Thursday, March 10, 2016

Kanye West to Haters: I BELIEVE in My Ripped Homeless Sweaters!!

Kanye West is not just a rapper and a performance artist.

He is a visionary fashion designer who liberally borrows from the classic street styles of Skid Row.

Yesterday, ‘Ye the performance artist took to his Twitter canvas to rant and rave in his usual fashion, this time about, well, fashion. 

In his runway show for Yeezy Season 3, he dressed his wife Kim Kardashian and her family in his designs. 

Kim looked like the abominable snowman, Kourtney channeled a chandelier and Kylie, Kendall and Caitlyn wore white knit garments that resembled some kind of chew toy for that bear in The Revenant.

Many critics weren’t impressed, but Kanye is totally proud of his “ripped homeless sweaters.”

Kanye tweet - homeless sweaters

Oh, is that what the look is called?

MediaTakeOut described the Yeezy spectacle as a “shit show” that “completely underwhelmed” fashion critics and described his garments as “a bunch of torn rags for $ 2,000.” 

But no matter what the haters say, the designer favors this look over suit jackets, because that trend is so 4,997,984 BC.

Kanye tweet - suit jackets

Kanye tweet - yoga pants

But here’s the thing that Kanye fails to realize.

While women are totes cool with casual dress, they prefer not to be in a “Who Wore It Best” contest with the dude sleeping next to a dumpster.