s not. At all. And that’s a really ignorant thing to say.

Amber’s on this thing right now where she feels the need to repeatedly remind everyone that she’s a “real woman,” whatever that means, so whatever she does is what a real woman does.

It’s been getting old for a while, but now it’s getting dangerous.

And Simon Saran, Farrah Abraham’s sometimes boyfriend and everybody’s favorite Teen Mom troll, isn’t standing for it.

He kicked off over on Twitter by claiming that yes, Matt was the one who abused Amber.

“Matt has punched her on several occasions,” he wrote. “Mtv does nothing. They are more worried about setting Farrah up on more fake dates.”

Simon also tweeted that “A real woman opens up about domestic violence. Don’t listen to that bimbo. You can save someone’s life later down the road.”

When one of his followers tried to defend Amber’s statement, saying that “it takes time to deal with domestic violence,” he still wasn’t having it.

“Time is against you in these situations,” he wrote. “It takes courage and fast action. Do not ever wait! One time is more than enough!”

“In the end, let’s not discourage her,” he added. “She needs help from you #TeenMomOG fans!”

Simon was so fired up, and rightfully so, that he carried his message on over on his Instagram page.

“I know a majority of my followers are from the show, but ladies and gents, don’t ever keep domestic violence on the hush,” he began.

“You can save someone’s life later down the road.”

Simon, ever our faithful Teen Mom guide, wrote that the “majority of these cast members are airheads,” but “clearly they have a huge following and fans will do whatever they say.”

“Be smart and think with your head!”

We never thought we’d say this, but thank goodness for Simon Saran.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: I Never Took Any Drugs from Matt Baier!

Has there ever been a reality show personality as sketchy as Matt Baier?

Well, Josh Duggar exists, so yes, some reality stars are definitely worse than Matt, but still he’s pretty awful.

He’s a deadbeat dad to a still undetermined amount of kids, he’s been manipulative and mean to his meal ticket/fiancée, Amber Portwood.

He hasn’t had one single redeeming moment in all the time he’s been on Teen Mom OG — not one.

And, as we saw in this week’s episode of the show, he refers to himself as “Daddy.”

He’s a walking, talking nightmare, and we just can’t seem to wake up.

You may have blocked out most of that last episode of Teen Mom because of Matt’s “Do you forgive Daddy?” line, which is fair, but the reason he needed forgiving had to do with some drugs.

He had some Xanax handy for the Teen Mom press week, and he offered some to Catelynn Lowell when he saw she was starting to get anxious.

Catelynn took it, Amber found out about it, and she was livid.

“What happened was my buddy gave me Xanax in case Amber needed it on the plane,” Matt explained on the show. “That was it.”

“She thinks, ‘You’re back on drugs.’ I’m like, ‘I’m not, I swear to God."”

“I even said to Amber, ‘If I wanted it, why would it have been in my pocket? It would have been in my stomach,"” he said.

“Now there’s rumors, everybody’s talking about how Matt was f-cked up yesterday and that he’s back on drugs. She wakes me up this morning, ‘We’re not getting married. You’re a f-cking junkie."”

“I’m done with this,” Matt claimed.

So there’s obviously a lot to unpack here.

For one, it’s illegal to have a prescription medication that wasn’t prescribed to you, so Matt was breaking the law during that trip.

Two, Amber is an addict, and prescription pills were her substance of choice — so how dumb would it be to just give her a Xanax for some travel anxiety?

Three, Amber has revealed this season that she’s on a variety of meds for her bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. Mixing those meds with a random pill doesn’t seem like the best plan.

Four, Matt recently admitted to relapsing on prescription pills right around the same time this footage would have been filmed, so why wouldn’t Amber think he was back on drugs?

Five, why would Catelynn take a pill from Matt anyway?

As for that last point, don’t worry — Catelynn herself has explained exactly what happened there.

She tweeted “FYI I never took what Matt gave me like I know what it is?!? Hell no I saved that sh-t and told amber I wanted proof etc.”

But on the episode, she thanked Matt, and later told him that she didn’t mean to get him in trouble with Amber.

So what actually happened?

Did MTV use their famous Teen Mom editing magic to make it seem like Catelynn took the pill when she actually didn’t?

Or was Catelynn getting slammed for taking it and is now trying to defend herself?

Also, can Matt get arrested for this? Because how great would it be if Matt got arrested for this?

So many questions, and absolutely no answers. What a time to be alive.


Amber Portwood: Did Matt Baier Abuse Her?!

OK, so Amber Portwood … let’s just be real, the girl’s life is a little bit of a mess right now.

Like, there’s a solid possibility that at this moment, she’s bringing the most sadness and drama out of anyone in the Teen Mom franchise, and that’s saying a lot.

For starters, it seems like she really and truly broke up with Matt Baier — at least for the moment.

And while that should be the most wonderful news, and while it will undoubtedly be a great move for her in the long run, she doesn’t seem to be handling it so well right now.

We know that because, in yet another intimate Instagram Live video, Amber showed us a troubling side of herself that we haven’t seen in quite some time.

Like, since she went off to prison.

In what may be the most alarming part of the video, Amber reveals that she’s “been through domestic violence.”

Which isn’t a secret or anything — we all saw her hit Gary Portwood in early seasons of Teen Mom.

But now she’s saying that “I was the one on the other f-cking end with the domestic violence — it went both ways.”

“However, I never opened up my motherf-cking mouth about anybody ever f-cking hitting me! Anybody! Because that’s what a real f-cking woman does!”

“That’s what a real woman does,” she insists. “I can f-cking take that!”

Amber. Amber, honey. No.

She’s saying that a “real woman” doesn’t tell anyone about being abused by her partner, which is probably the worst advice we’ve ever heard from anybody about anything.

Also, who is she referring to here?

We’ve seen her hit Gary on the show, and we’ve heard that she abused Matt, though they both denied it when the reports came out.

So since, according to Amber, her abusive relationships “went both ways,” either of those men could have potentially hit her, too.

What a ridiculously disturbing situation.

From her talk about domestic violence, Amber goes on to talk about being young — which, by the way, apparently we should never describe her that way.

“I’m sick of being called naive,” she says, “I’m sick of being called f-cking young. I’m the oldest one on this f-cking show! I was the pilot for this bitch.”

“Motherf-ckers need to realize who you’re talking to. I’m done.”

But 27 is young, and just because you’re the oldest of a certain group of people doesn’t mean you’re old. Realize that, Amber.

From there, she advises the haters to “get off my sh-t,” and the talk about haters transitions to talk about haters saying that she’s fat even though she’s down to 135 pounds now.

She says that she’s got curves, and that she’ll never be a skinny bitch — no disrespect to skinny bitches.

Then somehow her brain hops on over to Farrah Abraham, and she starts in one one of her favorite rants: the one about how she’s so much more famous than Farrah.

She claims that for most of the reality shows Farrah’s done outside of Teen Mom, she was approached first, but she turned the offers down.

Amber also says that Farrah calls the paparazzi on herself, but that she’s the only Teen Mom that photographers follow on their own.

But “I’m never big-headed,” she explains. “I never say sh-t. I’m always f-cking humble, but — I don’t even tell motherf-ckers how much money I make!”

Another topic change: now Amber’s in the mood to brag about her apparently considerate wealth.

“I got a bank account!” she brags. “I got a f-cking safe! you will never know how much f-cking money I’m worth! Ever! Ever!”

While we don’t know how much money she has, we do know that she still owes the IRS over $ 100,000, so …

“‘Cause I came up with no money, I’m white trash?” she asks. “‘Cause I stick up for myself when people are bullying other people, I’m white trash?”

No, Amber. That’s not why you’re white trash.

Elsewhere in the video, she talks about prison, her daughter, and being a “boss,” but the entire rant is over 40 minutes long.

