Showing posts with label Commercial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Commercial. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Carrie Fisher Heart Failure a Real Problem on Commercial Flights

Carrie Fisher’s heart failure aboard a United jet is the latest fatal incident in what has become a real problem on commercial airliners. Several EMTs who work LAX tell us … they frequently encounter passengers with heart problems, and a number of…


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Amazon Responds to Anti-Muslim Rhetoric With Perfect Holiday Commercial

When one thinks of efforts to bridge the gap between people of different faiths and help our nation heal during times of widening divisions, Amazon probably isn"t the first organization to come to mind.

Nevertheless, the online retail giant has debuted a new holiday commercial that seems to be a direct response to the growing problem of Islamophobia in the Western World.

Set in England, the ad features an Episcopal priest and a Muslim cleric enjoying tea and griping about shared ailments.

Eventually they part company and use Amazon"s Prime service to send one another presents.

Each of them gets a knee brace in the mail (presumably with free shipping) and reflects fondly on their friendship as he slips on.

The message is clear:

Whether you"re a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist or atheist – getting old sucks.

We kid.

As the priest and the cleric both kneel (now with less pain), it"s clear that the ad intends to remind us that we"re all more alike than we are different.

Not to get all political in our description of a warm-and-fuzzy Amazon ad, but it"s an important message during a time when the media has been forced to frequently use the phrase "Muslin ban" in its coverage of the guy who will soon be president.

Interestingly, some advertising industry experts believe this to be the first commercial featuring a Muslim cleric ever to be broadcast on mainstream American television.

"I can’t think of one. There are plenty of religious figures in televisions, especially sitcoms and police procedurals. But no ads with imams,” says Tobe Berkovitz, advertiser professor at Boston University.

Toss out that giblet if the conversation gets too political during tomorrow"s feast.

Amazon responds to anti muslim rhetoric with perfect holiday com

Monday, February 8, 2016

Super Bowl Babies Commercial: Cute... Or REALLY Creepy?

Super Bowl 50 featured plenty of weird commercials, from a Doritos depicting a premature birth to Mountain Dew introducing viewers to a puppy monkey baby.

But the most disturbing ad may have come from the NFL itself.

It starred Seal and a bunch of kids show were supposedly created the night of the Super Bowl because fans of the winning team were so excited that they just had to have sex

Unprotected sex, that is.

Despite having just consumed gallons of beer and chicken wings over the previous four-plus hours.

The league claims it did research and determined that many babies really are born nine months after the date of the Super Bowl, but it"s hard to believe anything the NFL says these days.

Moreover, Valentine"s Day always takes place within a week or two of the big game.

So can the NFL really claim responsibility for these children and this love making over the most romantic date on the entire calendar?

Something is fishy here, and that"s before we even get to the fact that the National Football League aired a commercial that featured kids singing about their parents having sexual intercourse.

Watch it here. Compare it to to other Super Bowl 50 commercials. And then react:

Is this ad cute? Or really, really, really, REALLY creepy?

Super bowl babies commercial cute or really creepy

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Lil Wayne Super Bowl Commercial: Is This Racist?

Lil Wayne and Jeff Goldblum will star in a commercial set to air during Super Bowl 50 that people are not reacting to in the same way as they are reacting to Amy Schumer and Seth Rogen promoting Bud Light.

Viewers are finding the latter ad to be funny.

But some are finding the latter to be racist.

A commercial for, the footage is set to The Jeffersons" famous theme song, "Movin on Up."

It features Goldblum as a “Silicon Valley Maverick” who is sitting on top of a grand piano as he rises higher and higher along the skyline, making his way to a deluxe apartment.

Once he reached the top of the building, Goldblum comes across George Washington and Lil Wayne, the latter of whom tells Goldblum"s character he"s "flame-broilin" some burgers" for the big game.

No big deal, right? Weird, but maybe sort of funny?

Not according to those who have labeled it as "low-key racist," per TMZ, because it implies that Lil Wayne is George Washington"s slave.

A source close to the rapper, however, tells the site that the commercial is "meant to be funny and not the least bit offensive."

In short, "people need to calm down," this insider adds.

Watch it below for yourself and then compare it to other Super Bowl 50 commercials:

Lil wayne super bowl commercial

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

This PETA Commercial Takes Aim at Ineffective Man Meat

Remember the innocent old days when PETA would simply ask celebrities to strip down in the name of animal preservation?

That advertisement strategy apparently was not controversial enough for the organization.

It has now raised the racy bar a level that might even make Kim Kardashian uncomfortable, releasing a commercial that PETA supposedly tried to get included in this year"s Super Bowl lineup for the February 7 telecast.

But we somehow doubt it expected it to actually get past CBS censors.

The NSFW (like, really NSFW) footage features two couples having sex.

In the spot, we see two acts of coitus in side-by-side windows, though we don"t get a chance to see much of the first act because it ends very quickly… if you know what we mean.

The second act, however, goes on and on and on and on, the passion and ecstasy growing stronger by the second.

It turns out that the people featured in the first video eat meat. But the couple in the second video are vegans – the man especially it is implied – and that is why their love making lasts so much longer.

"Vegans last longer. See the side by side proof here," the caption of the video reads, before explaining in even more detail:

"Sleeping with someone who eats meat? There may be more than one disappointment in store.

