Showing posts with label Inspiring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiring. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton Shares Inspiring Photo Upon Clinching Presidential Nomination

Love Hillary Clinton or think she’s destined to lead this country into ruin, one thing cannot be denied:

June 7, 2016 will be a date that goes down in history.

That’s what happens when a major political party nominates a woman to be President for the first time in U.S. history.

Prior to speaking at a rallying Brooklyn after she clinched this nomination on Tuesday night, Hillary Clinton recognized her monumental achievement by sharing an inspiring photo on Twitter.

She didn’t focus on policy in it or even take a shot at Donald Trump in it.

Instead, she sent a message to women everywhere with it.

“To every little girl who dreams big: Yes, you can be anything you want – even president. Tonight is for you,” Clinton captioned the photo above.

As of this writing, the Tweet has garnered more than 46,000 likes and has been re-Tweeted more than 28,000 times.

While she celebrated her victory over Bernie Sanders in front of a throng of supporters, though, Clinton also made it clear she wished one person in particular could have been there to celebrate with her.

In another social media post, Clinton remembered her mother, who would have celebrated her 97th birthday over the weekend.

Bill and mom

“I wish my mom were here tonight to share this moment. She was my rock from the day I was born until the day she left us,’ Clinton wrote as a caption.

“This past Saturday would have been her 97th birthday – she was born the same day Congress passed the 19th Amendment to give women the right to vote.

“I wish she could have seen this team and your extraordinary conviction – how you never stopped fighting, no matter how tough this election got. How your voices lifted this campaign up in communities all across the country.

“How your investment in the values we share made this moment possible.”

Politics aside, pretty moving stuff, wouldn’t you say?

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Inspiring Passenger Gets Pizza Delivered to a Moving Train

This is the story of a true British hero.

He goes by the name of Celebrity DJ Artwork on Twitter and he recently shared his experience of getting pizza delivered to a moving train.

Yes, you read that sentence correctly.

Don"t tell us you aren"t dying to find out how he accomplished this feat…

1. How It All Began

How it all began

What idiot? This idiot apparently!

2. But We Can Rectify This Situation!

But we can rectify this situation

You can accomplish anything with the Internet, right?

3. Careful Planning is Needed

Careful planning is needed

This is a serious operation.

4. Darn You, Internet!

Darn you internet

Seriously, trains, why offer Internet if it barely works?!?

5. Guys, Guys, Guys…

Guys guys guys


6. The Countdown is On

The countdown is on

10 minutes until go (eat) time!

View Slideshow

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Emily Ratajkowski Takes Down Slut Shamers in Inspiring New Essay

If you’re a beautiful woman with large breasts, society often thinks that’s all you are. You’re advised to cover up or be branded a slut, and if you don’t, well you deserve what’s coming to you.

No one knows this better than Emily Ratajkowski, a beautiful woman with large breasts who gained worldwide attention as the model who appeared topless in Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” video.

The model and actress describes her body-shaming experiences in an essay she wrote for Lenny, a newsletter produced by Lena Dunham.

In the essay, she writes about how she developed early and family members and friends were worried about the kinds of reactions she would receive from men.  

“You need to hide out, a girl like you, keep a low profile,” she was told.

Although she knew they were well-meaning, she contemplates what kind of damage we’re doing to women by telling them they must be defined by the way men see them – as sexual objects first and human beings second.

Last week, Emily publicly endorsed presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, then afterwards received a slew of attacks on social media, such as:

  • “I find it funny how we care about the opinion of someone who is famous for being naked in a music video,”

  • “Maybe if you put your tits away I could hear your voice,” and the contrary,

  • “Shut up and show us your tits.”

Basically, if you are pretty, and choose not to hide it, you must be stupid.

She said she hears voices in her head daily, reminding her “not to send the wrong message.”

“The implication is that to be sexual is to be trashy because being sexy means playing into men’s desires,” she explains.

“To me, ‘sexy’ is a kind of beauty, a kind of self-expression, one that is to be celebrated, one that is wonderfully female. Why does the implication have to be that sex is a thing men get to take from women and women give up?”

The message she is trying to convey is essentially the same as the sentiment held by anti-slut shamers everywhere:

“Don’t tell me how to dress, tell them not to rape” – or judge, or insult, or assume, or tell me my opinions don’t matter.

She sums it up beautifully, with some inspirational words of wisdom for girls and women:

“I refuse to live in this world of shame and silent apologies. Life cannot be dictated by the perceptions of others, and I wish the world had made it clear to me that people’s reactions to my sexuality were not my problems, they were theirs.” 

Bravo, Emily.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Justin Bieber, Ellen DeGeneres, & More Urge Followers To "Forgive For Peace" — See Their Inspiring Messages HERE!

Some of Hollywood’s most influential celebs united on Monday in support of the UN’s International Day of Peace. The stars took to Twitter and Instagram as part of the #ForgiveForPeace campaign, sharing messages of forgiveness and acceptance.

Related: 11 Eco-Friendly Celebrities!

What a beautiful world it would be without all that negativity!

From Justin Bieber, Ellen DeGeneres, Goldie Hawn, and LL Cool J, ch-ch-check out all the celebs who got in on the action (below)!

#ForgiveForPeaceA video posted by llcoolj (@llcoolj) on Sep 21, 2015 at 1:31pm PDT

In celebration of the movement, Deepak Chopra led an inspirational meditation in New York City’s Central Park. He shared:

“Every decision I make is a choice between a grievance and a miracle. We are gathered here this morning to let go of all grievances, all resentment, all anger, all hostility, so that we may heal and be healed. Forgiveness heals because it it is the opposite of inflammation.”

We love that these celebs are using their power for good! As Ellen would say, “be kind to one another!”

[Image via WENN.]