Showing posts with label Gosselin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gosselin. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Kate Gosselin vs. Jon Gosselin: Explosive Custody Battle Ahead?!?

We’re very sorry.

We know you don’t want to hear any more about Kate Gosselin and Jon Gosselin.

Trust us: we don’t want to write about them, either.

But the Former Couple Who Never Seems to Entirely Go Away is back in the news and, based on this latest report, may continue to be in the news for several weeks to come.

Because an ugly custody battle is allegedly brewing between the parents of eight.

According to Hollywood Life, Jon Gosselin actually has his life together now and, as a result, he wants to spend a lot more time with his children.

Kate and Jon, of course, are the parents to 13-year old sextuplets and 18-year old twins.

They formerly anchored Jon and Kate Plus 8 on TLC until a pretty nasty break-up and subsequent divorce prompted the cancelation of that reality series.

Kate now has primary custody of the kids, so much so that she stars in Kate Plus 8 along with the kids. 


“[Jon’s] doing everything he can to win their next custody battle,” an insider tells the aforementioned website, adding;

“He’s totally overhauled his life, he’s even back working a regular job again.”

It’s about time, some might say.

Jon worked as a DJ and even a stripper for awhile after becoming single, clearly suffering through some kind of mid-life crisis.

But he’s now working as an I.T. administrator and earning “decent pay,” the Hollywood Life source claims, expounding as follows:

“He knows that’s what he has to do to get his kids back. He’s really hopeful that this will help him get more time with his kids.”

Controversy has arisen of late over Kate’s treatment of Collin.

The young teenager has been confirmed to have some kind of behavioral issue and has been sent away… somewhere.

But no one close to the Gosselins will say what’s going on with him and fans continue to be concerned that Collin has been practically kicked out of the family.

“The way Kate is handling things with Collin breaks Jon’s heart, but he has no say,” a source previously told Hollywood Life.

“She controls everything, it’s her way or the highway when it comes to the kids, including Collin.”

Jon and Kate don’t have much contact these days, but when they do… well… THINGS GET UGLY.

We can’t imagine the sort of vitriol that will be spat back and forth if these two end up on opposite sides in court again.

Okay, fine, we can imagine.

And that’s why we get sad just thinking of writing more about these two going forward.


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Jon Gosselin Breaks Down: I NEED Custody of My Kids!

So hey, you know that thing about how Kate Gosselin is a big ol’ monster?

Yeah, you know.

Kate Gosselin is honestly just the worst. She’s so rude and unlikable, and we’ve seen her be downright cold to her eight kids time and time again.

It’s not a great look.

Most recently, Kate caught a lot of criticism for a Halloween photo she shared of the sextuplets.

It was cute and all, with the girls wearing the same pink dinosaur costume and the boys in the same astronaut costume.

But still, there was one thing missing: Collin.

For over a year now, Collin has been living away from home in a facility to treat what Kate has described as his “special needs” and behavioral problems.

Kate hasn’t gone into too much detail about what those problems are, which is a good thing.

After all, the kid is only 13 years old and dealing with all these serious issues, not to mention he has Kate Gosselin for a mother — he’s been through enough.

Lots of people are worried about Collin, concerned that Kate isn’t doing the right thing by keeping him away from his family for so long.

Then again, lots of people think that as his mother, she knows what’s best for him.

Either way though, most of us think that Collin could come home every once in a while, for Halloween or the sextuplets’ birthday or something.

According to a new report from Hollywood Life, Jon Gosselin feels that very same way.

“The way Kate is handling things with Collin breaks Jon’s heart but he has no say,” a source explains. “She controls everything, it’s her way or the highway when it comes to the kids, including Collin.”

“When he saw that Kate left Collin out of Halloween, that his son was missing yet another family celebration, Jon broke down and cried.”

Who could blame him?

“He hates that she’s doing this to Collin and feels so helpless to stop her,” the insider continues. “He’s praying that the judge will side with him at their next custody hearing.”

Yep, you heard that right: we’re in for a brand new Gosselin custody battle here soon!

Apparently “Jon’s one and only goal in life right now is getting more time with his kids. He’s doing everything he can to win their next custody battle.”

“He’s totally overhauled his life, he’s even back working a regular job again.”

What is he doing, full-time stripping? Is he an Ed Hardy spokesman? The possibilities are endless!

However, the source says that he’s actually an I.T. administrator these days, and that “it’s a good job with decent pay.”

“He still loves to DJ and he takes gigs wherever he can but he’s got a regular job now too because he knows that’s what he has to do to get his kids back.”

“He’s really hopeful that this will help him get more time with his kids,” the source concludes.

How unfortunate is it that Kate Gosselin is so terrible that we’re rooting for Jon Gosselin to get custody of eight whole children?

2017 is crazier than we ever could have imagined, guys.


Friday, November 3, 2017

Kate Gosselin Shares Cute Halloween Photo, Gets Roasted on Twitter

Kate Gosselin should really just take a break from social media at this point.

A nice, long, looooong break from social media, we recommend.

The reality star is getting dragged left and right on the Internet, earning backlash from Twitter users no matter what she does or says.

For instance:

Gosselin recently shared a throwback photo of her twin daughters on the occasion of their 17th birthday, only for critics to jump all over both her and even them in response.

It’s gotten to the point where celebrity gossip followers have grown so sick of Gosselin’s whining and self-centered ways that they try to cut her down to size at all times.

Consider the latest example:

As so many famous mothers (and not-so-famous mothers) did on the night of Halloween, Gosselin posted a picture of her kids on Instagram this week.

“I had a trick-or-treating date with a couple of cute pink dinosaurs and a few adorable astronauts!” wrote the mother of eight as a caption to the photo above.

It features 13-year-old sextuplets Aaden, Alexis, Hannah, Leah and Joel, all smiling for the camera.

But it does NOT feature brother Collin, who has been enrolled in a program away from home for behavioral issues.

No one is really sure where Collin is or what his issues actually are – but viewers have often been quick to criticize Gosselin for keeping him away from his siblings.

Heck, Collin did not even attend his own birthday party in July.

And Gosselin offered no explanation for his absence.

“No Collin, of course. That’s sad. He’s been gone for like 3 years now,” one person commented in response to Gosselin’s picture, while another added:

“He should be at home it is terrible.”

Should he be, though?

We don’t actually know, of course.

If something really is the matter with Collin, he should be receiving professional help.

You have to respect the privacy of a possibly troubled 13-year old, right?

But Gosselin could end all speculation with a simple statement.

She did at least say the following to ABC’s Nightline in November of 2016, regarding sending her son away:

“It was not even really a choice, it was on the advice of his doctors and it had to happen.

“He’s plodding along and we are too. This is the best thing I can do for him right now and that comforts me.”

It’s hard to really know what to make of this situation.

Gosselin hasn’t given us a ton of faith that she knows what’s best for her children.

But we’d like to believe Collin is somewhere for a very good reason and therefore we sincerely hope he’s getting the help he needs.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Kate Gosselin Can"t Even Wish Happy Birthday to Her Kids Without Getting Slammed

Look, we don’t especially like Kate Gosselin.

She has a really bad temper. She can be very petty and immature. And she often exploits her children for attention, fame and money.

But still. This doesn’t mean Gosselin deserves flak for absolutely everything she does and says.

Just consider what happened earlier this week:

Twin daughters Mady and Cara turned 17 years old.

In response, Gosselin shared a throwback photo of the kids and wrote along with it a pretty sweet and loving caption.

“….And then you blink, and they TURN SEVENTEEN!! Happy birthday to my girls!” wrote the Kate Plus 8 star, adding:

“My heart hurts because you’re almost adults and will soon leave for college, yet it smiles because I am seeing who you’ve become: brilliant, beautiful, kind, caring, logical, responsible, empathetic, honest, amazing individuals!

“I love you both SO VERY MUCH! Let’s have a wonderful day together celebrating YOU!”

Mady and Cara are four years older than Gosselin’s sextuplets, Aaden, Alexis, Hannah, Leah, Collin and Joel.

They really have grown up right before the eyes of anyone who has followed the career of Gosselin and her ex-husband ever since they co-starred on Jon and Kate Plus 8.

So… that’s that, right? Case closed?

Gosselin simply wished her kids a happy birthday and now the Internet can move on with its life?

HA! You’ve clearly never met the Internet.

A multitude of critics jumped online to use this birthday message as an opportunity to throw shade at Gosselin.

For instance:

The question about Collin is a reference to a scandal from July in which Kate celebrated the birthdays of her other kids… without including son Collin.

Where was he? Why wasn’t he invited to his own birthday party?

