Showing posts with label Farrah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farrah. Show all posts

Monday, July 16, 2018

Farrah Abraham Charged with Battery and Resisting in Hotel Arrest

Farrah Abraham is going to have to answer for her hotel meltdown in court — ‘cause prosecutors have filed charges against the ex-‘Teen Mom’ … TMZ has learned. The L.A. District Attorney’s Office just filed 2 charges against Farrah for her…


Farrah Abraham Charged with Battery and Resisting in Hotel Arrest

Farrah Abraham is going to have to answer for her hotel meltdown in court — ‘cause prosecutors have filed charges against the ex-‘Teen Mom’ … TMZ has learned. The L.A. District Attorney’s Office just filed 2 charges against Farrah for her…


Friday, July 13, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Tyler Balitierra Sucks! Stormy Daniels Is a Hero!

It"s been an interesting week for the adult film industry.

Come to think of it, there probably aren"t too many boring weeks when you get naked in front of strangers for a living, but this one has been particularly eventful.

Two of the world"s most famous sex workers came under fire in very different ways, and they"re both speaking out in defense of themselves and their colleagues.

On Wednesday night, Stormy Daniels was arrested while performing at a strip club in Ohio.

That same day, Teen Mom OG star Tyler Baltierra criticized Farrah Abraham, his former co-star who was fired as a result of her live online sex show.

Now, Farrah is speaking out in defense of porn stars and strippers everywhere — and it"s all just as amusing and confusing as you would expect:

1. Farrah on Cam

Farrah abraham cam girl

Even though she was raking in a ton of cash from TMOG and her many side businesses, Farrah decided last year to start performing in live online sex shows.

2. The Veteran

Farrah backdoor teen mom

As fans know, it wasn’t her first foray into the adult entertainment world — Farrah has previously starred in a “sex tape” with the unforgettable title of Backdoor Teen Mom.

3. Free From Farrah

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra on dr oz

Sitting for an interview with Dr. Oz this week, Tyler Baltierra revealed that he and the rest of the cast are very glad to be free of Farrah.

4. Tyler Speaks Out

Tyler speaks out

Baltierra stated that he and the rest of the cast feel that Farrah’s lifestyle doesn’t align with the values of the show and that she served as a bad role model for TMOG’s younger audience members.

5. Team Tyler

Team tyler

Baltierra even gave a shout-out to the producers who kicked Farrah to the curb. “We had a lot of admiration and respect for how our production company handled it,” he added. “It was a good way to get it heard and do that they did.”

6. Farrah On the Warpath

Farrah abraham in a bowtie

Farrah, of course, is suing MTV’s parent company Viacom for wrongful dismissal. And she recently a completely batsh-t statement to TooFab in response to Tyler’s comments and the events of this week.

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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Farrah Abraham Undergoes Cosmetic Surgery ... Inspired By Kylie Jenner?!

If you were worried that motherhood would slow down Kylie Jenner’s career, fear not.

The 20-year-old is crushing it harder than ever these days.

Kylie covers the new issue of Forbes thanks to her wildly popular cosmetics line, which the magazine estimates wilkl soon be worth more than $ 1 billion.

Of course, Kylie’s brand is based largely on her look, and it seems that in the style department, Stormi’s mom is still setting teends without even trying.

As you may have heard, Kylie got her lip fillers removed recently, and apparently big lips are not officially “out” as a result.

(We didn’t know facial features could be “in” or “out,” but  we guess that’s a testament to Kylie’s power.)

Most of the people who emulate Kylie’s style are young (like, can’t but booze yet young) and highly impressionable … but some folks think 27-year-old Farrah is also taking her cues from the cosmetics queen:

Yes, that’s video of Farrah getting her lip filler remove.

Many were quick to assume that Farrah was jumping on the Kylie-driven small lip bandwagon, but she claims that’s not the case.

“June 14th: Get your lip filler out the right way for more see,” Farrah captioned the above video on Instagram.

Yes, Farrah was careful to point out that she had her procedure done before the world learned that Kylie had reverted to her natural lips.

