Showing posts with label Dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dream. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2017

Rob Kardashian and Dream: Totally Twinning!

Remember that rumor about Pilot Jones?

At some point last year, tabloids reported that this random actor had knocked up Blac Chyna and that Rob Kardashian was not, actually, the father of his fiancee’s impending child.

It was an bombshell allegation, one that Blac Chyna responded to in threatening fashion.

She called the story “bullsh-t” and she said she would “smack” anyone who reported otherwise.

But now Rob has made sure no one ever utters such nonsense ever again.

In a new photo shared to his Instagram account, Rob has posted a snapshot of himself as a young boy alongside a snapshot of his two-month old daughter.

Can you even tell which is which?!?

(SPOILER ALERT: Rob is on the left and Dream is on the right.)

There’s no point in discussing Pilot Jones anymore, is there?

We’re pretty sure this is all the evidence we need to know for certain that Rob is the biological father of little Dream.

“She is definitely her daddy’s daughter,” wrote one of Rob’s followers, while another chimed in with a single, appropriate word:


The father/daughter likeness really was evident from the day little Dream was born in November.

Even Kim Kardashian had to point out “she looks just like Rob” when Blac Chyna and her fiancé FaceTimed from the hospital, as you can see in the GIF above.

How precious, right?

Soon after Dream entered the world, Rob also gushed over how much the newborn reminded him of his dad, Robert Kardashian, who sadly died long before his granddaughter became a person.

“Pops sent us an angel. It’s truly a blessing. He’s happier than anyone on this day,” Kardashian wrote on social media a couple months ago.

He included the following image with this message.

And even if you dislike members of this famous family, you must admit: it’s pretty moving stuff.

dream and robert

Similarly moving has been how affected Rob has seemed by fatherhood.

Yes, the guy has had his issues.

Yes, he and Chyna seem like the most unstable couple in Hollywood.

But Rob has shared an endless number of Dream photos online and he can’t stop saying nice things about her and the entire experience to far via Twitter and Instagram.

Take the following cute picture, for example:

And now consider his caption to it:

I wanted a boy so bad and now that I got my girl I am so Thankful and Happy for her and wouldn’t want it any other way ! She is the best and I love her so much and I thank God every day for her cuz she is the best and she is my best friend 🙂

LOL I love her so much.

Let’s just hope that Rob and Chyna continue to keep things in perspective, realizing how lucky they are to have a happy and healthy child at home.

It ought to be enough to prevent them from breaking up every other week, but who are we kidding?

In the world of the Kardashians, reality TV ratings are often considered more important than proper parenting.

And scandal sells.

But look at Dream’s face, Rob and Blac!

Keep that adorable mug in mind the next time a producer tells you to stage a fight, okay?


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Khloe Kardashian Makes Dream Kardashian Smile: See The Pics!

It would be a huge understatement to say that Khloe and Rob Kardashian have had their fair share of feuds.

The pair have been known to bicker about pretty much anything. 

Fortunately, it seems like the arrival of Rob’s first child has helped them actually act like family to each other.

Bringing a child into the world when there’s a lot of conflict with family members is just cruel. 

The Kardashian klan are notorious for taking over the headlines, but at least this time it’s showing that they can actually function together as a family. 

Khloe took to Instagram on Tuesday to show off a picture of herself and Dream.

In the picture, both of them can be seen smiling. 

Kylie Jenner was present in the picture and it looked like Dream was laughing at Kylie’s lips. Maybe the kid was thinking to herself, “They ain’t real.” 

Already, Dream seems like a great addition to the family. It’s just sad that the kid will probably witness her parents bickering for much of her life. 

There’s just no telling when Rob and Chyna are going to call it quits for good. It definitely feels like something that’s on the horizon. 

If you recall, their most recent split up was in December and Rob took to Instagram to reveal that Chyna felt the need to take everything and ditch him. 

As much as they tried to refute claims that it was a publicity stunt, the proof was definitely in the pudding.

Their tacky reality show had just been renewed, so it would have constructed a perfect little narrative for the few fans who still think the franchise is real. 

Back to Khloe. There has been a lot of rumors recently that she is expecting a little child of her own with Tristan Thompson, but nothing has materialized as of yet. 

There’s also word that their relationship could be on the rocks, but there’s been no confirmation of that.

Maybe Khloe is ready to take Lamar Odom back, or something. 

Kidding aside, we hope things are going great between Khloe and Tristan, but she’s stopped sharing snaps of the pair on Instagram, so that could be a red flag. 

There’s also the very real possibility that Khloe just wants to use Instagram to promote Revenge Body With Khloe Kardashian and share pictures of babies. 

Maybe that’s a subtle hint to Tristan that she wants a bun in her oven. 


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Les Moonves Gives His Dream Super Bowl Matchup (VIDEO)

Two cities are gonna be real upset … ‘cause TV super boss Les Moonves — the guy who runs CBS — is telling TMZ Sports which two teams are the best Super Bowl matchup for TV ratings. We got Moonves in L.A. with wife Julie Chen when we asked…


Les Moonves Gives His Dream Super Bowl Matchup (VIDEO)

Two cities are gonna be real upset … ‘cause TV super boss Les Moonves — the guy who runs CBS — is telling TMZ Sports which two teams are the best Super Bowl matchup for TV ratings. We got Moonves in L.A. with wife Julie Chen when we asked…


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Steph Curry Does Trick with Globetrotters ... "You Made a Dream Come True" (VIDEO)

Steph Curry became an honorary Globetrotter Tuesday night — when he got together with two of the players before the Warriors game … and finally learned to spin a basketball on his finger!  The Globetrotters are in the Bay Area for a game on…


Monday, January 9, 2017

Martin Shkreli Gets Banned From Twitter; Society Dares to Dream of a Brighter Future

As you’re probably aware, 2016 wasn’t a great year for Baby Boomer celebrities or human beings who are plagued by one of those pesky sense of decency things.

Whether it’s his fault or not is a discussion for another time, but there’s no debating that the election of Donald Trump sent a message to latent bigots and bullies, and the most vile forms of harassment or quickly becoming the norm.

Much of this behavior has taken the form of social media trolling, and naturally, some of the worst of it comes from a man who’s a literal troll IRL:

Yes, noted cancerous mole on the face of humanity Martin Shkreli has officially made the transition from trash-talk to stalking, and Twitter has responded by kicking his weaselly ass to the curb.

You might remember Shkreli as the “pharma douche” who jacked up the cost of a life-saving medication by 5,000 percent during his brief time as CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals.

Like Arthur Chu before him, Shkreli decided to extend his 15 minutes of fame by saying outrageous sh-t on Twitter.

It’s a surprisingly effective formula – until you go so far that even the surprisingly harassment-tolerant folks @Jack decides you’ve gone too far and boots you from the service.

Over the weekend, Shkreli set his sights on a Teen Vogue reporter named Lauren Duca, who dared to observe that Donald Trump psychologically manipulated voters during his presidential campaign.

It wasn’t immediately clear why Shkreli decided to go off on Duca, rather than the thousands of other reporters who have already made this observation, but eventually his disturbing motives emerged:

It seems he has a creepy, creepy thing for her, and his disturbing tweets are his way of throwing rocks at the girl he likes in the schoolyard.

Duca and her followers appealed to Twitter’s admins and eventually he was account was suspended.

We won’t even bother to reproduce Shkreli’s tweets (and yes, part of the reason for that is that his account is gone, which makes them difficult to find), but suffice it to say, low-lights included multiple confessions that he would like to “date” Duca, and a photoshop of his face on her husband’s body.

Martin Shkreli Pic

Yeah, she wasn’t overreacting by being creeped out.

In fact, she wouldn’t be overreacting if she filed for an order of protection.

Fortunately, Duca may not have to worry about Shkreli showing up outside her apartment with a heart full of longing and a boombox full of unreleased Lil Wayne tracks for much longer. 

