Showing posts with label Diaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diaries. Show all posts

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 7 Recap: Best Thanksgiving Ever?

Two lives began anew on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 7.

While Lily finally realized what her sons have been trying to tell her for weeks: another life must come to an end.

First, let’s cut to the future:

THREE YEARS FROM NOW… Damon and Alaric race to the TV studio to rescue Caroline from the mysterious villain on the war path, whose aim is especially set on Stefan.

But as Damon enters, he notices that Caroline isn’t really there. The distress call they witnessed on the news was taped from somewhere else.

He then gets shot by many darts many times in the back. Ouch. Down goes Damo.

Back in present day, Stefan and Damon hold Lily hostage and bring her back to 1863. They remind her that she was once married to a monster in Giuseppe and now she’s with a monster again in Julian.

Except Lily amends her sons’ memories.

She explains that she was well aware of Giuseppe’s violent side; she only stayed with him to protect her sons.

Overall, Lily has been an outstanding addition to The Vampire Diaries Season 7. She’s the perfect example of a morally grey character.

Although now she’s seeing things in black and white.

By the end of the hour, after Julian has fought Enzo with a sword even though his life is now linked to Lily’s (and after he has taken from Enzo some sort of magical sword that can kill an immortal when used with The Phoenix Stone), Lily realizes just how dangerous he is.

She believes that he killed Valerie’s baby and she tells the Salvatore siblings that she has a plan for killing him once and for all.

Elsewhere, Matt stumbles upon more compelled residents of Mystic Falls. They are being fed food and blood, fattened up for some mysterious reason.

He tells Bonnie that he talked to Jeremy and Tyler and has a plan of his own.

Finally, Caroline and Alaric learn that Valerie was right all along: She’s pregnant! With twins! EEEK!

The show will take next week off for Thanksgiving and then return with The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 8 on Thursday, December 3.

Here’s your first look at what to expect from it:

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Trailer: Best. Thanksgiving. EVER!

Mother dearest? Or mother… fear us?

On The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 7, Damon and Stefan will be a united front. They will have one mission and one mission only on their minds:

Convincing Lily that Julian is bad news. Terrible news. Really, the worst news possible.

Based on the following promo, it appears as if the brothers Salvatore will apprehend their mother in order to make this point, reminding her of some painful childhood memories in the process.

Will this be enough to get through to Lily? Is there any way at all that she would turn on the supposed love of her life?

And what is the "dark secret" Lily will reveal to her sons that may change the game, according to the official CW synopsis?

Look for Enzo to challenge Julian to a duel on this installment, while we also learn exactly how Lily and the Heretics have chosen to protect their patriarch.

Elsewhere, Matt will find himself in the middle of a deepening mystery involving the residents of Mystic Falls, as we saw on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 6 when he witnessed a classroom full of compelled students.

Also: Caroline’s world will be turned upside down when Valerie reveals some life-changing news to her. 

Yup. We"d definitely call the carrying of your friend"s twins in your womb as "life-changing news," wouldn"t you?

Check out the following footage now and see why Damon thinks this will be the "best Thanksgiving EVER."

The vampire diaries season 7 episode 7 trailer

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 6 Recap: Who"s for Dinner?

Lily hosted a dinner party on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 6.

And what was on the menu? A surprising serving of bait.

Because this installment was all about a bait… and switch!

See, promos and pre-episode hype all centered on the aforementioned shindig, a gathering meant to introduce Julian to his fellow Mystic Falls residents and bring peace to this sparse town.

Stefan, of course wanted to kill Julian right away for what he did to Valerie; while Damon wanted to drag out Lily’s happiness and hope and THEN drive a stake through Julian’s heart.

But after Stefan tried to failed to kill Julian, he confessed the whole baby thing to Damon and the brothers are now united.

Damon is totally down to kill Julian at Stefan’s say-so.

Elsewhere in this storyline, Julian tempted Mary-Louise by telling her it’s okay to feed on a maid and also admitted to Bo that something is off with him.

He’s crazy blood thirsty and power hungry and he told Lily that he needs protection of some kind from her sons. She said his plan (whatever it may be) will require the help of the entire family.

That was all well and good and interesting and all, but here’s where the switch came into play:

The true shocker of the night, the one that has counting down the seconds until The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 7, was this:


Because of course she is, right?

See, Valerie determined that the member of the Gemini Coven were chanting a spell at Alaric and Jo’s wedding that would keep the twins alive.

She then used a locator spell and.. presto! She ended the hour by telling Caroline that she’s somehow carrying these kids.

Which sort of explains this week’s flash forward: it revealed Caroline and Alaric are engaged – and it gave us a look at a bloodied Caroline appearing on TV, telling Stefan to show himself at the behest of some unknown villain.

And in case all that was not enough to handle, Matt and Bonnie stumbled upon a classroom of compelled students, all, of whom had IVs in their arms.

Creepy! Mysterious!

Go ahead and watch The Vampire Diaries online if you need to catch up and check out a preview for next Thursday night:

Friday, November 6, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Episode Teaser: Dinner with the Devil

As teased in the following promo, Lily will host a dinner party on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 6.

She"ll attempt to broker peace between the Heretics and her kids, specifically between the resurrected love of her life and Damon and Stefan.

Little does Lily know, however, that Damon and Stefan both have some pretty legitimate reasons to want Julian very much dead… for good this time.

Damon wants revenge for Lily telling Kai to spell Elena, while Stefan wants revenge for what Julian did to Valerie way back in the day.

And what"s that they say about revenge? How is it best served? Cold?

Consider the title of this upcoming installment, "Best Served Cold."

According to the official network synopsis, however, the brothers will clash over the best way to handle (read: kill) Julian, while Bonnie and Matt will uncover an unusual mystery involving some unsuspecting residents.

Also, a crushing revelation will cause Alaric to reach his breaking point. A revelation about Jo, we presume.

So far through The Vampire Diaries Season 7, the Heretics have been a welcome addition to the series, haven"t they?

The group has provided the show with fresh blood (pun intended!) and many new storylines.

Alliances continue to shift, flashbacks continue to shed new light on various characters and few viewers out there are really missing Elena as a result of this interesting shift.

Check out the following CW promo to see what"s on tap and prepare for Season 7 Episode 6 to air on Thursday, November 12 at 8/7c.

The vampire diaries season 7 episode 6 teaser

Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 5 Recap: Phoenix Rising

All aboard the crazy train!

Sides were chosen on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 5, as multiple truths came to light and the Salvatore brothers once again found themselves aligned for a common cause:

The cold, brutal, violent, painful death of Julian.

We learned this week that The Phoenix Stone does not, in actuality, bring anyone back from the dead.

On the contrary, it fills a corpse with the spirit of a dark vampire who had been stuck in said Stone; meaning Oscar was not Oscar and Jo was not Jo.

Bonnie broke this sad news to Alaric, who fought back tears in front of Non-Jo and agreed to help her discover who actual identity.

She seems lost and lonely and confused in this news world, though it’s unclear if that’s some kind of act or really what is going on with the creature who inhabits who formerly pregnant and stabbed body.

Non-Oscar, meanwhile, met his demise at the hands of Enzo, who confronted Lily with everything he knew.

Lily responded with a full understanding of how the Stone works, telling Enzo she chooses it (and, by extension, Julian) over him because Julian’s spirit is actually one of the ones stuck in that nefarious rock.

If used properly, she really can bring Julian back from the dead with it… and that’s how we concluded the episode, with Nora and Mary Louise helping Lily use the Stone to match locked-up spirit with its true body.

So Julian is now alive again, but Damon and Stefan will both be looking to kill him very dead on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 6, each for a different reason:

  • Damon discovered that Lily was the one who told Kai to enact that whole sleeping curse on Elena.

  • Valerie came clean to Stefan about what Julian did to her, beating the baby she shared out of her womb all those years ago.

What will that latter admission mean for the future of Staroline? We shudder to think

In Flash Forward World, Bonnie confessed to a support group that she made a mistake a long time ago and “lost” someone she loved as a result.

Who might that be?!?

As you ponder those possibilities, ponder this as well: three years in the future, we also saw Enzo meet up with Bonnie inside some kind of rehab center, tell her things are pretty bad outside… and then totally make out with her!


Check out scenes from next week’s installment and go watch The Vampire Diaries online if you need to catch up before then.

Friday, October 30, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Teaser: A Romance Reignited?

After sealing the deal on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 4 (if you know what we mean!), Stefan and Caroline will be apart from one another next Thursday night.

That"s because Caroline will let Stefan spend time with the first love of his life, the woman who was actually carrying his child at one point.

What will happen when he and Valerie catch up on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 5? Will Caroline regret giving her boyfriend this kind of freedom?

Will old flames be reignited?

That"s the main question teased in the following trailer for "Live Through This," but let"s take a look at what else fans can expect before viewing the preview.

Damon will attempt to turn over a new leaf, no longer wallowing over the pain of Elena’s quasi death and trying to do right by his unconscious girlfriend.

Lily, meanwhile, will prepare for the arrival of Julian, while Enzo will be unsure what to expect from this mysterious figure.

He and Bonnie will also find themselves at odds when they are forced to fend off a violent threat and, finally, when Bonnie discovers some disturbing information involving the Phoenix stone, she is forced to confront Alaric.

Hmmm… we wonder if that"s a reference to Jo. Who just happens to have been brought back to life. And is maybe the mother of Alaric"s twins in three years? Maybe? Possibly?

It remains unclear at this point, which is part of the fun.

What will this mean going forward? Check out the trailer, watch The Vampire Diaries online if you need to catch up and tune in on November 5 at 8/7c on The CW.

The vampire diaries season 7 episode 5 teaser

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 4 Recap: Bring Me to Life

Many lives were lost, two lives were resurrected and one life may be starting anew as a result of events on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 4.

Ready to run all this down?

We’ll start THREE YEARS IN THE FUTURE just to get that over with:

Alaric is the dad to twin girls! There’s no mention of a wife or a mother, just a figure standing in the doorway that scares him and his daughters.

It’s Damon. Alaric says he must be there because someone died. Damon says that will be the case soon if Alaric doesn’t do exactly what he says.


Damon discovers that Oscar has been killed, making up some story to Nora and Mary Louise that he’s gone missing; a story they do not buy and which leads them to kill a Whitemore student every hour until Oscar turns up.

Cue Stefan and Caroline trying to keep an eye on them by making them want to attend a Heaven and Hell college dance.

At the dance, Nora and Mary Louise have it out over how the former has adjusted well to modern times, but the latter is struggling and figuratively smuggling the former.

It’s actually a nice few moments, giving fans insight into this relationship and these characters.

There’s definite potential for the Heretics to end up like The Originals and their presence has already opened up the world of Mystic Falls in a much needed way.

Nora and Mary Louise make up in the end, sharing a slow dance after Stefan and Caroline teamed up to force Nora to siphon away Valerie’s vervain spell.

Stefan can now touch his girlfriend… and touch her he does! They totally have sex.

While this is taking place, Damon takes Oscar to the morgue and Bonnie successfully brings him back to life with The Phoenix Stone, though he seems to have no memory and is REALLY hungry now that he’s alive again.

But Damon does successfully return him to Lily and receive Elena’s coffin in exchange.

Lily gives her son a speech about how he needs to find out who he is without Elena at some point, prompting Damon to drink a lot of wine… write in his journal… and then send Elena’s coffin off with Tyler.

Random, right? But maybe that explains why Damon is in Brooklyn in three years. Perhaps he chose to sleep next to Elena until she wakes up.

