Showing posts with label Holmes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holmes. Show all posts

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Jamie Foxx: I Don"t Even Tell My FRIENDS About Katie Holmes!

For years, now, the relationship between Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx has been the subject of intense speculation, because, on the surface, they were “just friends.”

The pair have still never officially confirmed their relationship — but at this point, it’s an open secret at best.

People have a lot of assumptions about why the pair has been so secretive — but apparently, Jamie Foxx has been unwilling to open up about things. Even to those closest to him. …

People aren’t sure why Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes have been so secretive.

Recently, it’s been reported that Katie Holmes’ desire to take their relationship public put their relationship on thin ice.

One of the biggest theories behind their conspicuous silence (and, in the past, even their denials — and maybe, back in 2013, they really were just friends) has to do with Katie Holmes’ very famous, very controversial ex:

Tom Cruise.

The guy who once jumped up onto Oprah’s couch in a display of instability that must have made Oprah’s security team wonder if they needed to rush onto the set.

The posterboy for the Church of Scientology.

The guy who, despite his significant acting skills, has been filmed running from so many different things and disasters that film trailers that feature him almost read like parodies. People ask: “What is Tom Cruise running from this time?”

(Honestly, we wonder how much better this year’s The Mummy film might have been if they’d cast someone more appropriate to the role than Tom Cruise. The script still would have needed some serious work, but it would have been an improvement)

That Tom Cruise is, years after their divorce, believed to be why Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx have been keeping things so quiet.

It’s not outrageous to believe that their divorce includes a clause that prevents Katie Holmes from “embarrassing” Tom by dating publicly.

Or, even more realistically, it might be a verbal agreement.

Just look at another of Tom Cruise’s exes — Nicole Kidman.

Have you ever heard Nicole speak negatively of Tom since their divorce? Or maybe heard her bash Scientology for being, say, a predatory organization that preys upon and controls most of its members while bleeding their finances dry — but keeping celebrities and other wealthy donors happy?

You haven’t.

Here’s why — Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise adopted children together.

Those children, like their father, are Scientologists.

If Nicole were to speak out against the Church of Scientology (or Scientology’s golden boy), she would be labeled a Suppressive Person.

Scientologists are not supposed to interact with Suppressive People, including (and especially) their own family members.

So if Nicole wants to maintain contact with her children, which she clearly does, she has to bite her tongue whenever that comes up in an interview. That’s our guess, anyway.

We suspect that Katie Holmes has something similar going on.

Suri Cruise is just barely a tween, but, reportedly, Tom Cruise hasn’t seen Suri in several years.

Perhaps his agreement with Katie Holmes involved her getting Suri without contest and, in exchange, her not using her fame and the public’s curiosity to tell everything that she’s witnessed and experienced as Tom’s wife.

And maybe part of that included not publicly dating for a while. That’s purely speculation on our part, of course.

However, it sounds like Jamie Foxx is super concerned with keeping things private, too.

Us Weekly reports that Jamie Foxx is tight-lipped about Katie Holmes, even with his inner circle.

“Jamie is still not open about his relationship to many of his friends.”

That’s from Us Weekly‘s source.

“Everyone knows they’re together and that he is not seeing other women, but it’s still unspoken.”

Now, maybe Jamie Foxx is just a really private person.

(And with good reason, if sources are blabbing to Us Weekly about him and his secretive ways)

Or maybe he’s very protective of Katie Holmes and doesn’t want to jeopardize whatever arrangement she has going

We just don’t know.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Jamie Foxx Gives Katie Holmes a Big Thumbs-Up

Jamie Foxx knows silence is golden when it comes to talking about Katie Holmes … but he still wants everyone to know they’re all good as a couple. Jamie was in Malibu Wednesday morning when a photog asked him all about Katie and their…


Jamie Foxx Gives Katie Holmes a Big Thumbs-Up

Jamie Foxx knows silence is golden when it comes to talking about Katie Holmes … but he still wants everyone to know they’re all good as a couple. Jamie was in Malibu Wednesday morning when a photog asked him all about Katie and their…


Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx: Yes, We Are Still Together!

It looks like Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx are officially allowed to be seen in public with each other. 

The pair has been so secretive about their relationship that one would think that the whole thing was just a convoluted way to get their names in the media. 

That would be rather desperate, but would they really go THAT far? We think it’s fair to say that absolutely anything is possible in the celebrity world. 

We’re not saying they’re not popular. They are very popular and successful in what they do, but hiding a relationship from the always-present eyes of the media?

Not so much. 

According to TMZ, however, the duo recently took a stroll to the beach, and it was the first indication that their relationship could be turning a corner. 

They walked hand in hand on the beautiful dunes of Malibu and looked pretty happy in the process. They may be taking the whole thing a little slow. 

But then again, a lot of couples rush into all the milestones that come with being in a relationship and then things become rather cumbersome. So, we do agree that it’s better to take things slow.  

Even though they try to keep their relationship out of the media, that’s not to say they have not had their issues with each other. 

A report last year indicated that the duo was on the rocks and the main reason was that Katie wanted Jamie to go public about their relationship

The issue?

Jame allegedly wanted to keep the pairing on the down low. 

“Jamie is tired of being pressured by Katie into going public,” the source revealed.

“He’s asked for a few months out and made no promise he’ll be available after that.”

Some people do like to keep things private, so we can’t blame them. Maybe we’re a little selfish because we want to know everything there is to know about them. 

But with them being so quiet about every little thing, it will not stop the rumors from swirling. 

Last year, Foxx was photographed in a club grinding against different women who looked very happy about getting close to the celebrity. 

Could this be the start of the couple making their debut in the limelight?

We have no idea, but we are so intrigued!

What do you think about all of it?

Sound off below!


Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes Finally Out in Public As a Couple

Until now, seeing Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes out together as a couple was as common as a Bigfoot sighting or riding a unicorn … but not anymore!!! It took 4 years, but Hollywood’s most top secret couple finally packed on the PDA Monday…


Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Forgive our excitement in the headline above.

But we think you’ll understand when it comes from in just a few moments…

The 38-year old actress took a trip to Florida over the weekend with her 11-year old daughter, sharing a few intimate looks on Instagram of both herself and little Suri

And it’s impossible to look at these images without having two thoughts:

  1. Suri is really all grown up now.


See, there we go again.

Prepare to react in equal shock over the doppleganger nature of mother and daughter, however, upon taking a look at the picture below.

“My sweetie #love #beach #gratitude,” Holmes wrote as caption to the image, which we really cannot get over.

We’ve never seen a celebrity child look so much like his or her famous parent.

Holmes has done an incredible job shielding Suri from the spotlight over the years, considering she was born to the actress and Tom Cruise back when their marriage was under heavy scrutiny.

To this day, people question the legitimacy of the Holmes-Cruise union and wonder whether it was arranged by the Church of Scientology.

Eventually, Holmes filed to divorce Cruise, taking sole custody of an adorable little girl that Cruise has reportedly not seen in years.

It’s hard not to think this has been to Suri’s advantage, though, as she’s had the chance to grow up under the supervision of only one, very responsible and loving parent.

Over the past several months, Holmes has given fans more glimpses behind the scenes of her life with Suri.

In March, for example, we reacted with the same sort of amazement as we’re experiencing now in checking out a different fun photo of Suri and Katie.

In November, Holmes reacted to Donald Trump’s stunning Presidential victory with a picture of her daughter and message for the masses.

“Strong little girls that will become strong women. Let’s keep fighting to make it a better world for our children,” Holmes wrote as a caption to a snapshot of Suri and a friend.

We couldn’t agree more with that sentiment.

Back in September, meanwhile, there was this precious picture of the star cradling her child:

This is what it means to be a parent who is truly there for his or her daughter.

Just in case you were wondering, Tom Cruise.

Suri actually turns 11 years old today, which may explain why Holmes turned all sentimental last week.

In sharing the following throwback photo of Suri, Holmes referred to her only kid as a “sweet angel” on Instagram.

We’d say it takes one to know one, Katie.

You’ve done an incredible job with Suri. Be proud.


Friday, April 14, 2017

Katie Holmes Shares Throwback Picture of Suri Cruise: See It Here!

Katie Holmes has always kept her daughter, Suri Cruise out of the public eye, but she’s been surprisingly more open about her of late. 

