Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Amy Schumer to Body-Shaming Trolls: YOU SUCK!

Amy Schumer for all the wins, people.

Once again.

The comedian and actress, never one to shy away from having an opinion, has taken to the Internet in order to let some users know how she feels about their unwarranted opinions.

Care to guess what she has to say?

Photos of Schumer on vacation with boyfriend Ben Hanisch recently went viral, with the usual assortment of online morons saying very mean things from behind their computer screens.

In response, Schumer has posted a picture of herself in a bathing suit and included with it the following message:

I meant to write ‘good morning trolls!’

I hope you find some joy in your lives today in a human interaction and not just in writing unkind things to a stranger you’ve never met who triggers something in your that makes you feel powerless and alone.

It’s unclear at this time whether or not Schumer actually dropped a microphone upon writing these words.

But she might as well have, right?

Schumer is starting to become as well known and as beloved for her openness and her honesty as she is for her comedy.

She recently shot down a fan who harassed her in the street for a photo and she took issue with Glamour after that magazine referred to her as plus-size.

“This is how I look,” the star concluded her social media post.

“I feel happy. I think I look strong and healthy and also like Miss Trunchbull from Matilda. Kisses!”

This isn’t the first time that Schumer has gotten candid about her body image, either.

She actually held back tears during an interview on Today last year when this topic came up.

“It’s an emotional thing,” she said at the time.

“It’s been a struggle for me my whole life, and especially just being in the entertainment industry. Standing on a stage in front of people, I can’t perform my best or be confident if I’m not sure – if I’m pulling at something [I’m wearing].

“And sometimes I would just want to throw in the towel and be like, ‘I’m not gonna go do standup tonight."”

Allow us to chime in here. We’d like to add our own message to anyone who has ever criticized anyone else’s figure online: