Showing posts with label Damon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Damon. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2017

Matt Damon Almost Cried When George Clooney Revealed Baby News

Now that we’ve had a day to let the news soak in that George and Amal Clooney are expecting twins, the celebrities are in full force with their reactions to the baby news. 

Clooney’s long-time friend, Matt Damon actually found out about the pregnancy long before it hit the media and he almost cried tears of joy. 

“I was working with him last fall and he pulled me aside on set and I mean, I almost started crying. I was so happy for him,” the star told Entertainment Tonight Canada.

“And I was like, ‘How far along is she?’ And he goes, ‘Eight weeks.’”

However, Damon was quick to confirm to Clooney that he was a superstitious person. 

“‘Are you out of your mind?! Don’t tell anybody else! Don’t tell anybody else! Don’t you know the 12-week rule?’ Like of course he doesn’t.”

He continued, “‘Just shut up, man.’ And then four weeks later, I’m like, ‘We’re good right?’” Clooney answered, “We’re good.”

Clooney revealing the news to Matt so quickly showed just how happy he was to be welcoming twins into the world. 

Despite Matt worrying about superstition, he was quick to point out that he was super happy for his friend. 

“So yeah, I’m thrilled for him. She’s amazing. He hit the jackpot. Just on every level. She is a remarkable woman.”

“They’re gonna be great. They’re gonna be awesome parents. Those kids are lucky,” he added.

George and Amal tied the knot in September 2014 in Venice, Italy.

The couple already had a dog together and are said to be ecstatic about the news of them welcoming twins into the world. 

It sure sounds like they are happy with each other and have a lot of support as they go through this exciting time in their lives. 

What do you think about all this?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Curt Schilling -- Hey Matt Damon ... YOU LOST, GO AWAY!!! (Video)

Curt Schilling has a message to all the famous Hillary Clinton supporters who threatened to leave the country if Trump won — “GET THE HELL OUT!!!”  The ex-MLB star is FIRED UP over Donald winning the election — and is calling out some of the…


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Tyson Beckford Calls Out Matt Damon: Find Out Why!

Tyson Beckford is not afraid to take on the heavyweights of Hollywood.

He made that very clear when he took Justin Bieber to task a couple years ago, absolutely destroying the singer by dubbing Bieber a little boy.

Now, in his latest sidewalk chat with TMZ, the model takes aim at Matt Damon.

Initially, the cameraman asks Beckford about Damon"s role in the latest Jason Bourne movie as a way of mocking the actor.

He only has, like 25 lines in the entire film, the cameraman jokes. That"s like a million bucks per line!

But Beckford has no problem with Damon"s speaking role and/or salary. He says that if one can get the money, one should most definitely go out and get it.

The very handsome star, instead, takes issue with something else when it comes to Damon and this beloved character:

Bourne"s prominent use of guns.

Damon, Beckford argues, is one of the most outspoken celebrity gun control advocates.

So should he really be out there, shooting up a storm on the big screen? Isn"t this sending a bad message to fans?

"You can’t sit there and denounce the gun when the gun is making you money," Beckford tells TMZ in the following video.

He doesn"t seem too upset over it, mind you, later adding that "It’s Hollywood [and] you can lie and … make money," so whatever.

Should this really be any point of contention, however? Are we really saying that an actor can"t be in favor of common sense gun control while also portraying a character who shoots guns?

For what it"s worth, Bourne really only shoots handguns and no gun control advocate out there is trying to ban the sale of handguns to law-abiding citizens.

What do you think of this debate?

Is Damon a hypocrite for taking a political stance in real life and then taking on the role of Jason Bourne?

Or should Beckford just chill out? (Although, again, the guy is pretty chill in this video. He"s just sayin, basically. Check it out for yourself below.) 

Tyson beckford calls out matt damon find out why

Tyson Beckford Calls Out Matt Damon: Find Out Why!

Tyson Beckford is not afraid to take on the heavyweights of Hollywood.

He made that very clear when he took Justin Bieber to task a couple years ago, absolutely destroying the singer by dubbing Bieber a little boy.

Now, in his latest sidewalk chat with TMZ, the model takes aim at Matt Damon.

Initially, the cameraman asks Beckford about Damon"s role in the latest Jason Bourne movie as a way of mocking the actor.

He only has, like 25 lines in the entire film, the cameraman jokes. That"s like a million bucks per line!

But Beckford has no problem with Damon"s speaking role and/or salary. He says that if one can get the money, one should most definitely go out and get it.

The very handsome star, instead, takes issue with something else when it comes to Damon and this beloved character:

Bourne"s prominent use of guns.

Damon, Beckford argues, is one of the most outspoken celebrity gun control advocates.

So should he really be out there, shooting up a storm on the big screen? Isn"t this sending a bad message to fans?

"You can’t sit there and denounce the gun when the gun is making you money," Beckford tells TMZ in the following video.

He doesn"t seem too upset over it, mind you, later adding that "It’s Hollywood [and] you can lie and … make money," so whatever.

Should this really be any point of contention, however? Are we really saying that an actor can"t be in favor of common sense gun control while also portraying a character who shoots guns?

For what it"s worth, Bourne really only shoots handguns and no gun control advocate out there is trying to ban the sale of handguns to law-abiding citizens.

What do you think of this debate?

Is Damon a hypocrite for taking a political stance in real life and then taking on the role of Jason Bourne?

Or should Beckford just chill out? (Although, again, the guy is pretty chill in this video. He"s just sayin, basically. Check it out for yourself below.) 

Tyson beckford calls out matt damon find out why

Friday, February 19, 2016

Megan Fox & Damon Wayans Jr: Hooking Up?

If you watch New Girl online you know that the show’s writers cooked up some far-fetched nonsense in order to replace Zooey Deschanel with Megan Fox while Zooey was on maternity leave.

Sadly, it looks like the effort left them too exhausted to come up with any funny jokes or compelling storylines, but don’t worry – it seems there is something exciting happening on the show’s set:

According to Star magazine, the newly-single Megan Fox has hit it off with former New Girl cast member Damon Wayans, Jr., who recently shot guest a spot on Brooklyn 99 on the same lot.

“They had an immediate connection,” a source tells the tabloid.

“He started bringing her breakfast in the morning, and they would hang out in her trailer. I think they really bonded over being single parents. It’s only a matter of time before they started hooking up…that is, if they haven’t already.”

Fox, of course, got divorced from Brian Austin Green last year and has been proudly single ever since.

Interestingly, Fox and Green met on the set of a sitcom back in 2004.

Fox also reportedly hooked up with Shia LaBeouf on the set of Transformers in 2007, so she’s clearly not above mixing business with pleasure. 

So it looks like while the producers of New Girl may be letting fans down, they certainly did a solid for Damon by giving Megan a spot on the show.

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 11 Recap: What Did Damon Do?!?

Damon and Stefan may be out of The Phoenix Stone.

But viewers witnessed on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 11 just how these brothers are not of the dangerous woods just yet as a result of the time in their respective personal Hells.

Much to his surprise, Damon was actually forgiven almost immediately for his violent actions to close out The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 10, as Stefan said everyone understood.

Damon thought he was still inside the Stone and the Stone seriously effs with people’s minds. Simply enough.

How does Stefan know this so well?

Because we got a glimpse into his journey through Hell this week, which included the endless nightmare of Damon trying to kill Caroline.

Stefan still saw this image for many weeks after being awaken and he finally realized why. He finally realized the message the Stone was trying to tell him:

That he’ll never be happy until Damon is out of his life for good.

But, come on. This is Stefan Salvatore. He has Hero Hair. And he ended the hour by assuring Damon that he’ll never leave him, that the two are stuck together for life.

It was a very sweet sentiment, but Damon couldn’t exactly appreciate it in that moment.

And here’s why:

Still haunted himself by his experience in the Stone, Damon kept seeing his Civil War friend everywhere. The dude kept harassing Damon about how he’s truly a monster and how it was his job to bring the monster back out.

So, to rid himself of this pseudo stalker, Damon poured gasoline all over his body and set it afire.

But this was the problem with that plan: Damon actually set ELENA’s BODY on fire!

Tyler (randomly in town for Caroline’s baby shower) agreed to take Damon to visit his unconscious girlfriend, only for Damon to see his hallucination instead of Elena.

He then knocked Tyler out and set the body ablaze, only to later realize it was Elena all along.

He couldn’t bring himself to tell Stefan what happened and now we’re left to wonder: is Elena’s body really burned to a crisp?!?

Elsewhere this week:

  • Caroline learned that Alaric was planning to get a job in Texas and raise his twins there. Makes perfect sense as far as wanting to keep them safe, but this made Caroline very sad. She has grown attached to those twins.

  • Julian has turned Mystic Falls into one crazy, constant, violent party town, letting his Heretics run loose.

  • We learned about The Huntress: the Phoenix Stone sword belongs to her and she will stop at nothing to track down those who have been stabbed with it. And she’s on her way to Mystic Falls.

  • Might she be the cop who pulled over Matt for drunk driving and who found his collection of weapons in his truck?

  • We ask because the flash forward to three years from now featured Matt teaming up WITH The Huntress, letting Caroline go free but admitting that he’s helping The Huntress go after Stefan.

That’s a lot to digest.

Go watch The Vampire Diaries online if you need to catch up and sound off below on a great episode.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Kim Kardashian, Matt Damon Explore Uranus in Hilarious Martian Parody

As you may have heard, Matt Damon"s The Martian crushed it at the box office this week, becoming one of the biggest October releases in Hollywood history.

So we expected some parodies to begin popping up immediately. We didn"t, however, expect them to involve Kim Kardashian"s famous butt.

Kim" cameo in this Ellen sketch is brief, but it involves butt stuff, so obviously it"s funny. Note the way a very pregnant Kim tries and fails to conceal her growing baby bump with a lab coat.

Yes, Kim plays a scientist. That might actually be funnier than all the Uranus jokes in the universe.

Kim kardashian matt damon explore uranus in hilarious martian pa

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Matt Damon & James Corden Rob A Lot Of Casinos As They Act Out All Of His Films — Watch HERE!

This is PERFECT!

Matt Damon‘s been in the news a lot recently, especially with his upcoming flick The Martian due to hit theaters soon.

Damon’s definitely been having fun on the press rounds whether he’s dancing or talking about playing a superhero. Unfortunately, he’s also had some controversy as well regarding his comments about diversity as well as gay actors coming out.

Video: Jimmy Kimmel & Matt Damon Attempt To Fix Their Decade Long ‘Feud’

The good news is, the 44-year-old has given us more of what we LOVE about him — good old fashion fun!

Last night, he stopped by The Late Late Show to chat it up with James Corden and while he was there, the two acted out most of the actor’s films!

We thought Corden’s same skit with Arnold Schwarzenegger was AH-Mazing and this is just as good!

So ch-ch-check out Matt and James perform everything from Ocean’s Eleven to the Bourne trilogy in under eight minutes (below)!

[Image via CBS.]

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Matt Damon -- I"m All About Diversity ... My Show Took Me Out of Context


breaking news


Matt Damon is apologizing for his comments about diversity in Hollywood, and he’s blaming “Project Greenlight“ – the show HE produces — for editing down his comments and making him seem insensitive.

Damon says, “I believe deeply that there need to be more diverse filmmakers making movies. I want every young person watching “Project Greenlight” to believe that filmmaking is a viable form of creative expression for them too.” 

He also says the comment he made to Effie Brown — that films need diverse actors, and not necessarily directors and producers — were taken out of context.

“My comments were part of a much broader conversation about diversity in Hollywood and the fundamental nature of “Project Greenlight” which did not make the show. I am sorry that they offended some people, but, at the very least, I am happy that they started a conversation about diversity in Hollywood.”

It’s just a little odd, since Matt is an executive producer of ‘Greenlight.’ You’d think he’d have a say in how he gets edited.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Matt Damon -- Who Needs Racial Diversity Behind the Camera? (VIDEO)


Matt Damon says diversity is a good thing to see on the big screen, but it’s not really necessary in movie board rooms … and that has some black filmmakers really pissed off.

On Sunday’s episode of “Project Greenlight” — the show where he and Ben Affleck help guide would-be movie makers into making flicks — Matt and black filmmaker Effie Brown were discussing a script in which a black prostitute was featured. 

Effie said it was important to have diversity among the filmmakers so the character could be accurately and sensitively portrayed. Matt scoffed, saying diversity should only go so far.

He’s getting hammered on Twitter, with some saying his white privilege was showing. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Matt Damon Says Jason Bourne Could Beat Up Ben Affleck"s Batman! FRIENDSHIP OVER??

Na na na na na na na na… DAMON!

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck aren’t just Hollywood A-listers, they’re lifelong besties! But this bold statement could change all that!

Even though Matt claims he hasn’t asked Ben about Batman — or heard the Batman voice yet — he still has his own ideas about Ben’s upcoming Batman V Superman flick — specifically how tough Batman is!

[ Related: Batman Takes Over For Taylor Swift In HIGHlarious Music Video Parody! ]

The Bourne actor revealed in an interview that:

“Jason Bourne would kick the s**t out of Batman – absolutely!”

Whoa! Don’t get overconfident about your supremacy just yet! Matt did add:

“Batman’s gotta take on Superman first. If he could beat him then maybe he could take on Jason Bourne.”

Not that we TOTALLY agree with.

Damon has been playing Bourne for over 13 years now, so he might just have the upper hand against his friend and Good Will Hunting co-star — if they fought for real that is.

[ Related: Would Tom Hardy Return For More Batman Movies? ]

Damon was also asked about the possibility of signing on to a superhero flick, to which he responded:

“I think they’re kind of out of superheroes. Ben’s going to be like the sixth or seventh Batman, so I don’t think there’s really any left. So I’m good. Jason Bourne is my superhero.”

We’re not sure that Damon won’t become a superhero at some point down the road, but until then, we’ll TOTALLY settle for another Bourne movie — which happens to be due out July 29, 2016!

What do you think? Could Damon’s Bourne take Affleck’s Batman in a fight?


[Image via Twitter.]