And she claims she got zapped with the “golden vibrator” for medical reasons, not cosmetic ones:

“Some filler migrated above my lip and I didn’t look like myself,” Farrah tells Radar Online.

“I did not want to keep waiting for it to dissolve, so Dr. Nazarian dissolved it for me.”

But that doesn’t mean that Kylie doesn’t play a role in all of this.

After all, Farrah waited almost a month to post this video, and she encourages her followers to have their lip fillers removed “the right way.”

We’re guessing she was paid by the doc to post this video.

Furthermore, we’re guessing this piece of sponsored content was inspired by one very young soon-to-be-billionaire.

Kylizzle is freakin’ everywhere these days.


Tyler Baltierra: Hell Yeah MTV Was Right to Fire Farrah Abraham!

Late last year, Farrah Abraham was fired from Teen Mom OG as a result of her refusal to stop performing in live online sex shows.

The decision met with a mixed response, as even some of Farrah"s staunchest critics thought MTV"s reasoning was questionable and had the effect of shaming both Abraham and other sex workers.

Tyler Baltierra is now speaking out on the network"s decision — and Farrah probably won"t care for what he has to say.

Get ready for another round in the ongoing feud between two of the Teen Mom franchise"s most outspoken stars:

1. Keeping It Real

Tyler baltierra gets honest on instagram

Tyler is known for speaking his mind on social media. And when it comes to Farrah, he’s never pulled any punches.

2. At It Again

Farrah abraham in a gold and black dress

Farrah and Tyler have clashed before, perhaps most notably when she posted a lengthy Instagram rant in which she claimed that Baltierra is gay and his wife, Catelynn Lowell, is a drug addict.

3. The Last Laugh

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

Of course, the Baltierras have emerged victorious, as not only are they still employed, Farrah’s life has devolved into a public trainwreck in the months since she was fired.

4. The Arrest

Farrah abraham on insta

Farrah’s latest downward spiral began when she was arrested at the Beverly Hills Hotel last month after allegedly assaulting a staff member.

5. The Feud

Farrah drita split

Things got worse from there, as Abraham found herself embroiled in a very public feud with Mob Wives star Drita D’Avanzo.

6. Spiking the Football

Catelynn lowell tyler baltierra on instagram

So perhaps it should come as no surprise that Tyler had little sympathy for Farrah when he was asked about her while filming an interview with Dr. Oz this week …

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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Farrah Abraham Releases Graphic Photo of Gross Injury, Is REALLY Starved For Attention

In the months since Farrah Abraham was fired from Teen Mom OG, she"s done an impressive job of remaining a fixture in the tabloid headlines.

Of course, the incidents that have kept her in the spotlight are the sort of things that would lead most people to delete their social media accounts out of embarrassment.

Last month, Farrah was arrested after allegedly assaulting a staff member at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Two weeks later she ignited a feud with Mob Wives star Drita D"Avanzo that might eventually get her killed.

But don"t worry — Farrah"s latest bloodshed is self-inflicted.

And just like those other incidents, she should probably be embarrassed about it — but she"s totally not.

1. Guess Who’s Back

Farrah abraham in a gold and black dress

Sure, we all want Farrah to go back to Nebraska and focus on being a real mom to daughter Sophia, but when she does something ridiculous, we just can’t look away.

2. Cam Life

Farrah abraham cam girl

Farrah was fired from Teen Mom OG for her refusal to stop performing in live online sex shows, but the end of her reality TV career hasn’t meant the end of her public life.

3. Violent Times

Farrah abraham on insta

While she may have spent most of her career cashing in on sex, these days, Farrah is appealing to the other part of the Freudian unconscious mind with a series of bizarrely violent incidents.

4. Stay Classy

Farrah abraham in a bowtie

Farrah was recently arrested after drunkenly attacking a male staff member at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Her daughter was in the hotel at the time of the altercation.

5. Farrah vs. Drita

Farrah drita split

Shortly thereafter, Farrah launched a feud with D’Avanzo after the two of them appeared at an event together. Drita has since publicly vowed to slap Farrah in the face.

6. All In a Day’s Work

Farrahb abraham photoshop fail

Like we said, not the sort of track record most people would take pride in, but at least Farrah has found a way to remain relevant. Of course, she may have pushed the envelope too far with her latest stunt, which has really brought her to a new low …

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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Losing Custody of Sophia to Her Own Mother?!

Farrah Abraham is not a good mother.

It’s not even really a matter of opinion at this point.

Odds are that you’re extrememly familar with many of her questionable parenting choices, but if not — and even if you are, really, because don’t act like you’re too good to check out this train wreck — let’s review some real quick.

Remember earlier this year when she revealed that she and her nine-year-old daughter Sophia take nude photos of each other and save them on their phones?

Or how about the time, also earlier this year, when she got butt injections and had Sophia film the whole thing on her phone?

Or hey, how about that time that she thought it was a good idea to advertise her porn on the kid’s Twitter account?

Farrah’s spoiled her child with hundreds of dollars, cash, from the tooth fairy, she tried waxing her brows when she was a toddler, she’s left her for months at a time to do reality shows or perform in strip clubs or even to just do whatever.

After all, this is the girl who, when discussing how she wasn’t seeing her kid that much, actually said the words “It’s healthy that we have a braek. She has her own life and is doing her own thing, and I’m doing mine.”

Sophia was four years old at the time.

On top of all of that, it’s become increasingly obvious that Farrah just has no idea to how raise a child, and she’s also never had any interest in learning.

That became clear when she made the decision to homeschool Sophia so that she could work on her child modeling career and galavant around the world with Mommy Dearest.

There have also been some disturbing moments that Farrah just never dealt with, like when Sophia started telling her that she wanted to die so she could see her late father, Derek Underwood, in heaven.

Or on last season of Teen Mom OG, when they were at a restaurant with Farrah’s mother, Debra Danielsen, and Sophia started growling and punching herself.

There’s just an overwhelming amount of evidence that Farrah is the worst mother.

But you know who probably wouldn’t be any better?

Good ol’ Debra herself.

Still, in a new interview with The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Deb actually tries to make the case that Sophia would be better off in her care.

“I would go after Sophia in a heartbeat to save her and make her happy, she says. “Sophia loves me no matter what brainwashing other people do to her.”

“That harms her and you shouldn’t use a child as a battleground.”

She’s referring to the falling out that she and Farrah had over her new husband, Dr. David — the whole family went on vacation together last year, and it sincerely did not go well.

Since then, Farrah has said that as long as David is in the picture, she won’t have a relationship with her mother, and Sophia has said the same.

And regardless of whether or not Farrah is coaching Sophia to hate David or if she really doesn’t like the guy, it seems like they kept their promise.

In the interview, Debra says that “I think that if people are harming children by separating them from the people they love, the people who have been there for them, then we ought to allow our courts to get in there and save that child.”

“In the United States of America, we do not protect children or children’s rights.”

She explains that “When you separate a child from the main caregiver, the sole caregiver, that’s their security, that’s their mental stability and suddenly you plunge them into a different environment and say bad things about these people, that’s not helping.”

“That’s not good for anybody,” she adds. “I don’t condone that. I don’t care if it’s a divorce. I don’t care if it’s grandparents. I don’t care if it’s anybody. That’s not good for the child.”

Was Debra Sophia’s main caregiver before all of this? It’s definitely possible.

Farrah’s always done a lot of traveling, but Sophia has just recently begun going everywhere with her, so it makes sense that she’d have stayed with her grandmother in years past.

Debra seems to confirm that when she says “I just think that Sophia is doing a lot of traveling and through different time zones.”

“She needs some stability and children need a place to call home and some stabilization and I think Sophia would really benefit from that.”

But as intensely as she feels about all of this, it sounds like she’ll only try to go for custody as a last resort — what she wants most of all is for Farrah to just get it together.

“I just love Farrah,” she says, “and I support her and I hope that she comes around and i want her and Sophia in my life.”

So … that’s a lot to take in, huh?

It’s hard, because Debra does make some good points, and not many people would disagree that Sophia probably isn’t in the best situation right now.

But at the same time, Debra is the one who raised Farrah. Why would anyone trust her with another child?

Ideally, there would be a sane adult in Sophia’s life who could step in and save her. Someone who isn’t so obsessed with fame and fortune, someone who actually has her best interest at heart.

Preferrably someone who hasn’t already ruined a child (sorry, Deb).

Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be anyone like that available.

Thoughts and prayers for Sophia, please.


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Farrah Abraham BUSTED In Hilarious Photoshop Fails!

It"s been seven months since Farrah Abraham was fired from Teen Mom OG, but she"s still finding new and creative ways to embarrass herself in public on a regular basis.

In June, Farrah was arrested after allegedly attacking a staff member at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

And July is already off to a very promising start thanks to some truly embarrassing Photoshop disasters on Farrah"s Instagram page.

We"re not sure what"s funnier — the fails themselves, or the brutal fashion in which Farrah is being roasted by her followers.

Check out the gallery below to decide for yourself:

1. Farrah Abraham Sucks at Photoshop

Farrah abraham sucks at photoshop

Farrah posted this pic to her Instagram page to celebrate Independence Day. Fans were quick to point out the irony of her obvious dependence on Photoshop.

2. Word Salad

Farrah abraham on insta

Farrah attempted to explain what her ass has to do with the Fourth of July with one of her classically nonsensical rants:

3. Shout Out To … Everyone?

Farrah abraham in underwear for some reason

“For the I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T,” Farrah wrote. “The leaders, the doers, the disrupters, no better way then celebrating your “survivor journey” on #independenceday stay true to your focus, your ambition, your drive your over coming is noticed and recognized on this very day. Cheers to the independent success stories GOD BLESS THE USA”

4. Hashtags Galore

Farrah abraham in a gold and black dress

Because of course she wasn’t done there, Farrah added: “#blessed #livingmybestlife #ilovemylife #survivor #independentwoman #independent #syrian #american #danish #sicilian #2018 #victor #victory #fireworks #firework”

5. The Real Issue Here

Farrah abraham in a bowtie

Obviously, fans were less focused on the ridiculous patriotic caption than on the botched retouching of Farrah’s butt.

6. A Valid Question

Farrah abraham face down

“Omg what’s wrong with your butt?” asked one fan. Needless to say, she wasn’t alone in her curiosity.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Wanna Try the Frozen Yogurt From My Failed Business?!

While fans are worrying if Farrah Abraham’s latest feud will get her assassinated by the mob, Farrah has other business troubles.

We actually don’t mean Farrah’s sex work. Remember how she owns a frozen yogurt business for whatever reason?

It seems that it’s closing its doors. In fact, like Farrah herself so often is, the store’s former location has now been stripped bare.

Farrah Abraham and Sophia at FroCo

Farrah Abraham’s FroCo Fresh Frozen, a frozen yogurt restaurant located in an upscale shopping center outside of Austin, Texas, has closed.

The folks over at Starcasm hit the pavement to visit the Lakeway, Texas location of Farrah’s latest venture.

The doors are closed. The space is dark, and will apparently be available for a new lease in August.

The logo and store name have been purged from the exterior.

More than that, however, the interior has reportedly been stripped bare of decorations. Even things like electrical features are missing, leaving behind exposed outlets.

FroCo interior shot

The most heartwarming sight of all that Starcasm reported spotting was a trash back full of those nightmarish Cobas.

Cobas are FroCo’s “cute” mascots, and only the mascot McDonald’s introduced in 2014 fills us with greater dread.

If you can stare into these large, soulless eyes without a sense of despair, you’re made of sterner stuff than we are.

Anyway, we don’t think that the trash bag necessarily means that they’re being tossed in the garbage.

If FroCo is closing for good, then we imagine that Farrah will want to sell them to her fans (yes, she has them) as collectables.

But there’s another possibility.

It is possible that FroCo is simply moving to another location.

First of all, FroCo’s Instagram account has continued to post as if nothing has changed.

Over the weekend, they were still encouraging people to drop by their location.

Even on Tuesday, July 3, the account was still posting — this time, however, asking fans to demand that their local grocery stores order FroCo for their inventories.

