Showing posts with label Liam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liam. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Miley Cyrus to Liam Hemsworth: Knock Me Up!

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth may or may not be engaged.

But they are definitely back together.

And Miley most definitely wants her boyfriend to put a baby in her womb as soon as humanly possible.

Almost definitely, that is.

Okay, probably not. But try telling that to Life & Style.

“Miley and Liam aren’t just back together – they’re seriously planning marriage and a family,” an insider tells the supermarket tabloid, adding for emphasis:

Miley wants to start trying to have a baby as soon as they are married, if not before.”

Cyrus is only 23 years old, of course, so we’re not sure why she’d be in such a rush to become a mother.

But this anonymous source swears it’s true.

So true, in fact, that Miley is supposedly “talking to friends about stopping any form of birth control soon.”

Miley and Liam split in 2013 after several months of being engaged.

They weren’t really seen together afterward and rarely talked about each other… but then Miley spent the holidays in Australia late last year and BAM! That was it.

They were back together.

There’s even been talk of late that Miley is wearing an engagement ring.

So, how would Liam Hemsworth feel about becoming a dad?

Having a child would make him really happy, too,” the source says. “Back when they were first planning to marry, they both wanted to have a baby right after the wedding.”

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth: NOT Officially Engaged Again

It’s back on! They’re engaged again! She’s moved in!  What is love?

Us Weekly and People have been bombarding my inbox with newsletter after newsletter declaring that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are totally dating again, totally living together and totally engaged for real this time.

Tabloids can be forgiven for getting it wrong (mea culpa), but when one negates its own endless reporting, it’s kind of amusing.

A week ago, sources told Us that Cyrus and Hemsworth, who split up in 2013, are not only “100 percent back on,” but also “engaged again.”

The former (current?) couple were first seen in Hemsworth’s native Australia partying with his brother, Chris and sister-in-law, Elsa Pataky over New Year’s Eve Weekend.

Sources allege that the two have been in contact since last April and that Hemsworth has been telling friends that he and Cyrus are “engaged again.”

Though Cyrus has been seen wearing the Neil Lane sparkler Hemsworth gave her, sources tell Us that he “never formally proposed again.”

Apparently Hemsworth noticed that she had put it back on, and was cool with it.  

They were spotted at a pre-Golden Globes party at Soho House in West Hollywood on January 8th (and left together in the same SUV), and a U-Haul was recently seen outside Hemsworth’s Malibu home.

Whatever these two are up to, good on them.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Wants to Bang Liam Payne - and Justin Timberlake!

Khloe Kardashian is a big fan of the superfun game we’ve all played while getting wine drunk with our friends: F**k, Marry, Friend-Zone.

Today on her app, she played a few rounds, naming exactly who she’d, well, f**k, marry and friend-zone among some famous boy band members.

First up: One Direction. Awww, yeah.

“I heard Niall used to have the BIGGEST crush on me, so I’d marry him, for sure,” she reveals. “I’d f**k Liam.” 

Niall has a krush on Khloe? That’s adorable. 

“Definitely friend-zoning Harry,” she said, which is a smart response, given that he’s rumored to be dating her sister Kendall Jenner.

(Then again, Khloe did propose a three-way with her sister Kylie and her bae Tyga not long ago.)

Next, she evaluates the boy bands of generations past: New Kids on the Block, Backstreet Boys and NSYNC.

“I’d friend-zone NKOTB, marry the Backstreet Boys and f**k N*SYNC,” says the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star. “I wouldn’t mind having JT around for one night, LOL!!!”

Join the club, Khlo.

Lastly, she takes on a pool of older gents, who, incidentally, we’d pay money to see in a boy band: Steve Martin, Kevin Hart and Jim Carrey.

“I’d friend-zone Kevin Hart because he’s actually a friend of mine,” she says. “I loooove Steve Martin. Would def marry him. F**k Jim! Who knows, maybe he’d be crazy in bed???”

We gotta wonder what Khloe’s boyfriend James Harden thinks of all this. But maybe he’s too busy hanging out at strip clubs to care.

Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus: Officially Back Together!

They’re just being Miley… and Liam.


