Showing posts with label BodyShaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BodyShaming. Show all posts

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Kesha Flashes Butt on Instagram, SHUTS DOWN Body-Shaming Troll

It’s safe to say Kesha’s had one crappy year.

But that hasn’t stopped a critic from body shaming and slut-shaming the singer on Instagram.

Kesha had posted a pic of herself bending over in the ocean, treating fans to a glorious view of her bum in teeny bikini bottoms.

The pic seemingly prompted a comment by the troll, and Kesha shot back, because eff that guy.

And she slayed him. 

Read her comment in full below:

“dear @jackknife76 , I see that you would very much like me to know that you think I’m ugly, and also a ‘whore."” 

“well, I understand that that is your opinion, but I disagree. I’m not perfect but I’m pretty fucking magical. and also, I am not, in fact, a whore.

“also bullying someone who has struggled publicly with body issues is pretty mean.

“thank god I’m in a place in my life where I feel empowered to address your nasty comments instead of letting them destroy me.

“so. on behalf of anyone anywhere who struggles with body image, STOP IT. my body is not your business.

“in conclusion, kiss my magical imperfect ass.”

Kesha has been open about her struggles with body image and went to rehab in 2014 to address an eating disorder.

“I felt like part of my job was to be as skinny as possible, and to make that happen, I had been abusing my body,” she said at the time. “I just wasn’t giving it the energy it needed to keep me healthy and strong.”

Kesha suffered a tremendous professional setback this year when a judge denied her request to be released from her contract with Dr. Luke, the music producer who she alleges raped and abused her.

Kesha Flashes Butt on Instagram, SHUTS DOWN Body-Shaming Troll

It’s safe to say Kesha’s had one crappy year.

But that hasn’t stopped a critic from body shaming and slut-shaming the singer on Instagram.

Kesha had posted a pic of herself bending over in the ocean, treating fans to a glorious view of her bum in teeny bikini bottoms.

The pic seemingly prompted a comment by the troll, and Kesha shot back, because eff that guy.

And she slayed him. 

Read her comment in full below:

“dear @jackknife76 , I see that you would very much like me to know that you think I’m ugly, and also a ‘whore."” 

“well, I understand that that is your opinion, but I disagree. I’m not perfect but I’m pretty fucking magical. and also, I am not, in fact, a whore.

“also bullying someone who has struggled publicly with body issues is pretty mean.

“thank god I’m in a place in my life where I feel empowered to address your nasty comments instead of letting them destroy me.

“so. on behalf of anyone anywhere who struggles with body image, STOP IT. my body is not your business.

“in conclusion, kiss my magical imperfect ass.”

Kesha has been open about her struggles with body image and went to rehab in 2014 to address an eating disorder.

“I felt like part of my job was to be as skinny as possible, and to make that happen, I had been abusing my body,” she said at the time. “I just wasn’t giving it the energy it needed to keep me healthy and strong.”

Kesha suffered a tremendous professional setback this year when a judge denied her request to be released from her contract with Dr. Luke, the music producer who she alleges raped and abused her.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Amy Schumer to Body-Shaming Trolls: YOU SUCK!

Amy Schumer for all the wins, people.

Once again.

The comedian and actress, never one to shy away from having an opinion, has taken to the Internet in order to let some users know how she feels about their unwarranted opinions.

Care to guess what she has to say?

Photos of Schumer on vacation with boyfriend Ben Hanisch recently went viral, with the usual assortment of online morons saying very mean things from behind their computer screens.

In response, Schumer has posted a picture of herself in a bathing suit and included with it the following message:

I meant to write ‘good morning trolls!’

I hope you find some joy in your lives today in a human interaction and not just in writing unkind things to a stranger you’ve never met who triggers something in your that makes you feel powerless and alone.

It’s unclear at this time whether or not Schumer actually dropped a microphone upon writing these words.

But she might as well have, right?

Schumer is starting to become as well known and as beloved for her openness and her honesty as she is for her comedy.

She recently shot down a fan who harassed her in the street for a photo and she took issue with Glamour after that magazine referred to her as plus-size.

“This is how I look,” the star concluded her social media post.

“I feel happy. I think I look strong and healthy and also like Miss Trunchbull from Matilda. Kisses!”

This isn’t the first time that Schumer has gotten candid about her body image, either.

She actually held back tears during an interview on Today last year when this topic came up.

“It’s an emotional thing,” she said at the time.

“It’s been a struggle for me my whole life, and especially just being in the entertainment industry. Standing on a stage in front of people, I can’t perform my best or be confident if I’m not sure – if I’m pulling at something [I’m wearing].

“And sometimes I would just want to throw in the towel and be like, ‘I’m not gonna go do standup tonight."”

Allow us to chime in here. We’d like to add our own message to anyone who has ever criticized anyone else’s figure online:


Monday, November 16, 2015

Ariel Winter Slams Body-Shaming Trolls, Wins Instagram

A photo of actress Ariel Winter posing with her nieces has become a target for the worst kind of cyber-bullying, and the 17-year-old is taking a stand in her own defense.