It’s mostly unclear. Many reports have indicated that Collin has some kind of learning disability and is off receiving therapy somewhere.

But neither Kate nor Jon have been very candid about what is transpiring here.

Meanwhile, along with disdain for Kate, there was actual hatred for Mady and Cara online as well.

“I’m sure they are as snarky and eye rolly as ever, one person wrote, while another took it to a whole other level:

Jeepers, Internet users!

These are 17-year old girls you’re destroying here!

Again, it’s worth repeating: we pretty much hate Kate Gosselin.

We can think of MANY reasons to make A LOT of fun of her.

But sending her twins a bit of birthday love simply isn’t among them. And it certainly doesn’t warrant these types of replies.

Leave the kids alone and wait for a more appropriate reason to tear Gosselin a new one.

We’re sure she’ll provide you with one any day now.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Little Aaden Gosselin on "Jon & Kate Plus 8" "Memba Him?!

Aaden Gosselin was only 3 years old when he gained fame for being the adorable glasses-wearing sibling — alongside his 7 other brothers and sisters — in the TLC hit show, ‘Jon & Kate Plus 8.’ Guess what he looks like now ten years later!


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Jon Gosselin to Fans: I Need 30 Grand to Fight Kate in Court! Help a Brother Out!

Jon Gosselin is begging fans for help in his ongoing, escalating custody battle with ex-wife Kate … and not just moral support.

He wants them to pay legal fees.

Jon, of course, has been broke or close to it for years, working odd jobs (often plural) to pay the bills after being cut off by Kate and TLC.

He’s worked construction, waited tables to pay rent, been a DJ, even moonlighted as a stripper since his reality TV days came to an end.

Suffice to say, between being hard up for a high-paying gig and having eight kids, guy’s a little short on dough. Which brings us to today.

According to a report by Radar, Colleen Conrad (the young woman who’s been dating Jon for some time) is spearheading the effort.

The former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star’s girlfriend set up a Go Fund Me page with a goal of $ 30,000 to help pay off his family court fees.

Conrad’s fundraiser page reads as follows:

“Family and friends of Jon Gosselin know the loving, caring, devoted father that he is, and they understand his desire to do what is best for his children.”

“Like many divorced parents, Jon works hard each day and most weekends, wanting nothing more than to spend quality time with his kids.” 

Colleen notes that Jonathan hasbeen in an eight-year battle with Kate that “pits him against financial forces that far exceed his own.” 

“Fame and fortune do not always go together, and Jon is the perfect example of that reality,” the statement continues, in his defense.

Jon, contrary to what his critics might want to believe, “works a steady job and earns extra money on the side as a disc jockey.”

Conrad notes, in a clear dig at Kate, that Jon does not have a “network-funded public relations machine behind him to spin the facts.”

“He is forced into an expensive unjust battle for custody, one that drains his time, energy and finances,” the Go Fund Me Page says.

Jon does not want this, but has no other choice.

“It is a fight he did not seek,” the page says. “It is a fight he does not want. He remains focused on the welfare of his children.”

His only goal in this is that he “wants to make sure every decision that is made on their behalf is made in their best interest.”

The money raised will go to his legal battle so he can have time with his kids, the page insists, and any extra money beyond that to charity.

All donations that exceed $ 30,000 will be donated to Bethany Children’s Home in Pennsylvania, according to the website.

It’s early yet, but fans appear nonplussed.

Created on September 2, the page has raised $ 1,808 so far. Better than nothing, we suppose, when you’re DJ’ing in rural Pennsylvania.

Asked for comment, Conrad confirmed “It was started [by] myself and his family. You can refer to the Go Fund Me page for further information.”

Jon and Kate’s custody war has basically been underway since 2009, but exploded recently with three police altercations in August.

On August 15, police responded to a custody exchange in a parking lot in which Kate reportedly got physical with her daughter Hannah.

Then on August 22, officers responded to an even more inside dispute at an orthodontist’s office that ended with Hannah hospitalized.

Authorities were called a third time when Jon “called again from the dental office to report he [was] being threatened with legal action.

Kate has full legal custody of their sextuplets Aaden, Collin, Joel, Leah, Alexis and Hannah, 13, and twins Cara and Mady, 16.

Jon says he will fight for what’s right and what’s in his kids’ best interest, even if it’s a long and difficult climb against the odds.

Last year, Gosselin revealed that he is supposed to see his kids one night a week and every other weekend, but that’s wishful thinking.

In fact, he hasn’t seen all of them together in 3-4 years. “I just go to the bus stop [at Kate’s house] and whoever I get, I get,” he said.

Some of his children, the 40-year-old says “Just stopped coming. I did get Alexis one day, which was nice to see her.”

Stay tuned to this sad saga.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Jon Gosselin: I Will Fight For My Kids! I"m Doing What"s Right!

Embattled father of eight, former reality star and sometime DJ Jon Gosselin says he will do whatever it takes to protect his family.

Even if that means taking on his ex-wife Kate … for the eighth consecutive year. Seriously, these two have never stopped fighting.

Yesterday, in news that was simultaneously shocking and not at all shocking, the cops were called after Jon and Kate’s latest dispute.

Jon reportedly called authorities to ROG Orthodontics in Wyomissing, Penn. over a “verbal domestic dispute” with his former spouse.

Wyomissing Police said the warring parties could not agree as to which one of them their 13-year-old daughter would go home with.

Ultimately, no arrests were made after Jon and Kate’s fight at the orthodontist, but it even got physical, and their teenager paid a price.

Kate allegedly attempted to remove Hannah from Jon’s car by grabbing her arm, at which point he encouraged her to resist her mom.

Hannah ended up in the hospital after being transported via ambulance, according to reports from the disturbing scene. Totally insane.

Eventually, officers escorted Kate out of the building and the child left with Jon at her request, but it’s safe to say this dispute isn’t over.

This isn’t the first time in recent memory that Jon and Kate have clashed in ugly fashion over their sextuplets and twins’ custody situation.

His attorney, Kristen Doleva-Lecher, told E! News that a separate incident occurred between the ex-couple in a parking lot just last week.

As a result, Jon is making an effort to “do what is right,” his attorney says, lamenting that the two just can’t get along – but blaming Kate.

“The ability to co-parent is desirous in all custody matters, unfortunately in this case, [that] remains a theory, not a reality.” 

“It should be known Jon has been aggressively and relentlessly fighting for his kids. Jon is frustrated by recent events,” she said.

That said, the 40-year-old is steadfast that he’s acting in his kids’ best interests and “will not be derailed in his efforts to do what is right.”

Jon and Kate, who starred on the TLC series Jon & Kate Plus 8 (now Kate Plus 8) before their 2009 split, share eight children together.

They have 16-year-old twins Cara and Madelyn and 13-year-old sextuplets Aaden, Alexis, Collin, Hannah, Joel and Leah.

Over the years, their inability to amicably co-parent has kept them in the news more than any reality TV stardom they enjoyed.

If anything, it’s gotten worse over time.

In 2015, Jon filed for full custody of Hannah, because as a source said, “she is unhappy and uncomfortable in the house with Kate Gosselin.”

In 2016, Jon said their custody deal allows him to see only four kids at once, during weekly dinners and overnights every other weekend.

A separate insider noted that “the custody situation has been changing over the past month and it’s been very hard on the kids.”

Asked about reports that she was investigated by Child Protective Services, last year, Kate she insisted there’s no truth to the rumors.

“I’m in the public eye. I have been investigated many times,” she said in an interview with Good Morning America.

“It’s always unfounded, obviously.”


Kate Gosselin-Jon Gosselin Fight Sent Daughter to Hospital: New Details

We have new, UGLY details on the verbal altercation that took place on August 15 between Jon and Kate Gosselin.

As previously reported, the ex-spouses argued so loudly and so forcefully last week that police were called to the scene of their dispute.

No arrests were made, but the heated discussion reportedly centered on who would drive their daughter home from the orthodontist.

Yes, something seemingly that simple resulted in an endless shouting match.

According to In Touch Weekly, the daughter stuck in the middle of this disagreement was 13-year old Hannah.

The young teenager was sitting in her father’s car in a parking lot off a Pennsylvania highway when her mother insisted on taking her home.

The tabloid cites sources and witnesses who say Hannah “screamed, sobbed, and violently resisted” while Kate Gosselin grabbed a hold of her arm and tried to force her out of the vehicle.

“No! Stop, please stop! Let go of me, Mommy!” Hannah allegedly yelled at one point.

As this was taking place, Jon was actively encouraging his child to resist her mom.

“Hold on. Hold on. If you don’t want to go, don’t go,” the magazine claims Jon said to Hannah. “I can’t help you. Hold on. Hold on.”

