Showing posts with label Bruce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bruce. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Bruce Buffer -- I"m No Steve Harvey ... But I Felt Bad About UFC 205 Mix-Up (VIDEO)

UFC ring announcer Bruce Buffer says announcing the wrong result at UFC 205 was definitely a “Wanna Getaway” moment … but don’t compare him to Steve Harvey!  Buffer caught some heat after incorrectly declaring Tyron Woodley the winner over…


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Ex-49er Bruce Miller -- Pleads Not Guilty ... In Elderly Man Assault Case

Ex-49ers RB Bruce Miller has plead not guilty to 7 felonies after allegedly beating the crap outta a 70-year-old man and his son. As we previously reported, the former 49er is accused of severely beating an elderly man and his son back in…


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Bruce Campbell: Good Genes or Good Docs?

Bruce Campbell is drop-dead handsome! Here’s a 36-year-old version of “The Evil Dead” actor at a movie premiere in Westwood, California back in 1994 (left) and 22 years later … the cult classic favorite posing for a photo at an event in Los…


Monday, August 22, 2016

Bette Midler: Will Caitlyn Jenner Go Back to Being Bruce Now?

Bette Midler’s brash, outspoken sense of humor is one of the things her fans love about her, but last night it earned her a heap of criticism on social media.

In a since-deleted tweet, Midler commented on the recent cancelation of Caitlyn Jenner’s reality show, I Am Cait

“Now that @IAmCait has been cancelled, will she go back to being Bruce? Will Kris take him back? Do I smell a re-wedding?” Midler tweeted.

Twitter quickly pounced, with many expressing shock with regard to what they deemed transphobic comments, as Midler has been a friend of the gay community throughout her career:

“Yes, because being transgender is just a phase? What a vile tweet. Will you go back to being irrelevant?” tweeted one user.

“Just shows, you can be as gay-friendly all you want, but to some, transphobia comes so easy. How tired and pathetic,” wrote another.

“I hope @BetteMidler apologizes for her terrible transphobic comments and takes the time to educate herself on trans people’s rights/dignity,” a third follower remarked.

To her credit, Midler quickly apologized in a tweet directed at the Human Rights Campaign:


Interestingly, Midler has a long history of clashing with the Kardashian-Jenner clan on social media.

In the past, she’s criticized Kim for posting nude photos and Kanye West for his notorious ego.

Caitlyn has yet to respond to Midler’s latest salvo.

But you can rest assured that even if he chooses to remain silent, someone in his family will take a shot at Midler soon.

Khloe, this one might be on you.

Bette Midler: Will Caitlyn Jenner Go Back to Being Bruce Now?

Bette Midler’s brash, outspoken sense of humor is one of the things her fans love about her, but last night it earned her a heap of criticism on social media.

In a since-deleted tweet, Midler commented on the recent cancelation of Caitlyn Jenner’s reality show, I Am Cait

“Now that @IAmCait has been cancelled, will she go back to being Bruce? Will Kris take him back? Do I smell a re-wedding?” Midler tweeted.

Twitter quickly pounced, with many expressing shock with regard to what they deemed transphobic comments, as Midler has been a friend of the gay community throughout her career:

“Yes, because being transgender is just a phase? What a vile tweet. Will you go back to being irrelevant?” tweeted one user.

“Just shows, you can be as gay-friendly all you want, but to some, transphobia comes so easy. How tired and pathetic,” wrote another.

“I hope @BetteMidler apologizes for her terrible transphobic comments and takes the time to educate herself on trans people’s rights/dignity,” a third follower remarked.

To her credit, Midler quickly apologized in a tweet directed at the Human Rights Campaign:


Interestingly, Midler has a long history of clashing with the Kardashian-Jenner clan on social media.

In the past, she’s criticized Kim for posting nude photos and Kanye West for his notorious ego.

Caitlyn has yet to respond to Midler’s latest salvo.

But you can rest assured that even if he chooses to remain silent, someone in his family will take a shot at Midler soon.

Khloe, this one might be on you.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Kris Jenner: I Was Never Legally Married to Bruce?!

It"s not often one feels bad for Kris Jenner.

The notoriously money-hungry momager is usually thought of as a ruthless business woman who would sell her soul to make a buck off promoting her family"s obnoxiously extravagant lifestyles, and a lot of people kind of hate her for it.

However, in a clip for I Am Cait, my heart sank a little for Kris, who seems to realize that her marriage to Bruce Jenner (now Caitlyn) may have never been real.

In the video, Kris and Caitlyn begin discussing Bruce"s old wardrobe that was ultimately thrown out.

“I was so sad because I thought, I spent 23 years building this fabulous wardrobe,” she said, jokingly. “Who knew I was buying the wrong sh*t?!”

