Wednesday, June 8, 2016

JoJo Fletcher on Chad"s Exit from The Bachelorette: Violence Is Not the Answer!

For anyone who watched the special two-night extravaganza of The Bachelorette this week, you know it could’ve simply been billed as The Chad Show.

You know Chad – the good-looking, veiny-muscled meathead villain who threatened all the guys in the house and is likely now being scoped out as a possible hit man for Donald Trump.

Bachelorette JoJo Fletcher shares her thoughts on Chad and the rest of the suitors in a blog full of exclamation points for People, and makes her feelings clear.

“Wow, that was intense. Just watching it was intense. And I was there when it all went down! Just … Chad,” she starts.

However, even though she was there, JoJo is still confused about what transpired between Evan and Chad.

“Did Evan really try to push Chad and that’s what provoked Chad to rip his shirt?” she asked.

“Would Evan actually do something like that? Someone needs to slow down that footage and figure out what really went down!”

Nevertheless, she kept the Chadster around and gave him a rose, almost certainly at the behest of ABC who was like, girl, just keep him for one more rose ceremony, just one – he’s a ratings darling!

Also likely the product of producer prodding, JoJo chose Chad and his mortal enemy, muscle-bound Alex with the hero complex, for a two-on-one date. 

“NO ONE, could have prepared me for the challenge of a two-on-one date,” JoJo admits.

“And not just any two-on-one date, but one with Chad and Alex – two guys who I knew who weren’t BFFs, but two guys I definitely needed more time with.”

As you know, the date was awkward AF and the entire thing basically entailed Alex telling JoJo that Chad is an utter psycho who threatened to find Jordan after the show ended and beat his ass.

And that was all JoJo needed to hear. She gave the rose to Alex almost by default because she didn’t want to marry Chad and wake up one night with a noose around her neck or something.

While she tries to be nice and suggest that Chad’s really a “decent person” underneath it all and feels bad because he lost his mom this year, she ultimately knew she had to ditch the douchebag.

“But it still doesn’t excuse his behavior,” she shared. “You can’t threaten people, no matter what you’ve been through. I don’t want that in a friend, and I definitely don’t want that in a husband.”

Look out for a reality show starring Chad sometime in the next year. He’s already calling himself “The Chadelor.”

And check out The Bachelorette spoilers to skip to the end and find out who makes JoJo’s final cut.