(It’s perhaps worth noting at this juncture how effed up these details are, if true.

First, of course, that Kate would manhandle her daughter… but also that Jon would egg the incident on, not try to play peacemaker for the sake of his kid.)

The showdown lasted three hours, an insider says, adding that Hannah said her arm was injured in the back-and-forth and an ambulance was therefore called to the scene.

Then, at the hospital, “Kate told the police she thought Jon was a danger and Hannah needed to be protected,” the tabloid writes, adding:

“So the police removed Jon while Hannah was being treated.”

We should emphasize that we cannot corroborate this account.

We are simply relaying the In Touch report.

On August 11, the Gosselins attended an emergency hearing with a judge after Hannah “refused to go back to Kate’s house,” a source tells the publication, explaining:

“The judge granted Jon equal custody of Hannah until he and Kate go to trial.”

Jon and Kate, of course, rose to fame as co-stars on a TLC series that documented their lives as parents of eight kids.

They split in 2007 after a decade of marriage.

Since then, it’s become clear that major tension still exists between the former husband and wife, the latter of whom remains a reality TV personality.

Jon Gosselin, meanwhile, is mostly just a private citizen, staying out of the spotlight and trying to earn some money.

As of June of last year, Jon said his custody agreement allows him to see only four of their children at once, during weekly dinners and overnights every other weekend.

His lawyer tells E! News that Jon is now hoping to change the terms.

“The ability to co-parent is desirous in all custody matters, unfortunately in this case, it remains a theory, not a reality,” says the attorney.

She cites a “Gag Order” to explain why she cannot reveal much else, but does add of her client and Kate Gosselin:

“It should be known Jon has been aggressively and relentlessly fighting for his kids.

“Jon is frustrated by recent events but will not be derailed in his efforts to do what is right.”


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Jon Gosselin vs. Kate Gosselin: Cops Called Over Fight at Orthodontist"s Office

Contrary to what most people around the world likely think, Kate Plus 8 is still a TV show.

It airs new episodes and everything.

Similarly, despite neither its star nor her estranged husband being in the news very much anymore, Kate Gosselin and Jon Gosselin remain at extreme odds with each other.

According to police in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, a call was made on Tuesday afternoon regarding a custody dispute between the ex-spouses and reality TV co-stars.

As reported by TMZ, E! News and other outlets, cops were called to an orthodontist’s office around 1:10 p.m. due to a “verbal domestic dispute over child custody involving one minor (Female/13 years old).”

One of the controversial parents took their child to her appointment, but then the other showed up and an argument broke out over who would be driving her home.

“The call came in at 1:10 this afternoon for a verbal domestic argument … over the custody of one of their 13-year-old daughters,” a Wyomissing Police Department spokesperson told Entertainment Tonight, adding:

“No one was arrested and the daughter did go home with the father after she expressed that was her desire to do.”

Married for a decade until their divorce in 2009, the Gosselins rose to fame as the lead cast members on Jon & Kate Plus 8.

They starred on the series along with their eight children:

Mady and Cara, twins who are both 16; and sextuplets Aaden, Alexis, Collin, Hannah, Leah and Joel, each 13.

Tension has existed between Jon and Kate ever since their split, but they have operated under the same custody arrangement for seven years now.

Details are mostly kept under wraps, although both parents share custody in some fashion.

Kate recently made negative headlines after an episode of Kate Plus 8 aired in which the sextuplets celebrated their 13th birthdays.

All except Collin, that is.

The young teenager was missing because he’s in some mystery facility with so-called “behavior specialists.”

This is perfectly fine and maybe even healthy for the child, but Kate has seemingly just gone on with her life and her show, shrugging over the fact that one of her sons isn’t part of the family, not even for milestone occasions.

Jon, meanwhile, has done very little for years.

But he did sort of perform at a strip club this spring, so that’s something, we suppose.

Both Jon and Kate are very annoying.

We don’t know exactly how their latest tiff was left, but, as always, we hope they can keep things as amicable as possible moving forward.

There are quite a few kids in the picture here.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Jon and Kate Gosselin, Cops Called Over Custody Dispute

Jon and Kate Gosselin got into such a heated argument over their kids, cops had to show up to sort things out. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … officers in Wyomissing, PA responded Tuesday to a dentist’s office to handle an argument Jon and Kate…


Jon and Kate Gosselin, Cops Called Over Custody Dispute

Jon and Kate Gosselin got into such a heated argument over their kids, cops had to show up to sort things out. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … officers in Wyomissing, PA responded Tuesday to a dentist’s office to handle an argument Jon and Kate…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Kate Gosselin: Yeah, We Partied Without Collin on His Birthday! That"s Life!

In case you’ve forgotten that evil triumphs when good people do nothing, here’s a reminder: Kate Gosselin is still around and allowed to be a parent.

We’d say that she still has all eight children in her clutches, but as we mentioned, Collin Gosselin is missing. He didn’t even get to attend his own birthday party with his five fellow sextuplets. Fans are worried. Fans are angry.

The beast of a woman herself actually spoke about his absence. We’ve been waiting for ages to hear a satisfactory explanation.

Unfortunately, we’re going to have to wait longer than that.

Kate had a lot to say during a confessional for Kate Plus 8, which is somehow still on TV, but as you can see, she’s still skirting the issue.

You have to wonder if she doesn’t really care.

“Thirteen — need we say more?”

That’s a huge milestone — they’re teenagers!

(That much closer to reaching adulthood and making their escape)

But yes, she needs to say more.

“The photos around the cake, I have them for every year, every child, every birthday.”

Every child, though?

“It’s definitely an iconic moment.”

Pictures are forever, after all.

“This year [was] much like last year.”

Here it comes:

“Obviously the difference is that Collin wasn’t there.”

Yeah, we’ve known that ever since the earliest promotional materials showed that Collin Gosselin was missing from his own birthday party.

“I am comforted with the fact that my kids, all of them, each unique child, is receiving exactly what they need and that hasn’t changed.”

What they need and what she thinks that they need are likely very, very different things.

“I’ve said that before, I’ll say it again. It’s a bittersweet moment [and] we’ve had many of them.”

Bittersweet is a good word for that family.

Because the children are sweet, but they’re sure to grow into bitter adults.

The world has just stood by and watched — literally watched — during Kate’s reign of terror.

“You can’t do anything without realizing he’s missing.”

So maybe you should let him celebrate his birthday with his siblings, especially when this year involved a huge birthday bash.

And let his siblings celebrate their birthdays with him.

“So we may not say it, but it’s always there.”

Now, we get that Collin is in some mystery facility with alleged “behavior specialists.”

Jon Gosselin claims to have an idea of where Collin is but he doesn’t seem to know any specifics, which is scary enough.

Needless to say, we don’t trust Kate Gosselin as far as we can throw her.

(Actually, Kate’s only 5-foot-4, so we don’t trust her anywhere close to as far as we could throw her)

We don’t know much of anything about where Collin is staying, what sort of treatment he’s receiving, or when he’ll leave.

We’re of two minds about it.

On the one hand, there are some facilities for children with behavioral problems that are not legitimate or safe.

Hopefully Kate didn’t choose one of those — but we just don’t really know, do we?

On the other hand, maybe the best possible thing for Collin is to be away from the awful woman whose own “behavior problems” did so much damage to him and his siblings in the first place.

Maybe he’s better off being away from her, even on his birthday.

But he and his siblings have to be missing each other.

Did he celebrate his birthday alone in an institution?

Did he get to celebrate it at all?

The sextuplets are 13, now.

Just 5 long, long years until they’re old enough to escape from Kate on their own.

We wonder if they’ll do a special miniseries titled “Escape From Kate” that chronicles their newly free lives and almost certainly getting therapy for PTSD.

(We’re not kidding — we fully expect that at least some of them will need it)

More heartbreaking than having them adjust to being adults in a non-toxic environment will be when one of them inevitably breaks down on camera and asks the viewers — and America — why they never did anything to rescue the kids sooner.

Maybe some of these kids will grow up to be advocates for children, like those women on Escaping Polygamy.

In the mean time … why is it that Kenya Moore’s reality career is at risk if her new husband doesn’t appear on The Real Housewives of Atlanta

… But Kate Gosselin is free and clear to just disappear her own child with almost no explanation?

Because, as Kate Gosselin’s children know better than most, the world isn’t fair.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Collin Gosselin Absent From Own Birthday Party; Kate Plus 8 Fans Concerned, Livid on Twitter

Where is Collin Gosselin? One of Kate’s eight kids was missing from his own birthday party on last night’s show, and fans were not happy.

Yes, Kate Plus 8 Season 6 Episode 3 marked a milestone as the sextuplets turned 13, but the elephant not in the room was the big story.

If you watch Kate Plus 8 online, you will see a big party celebrating five of the six Kate Gosselin sextuplets officially becoming teenagers.

Of course, with Collin not there, TLC may we well rename the show Kate Plus 7 these days … like a reverse 17, 18, 19 Kids & Counting.

Kate’s show hasn’t featured son Collin Gosselin in ages, as he no longer lives in the family home due to his unspecified “special needs.”

While it’s well known that he is living away from the family in a program for kids who need special treatment, it’s never been clear why.

Moreover, viewers were really hoping he wouldn’t be absent from his own birthday party and would reunite with his sextuplet siblings.

Apparently not.

Instead, Aaden, Alexis, Hannah, Leah and Joel were all on hand for a celebratory camping trip with their brother nowhere to be seen.

The five kids had a blast, it appeared, with the girls getting pampered with facials and the boys embarking on a fun scavenger hunt.

Their older sisters, 16 year-old twins Mady and Cara, were along for the ride, and Kate had a freakout here and there, but it was great.

Minus the Collin thing.

The kids turned 13 on May 10, and the party was one of the focal points of this new season catching fans up on what Kate is doing.

Yet Collin’s absence and continued struggles have been such a letdown for viewers that many are questioning why the show airs at all.

K8 Fan Tweet

More than a few viewers took note of his absence and how the troubled youngster is basically not even part of the family/cast anymore.

Obviously, he is, but it doesn’t feel like it.

The fact that he was turning 13, a pretty major life milestone, and still not present really underscored this sad situation like never before.

Collin also missed out on the family ski trip that aired on July 17, but this a much bigger deal and doubly painful to longtime supporters.

But life goes on, apparently, and just because Collin didn’t get to be a part of his own birthday celebration doesn’t mean there wasn’t one.

Fans took to Twitter in droves to express their feelings about it, however, making something that didn’t happen the night’s top storyline.

Kate Fan Tweets

His whereabouts are shrouded in mystery, which would be understandable, given the private and sensitive nature of the situation.

But estranged father Jon Gosselin recently shocked fans when he suggested Kate Gosselin is holding Collin hostage essentially.

Jon claimed he had no information about his son’s whereabouts, and said Kate is refusing to tell even him where the boy lives:

“I have an idea but I don’t really know where he is. I mean, I ask but she doesn’t tell me. She doesn’t answer any of my texts.”

Kate responded in an interview that Collin is just fine, thank you, and took the opportunity to throw some serious shade at Jon.

Obviously. This is Kate after all.

She said it’s a sad state of affairs that Jon is using Collin’s recent behavioral issues as an excuse to question her competency as a mother.

“I’m really focused less on what Jon has to say,” Kate said, accusing Jon of a transparent attempt to look like the more concerned parent.

“I don’t really pay attention, to be honest.”

Jon’s attorney responded that he is “very upset by certain statements made to the press” and feels “the whole story is not being told.”

Insiders say Jon was not exaggerating when he claimed to be unaware of Collin’s whereabouts; Kate says obviously he knows where he is.

Kate said she is prohibited from saying anything more by court order, though the situation is being handled as best as it can be.


Friday, June 16, 2017

Collin Gosselin: MISSING from His Own Birthday Party?!

So, Kate Gosselin threw a big birthday bash for her sextuplets last month, because they all turned 13.

Making everyone who remembers their birth feel approximately 90.

But with reports saying that there was no sign of Collin for his own birthday, a lot of people are deeply concerned about his whereabouts.

The party itself was probably an effort on Kate’s part to show that she doesn’t see them as nothing more than walking, talking meal-tickets and targets for her rage.

But also it’s going to be a TV special, because, just like how Josh Duggar’s getting screen time again, nobody seems to bat an eye at continuing to give Kate Gosselin airtime and the paycheck that comes with it.

Collin has been a vaguely troubled boy for a long time, but reports that Collin Gosselin is missing from promo materials is alarming, considering that this was for his own birthday.

Is it possible that he was there, but that they withheld his image from promo materials to hook viewers?

Sure. And let’s hope so, because he should

Still, people are worried, as he’s allegedly at some sort of “special school” to deal with his behavioral issues.

But even Jon Gosselin doesn’t know where Collin is.

Apparently, Collin’s behavior includes angry outbursts and that’s why he needs treatment.

