Showing posts with label Homeless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homeless. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Kris Jenner Delivers Hot Meals for Over 100 Homeless People on Christmas (PHOTOS)

Kris Jenner brought a little Calabasas flavor to Skid Row with her own kind of meals-on-wheels. Kris surprised the good folks at Red Eye — a community outreach program that benefits the inner-city youth — by calling the organization’s…


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Lamar Odom: Not Homeless! Probably Not on Crack!

Lamar Odom has a home.

But does he also have a drug problem?

Over the past few days, a new round of rumors have circulated in regard to the former basketball player and estranged husband of Khloe Kardashian.

As previously reported, for example, a family member allegedly found a crack pipe inside the home Lamar was renting from Khloe.

In response to this disappointing discovery, Khloe gave Odom the boot.

Headlines across the Internet subsequent screamed yesterday that LAMAR ODOM IS HOMELESS AND OFF THE WAGON AND IN SERIOUS TROUBLE AGAIN.

But E! News says we should not believe everything we read online, which is a jarring claim to make.

“Lamar’s not homeless. He has a nice place in California,” an insider close to Odom tells the outlet. “It’s just a lie.”

A second source explains that Odom renting a home near Sherman Oaks, having moved out of the aforementioned Calabasas rental a few weeks ago.

“It was always a temporary agreement that he live there until he gets back on his feet,” this insider says.

What about the assertion that Odom is back on the crack train? That his addiction has once again taken over his life?

E! News goes on to write that Lamar is spending a great deal of time with his kids.

Moreover, he is taking part in an outpatient program that is comprised counseling and professional assistiance to help him remain on the right track. 

He’s clean. He’s sober. And he’s focused on remaining that way.

“He is doing well,” E! reports.

“He is determined to stay on the straight and narrow and wants to be the best father he can possibly be and he is doing the work required to achieve that.

“It is not easy, but he is focused and determined.”

We very much hope that’s the case.

Last week, Odom responded to Kardashian’s divorce filing in which he cited “irreconcilable differences” as the basis behind the couple’s split.

They had been married for nearly four years when Lamar’s demons caught back up to him, forcing Khloe to separate from the love of her life due to his drug habit and admitted cheating back in 2014.

In his legal response a few days ago, Lamar also requested that the judge deny the court’s ability to award Khloe with spousal support.

E! concludes that Odom is no longer trying to win Khloe back.

Nor is he looking for a new girlfriend or anything like that.

Considering Lamar nearly died in October when he fell unconscious in Nevada after a drug overdose, there are only two issues on the star’s mind these days.

“His priorities are his children and his health,” the website’s source says.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Meet the Internet Hero Who Dined with a Homeless Woman

All members of law enforcement deserve our admiration and respect.

But Massachusetts State Trooper Luke Bonin even more than most, we feel comfortable saying.

According to a Massachusetts State Police Facebook post, Bonin spotted a homeless woman named Lynn Murphy on the side of the road this month.

Bonin had just left court, learned that Murphy is a mother of four and proceeded to purchase food for the new friends to enjoy together.

He had no idea anyone was even around to snap a photo of the compassionate act.

“Trooper Bonin, we know you do not want or expect publicity. We know you didn’t want to be noticed, but you were, and the job is proud of you,” the state police’s Facebook message reads.

“We commend you for your selfless act, and for “doing the right thing” for someone less fortunate than most people."

As documented below by CBS Boston, Murphy says she thought Bonin was going to get her in trouble for panhandling when he first approached.

To her very pleasant surprise, however, he presented her with a meal instead.

And that’s not all the police officer did.

“I thought he was just going to hand me the meal but when he said, ‘Come around the back, it’s such a beautiful day, we’ll have a picnic,’ the mother told the outlet.

“It touched my heart.”

And this story continues to tour our heart.

David Procopio, a State Police spokesperson, told The Herald News that this incident speaks perfectly to what Bonin is all about.

"It really reveals his character," Procopio says.

Learn more details and prepare to be very impressed below:

State trooper shares meal with homeless woman becomes internet h

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Kanye West to Haters: I BELIEVE in My Ripped Homeless Sweaters!!

Kanye West is not just a rapper and a performance artist.

He is a visionary fashion designer who liberally borrows from the classic street styles of Skid Row.

Yesterday, ‘Ye the performance artist took to his Twitter canvas to rant and rave in his usual fashion, this time about, well, fashion. 

In his runway show for Yeezy Season 3, he dressed his wife Kim Kardashian and her family in his designs. 

Kim looked like the abominable snowman, Kourtney channeled a chandelier and Kylie, Kendall and Caitlyn wore white knit garments that resembled some kind of chew toy for that bear in The Revenant.

Many critics weren’t impressed, but Kanye is totally proud of his “ripped homeless sweaters.”

Kanye tweet - homeless sweaters

Oh, is that what the look is called?

MediaTakeOut described the Yeezy spectacle as a “shit show” that “completely underwhelmed” fashion critics and described his garments as “a bunch of torn rags for $ 2,000.” 

But no matter what the haters say, the designer favors this look over suit jackets, because that trend is so 4,997,984 BC.

Kanye tweet - suit jackets

Kanye tweet - yoga pants

But here’s the thing that Kanye fails to realize.

While women are totes cool with casual dress, they prefer not to be in a “Who Wore It Best” contest with the dude sleeping next to a dumpster. 

Kanye West to Haters: I BELIEVE in My Ripped Homeless Sweaters!!

Kanye West is not just a rapper and a performance artist.

He is a visionary fashion designer who liberally borrows from the classic street styles of Skid Row.

Yesterday, ‘Ye the performance artist took to his Twitter canvas to rant and rave in his usual fashion, this time about, well, fashion. 

In his runway show for Yeezy Season 3, he dressed his wife Kim Kardashian and her family in his designs. 

Kim looked like the abominable snowman, Kourtney channeled a chandelier and Kylie, Kendall and Caitlyn wore white knit garments that resembled some kind of chew toy for that bear in The Revenant.

Many critics weren’t impressed, but Kanye is totally proud of his “ripped homeless sweaters.”

Kanye tweet - homeless sweaters

Oh, is that what the look is called?

MediaTakeOut described the Yeezy spectacle as a “shit show” that “completely underwhelmed” fashion critics and described his garments as “a bunch of torn rags for $ 2,000.” 

But no matter what the haters say, the designer favors this look over suit jackets, because that trend is so 4,997,984 BC.

Kanye tweet - suit jackets

Kanye tweet - yoga pants

But here’s the thing that Kanye fails to realize.

While women are totes cool with casual dress, they prefer not to be in a “Who Wore It Best” contest with the dude sleeping next to a dumpster. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Pauley Perrette: I Was Attacked By a Homeless Guy! AGAIN!

Most people know Pauley Perrette as the goth forensic scientist Abby Sciuto on NCIS.

Officers of the LAPD, however, are getting to know her as the woman who keeps randomly getting attacked by homeless people.

Back in November, Perrette claimed she was assaulted outside her house by a homeless man who was later arrested based on her description.

Now, the 46-year-old actress has taken to Twitter to share yet another lengthy account of a bizarre run-in:

Perrette says it all started when she was stopped in traffic and spotted a homeless man asking drivers for change.

“He came to my window, to take my dollar. I said God Bless You,” Perrette wrote. “He grabbed my wrist and put his whole inside my car.

“He was in my car and I was scared. I looked at my dashboard and first said, ‘I rebuke you satan (sic) in the name of Jesus Christ.”

Perrette says the man then asked for the time, she replied, “It’s 5:37,” and he walked away.

She also suggested that there were several witnesses who could have intervened, but chose not to.

Pauley adds that she had a taser and tactical knife in her car, but chose not to use them.

Not surprisingly, Perrette’s story has been met with a fair amount of skepticism online, as violent attacks from homeless men and women are statistically quite rare, and both of Pauley’s stories feature some downright bizarre details.

Of course, we have no way of knowing if the incident actually went down as she described it, so we’ll just advise the actress to invest in a can of mace and play it as safe as possible going forward.

Watch NCIS online to see Pauley do her thing in the crime lab.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Canceled Wedding Turns Into $35,000 Dinner for the Homeless

Talk about turning lemons into lemonade…

The following video tells the sad tale of a bride whose groom-to-be called off their wedding at the last second.

In response to this turn of events, Kari Duane was most concerned about her daughter’s feelings, of course. But she was also on the hook for a $ 35,000 wedding reception tab.

Instead of canceling or using the event space for some kind of family-and-friends gathering, however, Kari decided to give the homeless population of Sacramento a chance to dine at the posh Citizen Hotel.

And after just one individual walked in, Kari considered her decision to be the right one.

“I was thinking at that moment, if she’s the only person that comes tonight, this was worth it,” Duane told local news station KCRA.

As you can see in this report, though, many more people than that came by for the special occasion.

Pretty amazing, no?

Canceled wedding turns into 35000 dollars dinner for the homeles