Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton Shares Inspiring Photo Upon Clinching Presidential Nomination

Love Hillary Clinton or think she’s destined to lead this country into ruin, one thing cannot be denied:

June 7, 2016 will be a date that goes down in history.

That’s what happens when a major political party nominates a woman to be President for the first time in U.S. history.

Prior to speaking at a rallying Brooklyn after she clinched this nomination on Tuesday night, Hillary Clinton recognized her monumental achievement by sharing an inspiring photo on Twitter.

She didn’t focus on policy in it or even take a shot at Donald Trump in it.

Instead, she sent a message to women everywhere with it.

“To every little girl who dreams big: Yes, you can be anything you want – even president. Tonight is for you,” Clinton captioned the photo above.

As of this writing, the Tweet has garnered more than 46,000 likes and has been re-Tweeted more than 28,000 times.

While she celebrated her victory over Bernie Sanders in front of a throng of supporters, though, Clinton also made it clear she wished one person in particular could have been there to celebrate with her.

In another social media post, Clinton remembered her mother, who would have celebrated her 97th birthday over the weekend.

Bill and mom

“I wish my mom were here tonight to share this moment. She was my rock from the day I was born until the day she left us,’ Clinton wrote as a caption.

“This past Saturday would have been her 97th birthday – she was born the same day Congress passed the 19th Amendment to give women the right to vote.

“I wish she could have seen this team and your extraordinary conviction – how you never stopped fighting, no matter how tough this election got. How your voices lifted this campaign up in communities all across the country.

“How your investment in the values we share made this moment possible.”

Politics aside, pretty moving stuff, wouldn’t you say?