But the alleged treatment center, which may-or-may-not be some sort of special needs school, remains shrouded in mystery.

Apparently Jon Gosselin only has a rough idea.

But there’s nothing that he can do, it seems.

And the rest of us are in the dark.

About Collin’s location, and whether or not he was allowed to celebrate with the five siblings with whom he shared a womb.

Honestly, we don’t know the nature of his special needs, but we don’t doubt that they’ve been exacerbated by Kate Gosselin herself.

Because she’s just a horrible, horrible parent and we wouldn’t trust her to look after a pet rock, much less a child.

Much less eight children.

Kate has been complaining about Collin since he was a little boy.

Being singled out by a tyrant like Kate Gosselin, who treats her children like prisoners according to reports, would have a profound impact on a developing boy.

Though we wouldn’t expect to see the full psychological impact until years after the children have all escaped from her grasp.

Since we know that Kate Gosselin has been violent with Collin, that would only make things so much worse on this poor boy.

Honestly, we’re no therapists, but we expect that all of these kids are going to spend years on PTSD counseling.

And people used to worry that growing up on camera would ruin these kids’ lives.

Some fans are insisting that Kate should bring Collin home from wherever he is.

While we agree that he should get to be around his siblings, especially for their shared birthday, we wouldn’t condemn our worst enemy to Kate’s clutches.

Let alone some 13-year-old kid who, according to reports, has enough on his plate.

But then again, we don’t know enough about where he is.

Some “special schools” are wonderful institutions full of caring professionals.

Others are nightmare factories that aim to break teens of their “behavior problems.”

And we don’t trust Kate to have sent Collin to a reputable establishment.

Of all of Kate’s children, Collin’s eventual, inevitable tell-all book will be the one that we’re most interested in reading.

But also the one that will be most likely to upset us.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Jon Gosselin: Congrats to My Girlfriend! I Can Finally Quit Stripping!

Sexism is over! … Okay, not really.

But Jon Gosselin’s post congratulating his girlfriend Colleen Conrad has some people chuckling over some refreshing role reversals.

Which should not, of course, distract from celebrating this couple’s good news.

Jon Gosselin’s girlfriend, Colleen Conrad, graduated from nursing school.

The reality personality took to Instagram to congratulate her, his caption indicating that she intends to become a nurse practitioner.

Lately, we know that Jon Gosselin’s been working as a stripper.

When he’s not saving people’s lives, that is.

He’s credited the profession with putting his life back on track, which makes sense — with his novelty as a reality star, it could definitely pay the bills.

We’ve all heard stories of women who were strippers to put their boyfriends or fiances or husbands through medical school, or who at least stripped during that time.

You know, in anticipation that the future doctor or nurse would eventually become the breadwinner.

Some pointed out similarities, though we’ve seen no indications that Jon’s been bankrolling her through school or anything like that.

But it’s always nice to hear a man praising his girlfriend’s career milestones instead of the other way around.

Stripping can be a great way to make money and some find it empowering, but the age range for it to be a viable career is pretty limited.

In other words, medical professionals are likely to make more with age.

Over time, strippers are likely to make less.

In Jon Gosselin’s case, he’s kind of older than you usually picture a stripper being, but — and we say this with no intended offense — we think that his career is based more on his fame than on his looks.

And that’s totally okay.

So, if the Jon Gosselin’s novelty wears off before he lines up a new gig, if he and Colleen are still together, she could be the breadwinner for a while.

Jon Gosselin’s still famous, even though he’s no longer a reality star.

Though he’s glad that his family’s time in the spotlight has provided for a financial future for his children, he’s expressed concerns in the past that the fame may impact them in unforeseen ways.

Honestly? We don’t think that he needs to worry.

Growing up famous can screw with you plenty — just look at Kylie Jenner.

But for the Gosselin children, we can’t imagine that the long-term mental scarring from fame will hold a candle to the damage of being raised by that beast Kate Gosselin.

We also think that he knows that, but probably has very good reasons for not saying it.

Custody situations can be … complicated.

But this moment is about Jon and Colleen, and not Jon’s heavy personal baggage.

We’re glad that they were able to toast to her graduation from nursing school and to her new career.

Honestly, we hope that Jon sticks to stripping for a while if he’s enjoying it.

You want to ride that fame train as far as it will take you, you know?

So long as it keeps paying the bills, anyway.
