Thursday, October 1, 2015

Lena Dunham Apologizes For Comparing Certain Body-Shaming Sites To Domestic Abuse — See Her Sincere Note HERE!


Lena Dunham‘s gone and put her foot in her mouth again.

On Wednesday, the Girls creator took to Instagram to apologize (below) for comparing certain websites to an abusive husband.

In case you missed it, the starlet initially expressed her disdain for specific sites because they body shamed her and drove her away from running her own Twitter account. How sad!

Related: Lena Gets Her Flirt On With Married Man Homer Simpson!

Previously, she noted:

“I used to read Gawker and Jezebel in college and be like, ‘I can’t wait to get to New York where my people will be to welcome me. And it’s like, it’s literally, if I read it, it’s like going back to a husband who beat me in the face—it just doesn’t make any sense.”

Though we understand where Miz Dunham’s coming from, many fans were upset that the feminist spokesperson made light of something as serious as domestic violence. Yikes!

Ultimately, Lena owned up for her social media hiccup and posted:

In a recent interview I compared reading certain websites that have repeatedly insulted me to returning to a physically abusive husband again and again. When I heard my own quote I was like “Jesus, Lena, no.” I wasn’t making a joke about domestic violence–I was over emphatic in my attempt to capture how damaging the Internet can be (not just to celebrities.) When I first discovered the world wide web as a teenager it felt like salvation. I’ve met a lot of my best friends there. It’s allowed for so much magic. But it also makes room for so much hate and a new kind of violence. I’m not the first to say it. I shan’t be the last. But I regret that earlier comparison because it doesn’t accurately describe the condition of being attacked online AND it appears to make light of domestic violence, which ain’t my style. Sleep tight and thank you for the @lennyletter love today.A photo posted by Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) on Sep 29, 2015 at 9:33pm PDT

Well said! We think the brunette beauty’s apology was very sincere in her message. Remember guys, everyone makes mistakes!

We respect the fact that the Golden Globe winner was able to own up to her mistake. Claps all around!

[Image via Lena Dunham/Instagram.]