Speaking of waking up: we end the episode with Bonnie also using the Stone to bring Jo back to life. It cuts to black as soon as her eyes open.

Whoa there! What will this mean on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 5?

We’ll be tuning in to find out. And you should be heading to TV Fanatic to watch The Vampire Diaries online if you missed any of the action.

Friday, October 23, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Episode Promo: A Night of Terror

It all seemed to be going so well for Damon Salvatore at the close of The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 3.

With the help of Bonnie and Alaric, he had successfully captured Oscar and then called Lily to offer a swap of one Heretic for one Elena-based coffin.

But then Valerie put a major dent in this plan by killing her quasi brother at the very end of the hour, afraid he would bring mortal enemy Julian back into her life.

So, where will this leave Damon on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 4?

Scrambling to come up with a new plan, one that involves The Phoenix Stone and actually bringing Oscar back to life in order to pretend as if he never died.

There"s no way anything goes wrong with that idea, right? What"s that? No? We"re wrong? A lot is about to go wrong with that plan? Oh, our bad.

The following teaser speaks of a "Night of Terror," one that will find Caroline and Stefan attending a college dance and Damon desperately trying to make his hostage negotiation work.

There"s also a bus full of tourists who appear to be in for a lot more than they bargained for upon signing up for a Halloween-themed ride.

See what we mean now and don"t forget to visitt TV Fanatic if you desire to watch The Vampire Diaries online at any time.

The vampire diaries season 7 episode 4 promo

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 3 Recap: Three for the Road

Viewers were taken on a pair of trips on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 3.

First, Damon and his two besties (Bonnie and Alaric) learned that Lily’s missing Heretic, Oscar, was in Myrtle Beach. They tracked him down with the goal of trading him for Elena’s body.

When they found Oscar, he was in a partying mood, telling the trio that he had been sent their on a mission, but decided to stick around, remain off the radar for a bit and just live life to its fullest.

Oh, and Oscar is also a siphon who was unable to rid Bonnie of her scary visions, although he did know right away that they were a result of The Phoenix Stone.

He urged the group to get rid of it.

After Bonnie yelled at Alaric for lying to her about destroying the Stone, she agreed to do whatever she could to help him try to get Jo back with it. Despite this clearly being a terrible (albeit romantic) idea.

Back to Oscar: Damon, Bonnie and Alaric eventually apprehended him, which led to Damon calling Lily and making the offer of trading him for Elena.

But we closed the episode with Valerie using a locator spell to find Oscar, discover that he was sent by Lily to find someone named Julien and then kill him because she cannot deal with every seeing Julien ever again.

And just who is Julien?

We spent a lot of time this week in 1863, going over the love story that featured Stefan and Valerie.

She had been sent by Lily to check on Stefan, to simply make sure he was doing okay, but then she fell in love with him. She was his first (his first you know what, that is!), but she got whisked away by Lily’s boyfriend soon after getting together with Stefan.

That boyfriend was Julien. He made Valerie leave with him for Europe and then he intercepted her when she made an attempt to return to Stefan.

She did so because she was pregnant with his child (unbeknownst to Stefan)… but that didn’t last long, tragically.

Julien beat Valerie within an inch of her life, killing the unborn baby in the process and then dragging Valerie away to Europe, where he told Lily that he found her on the street like that.

So it makes sense that Valerie does not want Julien back in the picture now, that’s for sure.

In the present day, Valerie killing Oscar will cause quite the problem for Damon and his plan to get Elena back; while Valerie also told this entire tale to Caroline, but Lily eventually let her go and Stefan made it clear that his past with Valerie is very much in the past.

But what about the future? No, not The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 4. We’ll get to that next Thursday.

The flash forward we saw, however, featured Stefan calling Tyler (yes, Tyler!) and telling him to warn Caroline because his scar had returned and Caroline was not returning his calls.

Tyler seemed to understand what this meant right away, not that the viewers really have much of a clue at the moment.