But it wasn"t the discarded Armani that caused the lump in Kris" throat.

Caitlyn reveals that she got a new driver"s license with her new name, Caitlyn Marie Jenner (Marie!) and it identifies her as a female.

"Wow," responds Kris. "I didn"t know they could do that."

In fact, Cait says, “You can go all the way back to your birth certificate and change that… and I did.”

"You changed your birth certificate?" Kris says, calmly, yet clearly in shock. “That’s kinda sad, though.”

You can see the wheels turning in Kris" head as she maintains her composure, but the melancholy in her face is unmistakable.

“Wait a second. Does this mean that he didn’t exist, if you changed the birth certificate?" she asks.

"Wait, was I ever married? Was I legally married?”

Good question. One that Caitlyn doesn"t seem to have the answer to.

As Caitlyn discusses her journey of transition, which includes altering her past identity, she fails to consider her ex-wife"s feelings.

Kris spent 22 years married to Bruce, but is now facing the question of whether any of it was real – or even legal.

Kris jenner i was never legally married to bruce

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Khloe Kardashian: Hid Under the Bed While Kris & Bruce Had WILD Sex!

For most people, hearing your parents bumping uglies is about as mortifying as it gets – now imagine how you"d feel if they were getting it on right on top of you.

Beyond disturbing, we know, but this is the exact experience Khloe Kardashian had when she was a kid.

In a clip from an upcoming episode of Kocktails with Khloe, the host recounts a story from her childhood when she hid under Kris and Bruce (now Caitlyn) Jenner"s bed and accidentally fell asleep.

“I was playing hide and go seek when I was younger, and I fell asleep under my mom’s bed, because no one went to find me – that was also sad,” she recalls.

But the story gets worse. MUCH worse.

"I woke up to the bed shaking and I was too scared to leave, so I had to wait for the whole thing," she said.


Fortunately, guests David Arquette, Kat DeLuna and Katie O"Brien refrained from vomiting on the spot.

When Kat wondered if maybe Khloe had been too young to understand what was happening, Khloe confirmed that she knew exactly what was going down because of the moaning.

"It was honestly wild," Khloe said.

She insists that to this day her mom feels bad about it, and the two of them talk about it all the time.

"I"m scarred for life," she confessed.

Khloe, you have our deepest sympathies.

Actor Taye Diggs also appears on this week"s episode – probably the biggest star the show has hosted thus far.

While early rumors suggested that Kocktails would be canceled after one episode, the FYI network in fact ordered 15 more episodes of the talk show.

Khloe kardashian i hid under the bed while kris and bruce had wi

Monday, November 30, 2015

Kylie Jenner Likes Caitlyn More Than Bruce

Kylie Jenner is not pregnant nor is she betrayed.

We"ll just get that out of the way up front.

But the 18-year old reality star is appearing on Ellen, having taped an interview with the comedian that will be aired on Monday, November 30.

At one point in the discussion, Kylie admits that the transition of Bruce Jener to Caitlyn Jenner was challenging to accept at first… but it"s actually ended up for the better in terms of this father-daughter relationship.

"I feel it was the only thing that I really bottled at, and I don"t bottle a lot of things, and I feel my family was a little upset about that," Kylie confessed, adding with laughter:

"But I thought through it and now I like it a lot better. I like her better than Bruce."

For what reason?

"Because we talk about makeup and clothes we bond a lot more.

"But not only that. I feel like there’s not a huge secret in the family. I feel like there was always this big secret. And I’ve honestly known about it for a really long time and we actually caught him then dressing up as a girl.

"When my sister and I were like 6 and 7 maybe. So we’ve known for a while that there was something, but it was never talked about.

"Now there"s no secrets. She’s really living her authentic true self."

Elsewhere in the chat, Kylie talked about her past as a victim of bullying.

What is she doing to help others who have gone through this traumatic experience? How is she actually using social media for good in this important area?

Watch excerpts from Kylie"s interview with Ellen and find out now.

Kylie jenner likes caitlyn more than bruce

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner Gender Change -- I Still Sign My Name Bruce



0916-caitlyn-jenner-getty-01TMZ has now obtained the official documents Caitlyn Jenner filed to change her name and gender for legal purposes. 

In the docs, she says she wants a judge to sign off on her new name … Caitlyn Marie Jenner.

She also checks the box to change her gender from male to female. It’s interesting … she signed the documents “Bruce Jenner,” presumably because that’s her recognized legal name.


TMZ broke the story … Caitlyn says in her legal docs she wants medical and other info sealed from the public out of fear for her safety. She says in a declaration, “Although public support for my transition has been overwhelmingly supportive, I am also receiving unwelcome negative attention from private citizens, including threats of bodily harm.”

Caitlyn attached a physician’s declaration to the documents … but they were not released pending a decision on sealing them.