Back in December of 2015, Shkreli was arrested for securities fraud, and he’s set to stand trial in June.

Something tells us his antics won’t play so cute in Rikers.


Monday, December 12, 2016

Kylie Jenner Snuggles Dream Kardashian, Warms Hearts Everywhere

Hope you’re ready to see a side of Kylie Jenner you’ve never seen before!

No, not like that, you pervs.

You may not be seeing any physical side of Kylie that you’ve never seen before (is there a side we’ve never seen before?), but what you are seeing is even better.

It’s deeper, it’s more meaningful, and it’s a whole hell of a lot more adorable.

It’s Kylie being the best aunt ever to little Dream Kardashian!

Yeah, Kylie’s still got her boobs out, and sure, she’s looking at her phone and not at the baby, but this is still some good quality time, right?

At the very least, it’s a nice change of pace from everything else she’s done lately — everything else just being nearly nude photo shoots, really.

Kylie must have been spending time with little Dream to celebrate her big milestone: Saturday was Dream’s one month birthday!

Look how big she’s getting! And all that hair! And those big eyes! And all that cuteness!

It’s hard to believe that a whole month has already gone by since Blac Chyna have birth to this tiny, precious little human, but it’s even harder to believe that this whole entire time, Rob Kardashian has been a doting father with not one single meltdown.

It all seems like — dare we say — a dream.

Yes, along with this gorgeous baby, Chyna and Rob have also given the world a lifetime of stupid jokes about the poor kid’s name.

This whole miracle is honestly just a gift, and a gift that keeps on giving at that.

For real though, just look at this little face:

If we were Kylie, we’d pull up our Snapchats and pull out our boobs so we could get some cuddles while still getting that attention, too.

And if it seems like we’re devolving into a barely coherent blob of heart-eyes and ovaries and “cool, boobs!”, well, that’s because we are.

Can you really blame us?


Saturday, December 10, 2016

First Look At Kylie Jenner With Dream Kardashian (VIDEO)

Kylie Jenner’s maternal instinct might start to kick in early — it’s the first time we’ve seen her hold Dream Kardashian — and she’s doin’ it like a pro. Kylie posted the vid Saturday with her newest niece, and while it’s unclear whether Rob or…


Friday, December 9, 2016

Rob Kardashian Meets Dream: Watch! Smile!

Rob Kardashian is a father.

For long-time celebrity gossip followers, this remains a difficult fact to comprehend. Also: a frightening one.

This is someone who has had trouble taking care of himself, after all, and now he"s been tasked with taking care of a tiny human being. It"s a daunting task for even the most level-headed person out there.

But it"s all real now, as Blac Chyna gave birth to a girl named Dream Kardashian in November.

The new parents seem totally and completely in love with their child, based on their non-stop posts, photos and messages on social media.

And also based on what we"ve seen so far from Rob & Chyna Baby Special.

This unique program will air on Sunday, December 18 at 8/7c on E! and it will take fans behind the scene"s of Chyna"s labor, Dream"s birth and the events that followed.

In the sneak peek below, we get a look at the couple"s baby shower, as well as a birthday party for Chyna"s four-year old son, King Cairo, and some drama between Chyna"s mom and Kris Jenner.

In the 15-second clip however, we also see Chyna lying in her hospital bed after giving birth as smiles down at his fiancée.

In the background, you can hear Kris yell out “there’s daddy!” above baby Dream’s cries.

Yup, Rob is meeting his child for the first time. WATCH NOW:

Rob kardashian meets dream watch smile

Monday, December 5, 2016

Rob Kardashian & Blac Chyna -- Birthing Dream Paid ... Where"s Our Wedding Check?

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna are all in when it comes to cashing in on their milestones as a couple … and they’re ready to start talking turkey for a TV wedding special. Sources close to the couple tell TMZ … they’re on solid ground since…


Saturday, November 19, 2016

Rob Kardashian: I"m Getting It Together for Dream!