No one has time to transcribe the whole thing, and more importantly, no one has enough mental energy to get through it all.

Watch it at your own risk, but remember, as we said at the beginning, the girl does not seem well right now.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Amber Portwood & Matt Baier: Headed to Marriage Boot Camp?!

Despite the fact that she’s been feuding with Farrah Abraham for well over a year now, Amber Portwood seems to take a lot of her career cues from her least-favorite co-star.

First, Amber planned to star in a sex tape – a trail initially blazed by Ms. Abraham.

Now, it looks as though Portwood will be following in the Backdoor Teen Mom’s footsteps once again – but this time she plans to remain fully clothed.

Radar Online is reporting that Amber is headed to Marriage Boot Camp, alongside her most recent ex, Matt Baier.

You may be thinking you yourself, But Amber isn’t married. In fact, she dumped Matt Baier like a week ago!

Those are both very good points, but it seems that these days the “Marriage” part of the title is being taken as a mere suggestion.

Farrah isn’t married either, but she appeared on the show’s recent “Family Edition” alongside her troubled parents … who are also not married.

Anyway, there’s been no official announcement from either Amber or the show, but insiders say it’s a done deal.

“They’ve been in talks with production for a while,” says one source.

Tellingly, reps for the show didn’t deny that Amber is involved when they were reached by Radar for comment.

So does the fact that Amber and Matt are appearing on the show together mean that they’re hoping to reconcile?

Not necessarily.

Shows like Marriage Boot Camp often pay six figures for just a few weeks work, and we imagine Baier could really use the money.

Amber is far more financially secure, but she must realize her time as a top-level reality star will likely come to a close within the next 2-3 years, and she’s hopefully putting away a nest egg for her daughter (and the remaining decades of her own life).

Amber hosted an Instagram livestream last night and openly laughed at the suggestion that she’s only worth $ 288,000, telling fans that she owns individual cars worth more than that.

We think it’s safe to say she’s living a bit beyond her means these days.

So Amber and Matt will probably just go on the show, scream at each other a lot, and then go their separate ways, each considerably more wealthy than before.

Watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself of how ill-suited they were as a couple.


Amber Portwood: REAL Reason She Dumped Matt Baier Revealed!

Earlier this week, we learned that Amber Portwood dumped Matt Baier just months before the couple was scheduled to tie the knot.

The news didn’t exactly come as a shock, as Portwood and Baier had had difficulty hiding their relationship troubles from the public throughout much of the past year.

Still, there was some confusion about the incident that finally led Amber to see the light and kick Matt to the curb.

Some believed Portwood got fed up after Baier pressured her to marry him during their recent trip to Vegas.

Others believed that Amber decided to call it quits after Baier failed a lie detector test in which he was questioned about allegations of infidelity. 

Amber played it coy during a recent Instagram livestream, admitting that she and Baier had broken up, but refusing to go into detail as to why.

Fortunately, last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG cleared things up considerably.

Both Portwood and Baier have struggled with substance abuse issues, an Amber’s fears about Matt falling off the wagon were confirmed during a week of promotional events in New York:

Amber became aware that Matt gave her co-star Catelynn Lowell a Xanax when she began to experience panic attack symptoms.

She was previously under the impression that he was completely sober and had not been in possession of any drugs in several years.

Understandably upset, Amber had little time for Matt’s excuses the following morning.

“You’re sorry every other f–king week,” she said, in response to his apology.

Asked if she still planned to marry him, Amber simply shook her head no.

“What about all these questions you’re going to get today?” Baier asked, in reference to the day’s press junket.

“I’ll lie right now if they ask,” she said. “You made more than one f–king mistake, I’m not doing it.”

Baier later revealed to producers that the situation was even more serious than it appeared on camera.

“She wakes me up this morning, [saying], ‘We’re not getting married. You’re a f–king junkie,’” said a visibly upset Baier.

