Showing posts with label Cyrus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cyrus. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Miley Cyrus Claps Back, Defends Texas Shooting Comments

Miley Cyrus is not one to withhold her opinion.

This is true about marijuana. This is true about her boobs.

And this is also true about mass shootings in America.

On Sunday morning, 26 people were killed inside a church in Texas after an assailant opened fire with a semi-automatic weapon.

In response, Cyrus expressed shock, anger and outrage.

The artist took to Instagram to emphasize that the “terrorist act” was performed by a “WHITE AMERICAN MAN.”

Here is what the singer wrote in full after learning about this horrible attack:

My dreams have become nightmares & those nightmares , reality … This isn’t fair , this isn’t right , this isn’t just , this isn’t human!

This is a TERRORIST act by a WHITE AMERICAN MAN! I am heartbroken & embarrassed.

Mortified by our country & its shitty system , lack of control/laws! This does NOT HAVE or NEED to happen! It’s devastatingly disgusting!

This is exactly why the lyrics of Bad Mood were so important for me to share on a major platform. I wanted to bring awareness to the fact that everyday we are waking up to more terrifyingly painful information that makes it nearly impossible to feel optimistic that things are going to change!

They say it gets worst before it gets better in some cases & I wish on every star that this is the worst of it!

I continue to be hopeful that enough is enough and the eyes of the ignorant will open and realize that (gun) VIOLENCE has to stop! This assholes Facebook profile photo was a fucking riffle !

“I don’t know how much more it can take!” #FuckGuns #FuckViolence

cyrus reply

Cyrus quickly came under fire for these comments, specifically for highlighting that the shooter was a “WHITE AMERICAN MALE.”

Her point, as it should have been clear to any level-headed individual, is that white people are very much capable of committing terrorist acts.

In fact, a majority of terrorist acts in America are committed by white males with guns. This is simply a fact.

However, some people (such as the President of the United States) only connect terrorism with Muslims, as evidenced by the fact that President Trump barely even denounced the man who killed 26 people in Texas.

He cited “mental health” as the basis for the act and made it clear he won’t move to enact any kind of gun control.

Following the backlash against her emotional Instagram message, Miley shared ANOTHER emotional Instagram message.

It was included as a caption to this photo.

heart texas

And it read as follows:

I’d like to believe that EVERY person who takes the life of another being is ” mentally ill ” …. it’s hard to conceptualize that a sane human could commit such a hideous crime.

BUT I am sorry Donald Trump this absolutely is a ” GUNS SITUATION”

I am aghast by the reaction of my latest post , it is completely amazing to me how defensive and in denial this country really is!

You are not focused on the horrific tragedy I addressed but more angered that I am putting a BIG bright spotlight on the fact it was a “WHITE AMERICAN MALE” terrorist that walked in & killed 26 people (including children) leaving 20 severely injured !

All of a sudden …. ” we are all equal ” “human is human” “skin color doesn’t matter ” (NOW neither does gender) “makes no difference if they were male or female” ……

BUT those things absolutely matter when … someone completely legitimate is running for president (versus someone who isn’t) , when a car runs over innocent people while professing their love to a GOD different from yours , it sure matters to the cops when they beat or even kill innocent people of color.

it even matters at the airport/on an airplane or in immigration when folks are completely profiled & judged for their background . NOW it doesn’t matter if someone is a man or woman?

Well that’s news to me and the HH foundation because it’s been years of fighting for gender equality and the right to be the sex you identify with or marry the one you love!

There has ALWAYS been an issue with these subjects until NOW. So since this tragedy has occurred (coming off the cusp of Vegas, another terroristic act by a white American male) DONT START to be all innocent!

Gender , race , & religion HAS and continues to matter for all the wrong reasons & that’s only the beginning of how backwards this country is!

All of you are so focused on protecting yourself, you’ve completely forgotten that you’re not the only one that has to live in this country or on this planet!

Aren’t you exhausted?

Because to be honest I am fucking sick and tired of starting everyday with tears and in mourning!

Let’s unite! Trump never needed to build a wall for us , we’ve done it ourselves! Love!


In conclusion, Cyrus shared photos of “a few of [her] favorite white American males,” including her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, and her brothers, Braison Cyrus and Trace Cyrus.

“I do NOT & refuse to generalize or stereotype! Facts are Facts,” she wrote as a caption to the image above, adding:

“You are all correct to believe every human deserves the same respect …. but please keep that in mind when you’re judging others.

“NOT just with the race , religion , gender , or sexuality which YOU identify with. Deal?”

It’s a deal, Miley.

You tell ‘em.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Married? Like, Right Now?!?

Wait… there went the bride?!?

Yes, according to a new report about Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth.

NW Magazine, a publication that stems from the actor’s home nation of Australia, alleges that Miley and Liam actually exchanged vows six months ago.

“It was a very intimate ceremony at their house in Malibu,” an insider tells the publication, staring that vows were exchanged in late April and adding:

“I’m told only a handful of people were there and they’re still the only ones who know.”

Well… not anymore!

Miley and Liam don’t plan on going public with their status as Husband and Wife any time soon, so this report may go unverified for awhile.

The singer and actor actually vacationed recently at Tybee Island in Georgia, which is where they filmed The Last Song way back in 2009.

It was on this movie set that Hemsworth and Cyrus fell in love.

The two got engaged after several months of dating, only to break up in 2013.

They remained broken up for over a year, yet sources slowly started leaking after awhile that the pair had found their way back to each other.

In January of 2016, meanwhile, Miley suddenly started wearing an engagement ring in public.

Neither she nor Hemsworth confirmed that any question had been popped, however.

Not that this has prevented several celebrity gossip outlets from claiming the couple had quietly gone off and gotten married.

This is really just the latest example of a tabloid announcing on its own that a wedding has taken place. 

It is true, however, that Cyrus and Hemsworth are now fully out on the open.

For awhile there, the stars barely walked any red carpets together and refrained from even sharing Instagram pictures of each other.

But that changed many months ago.

Now, Miley and Liam frequently act all goofy on social media and even discuss their sex lives with talk show hosts!

“It’s good for people to have that space to grow individually. Otherwise, when you’re with someone from 16 until 24, you grow into the same person,” Cyrus has said in the past of she, Liam and their hiatus.

Now, “it feels like nothing changed except we grew up a lot,” she added back then.

And, hey, one more thing may have also changed, if this report is accurate:

Each star’s marital status!


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Miley Cyrus: Why She Did that Naked Fairy Photo!

The old Miley can’t come to the phone right now. Oh — because she’s … decided to rebrand herself to become more palatable to wider audiences and sell more music.

But that doesn’t mean that she won’t get naked from time to time, for old time’s sake.

Remember that photo where naked Miley looks like a fairy? We know a little more about it, now.

For a few years there, Miley was something of a nightmare.

Conservatives were scandalized by her raw sexual imagery, her casual nudity, the way that she opened up and came out as pansexual, and her brazen use of marijuana.

Progressives were horrified by Miley’s use of cultural appropriation — from some of her new music to the way that she tried to make twerking part of her brand to the way that she seemed to use black people as props while performing.

(Some of those criticisms are valid; others, like people who have a problem with Miley being pan, are just plain bigotry)

Recently, Miley has been reforming her image.

Many people credit that to Liam Hemsworth’s calming influence.

Liam might lack staying power in bed, but you can’t help but notice that Miley started acting out when they split and then seemed to recover some chill when she and Liam reunited. 

Another factor was that Miley quit using marijuana.

Apparently, she had dreamed that she smoked so much weed that she died. Which is weird.

We’d like to note that we’ve never known anyone whose behavior magically became worse thanks to being high. It sounds like Miley’s trying to use that as an excuse.

But whatever.

Anyway, Miley might be cleaning up her act, but she’s still a gorgeous woman with a gorgeous body.

And she’s not afraid to show it. Which is how we got this photo:

We already knew that this pic of Miley was by famed photographer David LaChapelle.

In fact, it’s the cover of his new book of photography, Lost + Found.

If you look past Miley and her “nude” body (she’s not quite nude but we’ll get to that in a moment), you’ll see that she appears to be ina  highly romanticized prison cell.

(I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve never been in a bathroom where everything was stainless steel — but that’s the set up in prisons)

We knew that there was some convenient censorship, here.

As it turns out, LaChapelle had Miley wear a sheer bodysuit with some very carefully placed Swarovski crystals to hide her girly bits while not seeming to hide much of anything.

(Visually, it reminds us of the vajazzling trend that never really took off — remember that? People decorating their vulvas with little glue-on crystals? Some people still do it, we’re sure)

LaChapelle’s art book will also feature photos that we’ve never, ever seen before.

Including pics of celebrities, ranging from Kanye West to Hillary Clinton to David Bowie.

It should be interesting.

As frustrating as Miley can be at times, we have to remember that she’s young and that she’s still finding herself.

She was never able to find that moderation that a normal marijuana user has where they can smoke weed without constantly talking about it.

But maybe she’ll figure out how to exist between various extremes as her career continues.

If she wants to pose nude, for artsy purposes or otherwise, genuinely nude or just creating the illusion of nakedness, good for her.

We’d rather see her find herself than just try to be who others want her to be.


Friday, September 8, 2017

Miley Cyrus: Liam Hemsworth Doesn"t Last Long in Bed!

Miley Cyrus has gone from rarely talking about her relationship with Liam Hemsworth…

… to talking VERY openly about the most personal aspect of it.

The singer appeared as a guest opposite Ellen DeGeneres this week, sitting down with the comedian to answer a few questions from a vintage issue of Cosmopolitan.

How would Miley describe her sex life with her famous Australian fiance?

Given three options from which to choose, Cyrus went with the following: A commuter trip on a Concorde jet.

"That means it"s fast," Ellen said, just to be certain.

"Yeah. I"m good," Cyrus replied.

She went on to joke that she only has time for quickies because she has places to be and albums to make.

But would Hemsworth really find this line of honest commentary funny?

Not many men out there would want their significant others to tell the world that they couldn"t maintain an erection for very long.

We"re just saying.

Miley and Liam, of course, have been together basically forever.

They met way back in the day on the set of The Last Song, dated for awhile, got engaged, broke up and then got back together.

They don"t often talk about the other in public, but there"s been recent chatter that the stars are secretly married.

If this is really the case, though, Cyrus wouldn"t be saying their sex life was short.

She"d be saying it"s non-existent!

(That"s a married-people-never-really-have-sex-at-all joke.)

Anyway. Click PLAY on the video below to watch Miley delve deeply into some NSFW topics with Ellen:

Miley cyrus liam hemsworth doesnt last long in bed

Friday, August 25, 2017

Miley Cyrus: Nude, Unrecognizable in Latest Photo!

Miley Cyrus has undergone quite the transformation in recent months.

The former Twerk Queen has put down the bong and the weed leaf-emblazoned bodysuit to reinvent herself as a bubbly, family-friendly pop princess.

But that doesn’t mean Miley’s no longer willing to strip down for her art.

The songstress posed as a fairy for famed celebrity photographer Daivd LaChappelle’s new coffee table book.

As you can see, Miley is nearly-unrecognizable in her blonde wig and glittery makeup.

She appears to be nude, but apparently she’s wearing some sort of sheer body stocking.

Whatever the case, it’s far less clothing than Miley has been rocking in her most recent photos.

Miley has the honor of covering the book, which features highlights from Chappelle’s nearly 40-year career and photos of such luminaries as Amy Winehouse, David Bowie, Hillary Clinton, Amber Rose, Naomi Campbell, Lady Gaga, Kanye West, and Michael Jackson.

Fans who are hoping the risque pic signals a return to Bangerz-era form for Miley probably shouldn’t hold their breath.

The singer says she’s put that image behind her for good after getting sober, reconciling with Liam Hemsworth, and shifting her musical style to a more mainstream, radio-friendly sound.

Miley’s new singler, “Younger Now”, sees her belting out the mantra-like lyric “no one stays the same.”

The song from Cyrus’ forthcoming album of the same name seems to be something of an anthem for the 24-year-old.

Miley has been accused of selling out and using elements of hip hop culture only when they were convenient for her and then demonstrating her lack of respect for the genre by casually tossing it aside.

Cyrus maintains her evolution happened naturally and is simply a reflection of her recent growth as a person.

We won’t try to settle that argument here.

But we will say that the return of naked Miley is a good indication that the former Hannah Montana won’t be playing it too safe going forward.

We don’t expect to see Miley wagging her toungue at this year’s VMAs, but inside her, there will always be a piece of the rebel artist that shocked the Disney crowd by openly celebrating her love of sex, drugs, and psychedelic pop music.

And we hope she continues to let that Miley out from time to time.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Kristen Stewart, Miley Cyrus Hacked: Another Fappening?

There are some truly terrible people in this world. Unfortunately, some of them have some serious hacking skills and are only too happy to make celebrities into their victims.

That’s right — fears right now are that another incidence of The Fappening has struck.

The latest victims include Miley Cyrus and Kristen Stewart, among others. … Including Tiger Woods.

We all remember past instances of this.

Sometimes, someone gets a hold of a celebrity’s camera or sometimes a star trusts the wrong person.

But these mass leaks aren’t from one very lucky terrible person who’s gotten sexts from tons of celebs and decides to release them all because they’re some sort of amoral monster.

No, these massive leaks happen when hackers manage to access cloud storage of photos, penetrating security and violating people’s privacy.

It can take a long time to identify and bring these creeps to justice.

It was almost three years ago that Jennifer Lawrence’s nudes leaked, among others, back in October of 2014.

You know when the hacker behind the leaks was finally arrested?

March of last year. That’s a year and a half later.

This time around, victims include Kristen Stewart, Miley Cyrus, Tiger Woods, and actress and singer Katharine McPhee.

Just as when this has happened in the past, celebrity lawyers have raced into action.

Kristen Stewart and her girlfriend, Stella Maxwell, immediately had their legal representation begin instructing websites to take down their photos.

Reportedly, photos leaked of Kristen Stewart include images of her topless, images of her topless in the bathroom with her girlfriend Stella, and close-up images allegedly of her, showing her breasts, butt, and genitals.

It’s creepy that they’re out there, and we of course hope that they can all be erased from the web.

Kristen Stewart’s lawyer, Scott Whitehead, says that posting the pics is illegal because they belong to his client and cannot be posted or reposted without her consent.

This isn’t a “well the cat’s out of the bag” situation here, folks — anyone posting those images could be sued.

Tiger Woods’ attorney, Michael Holtz, hasn’t been mincing words, promising serious consequences to sites that don’t take down images of his client.

(We just wish that everyone who’s been victimized in this manner — even ordinary, non-celebrities — could immediately afford top-notch legal representation, you know?)

We should note that while photos belonging to the other stars were reportedly hacked from their phones (well, the cloud storage from their phones), Tiger Woods’ photos were said to come from the phone of his ex-girlfriend, Lindsay Vonn.

Katharine McPhee, a singer and actress who starred on that unwatchably awful Scorpion show but who’s also done good things, has also lawyered up with the same intention as the other stars.

It’s clear that these hacks weren’t just about lust, not that “but I really wanted to see them” is an excuse.

Kristen Stewart and Miley Cyrus have both appeared topless before. There’s really no mystery about what they look like naked.

(Again, that would not have been an excuse)

These violations are clearly about power, about invading the privacy of these people — and specifically, of women.

There are some sick people in this world.

Let’s hope that he perpetrator is caught and concentrate on the photos that these starlets have voluntarily shared with the world.


Friday, August 18, 2017

daily-celebrities: Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry


Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry


Miley Cyrus Debuts "Younger Now" Video, Teases New Album

Miley Cyrus has changed a lot over the course of the past year.

In a few short months, she"s reconciled with Liam Hemsworth, shed the candy-colored aesthetic of her Bangerz period, and taken her music in a more traditional (some would say more generic) direction.

Miley even quit smoking weed, a move that would"ve been unimaginable throughout much of her career.

Miley"s new sound seems to reflect the stability she"s found in her personal life, and the lyrics address the quiet contenment she"s enjoying these days.

The first single off her forthcoming album, "Malibu", was an emotional ode to Hemsworth and the new life the two of them had built together.

The second track, "Younger Now", was released today, and lyrically, it"s more focused on the personal transformation Cyrus has undergone in recent months.

The song seems to contain something of a mantra for the New Miley:

"No one stays the same," Cyrus sings at one point, a line so significant to her that in the video, it"s written across the screen in large red letters.

In addition to dropping a new single and video (in which Miley mimics the look and moves of her longtime musical idol Elvis), Miley also revealed the release date for her next album.

The record, also titled Younger Now, is set for release on September 29.

It"s looking more and more as though the eternally unpredictable, toungue-wagging, weed-smoking Miley has left us for good.

But if the popularity of her new music is any indication, fans are happy to embrace this blissed-out, more mature Miley.

Miley cyrus debuts younger now video teases new album

Monday, August 14, 2017

Miley Cyrus: I Flaked on the Teen Choice Awards Because ...

Miley Cyrus was a no-show at this year’s Teen Choice Awards, despite being the recipient of the show’s highest award — the Ultimate Choice Award.

Which kind of makes you wonder: Miley, what’s good?

Miley does have an answer for fans who are wondering why she’d duck out of a show where she’d been scheduled to appear.

The Teen Choice Awards were last night, and while Riverdale and Wonder Woman and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ruled the night, Miley was also supposed to be awarded.

But she was a no-show.

You might think that maybe Miley has reason to get cold feet.

After all, it was an award show where Miley twerked on Robin Thicke in an infamously ill-fitting costume.

We still have nightmares about it.

It was at an award show where Nicki Minaj and Miley’s possibly staged feud became a meme sensation when Nicki Minaj referred to Miley as the “b—h” who’d been talking about her the other day, famously saying: “What’s good?” to Miley.

Every response to Miley on social media for at least the next week was just some variation on “what’s good?!”

But Miley was scheduled to be there as an award-recipient, not to scar minds or get roasted on live television.

When Victoria Justice, beautiful treasure that she is, announced that Miley wouldn’t be there, she didn’t offer up an explanation.

It was Miley herself who took to Instagram with a lengthy post to explain what had kept her away from her fans.

“To my dearest fans & all of those watching @teenchoicefox! I want to say thank you from the very bottom of my heart for presenting me with #TheUltimateChoiceAward!” 

Well, yeah.

It might be a giant surfboard and therefore pretty inconvenient to display in most houses, but it’s the highest honor that the TCAs can bestow.

(Honestly, you can tell how old the TCAs are by the fact that surfboards were in any way representative of teen culture … because that is clearly no longer the case)

“I am beyond bummed I couldn’t make it to the show as I had every intention of being there to accept and celebrate this honor!”

We would imagine so.

The explanation that Miley offers up is actually pretty relatable.

“I created an unrealistic schedule for myself which leads me to this announcement!”

Anyone of any age can overestimate how much they can do or underestimate how time-consuming or onerous or exhausting a task will be.

It happens.

So plenty of us can get overwhelmed or overscheduled or overbooked.

(That’s an excuse for people, not for airlines)

But Miley mentioned an announcement that she had to make.

“I’ve been tryin to keep the secret but I can’t hide it any longer!”

By all means, go on.

“My new single / music video #YoungerNow will be dropping this Friday , Aug 18th & I am sooooooo EXCITED to share it with all of you!”

That’s this Friday, of course.

It’s also pretty late notice for anyone who isn’t Beyonce to announce a song or music video.

“I hope to always make people smile and shine light thru my work!”

That’s what the best music does.

Plus it makes people dance.

(Or cry)

“I look forward to making music for the rest of my life and I’m thankful everyday for those who listen!”

We’ve been hooked on Miley’s music career, for better or for worse, since “See You Again,” so we’re all kinds of excited to hear it.

Though we really don’t know what sort of song it will be.

“I am sending so much love and peace into the world right now because THATS what we need most!”

She’s right.

Miley was, of course, posting about the hundreds of white nationalists who were marching and doing Nazi salutes in Charlottesville over the weekend.

(And, of course, the vehicular terrorist attack that claimed the life of an innocent woman who was out to oppose the white nationalists)

“Love Love & more LOVE!”

She followed those words with ten heart emojis of various colors, including a couple of those ugly yellow ones.

Many might wonder if that’s a cover story and if perhaps she was busy getting secretly married.

And, well, you never know.

Personally, we’re just going to be looking forward to this new song.

We hope that this next song’s a freaking bop.

Miley has another one in her.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Secretly Married?!

Isn’t it so weird how Miley Cyrus has actually been managing to lay low recently?

Gone are the days of constant topless selfies and weed references on Instagram, it seems.

Not too long ago, Miley was twerking her little heart out, singing songs about partying and wrecking balls and more partying, but now it really looks like she’s moved beyond all that.

And not a moment too soon, really.

These days, it sounds like she’s moving back to her country roots — both in terms of her music and her modesty.

And, of course, she’s also back with her longtime love, Liam Hemsworth.

At the risk of sounding a little bit ridiculous, their love story really is a little bit magical, isn’t it?

They met all the way back in 2009, when they filmed The Last Song together, and though they did have a few little breakups along the way, they were together until 2013.

That’s when they broke off their engagement and went their separate ways for a little bit: Liam focused on his acting career, Miley focused on all that twerking we talked about earlier.

But then, sometime in 2016, they rekindled their romance. They got re-engaged, and this time around, they both seem a lot more settled in their relationship.

So settled that they went and got married without telling anyone?!

As hurtful as it may be to think about, it is possible — and that’s because both Miley and Liam have been spotted recently with similar bands on their fingers.

You know which fingers we’re talking about.

Over the weekend, Liam was photographed with Miley’s mother, Tish Cyrus, wearing a simple band on the ring finger of his left hand.

Then yesterday, Miley was spotted with a similar band while out and about filming for The Voice.

And there aren’t many reasons why an engaged couple would wear matching rings on their left hands …

But as much fun as it would be if these two had gone and gotten hitched on the sly, it seems like that’s not what’s going on here.

TMZ, the site that originally posted the photos of the rings, reports that a source close to Miley says “100% no,” they are not married.

Another source elaborated a bit more to Hollywood Life.

According to that source, “everyone will know” when the wedding actually goes down.

“Liam sometimes wears a ring that Miley bought him as kind of a promise ring, but it’s definitely not official yet,” the insider continued.

“They haven’t even seriously started planning anything yet. Neither of them is in a particular hurry, as they’re both focused on their careers right now.”

Besides, “they’re still pretty young, so they figure they have plenty of time.”

We wish them all the best, of course, but considering their track record, this seems like a good course of action.

Another breakup would be pretty tragic at this point — we don’t think we could handle a divorce.

We’re rooting for you, Miley and Liam. We are all rooting for you.


Miley Cyrus Sporting "Wedding" Band?

Miley Cyrus is either a married woman or she’s just screwing with us … and we think it’s the latter. Miley was spotted out Thursday with what looks like a wedding band during a shoot with “The Voice” in Malibu. She’s clearly showing off the…


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Miley Cyrus: This is Why I Don"t Show My T-ts Anymore!

