Showing posts with label Bursts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bursts. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Asia Argento Bursts into Tears Talking About Anthony Bourdain"s Suicide

Asia Argento is breaking her silence on Anthony Bourdain’s suicide … saying his death left a hole that can’t be filled, and anger was the only thing that kept her from taking her own life. Tears streamed down Asia’s face as she…


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Meghan"s dad Thomas Markle Bursts with Pride and Tells Relatives to "Shut Up"

Meghan Markle’s dad is bursting with pride over his daughter’s marriage to Prince Harry, frustrated he couldn’t be there and has a warning to relatives who can’t keep their traps shut. Thomas Markle tells TMZ, “The service was beautiful and it’s…


Meghan"s dad Thomas Markle Bursts with Pride and Tells Relatives to "Shut Up"

Meghan Markle’s dad is bursting with pride over his daughter’s marriage to Prince Harry, frustrated he couldn’t be there and has a warning to relatives who can’t keep their traps shut. Thomas Markle tells TMZ, “The service was beautiful and it’s…


Friday, November 11, 2016

Kris Jenner Bursts Into Tears, Walks Out of Interview

Are you ready for one of the most revealing Keeping Up with the Kardashians episodes in the history of this hilariously scripted reality show?

You better be.

Because it’s on tap for this Sunday!

First, as previously depicted, Kim Kardashian will open up about an important issue close to her heart: gun control.

She’ll try to convince Kendall Jenner to join her cause, but the argument will fall on seemingly deaf and selfish ears.

Also, as featured in THIS SNEAK PEEK, Kim will admit to Kourtney Kardashian that she’s open to the idea of surrogacy.

Kim wants to have a third child, but doesn’t think her body can handle a third pregnancy.

But the person who will shed the most tears next week will be Kris Jenner. Although it’s unclear exactly why.

As seen in the clip below, Jenner will sit down and interview her mom, M.J., for some kind of legacy video on this Sunday’s brand new installment.

The family matriarch and manager will ask her mother some basic questions, such as the age of her first kiss and the year she was born. Pretty basic stuff.

But then Kris will ask M.J. about her biggest fear in life.

“Biggest fear…I try not to fear,” M.J. replies. “What’s your biggest fear?”

And when faced with the same question she just posed to her parent, Kris totally breaks down.

“Why did you ask me that?” Jenner says, unable to hold back her emotion. “I can’t believe I’m crying…just losing someone.”

In Jenner’s defense, she did lost her ex-husband Robert to cancer. He passed away in 2003.

So we guess she has a reason to possess this fear.

But why did it manifest itself suddenly in this interview? How was it possible that basically just hearing the word “fear” caused her to fall apart into an incoherent mess and cut the Q&A short?

Who the heck knows.

It’s almost as if producers came up with this idea and then offered it to Kris as an opportunity for her to show her soft and vulnerable side.

Check out the moving clip below:

Forget losing someone for a moment, though. Forget death.

Let’s focus on life!

As in… the new life that is now part of Kris Jenner’s world because son Rob Kardashian welcomed a child into the world on Thursday.

Kris was actually present for the birth of granddaughter Dream Kardashian, saying it was one of the most beautiful moments of her life.

We can only imagine.

We make plenty of fun of Kris Jenner and other members of this family. Because they deserve said mockery.

But it’s an amazing, blessed event to welcome a baby into the world.

Perhaps this event can give Kris some comfort. Perhaps she can focus on gaining someone instead of losing someone.

And perhaps the writers can come up with better material for her going forward… because this was just lame and contrived. We know they can do better.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Miley Cyrus Bursts Into Tears Over Donald Trump Presidency

Miley Cyrus did not casually take to Twitter last night and express her shock and/or dismay over Donald Trump being elected President of the United States.


This was too big of a deal for a simple Tweet. It required far more of a reaction than 140 characters and some kind of hashtag.

Instead, Cyrus shared the above photo of herself and her dog and wrote as a caption:

Go to my Facebook to see a video of my reaction & reflection on last nights election …. If we want Donald Trump to accept us …. We must be accepting towards his presidency & his promise to “unify” our country and “make America great” ….

I leave out the “again” because this country has never been able to live up to its full potential because we’ve been putting up our own divided walls between each other. We don’t need Trump to do that for us….

So WE must take a hammer to the bricks WE built up and be more LOVING and compassionate towards all living things! (including the planet)

(p.s. Mr. Elected president….. Global warming IS real. ACCEPT THAT)

Cue the video!

In a dimly lit room, tears streaming down her cheeks, the artist barely even knew what to do or say in response to the Trump victory.

“So, probably like most people – well, maybe not, because given the result -maybe I really am different and maybe a lot of people that I’m surrounded by think with open minds and open hearts like I do.

“And I do want to say that I’ve been very vocal for my support for everyone besides Donald Trump. Heavily supported Bernie. Heavily supported Hillary.

“And I still think that in her lifetime she deserves to be the first female president, and that’s what makes me so sad.”

Miley went on:

“I just wish that she had that opportunity. because she fought for so long and because I believe her when she says that she loves this country. This is all she’s ever done.

“She’s given her life to make it better.

“But, like Donald Trump so ironically played after his speech, it said, ‘You can’t always get what you want.’ And happy hippies, we adjust and we accept everyone for who they are. And so Donald Trump, I accept you.

“And this hurts to say, but I even accept you as the President of the United States, and that’s fine…because I think now I want to be hopeful.”

This is a similar message to the one Hillary Clinton gave in her concession speech and the one President Obama gave soon after.