Despite recent claims that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are doomed, an insider tells People Magazine that the former lovers are absolutely, positively, 100% back together.

And that’s exactly what the singer has wanted nearly since the time she and Hemsworth called off their engagement in 2013.

Miley is where she has wanted to be for the past two years. Back with Liam and very happy,” a source close to Cyrus tells the publication, adding:

“Miley never wanted to split. Things just got so bad that they really needed the break.”

They’ve certainly had a break.

While both sides of the former couple spoke kindly of each other any time they were asked over the past couple years, they were never seen together.

There was never really any talk about a reconciliation.

But then Miley spent the holidays late last year with Hemsworth in Australia, sources said they looked very comfortable and close once again… and that was that.

Heck, Cyrus even appears to be wearing Liam’s old engagement ring.

“Now reunited, Miley seems ecstatic,” adds the aforementioned source.

“She loves her life and is excited about the future. She always loved her engagement ring and was very proud of it.”

Okay, great. Fair enough. But are Miley and Liam headed down the aisle?

“There is no date. But they are back together and very happy.

Hey, that’s good enough for us. Good luck, you crazy, beautiful kids!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth: Is Their Relationship Doomed?!

As you’ve probably heard, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are back together.

The couple previously dated for almost four years and had plans to get married, but they broke up in 2013, soon after Miley entered the intergalactic stoned pixie phase of her career.

Now, it looks as though Miley and Liam are engaged for the second time, but according to Radar Online, not everyone is thrilled that the couple is giving it another shot.

“Liam already broke Miley’s heart once, and a lot of people around her are warning her that he will do it again,” says a source close to the situation.

“But she is not listening to anyone right now, even her mother Tish.”

The insider adds that Miley’s friends already staged a sort of mini-intervention in hopes of making her realize that she and Liam are “moving way too fast.”

“She doesn’t care at all though,” the insider claims. “She is convinced that he is the man that she is meant to be with.”

A rumored cause of their first split was Miley’s hard-partying, spotlight-craving lifestyle, and friends say Liam is already getting fed up with the behaviors that drove him away before:

“Liam does not want their relationship broadcast to the world and she insists on it,” the source says. “She keeps flashing that ring and posting stupid things on her social media and it is already irritating him.”

“She is trying to be the person he wants her to be, but it won’t last.”

Yikes. Well, if nothing else, maybe Miley will at least get another solid breakup ballad like “Wrecking Ball” out of this.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Miley Cyrus: Moving In With Liam Hemsworth!

It’s looking like the rumors of Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth getting back together are rumors no longer.

In the past 24 hours we’ve seen Miley wearing an engagement ring on Instagram, and now it looks as though she’s moving into Liam’s Malibu home.

Yes, according to TMZ, Miley was spotted unloading a U-Haul outside of Liam’s crib over the weekend.

Coming on the heels of news that Miley spent the holidays in Australia with Liam and his family, this seems like a pretty good indication that these two are definitely back on. 

Miley, of course, will hold on to her Los Angeles-area mansion, but onlookers say she unloaded a truck full of essentials at Liam’s house with the apparent intention of dividing her time between the two massive homes.

Needless to say, it’s a bit more serious than leaving a toothbrush in Liam’s bathroom.

The two have yet to confirm the news, but we’re hoping it’s as serious as it seems, if only so that we get to witness the day-glo space oddity that would be a Miley Cyrus wedding.

Now that David Bowie is gone, Miley is our most prominent musician/intergalactic weirdo, and we need a mega-dose of her candy-colored freakiness ASAP.

Miley Cyrus: Engaged to Liam Hemsworth?!?

For the second time in just a few days, the question must be asked:

Is Miley Cyrus engaged to Liam Hemsworth?!?

Unlike previous reports that quoted random, anonymous sources, however, a new round of Internet chatter is underway as a result of a photo shared by Miley herself.

Just look at the Instagram image above.

Ignore Miley’s weird face.

Don’t let her distract you by a caption in which she complains about looking like “a f-cking strawberry.”

Instead, hone in on the singer’s left ring finger and wonder the same thing we’re wondering right now:


Actually, as some have pointed out, we should perhaps amend that inquiry to ask: is that the same engagement ring Cyrus wore many years ago when she was betrothed to Liam Hemsworth?

There’s little doubt at this point that Cyrus and Hemsworth are back together.

The artist spent time in Australia with The Hunger Games star in late December/early January, with multiple insiders saying Miley and Liam looked like their old, happy selves.

Miley, meanwhile, was also spotted in JFK airport in New York on Sunday, with paparazzi on hand also taking snapshots of the giant diamond on her finger.

The stars, of course, were engaged for many months before calling it quits back in 2013.

But both have always talked fondly about each other, as Hemsworth told Men’s Fitness last fall:

“We were together five years, so I don’t think those feelings will ever change. And that’s good because that proves to me that it was real. It wasn’t just a fling.

“It really was an important part of my life and always will be.”

If you listen closely, folks, you can practically hear wedding bells.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Liam Payne Speaks: Is One Direction Splitting Up??

Last week, legions of teenage girls nearly suffered premature heart attacks upon hearing the fateful reports suggesting that One Direction was splitting up forever.

However, we hadn’t heard confirmation from any of the 1D members – until now.

TMZ caught up with Liam Payne at the airport and questioned the boy band member on whether the foursome are actually calling it quits.

“No, no, no, no, no,” said Liam.

Well! I think he’s made that clear.

The paps also asked if there was any chance of Zayn Malik returning to the band.

“Who knows?” replied Liam. “He’s just doing his thing.”

So I guess that’s still up in the air.

However, he did seem to hint that he and his former band mate were on good terms and appeared upset when he realized he’d forgotten Zayn’s birthday. 

When asked whether he’d welcome Zayn back if he wanted to return, he confirmed that he would.

“Of course, I love Zayn, he’s great,” he said.

Aww. Well, it’s nice to know there’s no bad blood between these two.

And while we’re relieved to hear that the band will remain intact for the time being, it seems Liam has been making some music of his own during their hiatus.

Yesterday, the heartthrob posted a video that included a new song he wrote:

Little Song I wrote for fun yesterday

A video posted by Liam Payne (@fakeliampayne) on

He may have called it a “little song” he “wrote for fun,” but Liam is clearly lip syncing to a previously recorded track.

Could the singer have designs on taking his show on the road as a solo artist?

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Engaged AGAIN?!

As you may have heard, reports that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are back together surfaced online earlier this month, after the couple spent New Year’s Eve together in Liam’s native Australia.

Now, it seems the reunited couple is picking up right where they left off.

Insiders say Miley has been telling anyone who will listen that she’s still “in love with Liam,” and the couple – who called off their engagement in 2013 – are already planning the next phase of their relationship.

“They’re already talking about a wedding,” an insider tells Life & Style. “Miley says she can’t wait to be Mrs. Hemsworth and wants to get married as soon as possible, maybe this spring. She’s saying she wants the biggest wedding ever.”

Miley is known for not caring about how she’s perceived by the public, but it seems that when it comes to Liam, she wants the world to know how serious she is:

“[Miley] is loving the way they have reconnected and are working on a future,” says the source.

“She will do anything to keep it going strong. She is embracing her second chance. They are working on it day by day, but she wants to be exclusive and official and have everyone know they are back on with no questions asked.”

We hope this rumor is true if only so that we can witness the circus-on-LSD glory of a Miley Cyrus wedding.

Sure, Lady Gaga is engaged, but she’s entered that boring phase of her career where she wants to be taken seriously by old people.

You know Miley would come down the aisle on the back of an elephant, naked and twerking. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Miley Cyrus: STILL in Love with Liam Hemsworth!

According to a new report, Miley Cyrus just can’t quit Liam Hemsworth.

Not that we can blame her. You have seen Liam Hemsworth, haven’t you?!?

The singer and the actor, who broke up way back in the summer of 2012 following a lengthy engagement, recently spent time together again in Australia.

And, with speculation of a rekindled romance running amok online, an insider tells E! News that this is exactly what Miley is hoping for.

“Miley came back to LA on Monday after spending the holidays with Liam. She had the time of her life being with him and his family,” the insider tells us.

Witnesses say Miley and Liam looked awfully close and rather comfortable while attending the Falls Music Festival in Hemsworth’s native country last week.