Remember when Miley Cyrus Twerked, gyrated, writhed around and nearly had full-on intercourse with Robin Thicke at the MTV Video Music Awards?

No? This performance has slipped your mind?

It doesn’t even sound like the Miley Cyrus you’ve grown to know and love over the past several months?

Good, Miley would likely reply.

That’s been her goal.

A couple years removed from her racy outfits and shocking antics (remember that poor foam finger?!?), Cyrus cover the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar and explains to the publication why she actually can be tamed after all.

By herself, that is.

“I feel really kind of far away from that person,” she tells the magazine of the old Miley, adding:

“I just want people to see that this is who I am right now.

“I’m not saying I’ve never been myself. … Who I was on the last record was really who I am. It’s just myself has been a lot of different people because I change a lot.”

The 24-year old says she’s always tried to be outspoken about important topics such as marriage equality and feminism.

But she realized after awhile that her message kept getting lost amidst the controversy her clothing or her actions were creating.

“It became something that was expected of me. I didn’t want to show up to photo shoots and be the girl who would get my tits out and stick out my tongue,” she says.

“In the beginning, it was kind of like saying, ‘F–k you. Girls should be able to have this freedom or whatever.’ But it got to a point where I did feel sexualized.”

In a broad sense, Cyrus still believe one should free the nipple.

This campaign has always been about freedom of choice for women.

But any time Miley would actually free her nipple in public, stories would simply be written about the poor example she was setting for women… or how she was desperate for attention.

The bigger issue was always missed.

“I think I’m just figuring out who I am at such a rapid pace that it’s hard for me to keep up with myself,” she also says, as self-aware as any celebrity we can think of.

“People get told that it’s a bad thing to change. Like, people will say, ‘You’ve changed.’ And that’s supposed to be derogatory.

“But you are supposed to change all the time.”

Case in point: Miley no longer smokes pot!

“Just for now,” she clarifies to Harper’s Bazaar. “To quote the wise Justin Bieber, ‘Never say never.’ But right now I want to be clear.”

This issue of Harper’s Bazaar goes on sale on July 25.

We’ll let Miley wrap things up by reminding everyone that she’s changed in many ways, but not in one important way:

She’s gonna keep being true to herself and refuse to conform to what society may expect or want from her.

“I think I show people that they can be themselves. I also think something that has been important for me, in this next little, like, transition phase of my career is that I don’t give a f-ck about being cool.

“I just want to be myself.”



Friday, July 7, 2017

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Wedding CANCELLED?!

Miliam sounds like some kind of mushroom, but Miley and Liam are a couple — and couples get nicknames.

This couple’s been engaged off and on for what feels like centuries, and there were even rumors that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth would get married on July 4th in a private ceremony.

Well, the Fourth of July and its fireworks have come and gone (unless you have alcoholic neighbors, in which case the fireworks may never end), and Miley and Liam remain engaged. We’re hearing that the wedding was called off — but at least there’s an explanation.

According to Life & Style, Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus canceled their wedding — for now.

“Bottom line, Liam got cold feet,” says the source.

Apparently he felt like the stressful process of planning the wedding “seemed to be taking over their life.”

That happens so easily.

Wedding-planning is notoriously difficult.

And stressful to an absurd degree.

So, though they say that Liam was the one who put his foot down, the two of them agreed to put things off.

“Miley was really having fun imagining her wedding.”

That’s no surprise — lots of people grow up imagining their weddings.

Because of how people are socialized by gender from a young age, a lot of those people are girls.

But when a wedding actually looks like it might be on the horizon, daydreaming becomes planning.

That’s not always as fun.

“But she knows it’s important to put a hold on everything.”

It’s good that Miley has, according to this source, the right priorities.

Your wedding shouldn’t be more important than your prospective spouse.

“She loves Liam and wants it to last forever when they take that step. But it can’t be now.”

That’s super cute.

What went wrong?

We all know that Miley Cyrus quit weed because she dreamed that she would die.

Honestly that was the most extra explanation for a minor lifestyle change that we’ve ever seen.

But we don’t imagine that Miley was planning something so terrible that Liam had to postpone the wedding.

(Though, if we were talking about this in 2015, maybe we’d have different suspicions)

But maybe the source is speculating.

In fact, maybe they misunderstood what they perceived to be a wedding date.

Recently, Miley’s mom said that Miley wasn’t planning to marry any time soon.

According to Trish Cyrus, Miley doesn’t see why people keep pushing her to marry, since things are so perfect with Liam right now.

Miley has a great point.

If everything’s exactly how she wants it, why mess with perfection, you know?

But mom’s don’t always know everything going on in their children’s relationships.

Especially when we’re talking about their adult children.

Maybe they were planning a surprise wedding that was super secret, and Liam froze up and didn’t want to follow through.