Winter posted the above photo over the weekend, and when her followers posted inappropriate comments about her body and claimed that she’s “asking for it” with her attire, the Modern Family star put them in their place:

“Who knew that an innocent photo with my nieces would turn into this?” Winter wrote on Instagram. “The height of a girl’s skirt or whatever she is wearing for that matter, does not imply what she is asking for.

“It sickens me to think at 17 years old, a photo of myself with my nieces is suggesting that I’m ‘asking for it.’

“I typically never give power to the mean things people bravely say behind their computer screens on the Internet, but this is for the girls who are constantly bullied whether it be online or at school.

“You are not asking for anything because of what you are wearing- you are expressing yourself and don’t you ever think you deserve the negativity as the consequence to what you are wearing.

“YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Celebrate you and don’t let anyone’s comments allow you to think less of yourself. Us girls have to stick together!!!!!!”

While the circumstances that inspired it may be appalling, Winter’s message is an important one, and it’s not the first time the actress has stood up to Internet bullies.

Back in August, Winter underwent a breast reduction surgery and bravely discussed her decision (and the unwanted attention she received from online pervs) in several interviews.

Just last week, Winter was compared to Ariana Grande by a creepy commenter who intended to slam Grande for being too skinny.

Both young women used the remark to make moving arguments against body-shaming.

It’s sad that Ariel is being forced to engage in this sort of fight, but it seems that she’s up to the challenge, and she’s sending a powerful message to her young fans in the process.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Amy Schumer: Accused of Body-Shaming Khloe Kardashian!

Whether she’s awarding herself “best body” or dancing with Jennifer Lawrence at a Billy Joel concert, Amy Schumer usually can do no wrong.

Unfortunately, the 34-year-old comedy icon in the making may have stepped on some toes with her recent remarks about the ever-changing appearances of the girls in the Kardashian-Jenner family.

Amy hosted Saturday Night Live over the weekend, and she took on the Kard clan in her opening monologue.

“We have to be a role model for these little girls, because who do they have?” Amy said. “All they have, literally, is the Kardashians. And — she doesn’t have a Malala poster in her room, trust me. Is that a great message for little girls? 

A whole family of women who take the faces they were born with as, like, a light suggestion? No! And, like, we used to have Khloe. Like, Khloe was ours, right? But then Khloe, she like, lost half her body weight. She just, she lost it — she lost a Kendall, who weighs nothing. I want good role models.

Some folks on the Internet seem to believe that Amy overstepped her bounds with her comments about Khloe’s fluctuating weight.

Given Schumer’s long-standing commitment to sending a body-positive message to women and young girls, we highly doubt she intended any offense. 

Plus, if anyone has left themselves open for commentary on their appearances, it’s the Kardashian gals, who have never been shy about their shared fondness for plastic surgery, fad diets and foolish fitness trends like waist training

At the end of the day, Amy is a comedian, the bit was funny, and she deserves credit for sparking Monday morning conversations about the 90-minute dinosaur known as SNL.

Heck, Miley Cyrus hosted last week, and Amy is the one who got people talking. Impressive!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Lena Dunham Apologizes For Comparing Certain Body-Shaming Sites To Domestic Abuse — See Her Sincere Note HERE!


Lena Dunham‘s gone and put her foot in her mouth again.

On Wednesday, the Girls creator took to Instagram to apologize (below) for comparing certain websites to an abusive husband.

In case you missed it, the starlet initially expressed her disdain for specific sites because they body shamed her and drove her away from running her own Twitter account. How sad!

Related: Lena Gets Her Flirt On With Married Man Homer Simpson!

Previously, she noted:

“I used to read Gawker and Jezebel in college and be like, ‘I can’t wait to get to New York where my people will be to welcome me. And it’s like, it’s literally, if I read it, it’s like going back to a husband who beat me in the face—it just doesn’t make any sense.”

Though we understand where Miz Dunham’s coming from, many fans were upset that the feminist spokesperson made light of something as serious as domestic violence. Yikes!

Ultimately, Lena owned up for her social media hiccup and posted:

In a recent interview I compared reading certain websites that have repeatedly insulted me to returning to a physically abusive husband again and again. When I heard my own quote I was like “Jesus, Lena, no.” I wasn’t making a joke about domestic violence–I was over emphatic in my attempt to capture how damaging the Internet can be (not just to celebrities.) When I first discovered the world wide web as a teenager it felt like salvation. I’ve met a lot of my best friends there. It’s allowed for so much magic. But it also makes room for so much hate and a new kind of violence. I’m not the first to say it. I shan’t be the last. But I regret that earlier comparison because it doesn’t accurately describe the condition of being attacked online AND it appears to make light of domestic violence, which ain’t my style. Sleep tight and thank you for the @lennyletter love today.A photo posted by Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) on Sep 29, 2015 at 9:33pm PDT

Well said! We think the brunette beauty’s apology was very sincere in her message. Remember guys, everyone makes mistakes!

We respect the fact that the Golden Globe winner was able to own up to her mistake. Claps all around!

[Image via Lena Dunham/Instagram.]