“The day after, we have to remember that we are actually all on one team. This is an intramural scrimmage,” Obama said on the White House lawn this afternoon.

“We’re patriots first. We all want what’s best for this country. That’s what I heard in Mr. Trump’s remarks last night. That’s what I heard when I spoke to him directly. And I was heartened by that.”

Will Trump maintain the composure and humble attitude that he displayed in the following acceptance speech once he becomes President?

Or will he return to messages of hate and divisiveness?

It’s frightening, but it’s true: the world will find out very soon.


Miley Cyrus Bursts Into Tears Over Donald Trump Presidency

Miley Cyrus did not casually take to Twitter last night and express her shock and/or dismay over Donald Trump being elected President of the United States.


This was too big of a deal for a simple Tweet. It required far more of a reaction than 140 characters and some kind of hashtag.

Instead, Cyrus shared the above photo of herself and her dog and wrote as a caption:

Go to my Facebook to see a video of my reaction & reflection on last nights election …. If we want Donald Trump to accept us …. We must be accepting towards his presidency & his promise to “unify” our country and “make America great” ….

I leave out the “again” because this country has never been able to live up to its full potential because we’ve been putting up our own divided walls between each other. We don’t need Trump to do that for us….

So WE must take a hammer to the bricks WE built up and be more LOVING and compassionate towards all living things! (including the planet)

(p.s. Mr. Elected president….. Global warming IS real. ACCEPT THAT)

Cue the video!

In a dimly lit room, tears streaming down her cheeks, the artist barely even knew what to do or say in response to the Trump victory.

“So, probably like most people – well, maybe not, because given the result -maybe I really am different and maybe a lot of people that I’m surrounded by think with open minds and open hearts like I do.

“And I do want to say that I’ve been very vocal for my support for everyone besides Donald Trump. Heavily supported Bernie. Heavily supported Hillary.

“And I still think that in her lifetime she deserves to be the first female president, and that’s what makes me so sad.”

Miley went on:

“I just wish that she had that opportunity. because she fought for so long and because I believe her when she says that she loves this country. This is all she’s ever done.

“She’s given her life to make it better.

“But, like Donald Trump so ironically played after his speech, it said, ‘You can’t always get what you want.’ And happy hippies, we adjust and we accept everyone for who they are. And so Donald Trump, I accept you.

“And this hurts to say, but I even accept you as the President of the United States, and that’s fine…because I think now I want to be hopeful.”

This is a similar message to the one Hillary Clinton gave in her concession speech and the one President Obama gave soon after.

“The day after, we have to remember that we are actually all on one team. This is an intramural scrimmage,” Obama said on the White House lawn this afternoon.

“We’re patriots first. We all want what’s best for this country. That’s what I heard in Mr. Trump’s remarks last night. That’s what I heard when I spoke to him directly. And I was heartened by that.”

Will Trump maintain the composure and humble attitude that he displayed in the following acceptance speech once he becomes President?

Or will he return to messages of hate and divisiveness?

It’s frightening, but it’s true: the world will find out very soon.


Monday, March 14, 2016

Yolanda Foster Bursts Into Tears Over Divorce While Filming Reunion Show

It’s been nearly four months since Yolanda and David Foster announced their divorce, and insiders say the couple knew it was over long before they went public with the news.

Even so, it seems the shattered marriage is still a very touchy subject for Yolanda, who reportedly burst into tears while taping the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion show last week.

Sources say Yolanda lost her composure while watching a montage of happy moments she enjoyed with David. 

Apparently, the moment came as a surprise to Yolanda, who had previously made it clear to producers that she had no interest in talking about her divorce on camera.

“Andy Cohen attempted to get Yolanda to talk about what led to the break-up but she wasn’t having it,” the source said. “From Yolanda’s viewpoint, this isn’t part of any public discussion or part of the show. This is a very, very sad time for her.”

Yolanda’s friend and co-star Erika Girardi reportedly came to her defense and encouraged host Andy Cohen to move on to another topic.

“Erika is very, very protective of Yolanda and didn’t think it was appropriate that Andy seemed to be digging in,” says the insider.

“Yolanda revealed she loves David, and that will never change, but they just could no longer be married.”

Last week, we learned that Yolanda came to the reunion ready to fight, as several of the other ladies have questioned if the 52-year-old really has Lyme disease, or if she’s just faking her symptoms for attention.

Onlookers say Foster’s illness came up while she was discussing her marriage, as she wondered aloud if her divorce was related to her health issues.

“David never really got to be married to the healthy, carefree Yolanda, because she got the disease shortly after they were married,” says one source.

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online at TV Fanatic to see David and Yolanda in happier times.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Girl Tries Pepsi For the First Time, Bursts Into Tears

If you"re a soda junkie you might be able to relate to this girl"s elation. Or, you might find thinking, "Damn, it"s just bubbly sugar water. Chill."

Either way it"s worth 44 seconds of your time to see Elena up there try her first sip of Pepsi.

Apparently, she"s allergic to caffeine and…wasn"t aware that caffeine-free Pepsi is a thing?

We"re not really sure, but in any event her boyfriend Mario wisely decided to record Elena"s first-ever taste of the sweet stuff.

As you can see, she liked it. A lot.

Now she finally understands what Beyonce was so excited about in that commercial!

Sadly, unless she gets her hands on a way-back machine, Elena will never know the beautiful, baffling glory that was Crystal Pepsi. Life is suffering.


Girl tries pepsi for the first time bursts into tears