And yeah, maybe he was having flashbacks of Miley’s obsession with twerking and other antics.

(But we doubt it — he clearly loves her for exactly who she is)

But maybe the wedding was just that challenging, you know?

Sometimes the brides or grooms or bride and groom or whatever gender combo is going on need a wedding planner precisely because there are so many decisions.

And while you’d think “gee, wouldn’t it be just as hard for the wedding planner?” … this is one of those cases where Miley and Liam might be too close, emotionally, to their own wedding to make what should be easy choices.

Honestly, I don’t know the first thing about wedding planning, but I’d probably have an easier time planning their nuptuals because I wouldn’t be agonizing over every choice. Because none of it would be personal — you see what I’m saying?

Miley and Liam each have their own families who are going to have different wants and needs, and then all sorts of friends, and there are endless directions to go with a wedding.

They are from opposite sides of the globe, so there’s a lot to consider beyond what dress looks best.

The world might know what Miley looks like naked, but there’s no shortage of things that we can’t know about Miley and Liam’s relationship.

But it sounds like they’ll get married when they get married, if at all.

And you know what?

If they’re happy the way that things are, there’s no reason why they should change that.


Friday, June 16, 2017

Miley Cyrus: I Quit Weed Because I Dreamed I Would DIE!

Miley Cyrus has finally revealed why, after what looked like an attempt to render marijuana extinct by smoking every last leaf of it, she quit pot.

A lot of us had figured that Liam Hemsworth was owed some credit for being a good influence or whatever, and maybe he is.

But, according to Miley, we"ve all been giving credit to the wrong man … sort of. You"ll have to watch the video below.

Miley cyrus in malibu

So, Miley went on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon to continue with what we"ll call her de-rebranding.

Like … remember when the SciFi Channel became Syfy and started making cheesy ironic movies and completely forgot about, like, spaceships and stuff?

But then, back in 2015, they were like "oh, right!" and started making shows like The Expanse and The Magicians and other great new genre shows and, well, completely reversing their earlier rebranding.

Well, that"s what Miley"s been up to. Her "Syfy" was when she became a wild, tongue-waggling hippie.

And marijuana was, in this analogy, her Sharknado.

These days, she"s pulling a 180 — Miley"s completely quit marijuana.

And she explains why.

Miley cyrus and liam hemsworth on christmas

"I had a dream that I would die during my monologue on SNL for some reason," she tells Jimmy Fallon. "That I would just get so stoned that I just died … which I googled and that’s never happened."

Just for the record, we don"t even know if it"s possible to die from an overdose of marijuana.

Like, people might get queasy or disoriented, but they don"t tend to die from it like with, say, alcohol.

But she has two slightly more normal and grounded reasons for wanting to quit.

The first was that, when she was constantly smoking, she just wanted to sit at home and eat and play instead of doing anything else.

(Some of us don"t need drugs for that)

She said that she still loves spending time with her pets, but that she had been spending "too much time with the pig."

That"s fair.

Miley cyrus with mj

The other factor was promoting her music and doing her LGBT+ advocacy.

She only touches on that a little in the video below, but it is Pride Month, you guys. We don"t think that the timing is a coincidence.

Her new song, "Inspired," debuted in honor of Pride.

While the Babadook has definitely been honored as the ultimate gay icon all month this year (we"re not making that up), Miley came out as pansexual a couple of years ago.

So Pride is for her, too.

She wanted to be as coherent and well-spoken as possible when being interviewed about her music, especially as she"s debuting new songs.

But she worried that she wouldn"t be able to do that if she was high all of the time.

We guess that nobody mentioned the concept of moderation to her, but whatever works, you know?

Miley cyrus at george mason

Ultimately, we wish that Miley had shown a little more self-awareness.

And that being conscious of her privilege as a wild-and-crazy white girl who had zero consequences for her pot use had been a factor in toning it down.

We"re glad that she"s keeping her tongue in her mouth again.

And that Miley and Liam might elope on Independence Day.

But while we wish her all the best, we feel like she kind of didn"t learn all that much from her wild times, either.

Like, Miley"s aggressive nudity was fine, but the tongue-waggling wasn"t.

And neither was acting like she"d invented twerking.

Miley cyrus on a fake horse

Honestly, we never thought that Miley needed to quit.

She just needed to learn some moderation and maybe behave herself just a little.

But maybe when you grow up under a microscope as a Disney star, you feel like you have to be one person or another, without any in between.

Anyway, we"re reasonably happy for her, and she had a lot more to share with Jimmy Fallon about her new life and the changes that she"d made.

Miley cyrus this is why i quit weed

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Getting Married When?

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have been on again and off again for eight entire years, and whenever they’re on again, everyone wonders when they’ll set the date or if they’ve already been secretly married.

