Showing posts with label Kufrin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kufrin. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2018

Becca Kufrin: Whoops, I Fell in Love With TWO Men!

As a contestant on The Bachelor, Becca Kufrin faced a horrible, brutal breakup — after getting engaged. Because Arie changed his mind.

But, as she confirms in this video, apparently Becca fell in love with two different suitors.

Those who follow The Bachelorette Spoilers know that Becca is engaged … but is she doomed to repeat Arie"s mistakes?

Becca kufrin the bachelorette rose

Arie and Becca"s brutal breakup was agonizing to watch, and it must have been so much worse for her to experience.

But … it did make her into the next Bachelorette. That, at least, is something.

But now that Becca has confirmed her engagement, she is dropping another bombshell.

Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, Becca reveals that she didn"t immediately latch onto a clear winner.

And when she did fall in love, it was with more than one man.

Becca kufrin and a rose

Becca admits that her heart was torn:

"I did develop really strong feelings for a couple of them."

Strong feelings for a few of them, sure.

But she says that she fell in love with two.

"And I did fall for two guys at the end, yes"

Interesting that she says at the end. We always know that the final breakups are the hardest, but we don"t know what it all came down to with Becca.

If she loved two men equally but could only pick one … did she just flip a coin? Choose the one with the best last name?

Becca kufrin laughs

Becca does admit that this experience has opened her eyes to the difficulty that Arie must have endured.

"Until you"re in this position, you don"t realize how much pressure there really is."

Dating is complicated. Dating two dozen men on reality television is … well, dozens of times more so.

"And how difficult it is to navigate certain relationships."

She says that no one who is the lead on a show like hers should only catch feelings for a single contestant.

"Because if you"re doing it right, you should be developing feelings for multiple people."

Yeah, that"s like deciding the winner in round one. It"s not honest.

She says that it"s important:

"To really sift through every personality, every relationship, to exhaust the ones that aren"t right for you."

Becca kufrin looks gorgeous

Some in the Bachelor Nation fear that Arie"s callous, on-air breakup will be repeated.

But it is difficult to imagine Becca, who has lived through that heartbreak herself, as the culprit.

it"s entirely possible that someone, somewhere down the line, will do their own version of what Arie did to Becca.

What we have to wonder — and this seems more realistic to us — is if Becca will pull, not an Arie, but a Ben Higgins.

Remember back in 2016 when Ben told both Lauren Bushnell and JoJo Fletcher that he loved them? Right there on camera?

Will Becca come right out and say the L-word to both of the men for whom she falls head over heels?

Becca kufrin smells a rose

The subject of Bachelors and Bachelorettes falling in love with multiple people isn"t surprising.

As a growing number of people have come to realize, some people work better in relationships of more than two. Polyamory is on the rise and acceptance is growing.

Some fans wonder when the time will finally come when a leading man or leading woman will get to pick their top two.

But, realistically, it"s a contest, and fans would revolt if an entire season of competition ends in what works out to be a tie.

Polyamory may be great for plenty of people in real life, and could even play well on television, but not on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette.

Although fans have tweeted before that Bachelor in Paradise could be an ideal place for polyamorous relationships to blossom.

For now, though, we can all look forward to Becca"s season beginning — on Monday.

Let"s hope that she makes the right decisions and gets the man that she deserves.

Becca kufrin whoops i fell in love with two men

Thursday, May 24, 2018

"Bachelorette" Becca Kufrin Kisses Contestant in Possible Finale Spoiler Pics

Becca Kufrin’s upcoming season of “The Bachelorette” hasn’t aired yet, but the show filmed what looks like a finale a couple weeks ago … and TMZ’s got pics from the scene. Becca’s already revealed she’s currently engaged to one of this…


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Becca Kufrin Confirms: I"m Engaged!!!!!!!

It’s official, folks:

Becca Kufrin has done the damn thing.

The Minnesota-based publicist – who was VERY rudely dumped by The Bachelor’s Arie Luyendyk Jr. on a televised breakup special this spring – tells the latest issue of People Magazine that she’s over that embarrassing incident.

Like, way, way, way over it.

And for a very good reason, too:


“It was the happiest moment of my life,” Becca gushes to People, clearly over the proverbial moon when it comes to this exciting news,

She adds:

“And it feels so good to say it. I still pinch myself, like, did that all just happen? It’s been a whirlwind.”

That really is quite the understatement.

Becca accepted Arie’s proposal on the latest season finale of The Bachelor… only to then have him end their engagement on the After the Rose special.

As ABC cameras rolled the entire time!

She has since taken the extremely high road, telling multiple outlets that she doesn’t believe Arie is a bad person; he just did a dumb and insensitive thing.

“Once I got past the initial heartbreak, at the end of the day the show is about finding love,” Becca said shortly after being named The Bachelorette in March, adding:

“I have so much love to give, so hard yes [to being The Bachelorette] all around.”

This isn’t too say that everything has been a breeze for Becca, of course.

Following the split, “I went through the grieving process,” she explains to People. “I was confused and angry and all the emotions you go through a heartbreak with.”

Well, sure. She’d be almost inhuman if she did not.

As for the lucky man to whom she’s now engaged?

You can visit our section of The Bachelorette spoilers to at least see the final four and to narrow it down considerably from the initial 28 suitors who will be vying for Becca’s heart on the Season 28 premiere.

You can also scroll through the photo gallery below to learn more about each of these men.

Was it challenging for Becca to go straight from The Bachelor to The Bachelorette? Yes, to some extent.

“I fell in love and we were engaged,” she says of Luyendyk Jr., being as candid as she can be.

“But that ended,” she adds. “And I realized nothing since then changed. I still wanted to find my partner, and I wasn’t going to let anything stop me.”

Nor has she, that much is clear.

Kufrin will be focused on finding her match this season, which kicks off on May 28 at 8/7c on ABC.

She says her engagement ring is “very beautiful” and that she wouldn’t really change any aspects of this adventure in the end.

“I’m so excited to start this season and for everyone to see everything that happened. It’s been crazy, but it was so worth it.”


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Alex Templeman, Becca Kufrin Suitor, Accused of Assault... and Battery!

As reality TV fans know all too well, Becca Kufrin had to deal with a jerk during her run on The Bachelor.

(Yes, Arie Luyendyk Jr., we’re looking at YOU.)

But now that the new Bachelorette has gotten over her very public humiliation at the hands of Luyendyk, we’re now forced to ask and wonder:

Is she about to deal with a violent jerk?!?

With the premiere of Becca’s Bachelorette season just a few weeks ago (May 28 at 8/7c on ABC!!!!!), Radar Online has obtained legal documents from Dekalb County Court in Georgia, a suitor on upcoming episodes named Alex Templeman is accused of some pretty terrible behavior.

Specifically, he’s accused of “committing an unprovoked physical attack on the plaintiff with his fists, therefore committing battery” against a friend named Salvatore Nappo.

This alleged incident took place on July 3, 2017.

Nappo was friends with a woman Templeman was dating at the time, 

“Templeman and Nappo belong to a circle of friends,” the report states, adding in more detail:

“He was making derogatory comments to him over text and then he brutally assaulted him.

“He got the hell beat out of him. He busted open his eye socket, leaving it fractured. His nose was busted up pretty bad.”

Radar has also obtained a couple of these text messages, one of which we’ve shared below:

radar texts

“Only degenerate I know of is the biggest f–kboy in ATL and scumbag. Your boy,” writes Alex in one message, going on to claim that Salvatore has been “bad mouthing him.”

When asked why he hated the plaintiff, Alex replies:

“Bc he’s a scumbag. Out for himself. After about a year of hanging out with him I’ve thrown in the towel.”

Salvatore is claiming he suffered serious bodily injury from Alex’s attack and is seeking $ 2.5 million to cover medical expenses.

Templeman – who is a 31-year-old project manager from Atlanta – has denied the allegations and says he was acting in self-defense.

He has also asked the court to dismiss the case, which is still pending.

capn colgate

The real question here, of course, is how Templeman and his past got through ABC background checks.

We’re not saying he’s guilty of all that’s alleged here, but one would still think the accusations on their own would be enough to prevent Templeman from being selected as a suitor.

Just how far will he go on Becca’s season?

Visit our section of The Bachelorette spoilers to find out.

Elsewhere, producers may have dropped the ball by also bringing on a suitor named Lincoln… who is known for dropping his pants at the wrong time.

He has a reputation for pooping on the floor, is what we’re saying.

“I saw this guy with his pants around his ankles, with toilet paper on the ground, and he’s going to the bathroom on the toilet paper,” a source told Life & Style recently.

(Really, we’re not making this up.)

Continued this insider:

“I kind of double took and couldn’t really understand what I was seeing. Either the next day or the day after that I walk in and he’s doing it again, and I’m like ‘You got to be kidding me.’

“When I told my buddies they were like, ‘What?’ they didn’t believe me so I snapped a picture from when you walk in… just to kind of prove it to them — not knowing that the guy is going to be on a TV show two years later.”

Well… okay then!

Good luck, Becca.

You may need it.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Becca Kufrin Seeks Revenge in First Bachelorette Promo

She who forgets the past is destined to repeat it, right?

This is a lesson Becca Kufrin appears to have taken to heart.

As reality TV fans know all too well, Becca was humiliated a few months ago by Arie Luyendyk Jr.

First, she was selected as his bride-to-be, in a proposal that actually opens the following preview for this new season of The Bachelorette.

Then, she was dumped in front of ABC cameras after Arie decided he"d rather be with Lauren Burnham instead.

Now, Arie and Lauren are engaged and planning their wedding… while Becca is planning her revenge.

Sort of.

In the promo below, Kufrin takes the giant red heart on which footage of Arie"s proposal is playing and rips it in half with a defiant head tilt. 

She"s ready to move on, clearly.

She"s ready to be the person in control, choosing her own husband from a group of 25 suitors.

Based on a handful of already-leaked The Bachelorette spoilers, we actually know who the final husband contenders will be.

But we don"t ruin that surprise just yet.

In this teaser, Becca sort of dances around and poses to Kesha"s "Woman," as the words, "independent woman" flash onto the screen.

"Let"s do the damn thing," Kufrin says in what has sort of become her tagline.

She also said the following to Chris Harrison in March, about getting dissed by Arie in front of millions and then about being chosen as The Bachelorette:

"Once I got past the initial heartbreak, at the end of the day the show is about finding love. I have so much love to give, so hard yes [to being The Bachelorette] all around."

We"re rooting for Becca.

She has handled this ordeal about as well as could possibly be expected.

Check out the men from whom she has to has to find a mate…

… and then check out this preview:

Becca kufrin seeks revenge in first bachelorette promo

Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Bachelorette Spoilers: Becca Kufrin Final Four REVEALED!

Filming for Becca Kufrin’s journey slash season is still underway, but The Bachelorette spoilers reveal who makes her elusive final four.

Whose hometowns will the brunette beauty visit?

In one month’s time, Kufrin will take the reins of the popular reality franchise and begin handing our roses in her quest for love.

If you know anything about the ABC show, then you’re well aware that The Bachelorette spoilers leak like a sieve all spring. Every year.

Ever since Becca was named The Bachelorette – the night after she was eliminated from The Bachelor – speculation has run wild.

And, to the surprise of no one, Reality Steve (a.k.a. the Magic Eight Ball of The Bachelorette spoilers) has been on top of this like …

… well, like Arie on Lauren B. Yeah. Too soon. Sorry.

Anyway, as the promotional photo above says, let’s do the damn thing! As of this report, Becca has already narrowed down the competition.