It’s definitely a good idea when you consider how many young stars have very public meltdowns in their later years. 

Katie took to Instagram on Thursday to show off a picture of her 10-year-old daughter as a toddler with a cute caption. 

The cute picture above was accompanied by the following caption: “#tbt my sweet angel.”

It sure was a throwback, and a welcome one at that. 

With all of the questions about when Tom last saw his daughter, maybe the throwback picture will help him realize how much of her life he has missed. 

Katie married Tom in 2006, but their marriage came to a conclusion in 2012, with there being no solid answer given for the parting of ways. 

That’s not to say there was not a lot of rumors swirling about what happened. When a celebrity couple is dubbed “TomKat” by fans, you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be a lot of media attention when they break up. 

Katie shocked the world when she uploaded a picture of Suri in November because nobody knew what she looked like because of the media blackout that surrounded her. 

You can see that picture below. 

“Strong little girls that will become strong women. Let’s keep fighting to make it a better world for our children,” Holmes wrote at the time. 

Like we said earlier, it is a wise idea to keep the young ones away from the cameras. Katie is obviously a doting mother who cares very much about her welfare. 

Even Katie keeps quiet about her own personal life. Sometimes, it’s best to let the world speculate, and that sure seems like what Katie wants to do. 

Either that, or she does not want her ex-husband to know what the heck she gets up to. 

What do you think about all of this?


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Katie Holmes: Not Allowed To Date Until 2017!

Tom Cruise made sure that Katie Holmes was still under his control when they ironed out divorce details in 2012.

The couple, who started a romance that no one believed was real in 2005, decided that faking their marriage was really exhausting and therefore decided to divorce.

Since Cruise made more money, he was able to put certain restrictions on Holmes even after their marriage was officially over by making her sign a contract.

That contract, according to Radar Online, stated that Holmes would get $ 5 million for doing as Cruise said.

“Katie wanted out of the marriage so badly, she agreed to the terms — and got $ 4.8 million in child support, plus another $ 5 million for herself,” a source told Radar.

“Katie signed a clause in her quickie divorce settlement that prevents her from embarrassing Tom in various ways, like talking about him or Scientology, or publicly dating another man for five years after the divorce.”

Cruise isn’t a total monster, though.  He stated that Holmes can date, but it has to be in secrecy.

“She’s allowed to date, but she cannot do so in a public fashion, and she’s not supposed to let any boyfriend near their daughter, Suri,” the source said.

This has made things challenging for Holmes and her boyfriend, Jamie Foxx.

It’s the worst kept secret in Hollywood that Foxx and Holmes are together (they’ve been dating since 2013), but Holmes will lose out on $ 5 million if she takes her relationship with Fox public.

The two were almost exposed last month when Holmes watched Foxx perform with Barbra Streisand in New York, and then joined him in his dressing room.

“They figured it wasn’t a violation of the public rule because security prevented photos. They were so discreet,” the source said.

As for Cruise, it’s said that he’s not keeping tabs on his ex, but being reunited with his money wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

“At this point, Tom doesn’t care much what Katie does,” the source added.

“But he wouldn’t mind getting his $ 5 million back!”

What makes this story even more depressing is that Cruise has reportedly not seen his daughter, Suri in three years.  

There has been “no communication at all,” according to the tabloids, and any talk of Cruise fighting for more custody of Suri is fale.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Katie Holmes and Joshua Jackson: Back Together After All These Years?

There’s a rumor going around that Katie Holmes and Joshua Jackson have made their way back into each other’s arms.

A source told British tabloid Heat that Holmes and Jackson “had lunch together and things went from there.  Pretty soon, they were texting and talking to each other almost every day and spending time together whenever they got a chance.”

Jackson split up with Diane Kruger after ten years together, which was confirmed by their rep on July 18th.

Holmes had reportedly parted ways with rumored boyfriend Jamie Foxx (a relationship which was never confirmed), so the former Dawson’s Creek co-stars made like Joey and Pacey and got back together.

Another source told Life & Style that Holmes and Jackson’s “friends are convinced they’re more than just old buddies.”