It seems that the only way to shut down those stories is to actually get married … and reports say that they’re planning to do just that.

According to sources, Miley and Liam are planning to elope, and on the Fourth of July, no less.

We’re not really sure why they’d pick that date — Liam is Australian, no American.

Holidays are a nightmare for travelers, but maybe that won’t impact the rich and famous.

And since they’re said to be planning a small, intimate gathering of close family and friends, maybe that won’t be a problem for their guests, either.

Even without that date’s usual traffic woes, you’d think that they’d pick some time that isn’t already a holiday.

Unless … is that their plan? To hold their secret wedding ceremony and just hope that everybody’s too busy eating a dozen couple of hotdogs and guzzling alcohol to notice.

Holy crap … that might actually work.

Allegedly, their wedding is going to take place in Vegas — Miley always wanted to follow in Britney’s footsteps, huh? — and they’ll honeymoon in Byron Bay.

So they’ll have a foot in each of their home countries.

One might even say that they’ll have the … best of both worlds.

Settling down as a couple will be a huge transition for these two.

Miley’s taken a lot of criticism in recent years, and not all of it is undeserved.

First, she dove headfirst into black culture and appropriated it left and right.

Miley kept talking about twerking until it seemed like she’d invented it or at least made it mainstream.

She refused to keep her freaking tongue in her mouth on stage and it was uncomfortable for everyone.

Then there was the ridiculous spectacle of Miley’s marijuana use, which was obnoxious.

If you want to do that, just do it, don’t post about it constantly or you look boring.

Through everything, she didn’t seem to understand how privileged she was.

She could put her hair in cornrows without getting fired for looking “unprofessional.”

She could get high without becoming part of the mass incarceration problem.

She could act up without people using it to condemn her entire race.

And now that living that way no longer suits here, she’s dropped that entire side of her.

Remember when Miley blasted sexual lyrics in rap even though she’d been basically doing the same for months and months?

Many on social media accused her of having used and discarded black culture.

But people hope that Liam will be a good influence on her.

And perhaps, as Miley continues to mature, she’ll understand why she drew so much criticism.

Miley and Liam’s relationship is a beautiful thing.

A long-ass beautiful thing, considering that they started dating in 2009.

They were both already fairly famous, though Miley’s star was perhaps the brightest that it’s ever been at the time.

She was already a household name but she was just leaving her days of Disney stardom behind.

2009 was the year that “Party in the USA” was the definitive song of the summer — impressive, since that was also the year that Lady Gaga rocketed to the top of the charts.

Liam was still new on the scene, somewhat. His brother, Chris Hemsworth, hadn’t even starred in Thor yet.

The two of them met while starring in The Last Song, which is great because otherwise, nobody would remember that movie.

We don’t know exactly what drew them to each other, but … they were both super hot.

Sometimes that’s enough to get things started.

If the engaged couple is really planning to elope secretly, we shouldn’t expect them to confirm it.

That would kind of defeat the purpose.

If we were in there shoes, we might even leak a false story so that people wouldn’t look too closely at our actual secret wedding plans.

But something about this report sounds realer than some of the others.

If nothing else, a July 4th wedding would make for the best excuse ever to blast “Party in the USA.”


Monday, June 5, 2017

Miley Cyrus Gets "Inspired," Pays Tribute in Manchester

Miley Cyrus was one of several musicians to take to the stage on Sunday night and bring a tear to the eyes of over 60,000 people in Manchester.

Along with Justin Bieber, Chris Martin, Liam Gallagher, organizer Ariana Grande and many others, Cyrus performed at a concert whose proceeds went to the Red Cross’ We Love Manchester emergency fund.

This fund was set up in the wake of an attack on May 22 that killed nearly two dozen people who attended a Grande concert in Manchester Arena.

At one point during this special show, Cyrus sang a duet of "Don"t Dream It"s Over" with Ariana, while at another point, she went solo with a rendition of her new single, "Inspired."

It was an appropriately moving song for the occasion.

Upon dedicating this performance to everyone in the crowd (and around the world, really), Cyrus added:

“I’d like to wrap my arms around each and every one of you and tell you thank you from the bottom of our hearts

"I am so honored to be at this incredible event surrounded by all you amazing people.”

She continued:

"For me, the most important responsibility we have on this entire planet is to take care of one another, and look what we’re doing today and how amazing that is.”

It really is true.

The concert appears to have been a mammoth success, both from a fundraising perspective (about $ 2.6 million raised) and from the perspective of lifting up a city in need.

Elsewhere during the show, Bieber delivered a heartfelt speech and Katy Perry performed an inspiring take on her track "Part of Me."

You can check out a number of memorable One Love Manchester moments here…

… and relive Miley"s emotional dedication below.


Miley cyrus gets inspired pays tribute in manchester