Big time. Only four lucky fellas remain in the hunt.

Obviously, the content you are about to read contains Bachelorette spoilers, so proceed at your own risk, if that didn’t go without saying.

According to Steve, who previously revealed Becca Kufrin’s final six, she followed her predecessor’s lead in the episode before hometowns.

With six men left, she embarked on three one-on-one dates and one three-on-one group date, handing out roses at the end of each.

The final four who received them?!

1. Jason Tartick. A 29-year-old who currently lives in Seattle, Jason is a native of Buffalo, New York, which is where his date will be filmed.

According to Steve the soothsayer, Jason will take Becca to – where else – the Anchor Bar, home of the ORIGINAL buffalo wings.

Romantic as s–t.

Beyond that, they’ll presumably engage in such activities as turning up the thermostat, complaining about football, and eating.

Hey, there’s nothing wrong with slathering various deep-fried meats with hot sauce and cheese as a local pastime. Don’t hate.

2. Blake Horstmann. Currently living in big city Denver, the 28-year-old Blake will take the beautiful Minnesotan to his Colorado hometown. 

A sales rep for Coors, he has a degree in marketing and communications, and already made quite a debut by showing up with a horse.

He’s horsing around, but only literally.

3. Garrett Yrigoyen. The town of Manteca, Calif., where his parents live, will be the site of Garrett’s hometown date with Becca.

Mr. Yrigoyen previously played baseball for the University of Nevada, and currently works as a surgical technology consultant.

Either he or a man with his name in the same city was engaged in 2015, so there’s that. Keep your eye on this guy next month.

It’s unclear if there will be outdoor activities, or whether the above image is just the obligatory Tinder profile fish pic staple.

4. Colton Underwood. Perhaps the most interesting and controversial of Becca’s final four, Underwood is a 26-year-old NFL free agent.

Originally from Aurora, Colo., his hometown date will be filmed in the Rocky Mountain State, not too far from Blake’s. Awkward.

Colton, who is reportedly the subject of some drama this season, previous dated Olympic gold medalist gymnast Aly Raisman.

There’s also talk of Underwood trying to holler at Tia Booth from Arie’s season of The Bachelor on Instagram, so there’s that.

Players …

Take a look at the rest of the guys vying for her above and see what you think. There are some interesting characters for sure.

Spoilers aside, do you think Becca picked a good final four? Will she make it to the altar? What epic twists await this season?

All we can do is stay tuned.


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Becca Kufrin as The Bachelorette: First Promo Pic!

After getting her heart shattered into a gajillion pieces on national television, Becca Kufrin wants the world to know that she’s back.

With vengeance.

The scorned winner of The Bachelor Season 22, Kufrin was dumped by Arie Luyendyk Jr. mere weeks after he proposed to her on the show’s emotional finale.

It was a stunning and horrific development for the franchise, but fans at least had their concerns over Becca eased a little bit upon learning that she had been chosen as the next Bachelorette.

Her journey to happiness (we really hope!) gets underway on May 28at 8/7c, with host Chris Harrison teasing Kufrin’s season on Twitter this week via her very first promotional photo.

It features Becca in a beautiful gold gown, a red rose in hand… and a straightforward tagline plastered across the front.

Let’s Do The Damn Thing.

It’s pretty clear Kufrin is not messing around, isn’t it?

This is a woman ready to find love on her terms for once, and she doesn’t plan on letting anyone stand in her way.

The slogan seems to has become somewhat of a mantra for Kufrin, who actually used it when she was announced as the show’s lead back in March.

“Words can’t express everything I’m feeling tonight, but I’m so beyond grateful for the love, support and well-wishes,” Kufrin wrote on Instagram alongside a slideshow of images from After the Final Rose.

She then added:

“I’m beyond excited for this next chapter of my journey and to have shared the start of that all with you tonight.

“Now we’re doing the damn thing.”

Yes you are, Becca.

Kufrin handled her very public embarrassment about as well as anyone could possibly expect.

She really only called out Arie one time, shortly after he tried to claim that he dumped her in front of ABC cameras specifically because he wanted to turn her into a sympathetic figure and, therefore, prompt the network to make her The Bachelorette.

That was a crock of nonsense.

“I don’t think he ever expected me to be [the Bachelorette], or how everything played out,” Becca said in response to this assertion.

And that was basically it.

Becca has had a chance to slam the living heck out of Arie and has constantly chosen to mostly take the high road.

She isn’t looking for attention in this manner, a source recently told Entertainment Tonight.

She’s really just looking for a loving husband.

“She’s not one of those people who went on the show for Instagram followers,” the insider told this outlet, adding of the 28-year old Minnesota native:

“She’s got a killer job, she’s a good person and she really wants to find somebody.”

We sincerely hope she does.

Based on a recent set of The Bachelorette spoilers, we have a clearer idea of who this somebody could be.

And we also know he will come from the following pool of suitors.

Get to know them now:


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Becca Kufrin: Arie is a Giant Huge Liar!!!!!

Arie ended his season of The Bachelor by choosing Becca Kufrin … and then, a few weeks later, calling ABC so that their cameras could watch for 25 brutal minutes as he broke up with her.

Since then, Arie"s tried to explain that away — claiming that he did all of that for Becca. So that she could still be liked and so that she could become the next Bachelorette.

In the video below, Becca doesn"t sound like she"s buying that. At all.

Becca kufrin the bachelorette rose

It"s true that Becca Kufrin is the new Bachelorette. That season is currently in production, and she"ll sort through a a crowd of suitors to find the man of her dreams.

Or, at least, to find a man who"s better than Arie Luyendyk Jr. So … just about any man at all. Even the guy in the chicken costume.

(If you"re not familiar with that goofiness, you"ll get a glimpse in the video below)

But … did Arie really break up with her for 25 agonizing, unedited minutes on camera just so that he could make it clear to audiences that he"d ended the relationship and to let her star on The Bachelorette?

Plenty of folks have called B.S. on Arie"s explanation.

Becca has her doubts as she tells Entertainment Tonight: "Well, that"s news to me!"

Becca on the bachelor after the final rose

In fact, Becca doesn"t believe that Arie planned it out like this at all.

"I don"t think he ever expected me to be [the Bachelorette], or how everything played out."

Hindsight is twenty-twenty. It"s easy to claim that you planned for things to work out a certain way, after the fact. 

Especially when you realize that the audiences found your actions to be cruel, and when they can"t imagine what would have possibly motivated you to go out of your way to capture it all on film.

"So that"s his side," Becca says. "I don"t know."

That"s … nicer than she needs to be, all things considered.

Becca kufrin is ready

Becca and Entertainment Tonight also note that Arie claims that he plans to watch Becca"s season.

(First of all … wow. Second of all, we have to wonder how Lauren Burnham feels about that? Though critics might say that Lauren feels however Arie tells her to feel)

As you may recall, Arie"s ex Emily Maynard said that she didn"t plan to watch Arie"s season … though she had enough to say afterwards that it sounds like she caught an eyeful of the finale, at the very least.

Becca"s response to hearing that Arie may be watching her season is, initially, an awkward "meh."

But she does elaborate, saying:

"I mean, i figured. Actually, we had conversations, back when we were together, like: "Who do you think it could be as the next Bachelorette?""

And so she assumed that her status as his ex wouldn"t deter him from watching.

"So I figured he would watch the show."

Becca kufrin bachelorette bouquet

There"s no telling if the knowledge that Arie may be watching will impact Becca or play on her thoughts during filming.

But … it has to, right? Knowing that you"re on camera is not the same thing as knowing that your ex is one of the millions tuning in.

So far, from the few glimpses that the Bachelor Nation has gotten from Becca"s season, we know a few tidbits from her first night.

-Becca is wearing a stunning white dress

-One of the men has his hair in a "man bun," which is literally just a bun that does not need a gendered prefix

-One of the men is in a chicken suit and … people have so many questions about that

Something to consider as we watch this new season of The Bachelorette when it begins in May is that Becca has fresh emotional wounds from her horrible Bachelor breakup.

It"s difficult to say how this will impact her.

She may be very wary of her suitors for what may strike audiences as minor flaws or even favorable statements.

When you"ve known betrayal as Becca has, it"s easy to see red flags everywhere.

At the same time, it may be that, compared to Arie, a lot of sub-par men could end up looking like princes.

We"ll all have to tune in and find out.


Becca kufrin arie is lying about wanting me to be the bacheloret

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Becca Kufrin is The Bachelorette! And These are Her Suitors!

You can do SO much better, Becca Kufrin.

This was the general response across the Internet after this Bachelor suitor was scorned in unique and awful fashion by Arie Luyendyk Jr. on the stunning Season 22 finale.

Becca accepted Arie’s proposal on the episode…

… only to then be dumped about a month later on national television.

Kufrin handled the disrespectful snub as well as anyone could, but viewers learned on Tuesday night that she will, at least, have a chance to do SO much better than Arie.

Because Becca Kufrin has been named The Bachelorette!

Chris Harrison made this mostly expected announcement on yesterday’s After the Rose special, as Becca sat across from the host and admitted her breakup with Arie was “hard.”


“It was easy [to say yes], once I got past the initial heartbreak,” she said of becoming The Bachelorette. “I have so much love to give.”

Kufrin then added: 

“I want to be the best damn Bachelorette I can be. I want to find love. I’m ready to do this.”

Twitter seems pretty psyched over Becca’s selection, as does ABC itself.

“She’s just been so incredibly strong,” network executive Robert Mills told Entertainment Tonight, continuing:

“She really knows how to handle herself, and she’s taking this in stride and you can’t help but love her.”

Producers, meanwhile, wasted no time in throwing Becca to a bunch of horny and handsome wolves.

That’s right: a handful of suitors came right out on stage and introduced themselves to the new and excited Bachelorette!

First up? Some dude named Lincoln.

“I have to say, you are absolutely glowing tonight – you look magnificent,” he told her.

“This is a special night. It is all about you tonight, but I have another twist. Tonight is also my birthday, so I can’t ask for a better birthday present.

“I’m really looking forward to going on this incredible journey with you.”

And then there was Chase.

“I saw what you went through as well and my heart goes out to you,” he said of how Arie played Becca.

“I think that everyone agrees with me here that you deserve better than that. When one door closes, another door opens and I hope to be that open door.

“That smile is beautiful and I can’t wait to see it when I walk out of the limo for the first time!”

Your turn, Darius!

After making a point to “formally apologize on behalf of my gender,” this hopeful husband looked Becca in the eyes and said:

“I’m here for one reason. … I’m here for you. I’m excited for this journey with you, and you are beautiful.”

Dude is good, huh?

And easy on the eyes!

What about being easy on the ears?

That was Brian’s hope, as this future contestant arrived with banjo and song in hand.

“I want you to know how incredibly brave I think it is that you’re standing here right now,” said Brian, expounding as follows: 

“I really respect that a lot and I can’t wait to get to know you.”

And, finally, Becca met Blake… who came out with a horse and message.

“As the saying goes, when you fall off the horse, you’ve got to get back up again,” he explained.

“So I’ve brought you this horse, and I want to be the man to help you get back up again.”

Dude is absolutely getting at least one rose, wouldn’t you say?

So there you have it.

Eff you, Arie. And go you, Becca.

“I’m not afraid to date these guys and find the one who is the best fit for me,” Kufrin tells People in its latest issue, concluding:

“I want to keep in mind, the people who I really do fall for and have strong feelings for, if was them how would I want to be treated?

“And I want think about the bigger picture and the outcome. Is it best to say ‘I love you’ to two people? I don’t know. If I do feel that need, I want to make sure I’m 100 percent sure and keep in mind their feelings.

“I want to keep their needs and emotions at the forefront.”

Look for Becca to debut as The Bachelorette later this year.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Becca Kufrin Breaks Silence on The Ultimate Bachelor Heartbreak

Yes, that actually happened on The Bachelor finale last night.

All The Bachelor spoilers you had read about, yet had difficulty believing, actually became a reality:

Arie Luyendyk Jr really did propose to Becca Kurfin in Peru, selecting her as the winner of his season and his heart…

… only to turn around a short while later and dump her for runner-up Lauren!

For real, people!

“Sometimes when I’m on these little getaways with Becca I think about, What would this be like with Lauren?” Arie told the camera during the third hour of this stunning finale, adding:

“It just kills me, because I have a great woman next to me. I go to bed and I think about Lauren. I wake up and I think about Lauren. And I know Becca sees when I struggle.

“She sees the fact that my mind is somewhere else. She knows that I think about Lauren.”

Explaining his “guilt” and how he made a big “mistake”to viewers, Arie later welcomed Becca to Los Angeles, sat her down on the couch – and dumped her!

“The reality of it is that being with you, although it’s been everything that I wanted, I still think about [Lauren],” Arie told Becca, earning points for honest… we guess.

“Are you f-cing kidding me?” Becca replies after Arie admits he wants to see if there’s a “possibility” for him and Lauren.

This scene, of course, was filmed several weeks ago.

How does Becca feel about the shocking and emotional development now?

“He’s a good person, I don’t think he’s a monster and purposely did this to hurt me and make me feel this way,” Kurfin tells People Magazine, expounding as follows:

“But it’s just the result of his actions.

“At the end of the day, I don’t think he thought through everything of how ending things with Lauren would be, how being engaged to me would be and what breaking up with me and going back to her would be.

“I don’t think he thought it through, but I don’t think he did it maliciously to break my heart.”

That’s a mature way to look at things. And likely an accurate one.

Arie is getting roasted over every Internet coal right now, but would it have been better if he denied his feelings for Lauren, stayed with Becca and broke up with her prior to the wedding anyway?

Only one of 22 Bachelors has ever actually married the woman he chose on the finale.

This type of matchmaking simply does not work and perhaps Arie should actually get some kudos for being honest with himself and realizing what he needed to do before it was too late.

Not that anyone can blame Kurfin for her bitter feelings.

“I never thought for a million years that once the going started to get tough that he would throw in the towel and jump ship and say, ‘Oh sorry, I changed my mind,"” she now says to People.

“I didn’t think we were at that point whatsoever.”

Becca also blames Arie for doing the heartbreaking deed in front of ABC cameras, which is a very good point.

She says getting dumped in this manner was “embarrassing” and adds:

“There was a better and more tactful way to do it.

“A breakup is hard enough, and to have it all filmed and have to re-watch it and know that people all across the country are watching you get your heart broken, it is embarrassing. It’s not fun.

“I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. It was like a slap in the face.”

The two-hour After the Rose special airs tonight on ABC.

We’ll discover the status of Arie and Lauren’s relationship during this unique episode of the show.

Becca is quick to say she doesn’t blame Lauren for her role in this debacle of a romance, just Arie for how he handled the whole thing.

But she’ll be just fine in the end.

“At the end of the day I wouldn’t’ change the experience because I met so many amazing people and I fell in love and I had this great experience and memories,” she concludes to People.

“I’m still going to feel a sense of compassion for him because I did love him but at this point, I want him to be happy, I want to be done and not have to worry about them anymore.

“They’re going to be together and do their thing. I wanted to move on and have my person that I can focus on and live my life with. At the end of the day, I do forgive him.”

And, hey, perhaps she’ll end up as The Bachelorette!