Is it possible that FroCo is rebranding itself from a gaudily decorated frozen yogurt establishment to a frozen yogurt brand available nationwide?

Or is this just a change in venue — so that Farrah’s dream for the store can be fully realized?

See, Farrah has long envisioned FroCo as a place standing out from regular frozen yogurt stores.

(We have to point out that, and this is a bit of a spoiler, but the hit comedy The Good Place establishes that frozen yogurt is so unsatisfying that it’s made widely available to damned souls. That arguably fits Farrah’s brand)

Farrah wants FroCo to be like a miniature theme park. You know, like, playspaces at fast food restaurants?

She wants that, but for kids whose hands are sticky from eating frozen yogurt instead of greasy from touching french fries with their hands.

Specifically, Farrah wants a play space and she also wants the location to have a party room.

FroCo nightmare mascot

(Don’t stare at this photo too long, or they will start to stare back)

Michael Abraham tells Starcasm that “All is good in Froco land!”

So they’re apparently not going out of business.

“Farrah’s lease expired,” Michael explains. “And Farrah is taking her ‘Froco’ brand to the next level: into grocery store food chains and other select outlets.”

Those Instagram posts that we mentioned, he says, were planned.

“This has been in the works for a while,” Michael reports. “Along with a few ‘other’ business ideas coming out.”

As Starcasm notes, Farrah’s original plans were for opening FroCo on Austin’s very trendy South Congress Ave. Some couldn’t help but wonder if Farrah is planning to expand there.


Farrah Abraham: Will Drita D"Avanzo Send THE MOB After Her?

We’ve all been enjoying Farrah Abraham’s hilarious new feud with a former Mob Wives star. But now that Drita D’Avanzo has threatened Farrah, things are sounding a little more serious.

Even Farrah has people who care about her (unironically).

And they’re calling on Farrah to back down and end this feud — before this feud ends her.

A source tells RadarOnline that Farrah Abraham’s friends fear for her life

“Drita wants to get on a plane to f–k her up,” the insider describes.

Drtia said on Instagram that she no longer fights people because she doesn’t want to be put in jail … but that she may make an exception for the former Teen Mom OG star.

“Everyone is telling Farrah to shut up,” the source says.

To be fair, though, Farrah is probably accustomed to hearing this message and might not realize that, this time, it’s a little more serious.

Drita, Farrah’s friends fear, is out of Farrah’s feuding league and may not be playing the same game that Farrah is.

The insider says: “This is someone you don’t want to f–k with.”

Apparently Farrah’s habit of feuding with other reality stars in order to stay quasi-relevant shouldn’t apply to this Albanian-American reality star.

“No one,” the source insists. “Should be bothering Drita.”

The worries of Farrah’s friends may be justified, but a little overblown.

The insider describes their fears, saying: “The mob will come after her!”

The more realistic fear is that Drita and Farrah will come to blows.

Us Weekly reports that Farrah is seeking a restraining order against Drita.

But RadarOnline‘s insider says that the friends fear that it won’t change anything, saying: “Nothing will stop Drita from f–king her up!”

And that, we think, may be the risk for Farrah.

This might not escalate to organized crime hits like something that you’d see on The Sopranos if you were old enough for your parents to let you watch it with them.

But Drita has a history of her own, including having been arrested for beating her neighbor over a parking space.

So while Farrah probably doesn’t have to fear assassins, things might go poorly if she and Drita come face-to-face.

The insider goes on to describe how the feud between Farrah and Drita, who apparently seemed amicable when they were actually face-to-face, got started.

“Farrah didn’t get as much attention from the owner as Drita did,” the source says.

That sounds like a minor problem for a working celebrity, we suppose. But it definitely sounds like something that would get under Farrah’s skin.

“He thanked Drita,” the source explains. “And she heard it wrong.”

Honestly? This conflict sounds very on brand for Farrah.

The insider then says: “She thinks who she is.”

We don’t know what that means but, you know what? We’re talking about Farrah Abraham. Nonsense like that just sounds right.

That said, we should remember that after Farrah’s recent arrest for attacking a hotel employee, Drita isn’t the only one with a police record.

(Farrah inists that she was never arrested, for whatever that’s worth)

Still, allegedly attacking a security guard at a hotel is a far cry from getting into a brawl with a woman who has her own violent history.

Farrah’s best bet is probably to just clam up, as her friends suggest, and let this feud die.

In part to avoid conflict, but mostly because it’s just the decent thing to do.

Farrah doesn’t need to feud to get the negative attention that she craves. She can always just flash her vulva again.


Farrah Abraham to Drita D"Avanzo: I Don"t Associate with Pathetic People

Farrah Abraham’s seen the last of Drita D’Avanzo’s face … Farrah doesn’t run in pathetic circles and that’s why Drita’s slap to the face will NEVER come to fruition. Farrah tells TMZ … the ex-‘Teen Mom’ OG star has zero plans to ever be…


Monday, July 2, 2018

Drita D"Avanzo to Farrah Abraham: I"m Gonna Smack the Sh-t Out of You!

Farrah Abraham isn"t the sharpest tool in the shed, but even she knows not to mess with former mob affiliates who have a history of savagely beating anyone who pisses them off, right?


Farrah did exactly that over the weekend when she took to Instagram and trash talked former Mob Wives star Drtia D"Avanzo, a woman who could probably have her "disappeared" with a single phone call.

What possessed Farrah to start a feud that will likely end with her being dumped in the East River?

That"s anybody"s guess, but it"s hard to imagine that this will end well for Ms. Abraham.

Here"s a recap of the wildly entertaining beef between these two former reality stars:

1. Gig Gone Wrong

Farrah drita split

It all started in the trashy feud capital of the world, Atlantic City, where Farrah and Drita were both on the bill to do a meet and greet with casino guests.

2. Ego Monster

Farrah abraham in a gold and black dress

Apparently, Farrah was opposed to the idea of doing a joint appearance, but she took the job because she’s been fired from Teen Mom OG and … well, porn doesn’t pay what it used to.

3. She Always Wanted to Be a Gangster

Drita davanzo photo

In case you’re unfamiliar, D’Avanzo was one of the most short-tempered stars of the VH1 reality hit Mob Wives — which is really saying something, as that cast wasn’t exactly loaded with Zen masters.

4. Should’ve Seen It Coming

Farrah abraham in a bowtie

Naturally, Farrah decided to trash talk Drita after the event — a decision we’re guessing she’ll soon regret.

5. Two-Face Farrah

Farrah abraham on the red carpet

According to witnesses, Farrah seemed to enjoy herself during the appearance. But in an Instagram Live video posted later that same night, she tore Drita to shreds for her allegedly “f–ked up” and “unprofessional” behavior.

6. Farrah Speak

Farrah abraham sass

It’s hard to tell exactly what happened due to Farrah’s … um, unique way with words, but it’s clear that the former Teen Mom OG star was VERY pissed off about her interactions with Drita.

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Sunday, July 1, 2018

"Mob Wives" Star Drita D"Avanzo"s Slap Threat to Farrah Abraham is Real

Drita D’Avanzo threatened to slap Farrah Abraham in the face if she comes across her in person again — and now she’s doubling down on that promise … saying it’s very real. We spoke to the former “Mob Wives” reality star about her beef this…


Saturday, June 30, 2018

Farrah Abraham Vs. Drita D"Avanzo: HILARIOUS New Feud Alert!

That Farrah Abraham, always getting into trouble with that big, silly mouth of hers!

Except this time, Farrah made have run that mouth about the wrong person.

Seriously, she really messed up this time.

OK, so are you familiar with Drita D’Avanzo? She was on Mob Wives, she was friends with the legendary Big Ang, and she’s known for having a bit of a temper.

Like, she was arrested a couple of years ago for beating her neighbor over a parking spot. Drita does not play around.

Anyway, Drita and Farrah appeared together at the opening of an Atlantic City club on Thursday night, and afterwards, Farrah took to her Instagram to rant about the experience.

In a live video, she explained “I normally don’t do joint appearances because to be honest, I am done with other quote unquote reality people.”

“I feel like they’re either hung up on drugs, drinking, f-cked up, unprofessional, just f-cking nasty pieces of sh-t on earth.”

It’s funny, because Farrah is most definitely in the category of “reality people,” and there are many of her peers that would likely call her “f-cked up, unprofessional, just f-cking nasty pieces of sh-t on earth.”

But that’s a conversation for another day.

Without saying Drita’s name, Farrah siad “You have someone show up and like talk to the owner about how you couldn’t send her her freaking money at my dinner table because she didn’t want to eat together, but then she can’t even do the photos for the club, she can’t meet anymore, she can’t talk to anyone, then she just disappears!”

“Here’s my vibe,” she continued. “If you can’t be professional to show up to work, don’t cry to other people when you have no money, no work, no nothing … because you are nothing.”

“I’m sorry, if you are replaceable in the workforce, no one wants to hire you — that’s not everyone’s fault, that is your fault.”

She told her followers that “I had to release this, because I am done. I don’t even know why they even shared my night with someone who is a has-been.”

“I’m like, give me a break, it’s either you’re nice, you’re amazing, you have a good work ethic, or stay the f-ck out of my way!”

Again, it’s funny, because she’s never nice or amazing, right? Is she honestly this delusional?

Well, yes.

But that’s what happened when Farrah met Drita.

And when Page Six reached out to Drita for a comment on what Farrah had said, the Mob Wives star said “I’m going to slap the sh-t out of that Mr. Ed-looking f-cker.”

You’re already living for this feud, right?

Drita also said that she wasn’t too clear on who Farrah is, and that she thinks she’s “an unemployed porn star.”

She “doesn’t care if she’s a hooker,” but still, “she f-cked with the wrong person.”

She repeated those comments in a video she shared on Instagram last night:

It seems like in the time between the interview and the Instagram video, she figured out that Farrah’s famous for being on Teen Mom OG, but she still thinks that later “she became a hooker or some sh-t.”

But that doesn’t bother her — she explained that what does bother her is that Farrah was nice to her face, and then later “ripped me to shreds.”

“I don’t know who you dealt with in the past,” Drita said, “but you got the wrong motherf-cker.”

“I no longer assault anybody, because the last time someone tried to test me they ended up putting me in jail. You’re not worth it.”

“However,” she added, “I might have to make an exception.”

It’s at this point that you really start to appreciate how badly Farrah messed up, right?

For what it’s worth though, Drita did say that “I’m not gonna closed fist punch your face in, I’m gonna open hand smack the f-ck out of you, straight up, on sight. Just so you know.”

Small miracles, huh?

If you’ve already gotten so invested in this amazing new reality star feud, don’t worry — we have one more bit of news!

Farrah saw Drita’s comments about her comments, and she addressed her on Twitter directly, writing one of her most aggressive word salads yet!

“F-cking low class trash dusted up nobody show up and work you have no work ethic and act like a criminal say what you want about me so you feel better about how pathetic you are!” she tweeted.

“Use me for press haha your a loser go get a real job my lawyer will be contacting you Psycho.”


She also tweeted “Dinner & Atlantic City was fabulous I hope the clown fixes her drug problem & her abusive relationship.”

“Girl I’m rootin for ya but have self control & don’t threaten my safety such a bad look on top of not working no wonder you don’t get paid.”

Can’t wait to see what happens next!


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Farrah Abraham: JJ Abrams Is Gonna Make My Life Story Into a Movie!

Backdoor Star Wars? Super 8 Inches? Felicity, But She’s a Porn Star Instead of a College Student?

Yes, the prospect of a Farrah Abraham-J.J. Abrams collaboration has our minds racing with possibility.

Farrah Abraham-JJ Abrams

Unfortunately, at this point, the project exists only in Farrah’s fevered imagination.

It seems that ever since being fired from Teen Mom OG for her refusal to stop performing in online sex shows, Ms. Abraham has had a lot of time on her hands.

While much of that time has been dedicated to less-than-productive pursuits, such as getting arrested for attacking hotel staff, she’s also been casually toying with the idea of dropping a new Citizen Kane on all our asses.

Yes, Farrah is hoping to adapt her memoir, My Teenage Dream Ended, into a Hollywood feature film.

And she knows just who she wants in charge of the project.

“I’m working on storyboards right now and the screenplay, it’s really a project and a challenge and it’s crazy good,” she recently explained to TooFab.

“I can’t wait, I’m on my first draft right now and it’s going beyond what was said in the book.”

But don’t worry, Farrah isn’t straying too far from the magic that made Teenage Dream the Moby Dick of reality TV memoirs.

“The book is a classic, and that’s where everything stems from, and that’s the main storyline, which we need to stick with,” Farrah says.

“But I also think showing some before and after the show is really what the fans want, so we’re getting that and I can’t wait to show that. It’s going to be very interesting.”

Yes, Farrah just unironically described her memoir as a classic.

And who knows? Maybe in 40 years, schoolchildren will be writing book reports about the various symbolic meanings of the term “backdoor” in Farrah’s masterwork.

Believe it or not, that seems more plausible than Farrah’s plans for the movie version of her book.

You see, Farrah not only thinks this film is getting made, she’s convinced it’s gonna win every Oscar and make a cool few billion at the international box office.

“We’re going to have a real casting director, producers, the best of the best for everything,” she stated.

“Maybe I’ll work with J.J. Abrams, there are some other people on my top list.

“The production companies associated with I, Tonya, I really think they would get this storyline as well. So I can’t wait to see who’s the best fit.”

Actually … comparing herself to Tonya Harding might actually be the least-dumb thing Farrah has ever done.

As for JJ’s involvement — well, can envision that meeting now:

Abrams: So what’s this project all about?

Cigar-Munching Hollywood Type: A reality star who sells plastic molds of her b-hole on the internet. But don’t worry; it’s got a real casting director!

Abrams: Sold!

As for who will play the role of Farrah, it’s tough to predict which direction her ego will take her in on this one.

Obviously, she would relish the attention that would come with playing herself.

But at the same time, the allure of recruiting some A-list Oscar-winner like Jennifer Lawrence might be too strong to resist.

Watch Teen Mom OG online to remind yourself how much of a plum role Farrah would be an actress willing to go full batsh-t.


Farrah Abraham on Cheyenne Floyd: Who the Eff is That?!?

Farrah Abraham is never one to hold back.

This is true both on camera when some dude is railing her from behind; or whether she"s asked by an entertainment news reporter for her take on… well… anything.

One of the most prominent storylines floating Teen Mom OG right now centers around Cheyenne Floyd, the surprise selection of suitors to basically replace Abraham on the series.

What does Farrah think of Cheyenne?

She thinks she"s the perfect choice and has wished her all the best!

Just kidding.

She"s basically said the exact opposite, as we outline below:

1. Cheyenne Floyd?!?

Cheyenne floyd rocks bikini baby

Yes, Cheyenne Floyd. MTV stunned fans of the series when they announced in June of 2018 that this mostly random young woman would star on the new season of Teen Mom OG.

2. Tell Us More…

Cheyenne floyd and daughter

Okay: She’s 25 years old and she previously appeared on the programs Are You The One? and The Challenge. She and fellow Challenge castmember Cory Wharton share a one-year-old daughter named Ryder.

3. Wait.. How Old is She?!?

Cheyenne floyd photo

25. So, yes, she had this child at the age of 24. Which means she was never a teenage mother. This is one problem fans have with the selection.

4. What About These Two?

Mackenzie mckee weight loss lollipop

What about Mackenzie Standifer? What about Mackenzie McKee? They were the leading contenders to replace Farrah until MTV pulled this shocker on us.

5. Another Problem They Have with Her?

Cheyenne floyd with her daughter

They’ve never heard of her! Everyone expected MTV to choose a familiar personality, especially when you consider the “O” in “Teen Mom OG.” It stands for “Original.”

6. Don’t You Agree, Farrah?

Farrah abraham on insta

You won’t believe this, but Abraham isn’t a fan of Floyd, either. “I don’t even know that name,” she now says to Radar Online, scoffing at the notion that Floyd will fill her shoes and adding: “She’s not a filler.”

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