Despite fans really, really, really wanting this to be true, Holmes’ rep shot down the story to Gossip Cop.  In fact, Holmes’ team told Life & Style  the same thing, but the tabloid ran the story anyway “just to stir up a rumor.”

In fact, the rep continued, Holmes and Jackson haven’t been in contact in a long time.

What’s weird is that in 2012, Jackson confirmed that Holmes called him up to reconnect after her split from Tom Cruise.

“Like any old friend, it was like, ‘Oh, hi how are ya? What’s going on?’; ‘I had a kid,"” Jackson recalled during an appearance on a Canadian talk show.

“It was very nice, actually.”

In September 1998, Holmes told Rolling Stone that she was smitten-kitten with Jackson.

“I’m just going to say that I met somebody last year, I fell in love, I had my first love, and it was something so incredible and indescribable,” she said at the time.

“I feel so fortunate because he’s now one of my best friends. It’s weird, it’s almost like a Dawson-and-Joey type thing now.  He’s been in the business so long, and he’s really helped me. I respect him as a friend and as a professional.”

BRB, going to destroy my Joey and Pace dream board. Thanks, Gossip Cop.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Suri Cruise: Ready For Stardom! Katie Holmes Freaking Out!

It was only a matter of time before she decided to go into the family business.

OK! Magazine reports that Suri Cruise wants to be an actress.  At first, it looked like Holmes was none too pleased that the youth wanted to follow in her parents’ footsteps.

“Katie was worried that Suri was becoming a bit insular due to intense spotlight that’s always on them, and she thought classes would help,” a source told the publication.

“Now she’s nosing around for a small role to help Suri to get her feet wet.”

Holmes recently shared an Instagram of Suri on the Toronto set of The Kennedys After Camelot, and having grown up with two famous parents, this is not her first rodeo.

At first, though, Holmes was said to have serious reservations of letting Suri get into show business, reportedly because Suri is brilliant.

“This is Katie’s worst nightmare, but she knew it was coming,” the source said.

“Katie would never get in the way of Suri’s ambitions, but she’s actually a very intelligent little girl who could do anything she wanted – doctor, lawyer, anything – so it’s somewhat heartbreaking for Katie to hear Suri dream of a career on the big screen.”

Something tells me Holmes let’s Suri run shop.

“She’s a very head-strong little girl and Katie’s running out of excuses to delay her dreams of stardom.”

Here’s a thought – tell Suri she can’t go into show business until she’s at least graduated high schoo.  

Another thought would be to expose her to other jobs aside from show business.  

Then again, the heart wants what the heart wants, so if Suri wants to film back-to-back movies and avoid her offspring like a certain someone allegedly does, then so be it.

Suri is reportedly enamored with the “glitz and glamor of showbiz,” which Holmes will have to expose as smoke and mirrors at some point.

Don’t most kids that age want to be a vet?

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx Are Really Dating, I Guess?

I remember reading a blurb in Us Weekly last year about Katie Holmes dropping the L bomb on Jamie Foxx over the phone after landing at LAX.

“She said she loved him,” a source told the magazine.

“She always gushes about how amazing he is and the joy he brings into the world.”

Welp, The Real Housewives of Atlanta‘s Claudia Jordan – who considers herself a good friend of Foxx’s – blabbed about the couple on Theo Von & Matthew Cole Weiss’ Allegedly podcast, confirming that Holmes and Foxx are an item.

Foxx’s “good friend” told the hosts “He is very happy with her. I like that he seems very happy.”

The two have reportedly been dating since October 2013, but have denied their courtship several times.

In 2013, they were spotted dancing at the Apollo Theater’s annual charity bash in the Hamptons, and were seen leaving a recording studio holding hands in 2015.

Lately, they’ve upgraded from “we’re not together” to “it’s not a secret” among their friends, according to E! News.

Foxx and Holmes subscribe to Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin’s old routine, which involves arriving and leaving a venue separately, and never being photographed together.

“Jamie is someone she can trust and have fun with,” a source told Us Weekly back in 2013.

Foxx reportedly refers to Holmes as “my girl.”

For instance, when she called him from LAX, he told friends “my girl is calling.”

