Showing posts with label Hunter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hunter. Show all posts

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Dog the Bounty Hunter, Crime Victim

Dog the Bounty Hunter and wife Beth are the latest L.A. crime victims after thieves somehow got inside their ritzy hotel suite and stole thousands in cash. Law enforcement sources tell us Dog and Beth were staying at the Luxe Hotel in Los Angeles…


Friday, March 3, 2017

Kathleen Biden: Hunter Biden is a Cheating Drug User Who Steals Money From Me!

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s alleged drug use and infidelity was, in part, what led to the end of his marriage.

That’s according to his estranged wife Kathleen, to whom he is still married … while dating his late brother Beau’s widow Hallie Biden.

Kathleen filed a new motion in D.C. Superior Court on February 23, just one week before Hunter and Hallie’s relationship went public.

Hallie and Hunter confirmed they are dating in a statement.

Not happy about that for a variety of reasons, Kathleen claims that her husband has behaved in a manner unbecoming of him – financially.

Hunter, she says, has “created financial concerns for the family by spending extravagantly on his own interests” during their separation.

Those interests include “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations,” she alleges.

She also claims that the family (the couple share three children) has no funds to pay their bills because of Hunter’s continued spending. 

Kathleen further claims in court papers that Hunter instructed his office to reduce the monthly funds she received by nearly $ 10,000.

That was in October, allegedly, but even after he had curtailed his payments to her, he “secretly continued to spend lavishly.”

All the while, “complaining to Ms. Biden, through counsel, about the financial issues of the family and Ms. Biden’s spending.”

Kathleen goes on to claim in documents that Hunter had $ 122,179 of their marital income transferred into his personal bank account.

The money was gone, she says, in “less than two months.”

She claims that the family has maxed out its credit cards, owes numerous outstanding bills, and has incurred a tax debt of at least $ 313,970. 

She is requesting Hunter be provided only a $ 5,000 a month allowance, and that she be given $ 20,000 a month, according to reports.

Beau Biden

Hunter Biden’s attorney responded, “Hunter and Kathleen have been separated for some time and are in the process of finalizing a divorce.”

“Hunter loves and admires Kathleen as a person, a mother, and a friend. He hopes their privacy can be respected at this time.”

The couple married in July 1993 and separated not long after Beau Biden (above) died in 2015 following a battle with brain cancer.

This week, Hunter announced that he and Beau’s widow, Hallie, have become involved in a romantic relationship of their own.

“Hallie and I are incredibly lucky to have found the love and support we have for each other in such a difficult time,” he said.

“That’s been obvious to the people who love us most. We’ve been so lucky to have family and friends who have supported us every step of the way.”

The former Vice President and wife Dr. Jill Biden also said in a statement that they are aware of the relationship and support it.

“We are all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together again after such sadness.”

“They have mine and Jill’s full and complete support and we are happy for them,” Joe and Jill said of their son and daughter-in-law.

Beau Biden died of brain cancer in May 2015, a fact that is believed to have led to the decision of Joe Biden not running for President.

Hunter and Kathleen split in October of that year, five months after Beau died. They have three daughters, Naomi, Finnegan and Maisy. 

Beau, the former attorney general of Delaware, and Hallie have two children, a daughter Natalie and, confusingly, a son Hunter.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Joe Biden"s Daughter-in-Law Kathleen Divorce Docs ... She Kicked Hunter Out of the House

Joe Biden’s daughter-in-law Kathleen has filed for divorce … but long after she told her husband to leave the family home. In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Kathleen claims she and Hunter Biden formally separated in October, 2015, and they’ve been…


Joe Biden"s Daughter-in-Law Kathleen Divorce Docs ... She Kicked Hunter Out of the House

Joe Biden’s daughter-in-law Kathleen has filed for divorce … but long after she told her husband to leave the family home. In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Kathleen claims she and Hunter Biden formally separated in October, 2015, and they’ve been…


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Hunter Renfrow Gets VICTORY PUPPY ... And He"s Adorable (Video)

Clemson stud wide receiver Hunter Renfrow celebrated his National Championship victory in a very furry way … HE GOT A BRAND NEW PUPPY! After catching the winning TD against Alabama on Monday, 21-year-old Hunter and his GF Camilla decided it was…


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Dog the Bounty Hunter -- I"d Use Truth Serum on Steven Avery & Brendan Dassey (VIDEO)

Dog the Bounty Hunter has unconventional methods for proving whether or not Steven Avery is worthy of a get out of jail free card like his nephew Brendan Dassey. Dog was leaving Catch in WeHo Tuesday night, and while Dog’s…


Monday, July 25, 2016

Rielle Hunter: I Still Love John Edwards So Much!!