“I go, ‘What the f–k is going on? I didn’t do a f–king thing wrong."”

After the episode aired, Catelynn took to Twitter to clarify that she did not take the pill offered to her by Baier.

“FYI I never took what Matt gave me like I know what it is?!?” she tweeted. “Hell no I saved that shit and told amber I wanted proof etc.”

Watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself of just how troubling Amber and Matt’s relationship has been from the start.


Monday, June 12, 2017

Amber Portwood to Matt Baier: We Are NEVER Getting Married!

Over the weekend, Amber Portwood confirmed that she recently dumped Matt Baier during a surprisingly candid Instagram livestream.

Amber was limited in how much she was able to say due to restrictions in her contract with MTV, but the message she sent was pretty clear:

Mamber is a thing of the past.

We knew that Portwood had called off the wedding she and Baier were planning, but the livestream was the first indication that the couple is officially dunz-o.

The most common theory as to why Matt and Amber called it quits is that Baier failed a lie detector test in which he was questioned about being unfaithful to Portwood.

But now it looks like that may have been the straw that broke the camel’s back, Amber had numerous reasons to kick her troublemaking fiance to the curb.

A previously unreleased clip from Teen Mom: OG shows Amber informing Matt that she’s had enough during a disastrous trip to Las Vegas.

If you watch Teen Mom online, you know that Matt decided on a whim that he and Amber should get hitched during their time in Sin City.

She nixed the idea, stating that she wanted her daughter and brother on hand for the occasion, and Matt lost it.

At one point, he told producers that he was so angry he decided he no longer wants to marry Amber.

The next morning, clearly suffering from a particularly remorse-laden rage hangover, Matt approached Amber with his tail between his legs.

And she was not having his apology even a little bit:

“I’m really sorry about last night. Do you forgive me?” Baier asked in the clip.

“You’re sorry every other f–king week!” Portwood shots back.

It was then that the tables turned, and Matt began begging Amber to give him another chance:

“Do you mean that? You’re not going to marry me?” he asked. “Baby come on I’m sorry. I made one mistake.”

“You’ve made more than one f–king mistake. I’m not doing it,” Amber replied.

Wow, Matt. It’s almost like you shouldn’t have publicly flipped out on your girlfriend and told the whole world you don’t want to marry her.

That type of stuff will make someone not want to marry you.


Amber Portwood: I FINALLY Dumped Matt Baier!

After weeks of speculation and several years of arguably the worst relationship in the history of the Teen Mom franchise, it’s finally official:

Amber Portwood has dumped Matt Baier, bringing to an end one of the most successful coattail-riding/golddigging campaigns this side of Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna.

We’d known for several weeks that Amber and Matt had called off the wedding.

Portwood confirmed that news at the recent taping of the Teen Mom: OG reunion show in New York.

(Fans aren’t supposed to publicly share anything that the ladies said during the taping … but they totally do.)

For a while, though, it looked like Matt and Amber would attempt to patch things up.

Sources said they were still living together, and while they’d scrapped plans to get hitched, fans believed Amber just wouldn’t be able to bring herself to kick Matt to the curb.

Portwood put that talk to rest with a revealing Instagram livestream over the weekend.

While she’s apparently unable to go into detail due to the terms of her contract with MTV, Portwood made it quite clear that she’s seen the light with regard to what a douche-nozzle Baier truly is.

“Do you see him in my bed?” Amber coyly replied when a fan asked if she’s still with Matt.

She went on to say that she “has no man” and stated that she’s single, but was unsure if she’s legally able to talk about it.

Exciting news if, like so many Teen Mom viewers, you’ve wanted Baier out of the picture from the moment he entered it.

Amber didn’t go into detail of course, but the couple’s latest rough patch appears to have started after Baier was essentially caught cheating on Amber, miserably failing a lie detector test on the subject.

But don’t go getting too excited about the possibility of Portwood moving on to an actual stable, healthy relationship.