"Eating the saturated fat and cholesterol in meat can increase the risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, and these can be dangerous to your love life. Why?

"Because they"re all common causes of erectile dysfunction. Plant-based foods keep blood flowing to all the body"s organs. The key to a hot love life and to lasting longer in the bedroom is to start with delicious vegan meals in the kitchen."

Got that, fellas?

In order to slip your woman your man meat for as long as possible, you must refrain from eating all other kinds of meat. It"s confusing, we know…

Peta presents the least safe for work super bowl commercial of a

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Celebs Cash In On Macy"s Black Friday Commercial

While most us will behave like slob kebobs on Thanksgiving Day, Macy"s is inviting customers to start shopping.

A new commercial promoting Black Friday aired today, capturing the magic of seasonal greed and ruining everything that is good about Turkey Day.

The retail giant enlisted Jessica Simpson, Thalia, Ryan Seacrest, Heidi KlumAriana Grande, Clinton Kelly and Martha Stewart to lure customers through their doors at 6pm Thanksgiving day.

Donald Trump wasn"t invited because Macy"s fired him for calling Mexicans a bunch of criminals and rapists.

Stewart and Seacrest lead the charge in the video, with Stewart first slapping the hand of a pilgrim who tried to sneak a treat.

Kelly dressed an elf, Klum got carried by balloons gifted to her by a clown, Thalia shook her hips to the beat of a marching band, and Simpson cut a sales tag in half because Chicken of the Sea.

“Only Macy’s could give America a parade on Thanksgiving and the biggest sale of the year on Black Friday," Seacrest said from his stage in menswear.

Stewart came over to tell Seacrest to lock it up because his schtick was too much.  

It was all so…hammy.  Why can"t they do something lovely like this?

Grab your coupons and get ready to stand in line for hours to save $ 6 on a microwave, because Macy"s is making your holiday dreamz come true.


Celeb overload macys black friday commercial

Monday, October 26, 2015

Bryan Wilson: Texas Lawyer Airs World"s Most Bonkers Commercial

If you"re a fan of Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul, then you know that Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman knows is the master of using ludicrous gimmicks to advertise his legal services.

In the real world, Saul"s only had competition in the race for Most Spectacularly WTF? Law Firm Ad came from a lawyer named Jamie Casino, who"s Super Bowl spots basically look like Dick Cheney got Alice Cooper pregnant and the baby came out as a commercial.

Now, however, there"s a new name in the batsh-t lawyer game, and "Texas Law Hawk" Bryan Wilson is making a case for himself as the king of the bald-eagle-on-acid patriotic mindf-ck commercial.

We can"t come close to doing justice to Brian"s commercial with a mere description, so check out the clip and experience Wilson"s "talons of justice" for yourself.

Bryan wilson texas lawyer airs worlds most bonkers commercial

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Yes, This Gum Commercial is About to Make You Cry

Extra, Extra see all about it!

A new gum commercial is making nearly every television viewer cry.

The full spot is almost two minutes in length and it centers on Sarah and Juan, two high school students who fall in love and whose relationships hits some obstacles over the years.

From their first kiss to their senior prom and beyond, Juan marks each major occasion by drawing in a gum wrapper.

Scored to Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love” (but sung by American Idol Season 10 contestant Haley Reinhart), the commercial ends with Sarah strolling through an art gallery that features these wrappers in frames…

… and it concludes with a sketch of the proposal that’s about to take place.

Watch now, prepare the tissues and see why we"ve included this among our all-time favorite commercials.

Extra gum commercial packs emotional punch

Monday, September 21, 2015

Watch Taraji P. Henson, Kerry Washington, & Mary J. Blige Have A Dance Party In This Apple Music Commercial!

That’s exactly how we imagine it!

There’s no doubt that the Emmys were AH-Mazing last night.

Between Amy Schumer winning, Game Of Thrones taking home a record amount of Emmys, and Tracy Morgan taking the stage, what was there NOT to love?

But there may have been one thing during the awards that stole the show — Apple Music’s commercial!

That’s because this particular commercial starred Taraji P. Henson, Kerry Washington, and Mary J. Blige as the ladies got together at Mary’s house to have a little dance party!

Related: Oprah Winfrey, Diddy, Kerry Washington, & Others React Viola Davis’ Historic Emmy Win!

Of course the commercial was advertising Apple Music‘s “For You” feature which recommends songs for you based on your preferences and listening history.

Sure, that’s fine and all, but let’s get back to Taraji, Kerry, and Mary dancing and jamming out! And don’t worry, there are supposed to be two more commercials with the ladies dropping this week!

Ch-ch-check out the AH-Mazingly talented ladies rock out together (below) as we dream that this is what really happens when they hang!

[Image via Twitter/YouTube.]

Monday, September 14, 2015

Who Needs Kate Upton? Mariah Carey"s First Game Of War Commercial Is Here, And It"s Heroic!

When we heard Mariah Carey was going to replace Kate Upton was the new face of Game Of War, we didn’t know how much we’d see of her in the commercials — or how much we’d hear!

[ Related: Mariah Records A Song With Justin Bieber ]

But the HIGHlarious new ad uses the songstress perfectly, even incorporating her classic song Hero!

Ch-ch-check out the mobile game’s most melodic ad yet (above)!