Neither star has really found a constant love interest since splitting from the other.

“She feels like they could pick up right where they left off,” the source tells E!. “Miley has never gotten over Liam and always hoped they would get back together.

“She doesn’t know where it will go, but she definitely still loves him and wants to be with him. Liam has an interest in being back together too.”

A second insider, meanwhile, doesn’t mince words when it comes to Cyrus and Hemsworth.

The two are “back on,” he or she says.

Various reports have said that Miley and Liam were “cuddling and kissing” at the Falls Music Festival in Byron Bay; and also that they looked very “affectionate, with “Liam rubbing Miley’s back at one point.”

But is The Hunger Games hottie once again rubbing Miley’s front?

That’s the question we need answered.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth Are Probably Dating Again

If this photo is anything to go by, then all signs point to “reunited and it feels so good.”

At the Falls Music Festival in Australia, Elsa Pataky took an Instagram with a group of friends, including Miley Cyrus, and shared it with followers.

“I love people I can be crazy with!!” Pataky wrote, tagging Cyrus.

According to Radar Online, Cyrus and Pataky’s brother-in-law, Liam Hemsworth are seeing one another again after ending their engagement over two years ago.

The two were seen “cuddling and kissing” at the festival, which they attended with Pataky, Chris Hemsworth and the rest of the family.

The Daily Telegraph reports that Cyrus has been spending the past few days with Hemsworth, as fans spotted them in Byron Bay, Australia.

Cyrus and Hemsworth met on the set of 2010’s The Last Song, and got engaged in June 2012.

In September 2013, they called off their engagement.  This came a few weeks after Cyrus’ shocking performance at the MTV Video Music Awards, in which she wore a latex nude two-piece and acted like a total tart.

In July 2014, Hemsworth was overheard telling friends that he and Cyrus shared a “powerful connection” despite being apart, and that they would always be “best friends.”

Alrighty, so love lifts us up where we belong in 2016.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Liam Payne & Louis Tomlinson: Fighting on Stage! WATCH!

Following the departure of Zayn Malik, fans of 1D were hoping there would be no further strife within the band.

Unfortunately, footage from a concert in Manchester over the weekend had thousands of fans concerned that strife within the band could lead to the long-rumored breakup of One Direction.

As you can see, the video above appears to show Liam Payne offering some harsh words to his bandmate Louis Tomlinson before giving him a quick shove.

Fortunately, witnesses say Liam and Louis were just horsing around and the shove may have looked harsh, it"s just how the boys pass the time on stage.

We don"t blame them. They"ve gotta be sinck of hearing Harry belt out that solo.

Liam payne and louis tomlinson fighting on stage watch

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Jimmy Kimmel"s Mean Tweets Get Another LIVE Reading — This Time Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Liam Neeson, & Bette Midler Get Their Feelings Hurt!

Some of these are just too funny!

Last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live! we got a second round of Mean Tweets LIVE!

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Liam Neeson, AND Bette Midler all came out and read some mean tweets they’ve gotten in the past.

Related: Watch Bill Nye The Science Guy Read Mean Tweets About Climate Change, Evolution, And More!

Not that anyone deserves that kind of hate, but who would send those kinds of things to The Rock and Liam?! Srsly, we bet they could take most people in a fight — and we bet Miz Midler isn’t so bad herself!

Ch-ch-check out the video (below) to see the hate these celebs received!

[Image via ABC.]

Jimmy Kimmel"s Mean Tweets Get Another LIVE Reading — This Time Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Liam Neeson, & Bette Midler Get Their Feelings Hurt!

Some of these are just too funny!

Last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live! we got a second round of Mean Tweets LIVE!

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Liam Neeson, AND Bette Midler all came out and read some mean tweets they’ve gotten in the past.

Related: Watch Bill Nye The Science Guy Read Mean Tweets About Climate Change, Evolution, And More!

Not that anyone deserves that kind of hate, but who would send those kinds of things to The Rock and Liam?! Srsly, we bet they could take most people in a fight — and we bet Miz Midler isn’t so bad herself!

Ch-ch-check out the video (below) to see the hate these celebs received!

[Image via ABC.]