Sources tell The Ashley’s Reality Roundup that Amber is still hoping to get back together with Matt.

While the insider says “even [Amber] admits that it is not looking good for Matt,” Portwood has not officially given up on the relationship just yet.

Matt seems to believe the reconciliation is a sure thing, but it’s possible that Amber is simply taking her time with the breakup for legal reasons.

While they’re not married, Portwood and Baier do own several properties and have invsted in multiple business ventures together.

“Matt is making it look like everything’s hunky-dory but it’s really not,” The Ashley’s source says.

“Take everything Matt says with a grain of salt. Amber realizes now that he’s a chronic liar and that’s been one of the biggest reasons why she’s considering leaving him for good.”

The insider adds:

“There are a lot of legal issues between the two of them that would have to be worked through first for Matt to be formally put out.

“There is some stuff that would need to be wrapped up before they can officially call it quits. More may come out by next month.”

We’ll updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.

In the meantime, watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself just how badly the Mamber relationship sucked.


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Amber Portwood: I Will NOT Marry Matt Baier!

How many issues can you have in a relationship before you finally admit that things aren’t working?

With Amber Portwood and Matt Baier, that sure seems to be the question.

They’ve been together for over two years now, and it’s just one problem after the other.

Remember when Amber found out that Matt had been lying to her about how many kids he had, and she still made excuses and kept dating him?

Then remember how he tried to pressure her into getting married in Las Vegas even though she didn’t want to?

He called her “psycho,” he said that she wanted to marry her brother instead of him, he basically humiliated her on TV, and still, she didn’t break up with him.

There have been piles and piles of rumors that he’s been cheating on her, and he even failed a lie detector test when questioned about it, but still … you guessed it.

The girl seems completely incapable of kicking this jackass to the curb, and it’s tough to watch.

But judging by what goes down in a new sneak peek for the upcoming episode of Teen Mom OG, she might finally be growing a backbone when it comes to her creep of a fiancé.

In the clip, Amber and Matt head to New York, along with the other Teen Mom cast members, for some press events.

They’re with some crew members when Matt pulls her aside, saying “Come here, I want to tell you something.”

“I’m really sorry about last night,” he begins, but Amber isn’t having it — she tells him that she knows he’s sorry.

He asks her if she forgives him, but she says “You’re sorry every other f-cking week.”

And then, Matt delivers what could very well be the most horrifying statement to ever be made on reality TV:

“Do you forgive Daddy?”

He asks her this not once, but twice — “Do you forgive Daddy?”

You’ll hear it in your nightmares, it will haunt your waking moments … you’ll never, ever be able to rid yourself of the fact that, at this moment in time, Matt Baier referred to himself as “Daddy.”

But still, Amber doesn’t care.

She says that she doesn’t forgive him, and when he asks if she still wants to marry him, she shakes her head.

He seems shocked by her answer, and asks her what she’s going to say during interviews about their relationship.

“I’ll lie right now,” she says with a shrug, but he insists, “You’ll marry me.”

She remains firm: she’s not going to do it.

“Babe, come on,” he pleads with her. “I made one mistake.”

“You made more than f-cking one mistake,” she responds. “I’m not doing it.”

Matt tells her that whatever he did, he won’t do it again, and it’s only then that Amber tells him that she’s wearing a microphone, and he might want to watch what he says.

He seems really upset by the fact that she’s wearing a microphone while they’re filming a reality show, but Amber’s low on sympathy here.

“Your ignorance,” she tells him as he walks off.

So what did Matt do that’s so bad that Amber won’t forgive him? Is this about the cheating rumors?

Is it because he feels the need to call himself “Daddy” and she just can’t live with that kind of disgusting nonsense in her life anymore?

Hopefully we’ll find out on Monday!


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Amber Portwood: Matt Baier is Just Using Me for Money!

Things have been bad between Amber Portwood and Matt Baier for a very, very long time.