Rob Kardashian … well, let’s just say that no one would accuse him of being the most stable person.

Less than a year ago, he was a big-time hermit, missing big occasions like Kim Kardashian’s wedding and, you know, life in the outside world.

Since he began living his entire life in his house, he’d gained a whole lot of weight, enough to be diagnosed with diabetes last December.

His family cried over him, they begged him to go to rehab, to confront his issues, to just take care of himself, just the tiniest bit, so that he could be happy again, or at least not die.

But, in the end, the only thing that even budged him in the right direction was Blac Chyna.

When he began dating her in January, he finally started going out in public again, and he lost a great deal of weight.

Last month, we even learned that he was no longer diabetic.

Unfortunately though, Chyna couldn’t completely cure all his issues. He still displayed some mighty erratic behavior, and we could never forget all the many, many bitches he kept texting during their relationship.

Basically, Rob was better, but he was still nowhere close to being good.

But now it looks like little Dream Kardashian, Rob’s baby girl, is changing everything.

He’s seemed so happy since she was born last week, so full of pride and love and good feelings.

According to a new report from People, “it’s still all about the baby.”

A source close to the couple says that Rob and Chyna “are getting along great. Chyna is recovering and ROb is doing everything to help her.”

“Rob is so in love with his daughter,” the source continues. “He doesn’t care about anything else.”

Not even texting bitches?!

“He really wants to be a family with Chyna and seems very happy,” apparently. “He wants to do everything he can to give his daughter an amazing start in life.”

And as for all those fights that he and Chyna got into during her pregnancy, all the times they broke up and stopped talking before getting back together, only to do the whole sad song and dance over again?

“He seems to really understand that chaos is very bad for his daughter,” this source explains.

“Rob has been on his best behavior and Chyna seems to be very happy with him.”

So now, at long last, Rob is finally going to give being a normal, healthy human being a chance?!

Small miracles, y’all.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Blac Chyna Poses with Dream, Prepares to Shed Weight

Blac Chyna is clearly savoring this time with her brand new daughter.

But she’s also making plans to leave that child behind.

Or to leave the weight gained while carrying that child to term behind, we should say.

First, the two-time mother and fiancee of Rob Kardashian has shared yet another precious photo of herself and her newborn baby, Dream Renee Kardashian.

Check it out here:

Chyna simply posted a sleeping emoji face for this photo’s caption.

It’s good to see she’s cherishing such a moment, however. Because babies don’t sleep very much during their first couple months of life!

But while Chyna is clearly making the most out of parenthood, she also said in a Snapchat video that she has her eyes on one particular post-pregnancy prize:

Major weight loss.

On Monday, Chyna posted a Snapchat of her healthy meal, saying on video: “I’m about to get this body back right – rice, salmon, salad.”

Which is great and all. She should absolutely want to eat healthy.

But we took up this same issue back when Kim Kardashian talked at painful length about wanting to shed her excess baby weight so soon after giving birth to Saint West.

It sets a bad example for other mothers out there.

There are more important things right now than returning to one’s former weight. You just gave birth to a human being! You were just at the center of a miracle!

Sit back. Enjoy it. Appreciate it. Savor it.

At the very least, don’t publicize your desire to get right back into shape because most mothers out there are so overwhelmed by parenthood that they simply can’t think that way.

Moreover, they may not be able to afford to think this way.

Chyna and Kim are far better off than a significant majority of people on this planet; they can afford personal chefs or personal trainers and they can pretty much set their own work schedule.

All that venting aside, Chyna and Rob look so gosh darn cute with little Dream!

It’s almost hard to believe this is the same couple that spend every episode of their reality show arguing, fighting and screaming.

Since becoming parents, it’s been impossible to wipe the smiles off their faces, with Chyna sharing a photo of her breastfeeding Dream and Rob gushing like a proud papa.

“I am so lucky!! Thank you @blacchyna for having our baby and being so strong! I love you so much and can’t wait to see her get older day by day with you Chy!” he wrote shortly after Blac Chyna gave birth.

He later added:

“I love you and Dream so much and Appreciate both of you. I know everyone saying that’s my twin but that’s def your nose Chy lol.”

New aunt Khloe Kardashian was also excited about this addition to the family, Tweeting on Thursday afternoon:

“My new niece is absolutely stunning!!! So thankful I was able to land in time to witness this miracle happen! Praise God!”

And what about Kylie Jenner?

“I can’t stop looking at her. Congrats @robkardashian @blacchyna She’s so beyond beautiful, a dream,” she wrote.

We’re yet to hear from Kim and Kanye West, but they did send Dream her very first pair of sneakers. Of the Yeezus variety, of course.

Please join us in sending Rob and Chyna your very best wishes.

And if you want to see more of Dream, don’t worry:

E! will air a Rob and Chyna baby special on Sunday, December 18. Because of course it will.


Dream Kardashian Photo Gallery: What a Cutie!

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna wasted little time in sharing photos of daughter Dream Renee with the world.

Click through pictures of the precious little girl now!

1. Dream Kardashian

Dream kardashian

Dream is here! This is a photo of Dream Kardashian, the first daughter of Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian. She’s so cute!!!!!!!

2. Dream Kardashian and Amber Rose

Dream kardashian and amber rose

Amber Rose holds Dream Kardashian in this photo. That’s the daughter of her very good friend, Blac Chyna.

3. Dream Kardashian pic

Dream kardashian pic

Dream Kardashian, daughter of Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian, is less then a day old in this photo Chyna shared on Snapchat, and she is SO CUTE.

4. Blac Chyna breastfeeding Dream

Blac chyna breastfeeding dream

Blac Chyna shares a photo of herself breastfeeding her newborn, Dream Kardashian. Technically though, Dream shared this on her very first Instagram account.

5. Rob Kardashian, Daughter

Rob kardashian daughter

Think Rob Kardashian is glad to be a father? Look at him beaming here with little Dream Kardashian.

6. Blac Chyna, Daughter

Blac chyna daughter

Blac Chyna poses here with Dream. That’s the name of her daughter. She’s very cute, isn’t it?

View Slideshow

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Blac Chyna Slammed for Sharing Dream Kardashian Breastfeeding Pic

Want to hear something cute?

Dream Kardashian, daughter of Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian, is only two days old, and she’s already got her own Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Between the two, she has just under 200,000 followers right now — oh, and her Instagram account has already been verified.

But right now, we want to talk about Dream’s very first social media post, which also happens to be her very first social media scandal.

She shared this pic — or, let’s be real, Chyna probably shared the pic, Dream won’t be able to post her own selfies until she’s at least six months old — and captioned it “Bonding time with mommy.”

Yes, that’s a picture of Blac Chyna breastfeeding her baby.

And goodness knows that will not stand.

Check out some of the disturbing comments this little family got on this sweet photo:

We don’t need to see that!! Why don’t you show us the vag she came from then?

F-cking gross u shameless money hungry ape

Poor baby is gonna get silicone poisoning gotta pray for her!

Big ass tits bruh

I don’t gotta respect no thot or her ugly ass jackpot baby … f-ck y’all lol

This sh-t is DISGUSTING … ugly ass baby & ugly ass hair tit … idc what y’all say… I ain’t gotta like it & this is the internet so I can say wtf I want on any pic I want.

So, as you can see, people are terrible and there is no hope for the future.

We are all doomed, for there is little to no goodness left in this world.

It’s not new information, but it’s still sad to hear, right?

But if you need a little bit of a palate cleanser, then just check this out:

It looks like Kim Kardashian is still kicking, even though she’s been off social media for over a month now!

She and Kanye West sent Dream two pairs of Yeezys, as well as those fancy balloons! Rob shared the photo, along with a “Thank you KimYe.”

So Kim was a little late, it seems, but she finally joined the rest of her sisters in sending Rob well wishes on his new baby girl.

His oldest sister, Kourtney Kardashian, tweeted “Feeling joyful and blessed to meet my little angel niece this morning … dream come true.”

Khloe Kardashian, probably Rob’s closest sibling, wrote “My new niece is absolutely stunning!!! So thankful I was able to land in time to witness this miracle happen! Praise God!”

Kylie Jenner came in with “I can’t stop looking at her. Congrats @robkardashian @blacchyna she’s so beyond beautiful, a dream.”

Kendall Jenner, though, still hasn’t made any kind of public comment about Dream.

What a family, huh?


Dream Kardashian -- I"m A Sucker For A Good Photo Op (PHOTO)

Dream Kardashian is taking her first few days all in … and mom’s letting everyone know it. The two DAY old fired up her very own Instagram account Saturday with a pic of some bonding time with Blac Chyna … and to say she looks content would be…


Friday, November 11, 2016

Dream Kardashian -- Wide Awake and Sooo Cuuuuuuuuute! (VIDEO)

Dream Kardashian’s stealing hearts left and right and Rob Kardashian can’t stop recording. Rob posted a video of his little one in Blac Chyna’s arms. And you gotta hear what Rob says about Dream’s haircut. #CutenessOverload 


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Dream Kardashian -- First Photo of Rob & Blac Chyna"s Kid (PHOTO)

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian proudly present their brand new baby girl … Dream Renee. Didn’t take long for the new Kardashian princess to make her debut — the pic was posted a mere 5 hours after Dream was delivered by…



Dream Kardashian has arrived!


On Thursday morning, Blac Chyna gave birth to her first daughter with Rob Kardashian, a girl who weighed in at just over seven pounds and who arrived via C-section.

They named her Dream Renee Kardashian.

A few hours after this joyous event, more and more pieces of information have leaked out regarding Dream and her introduction to the universe.

She was born at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, for instance, with Kris Jenner actually present for the delivery.

“She is gorgeous and has tons of hair!” a source tells E! News.

The network has also announced a one-hour special in December that will take us inside Chyna and Rob’s magical experience.

Now, also courtesy of E! News, we have our very first look at Dream.

Our very first precious look at Dream, we should say.


According to witnesses at the hospital, Rob looked as “excited” as one could be while Chyna was wheeled in to give birth.

She was reportedly wearing sweatpants for the occasion, as was her mother, Tokyo Toni.

There has been a lot of talk recently that Rob and Chyna are on the outs, but they were together for a co-ed baby shower in early October and insiders say they looked as comfortable and happy with each other as ever before.

“Rob and Chyna were very attentive towards one another. He kept rubbing her belly and had his arms around her and was kissing her,” E! writes.

Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian also showed up soon after Dream became a member of their family, with Kim Kardashian allegedly on her way at some point.

What about other loved ones?

“Rob told the rest of his family to stay home because he does not want a big scene,” says an insider to Radar Online, adding:

“He and Blac Chyna had to have an elaborate scheme just to get her out of the house and the last thing Rob wants is a media frenzy caused by the rest of his fame-hungry family.”

What do you think of the name Dream?

How does it compare to North and Saint?

Will you tune in for the Rob and Chyna baby special?

And just how cute is that child?!?

In conclusion, all we have to say is this:

Well done, Rob and Chyna.

Any time you feel like arguing again, please look at her precious face and realize what’s at stake here.


Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick -- Visit Baby Kardashian ... It Was All a Dream (PHOTO)

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick just got to the hospital to take their first peek at Blac Chyna and Rob’s newborn baby girl. The brand new aunt and uncle arrived together at Cedars-Sinai to meet Dream … who was welcomed into the…


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Dream Hotel Founder Vikram Chatwal -- Arrested for Dog Burning Case

Lindsay Lohan’s friend and Dream Hotel founder Vikram Chatwal was arrested by NYPD Tuesday morning for burning 2 dogs with an aerosol can and lighter. As we reported … Chatwal allegedly walked up to the dogs on a NYC street last week and opened…