Rielle Hunter had an affair with married Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards and gave birth to his love child eight years ago.

His wife, who had been battling cancer, is now deceased.

His political career, once incredibly promising, is dead in a different sense … but the scandal that shocked the political world lives on.

Hunter sat down with ABC News to discuss her new children’s book, Howie Do It, illustrated by Quinn – her daughter with John Edwards.

Seriously, that is actually thing that happened.

While Rielle Hunter has never been a stable individual, her desire to remain in the spotlight after all of this is baffling even by her standards.

As for her current relationship with Edwards?

“He’s family, I absolutely love him,” she said.

“I will always love him.”

“We get along great. We have the same goals, we want the best for Quinn,” the 52-year-old Hunter continued, smiling at their daughter.

Hunter said she’s managed to get past the scandal that Edwards covered up with the help of Andrew Young, then his trusted associate.

“When you make a mistake you have to take a responsibility for it, say you’re sorry and move on,” she said in the interview.

She"s never truly done that in the eyes of many observers, but trying to apply logic to Rielle Hunter is neither here nor there.

Nowadays, Quinn sees her father “as often as possible,” and has learned from her mother that “it’s okay to make mistakes.”

Mistakes like forgetting to make your bed, or breaking up a man"s marriage to his terminally ill wife while he"s running for U.S. president?

Errors in judgment like forgetting to turn the heat down at night, or engaging in a political cover-up that could"ve sabotaged a nation?

Just curious.

Rielle hunter i still love john edwards

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Rielle Hunter: John Edwards & I Are STILL in Love!

Rielle Hunter, John Edwards" baby mama, says she and the disgraced politician still "love each other" and were dating … last year.

"We were together for nine years … We still love each other. We"re not together, but we still love each other," she told Steve Harvey.

The relationship was believed to have ended in 2012, but Hunter said the infamous couple actually dated until February of last year.

Their daughter, Frances Quinn, is 8 now.

Hunter, 51, called Edwards "a great dad," and said the former Democratic V.P. candidate sees his daughter "as often as he can."

Their affair began in 2006, when John was still married to his now-late wife Elizabeth and seeking his party"s 2008 nomination.

Hunter, a filmmaker, had been hired to work for his presidential campaign, only to tarnish his reputation with an absolutely epic scandal.

The National Enquirer exposed the affair in 2007, but Edwards soldiered on, calling the accusations "ridiculous" and "tabloid trash."

He eventually acknowledged the fling in 2008, as his wife voiced support, but denied that he was the father of Rielle Hunter"s daughter.

An aide to the former U.S. Senator, Andrew Young, claimed to be the child"s father, a ploy Hunter now says she found totally "insane.”

"I was afraid that my daughter, who was unborn at that time, would not have a dad," Hunter said, but "I didn"t want to hurt anybody."

"It was in the middle of a campaign," the mistress admits, "and I didn"t want to be the one to bring down an entire campaign."

John finally came clean about fathering Frances Quinn in 2010; Elizabeth Edwards left him as the scandal intensified, then died of cancer.

Edwards faced a trial in 2012 over alleged campaign finance violations pertaining to his affair, but escaped jail because of a hung jury.

After the trial, Hunter trashed Elizabeth Edwards in a book, What Really Happened, calling her dead love rival a "witch on wheels."

Hunter went on to apologize for her statements and actions in a follow-up to the book, adding that she had been selfish in her behavior.

"I really, truly did not mean to hurt anybody, and I wasn"t thinking of anybody but myself. And I was absolutely wrong … absolutely."

Rielle hunter john edwards and i are still in love

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Country Singer Eddie Montgomery Reveals Son Hunter Has Died After Being Removed From Life Support Sunday Morning

This is awful.

Eddie Montgomery, the 51-year-old member of country mega-star duo Montgomery Gentry, revealed on Sunday that his 19-year-old son Hunter has died.

Related: Bobbi Kristina’s Cause Of Death Has Been Determined

Hunter, who had been in critical condition in the hospital all week after a very serious accident in Kentucky, was taken off life support Sunday and passed away.

Montgomery said in a statement on the band’s website:

“My son Hunter went to heaven today. I appreciate all your prayers and love and thank you for giving us privacy as we grieve and say goodbye.”

So, so sad.

Our thoughts are obviously with Hunter’s friends, family, and loved ones during this sudden and unbelievably difficult time.

[Image via Aruna Gilbert/WENN.]