Holmes is currently in Toronto shooting The Kennedys: After Camelot.  New York Daily News claims Foxx was spotted in the Canadian city this month, presumably to visit his “girl.”

Holmes and Tom Cruise (parents to Suri, 10) divorced in 2012.

Foxx has two daughters from two previous relationships – Corinne, 22, and Annalise, 6.  Corinne was 2016’s Miss Gold Globe Awards.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Katie Holmes Shares Rare Photo of Suri Cruise (And She"s Gorgeous)

Somewhere, Tom Cruise is looking at this photo and thinking, “Wow! I haven’t seen that girl in over 2 years!”

Katie Holmes recently shared a photo of her daughter, Suri Cruise on her Instagram.  Mom and daughter were on the Toronto set of Holmes’ television series, The Kennedys: After Camelot.

In Touch Weekly alleged earlier this month that Cruise hasn’t been in contact with his ten-year-old daughter in over 1,000 days.

“They used to Skype and text, but that trailed off drastically,” a source told the tabloid, adding that the Mission Impossible star “uses his film commitments as an excuse” not to see his daughter

“The truth is that doesn’t hold much weight with Suri anymore,” the source pointed out.

Since Cruise is a devout Scientologist, his ex-wife’s refusal to convert Suri is a point of contention, and one that the Church of Scientology’s leader David Miscavige used to justify that Cruise should cut ties.

“Tom eats, breathes and sleeps Scientology,” another source claimed.

“He’s disconnected from Katie, and then de facto from Suri, because of her connection to Katie. He hasn’t seen her since she was 7. 

“Miscavige would have hammered home to Tom that Suri has been infiltrated by a bad Thetan.”

Aren’t we all bad Thetans at one point or another?

Star Magazine, on the other hand, alleges that Cruise and his daughter have “secret conversations” over the phone.

“Suri has been talking to Tom behind Katie’s back. He looks forward to her texts.

“For Tom, it’s been very emotional,” not being able to see Suri.

“It’s not surprising that Suri is confused by the lack of communication between her parents,” the source added.

“She’s growing up, asking more questions and it’s becoming harder to shield her from the whispers.

“She wants to speak to her dad.”

Friday, March 4, 2016

Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx: Secretly MARRIED?!

Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx still haven’t publicly acknowledged that they’re dating, but by all accounts, the actors are not only an item, they’re also moving very fast. 

Last week, we reported that Foxx and Holmes are secretly engaged, now it looks like they may have skipped the planning stage and rushed right into a low-key wedding.

Yes, according to Radar Online, Jamie has been spotted wearing a wedding band, leading many to believe that he and Katie have already tied the knot.

Naturally, the fact that the couple seems to have speed-walked down the aisle has led to reports “confirming” that Holmes is pregnant with Foxx’s baby.

We’re not willing to take things that far just yet, but sources say Katie already acting like a mom to Jamie’s daughter Corrine.

The two of them were recently spotted hanging out together in LA along with Katie’s daughter Suri, looking very much like a family:

“Katie and Suri and Corrine were all at the Honor Bar together having a girls day out,” an onlooker told Radar.

“Corinne was so cute with Suri, and the three of them looked like they were having a lot of fun together.”

So if they did get married, it looks like Katie and Jamie skipped the honeymoon.

Clearly, it’s because Katie didn’t want to run the risk of contracting Zika…because she’s pregnant!

We kid. Congrats to Holmes and Foxx if they did get married. If not, congrats just for leading successful, Tom Cruise-free lives.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Katie Holmes: Having Jamie Foxx"s BABY?!?

Last month, we told you all about the secret engagement and secret wedding plans between secret couple Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx.

And now, guess what? They’re planning a super-secret baby!

So says OK! magazine, which reports that the two just can’t wait for a bundle of joy.

“[Katie and Jamie] have been talking about a baby for months,” a source reportedly told the magazine. “They’re considering IVF if it doesn’t happen naturally.”

And why not? In-vitro fertilization is hot in the streets these days among the celeb crowd.

For example, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend turned to IVF when conceiving their baby (true story).

And Selena Gomez is considering IVF to conceive with Niall Horan’s sperm (fake story). 

An “insider” revealed that Katie has been boning up on her IVF knowledge by researching fertility doctors and talking to friends who used the procedure to conceive.

Katie and Jamie’s daughters, Suri, 10, and Annalise, 6 (who are total BFFs, natch), reportedly can’t wait for the couple to add a secret sibling to their brood. 

We here at THG aren’t sure why the tabloids keep pushing this fake couple, as both stars have denied rumors of any kind of romance many times.

But the way these stories keep coming, we’re certain they’ll have a secret baby, secret affairs, a secret divorce, a secret reconciliation and their secret kids will be graduating from Harvard in no time.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Katie Holmes Tries to Dance Like Beyonce, Fails

Oh, Katie Holmes. You really are a cutie pie, but you ain"t no Beyonce.

The actress stopped by The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday, where she professed her love for Queen Bey and attempted to emulate the singer"s much talked-about Super Bowl moves.

We"d say "don"t quit your day job, Katie," but these days, we"re not exactly sure what that is.

We kid! (Kinda.)

The Dawson"s Creek alum actually made a solid effort channeling her inner Bey, but let"s face it, there"s only one queen.

At one point, Jimmy got in on the action and the two executed a little shimmy and shake together, resulting in heads shaking everywhere except perhaps the home of Rudy Giuliani, who likely thought it was good, "wholesome" entertainment

Katie confessed that she skipped watching the Super Bowl to attend a cooking class with her daughter, Suri, but made a point to stop by a friend"s apartment just before halftime in order to catch Beyonce do her thing.

Unfortunately, Katie did not address her alleged "secret" wedding and "secret" baby with Jamie Foxx, who she has been rumored to be dating for two years.

It"s too bad. Jamie Foxx is no slouch of a dancer himself – maybe he could"ve shown Katie a thing or two.


Katie holmes tries to dance like beyonce fails

Friday, January 29, 2016

Katie Holmes & Jamie Foxx: Planning SECRET Spring Wedding?!

Earlier this month, photos surfaced of Katie Holmes sporting a diamond on her left ring finger, leading many fans to believe it was an engagement ring… from Jamie Foxx.

Rumors of a secret relationship between the Dawson’s Creek star and the Oscar winner have been floating around for about two years now, though neither have confirmed.

And now, a source tells OK! magazine that the two are planning a secret spring wedding to seal the deal on their secret engagement.

The nuptials will allegedly take place on Foxx’s estate in Hidden Hills, Calif. and will be limited to family. 

Celeb Dirty Laundry speculates that Holmes’ daughter Suri, 10, and Foxx’s daughter Annalise, 6, who have become fast besties, will serve as flower girls. 

Will Tom Cruise, Foxx’s good friend and Holmes’ ex-husband, be best man? Uh, doubtful. 

But then again, this story is so outlandish, you never know.

The site also speculates that a baby may be already on the way for the couple, because why not throw that into the mix? Love and marriage have GOT to mean babies, right?

So, this is exciting! How could we not have seen this?

Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx have been involved in a secret two-year love affair then got secretly engaged and are now having a secret wedding and a secret baby together!

They will live together in blissful, matrimonial secrecy and never let anyone in on their clandestine union until their disgruntled, rebellious child writes a tell-all book announcing it to the world. 

And we’ll all say, “OMG, WE KNEW IT!”

If it sounds like we’re skeptical, well, maybe just a tad.

Of course, Katie was in a sham marriage with the world’s most famous Scientologist for years, so really, anything is possible.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx: Engaged?!?

For two years, rumors abound of a secret romance between Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx, but the chatter has now escalated with reports that the two have become engaged.

The gossip started after the actress was recently spotted sporting a sparkly diamond ring on her left finger – aka the ENGAGEMENT RING finger.

However, neither star has confirmed the engagement, and we’ve received conflicting reports about its veracity. 

While Radar Online affirms that the ring is indeed from Foxx, a source told E! News that it isn’t, and that Holmes has had the ring for more than a year.

Still, we have to wonder why, of all the fingers, she’d choose THAT finger to show off this particular piece of bling. Girl’s been at this for a while, she knows how it works.

Then again, if it WAS an engagement ring, wouldn’t she just say so? I mean, we can all see it.

Back in 2013, when rumors of their dalliance first surfaced, Foxx shut it down pretty quickly and called the suggestion “hilarious.” After all, Holmes’ ex, Tom Cruise, was his co-star in Collateral and the two men are said to be good friends.

So, what’s your vote? If you’re not involved in any fantasy football wagers, you and your pals could potentially start a pool surrounding this quandary: are Katie and Jamie engaged… or nah?

Monday, November 2, 2015

Leah Remini Accuses Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes of Neglecting Suri

Over the past week, Leah Remini has launched a full-blown media attack on the Church of Scientology, of which she was a member for several decades.

Leah"s been speaking about her time as a Scientologist in order to promote her scathing new memoir, Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology.

In a recently released excerpt, Remini detailed the sexual abuse and harassment that she experienced as a young woman in the church.

Now, Leah is going after the controversial religion"s golden boy, Tom Cruise.

Today, another excerpt from the book, which hits stores on Tuesday, was released to the public, and it includes some shocking allegations about Cruise and his then-wife, Katie Holmes.

According to Remini, she attended a pre-wedding dinner at Cruise"s home, and she rode to the party in a car with Cruise"s children from his first marriage to Nicole Kidman.

When Remini asked Isabella Cruise if she planned to see her mother soon, the then-13-year-old snapped, "Not if I have a choice. Our mom is a f–king SP."

SP stands for "suppressive person," Scientologist jargon for a friend or family member who attempts to talk a believer into quitting the faith.

Isabella Cruise got married last month and didn"t invite either of her parents to the ceremony.

More shocking than the odd nature of Cruise"s relationship with his older children, however, is the shocking neglect of youngest daughter Suri Cruise that Remini says she witnessed upon arriving at the dinner.

Remini claims that Suri – then just 7 months old – was left to scream and cry on a bathroom floor while adults milled about pretending that nothing was wrong.

Remini was eventually able to convince some women who were standing nearby to assist with her cleaning the baby up and giving her warm milk.

Tellingly, Holmes issued a statement apologizing for her past mistreatment of Remini and did not deny that the Suri incident occurred as she described it.

Watch Remini discuss her feelings about Scientology and her relationship with Holmes in the video below:


Leah remini accuses tom cruise katie holmes of neglecting suri

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Katie Holmes Demands More Child Support From Tom Cruise

After Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise divorced because of Cruise’s obsession with Scientology, Katie landed more the $ 400,000 a year in child support from Tom.

And now, years after their divorce settlement, Katie is threatening to take Tom back to court for more child support money.

We aren’t sure why Katie needs more money to support their 9-year-old daughter Suri. But we do think this could be a way of punishing Tom for not seeing his daughter for more than two years.

According to an insider who dished the details to Life & Style Magazine, “She’s going to ask that the $ 400,000 a year in support she currently gets be amended to a higher amount.”

The source added, “While Katie’s taking every acting job that comes her way, she doesn’t have the ability to keep her and Suri living the lifestyle that Tom’s fortune allowed.”

More money is needed to keep up with Suri’s lifestyle the source said: “There’s also the fact that Suri is getting older and needs more money to travel back and forth across the country with Katie, as well as for her dance, skating and music lessons, new clothes, arts and crafts, and tutors.”

The insider stated that Suri’s “needs will only grow exponentially over the next few years” and that Holmes is “preparing … to make sure she gets the money she needs.”

Will this be a wake-up call for Tom? Will he be reminded that he needs to support and see his daughter?

In August, rumors claimed Tom saw his daughter for the first time in two years and that he was attempting to build a relationship with her.  However, the newest gossip suggests otherwise.

Cruise blames his work commitments, citing that they prevent him from seeing Suri. He spends most of his time in London, while Suri is in New York and Los Angeles.

Holmes isn’t accepting any excuses though. According to the insider, she is ready to put up a fight. “She’s grown a lot tougher since splitting from Tom. The marriage was suffocating her, but she’s no longer afraid,” the source dished.

Like most people, Katie feels that life without Tom is no big deal. In fact, life without Tom is probably better!

She just wants him to take care of their daughter.  Holmes “would be fine if she never saw Tom again, but taking proper care of his daughter financially is another matter,” the source reassured.