Check out the following promo to see what’s on tap and go watch The Vampire Diaries online via TV Fanatic if you need to catch up.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 2 Recap: Lily"s Revenge

Caroline Forbes had it pretty rough on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 2, both in the present and in the future.

Oh, yes, we jumped ahead three years once again this week.

After seeing Stefan and Damon on the run in Brooklyn during The Vampire Diaries Season 7 opener, this flash forward revealed that Caroline is working as a television producer in Dallas.

She’s engaged to someone who wants to take her back to Mystic Falls, according to her assistant who took down the message, but this someone is NOT Stefan.

We know this because the assistant later says Stefan also called and Caroline makes it clear she never wants to hear that name ever again.

Confusing enough? Now add this to the mix: the hour ended with the assistant and Caroline both shot with some kind of arrow.

In present day Mystic Falls, meanwhile, Caroline was held captive and tortured by Mary-Louise.

At one point, it seemed as if Valerie swooped in to help Caroline, turning her skin into vervain and making it impossible for Mary-Louise to hurt her.

But is she really Caroline’s friend? Still abducted, held in the Salvatore mansion, Nora gave Caroline Stefan’s old journal, which she said Valerie swapped back in 1903.

She pointed Caroline to an entry from 1863 in which Stefan wrote about meeting the girl of his dreams. Her name was Valerie.

As for the girl of Damon’s dreams, Lily retaliated against Damon killing Malcolm by stealing Elena’s body.

She won’t tell Damon where it is unless he flees town forever, but Damon told Stefan he has a counterplan: go back to 1903, find the sixth Heretic who did not make it back to present day and arrange a swap of him or her for Elena.

Good luck with that one, dude!

There were two other love stories briefly featured during the hour:

  • Enzo told Lily he has feelings for her. Yes, those kind of feelings!

  • Alaric showed Bonnie something called The Phoenix Stone. He wanted to use it to bring Jo back to life, but she touched it and warned him against its VERY evil power… which we later witnessed when Alaric put it on a corpse’s body and it started to rise up from the dead.

Where will all this go on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 3? What does it mean that Stefan knew Valerie way back in the day?

What the heck is the deal with Alaric (black) magic stone?!? It looks like we may start to get the answer next Thursday night:

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Promo: A Broken Truce

A true has been broken on The Vampire Diaries Season 7.

Now what?!?

We all saw on the season premiere how the Heretics have literally taken over Mystic Falls. They even forced Stefan and friends to evacuate their fellow residents. Oh, and they kidnapped Caroline.

Where will things go from here on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 2?

Nowhere positive for Caroline, that"s for certain.

Check out the official CW teaser for "Never Let Me Go" and sound off: Will you keep watching this show even without Nina Dobrev around as Elena?

The vampire diaries promo never let me go

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 1 Recap: There Goes the Neighborhood

Elena Gilbert, who?!?

Okay, that may be an exaggeration. It may still take us awhile to fully adjust to life in Mystic Falls without Nina Dobrev’s beloved character.

But The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 1 gave us plenty to focus on while Damon waits many decades to be reunited with his sleeping girlfriend.

The Heretics have very much arrived… and they mean sinister business.

Not Lily, though. Damon and Stefan’s mother spent most of the premiere trying to make peace, trying to teach her proteges how to simply fit in to this new world.

But that’s never an easy task for a vampire, especially not after Stefan, Matt and Caroline try to do away with the Heretics for good by blowing up their house.

This plan backfires, however, after the Heretics survive… and get really angry in response.

They kill numerous residents at a town square gathering (where Matt receives his police badge, hooray!), forcing Stefan to come up with a new plan in order to keep everyone safe.

He actually makes up a story about imminent (non-vampire-related) danger and goes about evacuating Mystic Falls. Stefan strikes a deal with Lily that basically puts the Heretics in charge (heck, they move in to the Salvatore mansion!), as long as they promise not to go after Stefan and his friends.

