Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 2 Recap: Lily"s Revenge

Caroline Forbes had it pretty rough on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 2, both in the present and in the future.

Oh, yes, we jumped ahead three years once again this week.

After seeing Stefan and Damon on the run in Brooklyn during The Vampire Diaries Season 7 opener, this flash forward revealed that Caroline is working as a television producer in Dallas.

She’s engaged to someone who wants to take her back to Mystic Falls, according to her assistant who took down the message, but this someone is NOT Stefan.

We know this because the assistant later says Stefan also called and Caroline makes it clear she never wants to hear that name ever again.

Confusing enough? Now add this to the mix: the hour ended with the assistant and Caroline both shot with some kind of arrow.

In present day Mystic Falls, meanwhile, Caroline was held captive and tortured by Mary-Louise.

At one point, it seemed as if Valerie swooped in to help Caroline, turning her skin into vervain and making it impossible for Mary-Louise to hurt her.

But is she really Caroline’s friend? Still abducted, held in the Salvatore mansion, Nora gave Caroline Stefan’s old journal, which she said Valerie swapped back in 1903.

She pointed Caroline to an entry from 1863 in which Stefan wrote about meeting the girl of his dreams. Her name was Valerie.

As for the girl of Damon’s dreams, Lily retaliated against Damon killing Malcolm by stealing Elena’s body.

She won’t tell Damon where it is unless he flees town forever, but Damon told Stefan he has a counterplan: go back to 1903, find the sixth Heretic who did not make it back to present day and arrange a swap of him or her for Elena.

Good luck with that one, dude!

There were two other love stories briefly featured during the hour:

  • Enzo told Lily he has feelings for her. Yes, those kind of feelings!

  • Alaric showed Bonnie something called The Phoenix Stone. He wanted to use it to bring Jo back to life, but she touched it and warned him against its VERY evil power… which we later witnessed when Alaric put it on a corpse’s body and it started to rise up from the dead.

Where will all this go on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 3? What does it mean that Stefan knew Valerie way back in the day?

What the heck is the deal with Alaric (black) magic stone?!? It looks like we may start to get the answer next Thursday night: