Monday, July 25, 2016

Rielle Hunter: I Still Love John Edwards So Much!!

Rielle Hunter had an affair with married Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards and gave birth to his love child eight years ago.

His wife, who had been battling cancer, is now deceased.

His political career, once incredibly promising, is dead in a different sense … but the scandal that shocked the political world lives on.

Hunter sat down with ABC News to discuss her new children’s book, Howie Do It, illustrated by Quinn – her daughter with John Edwards.

Seriously, that is actually thing that happened.

While Rielle Hunter has never been a stable individual, her desire to remain in the spotlight after all of this is baffling even by her standards.

As for her current relationship with Edwards?

“He’s family, I absolutely love him,” she said.

“I will always love him.”

“We get along great. We have the same goals, we want the best for Quinn,” the 52-year-old Hunter continued, smiling at their daughter.

Hunter said she’s managed to get past the scandal that Edwards covered up with the help of Andrew Young, then his trusted associate.

“When you make a mistake you have to take a responsibility for it, say you’re sorry and move on,” she said in the interview.

She"s never truly done that in the eyes of many observers, but trying to apply logic to Rielle Hunter is neither here nor there.

Nowadays, Quinn sees her father “as often as possible,” and has learned from her mother that “it’s okay to make mistakes.”

Mistakes like forgetting to make your bed, or breaking up a man"s marriage to his terminally ill wife while he"s running for U.S. president?

Errors in judgment like forgetting to turn the heat down at night, or engaging in a political cover-up that could"ve sabotaged a nation?

Just curious.

Rielle hunter i still love john edwards