But then Damon arrives home from a drunk trip to Europe.

He went there to drink away his sadness over Elena, while Alaric joined him to do the same regarding Jo’s death. Oh, and Bonnie served as their chaperone.

After viewers learned that Alaric has stolen some kind of mystical item (one desired by Lily) and, behind Damon’s back, is somehow trying to bring Jo back to life… Damon and Bonnie returned to their sparse hometown.

Not a fan of Stefan and Lily’s peace accord, they teamed up to kill Malcolm, a Heretic especially close to Lily.

We can only imagine the ramifications this will have on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 2.


  • Enzo chose a side… and he made the wrong choice. Toward the end of the hour, he knocked out Caroline with a syringe.

  • We opened the episode with a flash forward to three years from now in Brooklyn. And we saw a panicked Stefan wake up a sleeping Damon from his coffin.

  • For what reason? Well, we closed the episode with the brothers on the run from a woman equipped with some impressive weapons.

  • We also see that Stefan now has a tattoo, the same tattoo a mute Heretic named Beau has, and that it’s coming alive in this woman’s presence. WTF?!?!?

Is the woman after them Lily? Why are the Salvatores in Brooklyn? What the heck is going on here?!?

Go watch The Vampire Diaries online to see if you can make sense of these flash forwards and then sound off: What do you think of the Heretics? Of what Alaric is trying to do? 

Of The Vampire Diaries without Elena? Will you continue to tune in?

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Poster: So Long, Mystic Falls?

To conclude The Vampire Diaries Season 6, Damon and Stefan Salvatore were forced to say goodbye to Elena Gilbert.

To kick off The Vampire Diaries Season 7, might they have to say goodbye to their hometown?

The CW has unveiled its official poster for new episodes of this long-running drama, and it makes a clear reference to Nona Dibrev’s departed character via the tagline “Heartbreak is Eternal.”

But it also depicts Stefan and Damon walking away from Mystic Falls.

When we last left the series in May, of course, there appeared to have been a quick time jump and Mystic Falls appeared to be essentially abandoned.

We can only presume this is due to the presence of Lily and her Heretics.

Look for them to be fully in charge when The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 1 airs on Thursday, October 8 and also look for the action to briefly shift to Brooklyn.

We’ll see Alaric dealing with Jo’s death in an unusual manner, along with Damon drinking a lot and some movement on the Staroline front.

As for what we want to see? We’ve come up with the following wish list:

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Vampire Diaries Alum Kayla Ewell Is Officially Married!

And another Vampire Diaries star ties the knot!

On Saturday,Vampire Diaries alum Kayla Ewell married her longtime boyfriend, Tanner Novlan in Los Angeles. The two first got engaged in December 2014.

[ Related: New Details (& Pics) Emerge About Nikki Reed & Ian Somerhalder’s Oh So Secretive Nuptials! ]

According to sources, the event was an intimate soiree held in downtown El Lay and it took place just a few weeks after Kayla’s 30th birthday. Aww, what a great b-day present!

We wonder how her ex co-star and ex-boyfriend, Kellan Lutz, is taking the news! The pair did date for two years, after all!

A big congrats goes out to the happy couple!

[Image via Instagram.]

Friday, September 11, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Promo: New Enemies, New Stakes

The CW has released the first promo for The Vampire Diaries Season 7.

And this 60-second trailer makes one thing abundantly clear: things in Mystic Falls will never be the same.

We see Lily and her family of Heretics taking over Mystic Falls, apparently having struck some kind of deal with the residents there.

But Damon isn"t a fan of the deal, and it becomes rather clear why when the bodies pile up and when Lily offers Stefan one word of motherly advice: RUN!

Elsewhere, Stefan is definitely making out with Caroline; one character is learning how to make a bomb; and there are fires, explosions and threats galore.

Look for new enemies and new stakes to emerge when The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 1 airs on Thursday, October 8.

The vampire diaries season 7 promo new enemies new stakes