Such a long time that we have to wonder if their relationship has ever been the least bit healthy.

Turns out that throwing yourself like wet spaghetti at each and every Teen Mom star until you finally stick isn’t the best way to start a happy, stable union — who knew?!

But while Mamber has always been a nightmare, things have really been falling apart recently.

Last month, Matt took a lie detector test that determined he’d been cheating on her, and she kicked him out of their house.

He managed to weasel his way back into her life, then an episode of Teen Mom OG aired in which he called her “psycho” and stated multiple times that he’d never marry her.

Again, he managed to weasel his way back in, and this time, he tried to convince her to do a sex tape with him.

Last week we heard that Amber really had broken up with him, but “she has a hard time saying no” because “she knows he has nowhere to go if she kicks him out.”

But after the stunt Matt pulled this week, it seems like there’s a good chance she’s totally over him.

Last night, Matt and Amber were scheduled to appear at a Barnes & Noble in Indiana for a book signing, but they never showed.

According to an event post on the Barnes & Noble website and social media posts from Matt, he was going to sign copies of his tell-all while Amber was going to meet fans and sign copies of her 2014 book, Never Too Late.

A fan in attendance told The Ashley’s Reality Roundup that ten minutes after the event was scheduled to begin, a store employee announced that Matt and Amber were on their way.

Then, 15 minutes later, it was announced that Matt had canceled. Another 15 minutes later, Amber canceled, too.

According to the fan, an employee claimed that “Amber was crying and that she was confused and there was a conflict with filming, which makes no sense since they both knew about it and advertised it along with Barnes & Noble.”

Sounds like a mess, right?

But it’s a mess Amber is refusing to take responsibility for.

“This had nothing to do with me in any way!!!” she tweeted about the situation. “I was going to support him. This is sad.”

“My name should not even be in the article!” she wrote, referring to The Ashley’s report. “It wasn’t my book signing!”

She insisted that Matt was the one who canceled the event, and that she’s “pissed off” that she’s “getting backlash for someone else’s stupidity!!!”

“It was his book signing,” she repeated. “Don’t use my f-cking name to make money and don’t do that to my fans!!!!”

When one of her followers pointed out that it was advertised that she’d be at the signing, Amber tweeted “Are you serious you dumb bitch??”

“I hate people..stop following me idc if you believe me or not. IDC lol.”

She also wrote that she’s “so hurt about the situation I cried earlier which is why it hurts me to be called a liar. I would NEVER do that to my fans!”

It’s a little confusing, because it doesn’t seem to be an issue of Amber lying — it was clearly advertised that she would be there, and she wasn’t.

Later, she clarified that she said that because she’s not the one who lied — Matt did.

“It was for him and he said it was cancelled,” she tweeted. “I came home from NY the day before. I will not be blamed for this!!”

“I would never ever just not show up to see my fans,” she continued. “I’m very hurt that I was told it was cancelled and that was a lie.”

“I will make it up to everyone for free! Free books or a meet anything! I would never do that on purpose!! Please know that!”

As for Matt, he skipped the signing because, according to a source who spoke to Radar, he’s “in Massachusetts visiting family.”

“Matt has been jealous of Amber for going to the Teen Mom reunion in New York without him. They have been fighting.”

Judging by how many times she called him “stupid” on Twitter, we’d say that’s accurate.

So can they break up already or what?


Friday, June 2, 2017

Amber Portwood and Matt Baier SLAMMED by Farrah Abraham"s Dad!

If you’ve been keeping up with Amber Portwood lately, you know that the girl’s life is a great big mess right now.

Really, just the hottest mess that’s ever been.

Sure, things were bad a few years ago when she was doing drugs and beating her then-boyfriend, Gary Shirley.

But these days Matt Baier is in the picture, and while Amber isn’t in the same place she was back then, she’s in a different, still horrible place.

For instance, with Matt, she has to deal with a manipulative, creepy douchebag who lied to her about how many children he has.

Matt is also the subject of several cheating rumors, so many that Amber felt the need to give him a lie detector test last month — which he failed.

For the past few weeks now, it seems like Amber’s been going back and forth on whether or not to break up with him.

And now, she’s got some advice from an unlikely source: Michael Abraham, the man whose seed spawned Farrah.

In a new interview, Michael got real about his feelings on the situation, starting with the news that Matt is missing the taping of the reunion show for this season of Teen Mom OG.

Matt’s claimed that his skipping the reunion because he has to have surgery, but rumor has it that he and Amber are actually not together right now.

That, or he doesn’t want to face any questioning about his deplorable behavior this season.

“I saw the rumors,” Michael begins, “so called surgery … possibly a real breakup from Amber… we will have to see.”

“But I’ll say this — if he’s not there it shows he is not committed to supporting Amber no matter what ….. AND he is NOT committed to the MTV Teen Mom franchise.”

He says that everyone knew the date of the reunion, and everyone else is fulfilling their obligation to be there, and if Matt isn’t, then “there is no excuse for him to not be there, unless he is finished.”

Michael and Matt have some issues — remember, during The Great Teen Mom Brawl of 2016, the two of them fought while Amber went after Farrah.

Michael’s said that Matt seriously injured him, but now he says that “a ‘real’ apology could close this matter,” but “this issue is not over, and this time Matt not be able to sidestep his responsibilities.”

He won’t elaborate on what he means by that, but we surely can’t wait to see!

Next, Michael is asked about the latest round of Mamber breakup rumors. He’s not buying them just yet, but if it’s true, he’ll be happy for her.

“Just like all the mothers of Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2, I wish them all to have healthy, happy, and prosperous lives,” he explains.

“I hope this is real for Amber’s sake because she deserves better for her life — period.”

Preach, Michael. Preach.


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Amber Portwood & Matt Baier: It"s OVER! (For Real This Time!)

For weeks now, we’ve been hearing rumors that Amber Portwood and Matt Baier have broken up.

In the early stages, neither half of Mamber did much to deny the rumors, and at several points, Amber seemed to stop just short of confirming them.

Amber fans have been arguing that Portwood should kick Baier’s ass to the curb for years now, and their case has grown much stronger in recent weeks.

For one thing, we learned earlier this month that Baier was caught cheating on Portwood.

To be fair, he wasn’t busted red-handed, but he did fail a lie detector test, which was clearly enough to give Amber some serious doubts.

On top of that, Baier – who had claimed to be sober after years of substance abuse – revealed that he recently fell off the wagon and was high for many of his Teen Mom outbursts

It was brave of him to admit to his struggles in an interview, but the relapse doesn’t bode well for the future of his relationship.

Amber used to struggle with the same addictions that are plaguing Matt, and as a mom, it’s probably not wise for her to stay with a man who could well lead her back down a dangerous path.

Anyway, while there’s still no official word from either Baier or Portwood, fans who are rooting for Amber to give Matt the boot are finding encouragement in her most recent tweet.

“Ready to move forward and be the woman I’ve always strived to be with no one holding me back!” she wrote.

“New beginning starts now.”

That could refer to a lot of things, but coming from a woman who’s rumored to be in the midst of a bad breakup, it sends a pretty clear message.

And that’s not all:

Insiders tell Radar Online that Matt has bailed on filming the Teen Mom: OG reunion show in New York this weekend, even though he was scheduled to attend as recently as last week.

“He could always change his mind, but as of now, he’s not expected to attend,” one source tells Radar.

Another tipster confirms that Matt and Amber have 100% called it quits … but there’s a catch:

“They broke up again, but Amber has a hard time saying no to him,” the friend said.

“She knows he has nowhere to go if she kicks him out.”

Yeah, you may want to hold off on your celebration dance until Matt is completely out of the house.

In the meantime, watch Teen Mom online to relive Matt and Amber’s tumultuous relationship.
