Showing posts with label Markle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Markle. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Break Our Hearts, Delay Visit to America

Happy news for fans of the Royal Family and of Suits alike: Meghan Markle is pregnant, for real.

But there is less happy news for the Duchess’ fans who live in the United States, because she and Prince Harry are delaying their visit.

The delay is because of her pregnancy. It will be worth the wait, however.

TMZ reports that Meghan’s royal pregnancy is putting the couple’s plans to visit their fans across the pond on hold.

As you may remember, the two of them were originally planning to visit America in the spring of 2019.

Spring starts about five months from now.

Well, Meghan Markle’s due date has been vaguely announced as being some time in the spring of 2019.

She’ll want to avoid flying immediately before, during, and after giving birth — for medical reasons but also for social reasons.

She may be the first American “princess,” but actually giving birth stateside might be a little much for the British public.

Meghan and Harry’s visit to the U.S. isn’t being canceled, however — merely postponed.

TMZ reports that the new plan has them hopping across tha Atlantic in the autumn of 2019.

It’s not really a surprise that they’re reconsidering plans.

Though Meghan and Harry went on their 16-day tour of Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, and Fiji, they toned things down a little.

Of particular concern was Zika virus, which can be transferred via mosquito bites and cause devastating birth defects.

There is exciting news, however, because now, on their royal visit, they’ll be expected to have their baby in tow.

Next fall, this royal baby will not only be born, but they could be as old as six months old.

What’s more is that Meghan Markle is expected to still be an American citizen at that time.

She is still going through the process of becoming a British citizen.

Though there have been other Americans who have married into British nobility before, the process remains slow even for a Prince’s wife.

Meghan’s due date, though officially scheduled for the “spring,” is said to be some time in the viscinity of May 2.

As a general rule, you don’t want to fly within your first month after giving birth. These two are waiting longer than that for their journey.

But as eager as people are to see this very special royal baby, we hope that Meghan and Harry’s stateside fans will be willing to wait.

A royal baby is exciting, but newborns are generally kind of boring.

If we’re talking about a six-month old, though, fans could get to see a royal baby who is old enough to look around and understand a lot of what’s being said.

Of course, we imagine that a lot of their visit will be spent in Canada.

Canada still has official ties to the British Royal Family because Canada is part of the “Commonwealth of Nations.”

Visiting isn’t just a social call, it’s about affirming ties in part of one of the world’s oldest political associations between states.

(The United States would be in a similar position had it not been for the Revolutionary War)

This was also the reason for the couple’s visit to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Tonga.

Meghan and Harry’s visit to North America will be a big deal because of Meghan’s heritage.

Some, including TMZ, have pointed out that Meghan’s child could, in a very unlikely set of circumstances, become both British monarch and U.S. President.

Technically, this child will be in line to the throne.

Also technically, any American citizen — as this child is expected to be at birth — can become President.

But as entertaining as that idea may be, it would involve something unspeakably tragic happening to Prince William and all three of his children.

No one wants that.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Meghan Markle Reveals Baby Gender... According to Twitter

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are having a baby.

You probably already knew this.

But the public does NOT yet know whether the Royals are expecting a boy or a girl.

This information was not included in the official statement by Kensington Palace that confirmed the major news.

However, a handful of astute (and/or possibly misguided) Internet users think they have cracked the gender code. They think Markle revealed the sex of her impending child via the color of the dress she wore for a state dinner in Fiji.

No, really. They think this.

Scroll down to see the gown in question, along with these excited responses to it…

1. Wearing Blue

Wearing blue

Meghan Markle is in Fiji for this photo, showing off her baby bump in a lovely blue gown that has some folks wondering if she’s having a boy.


In fiji

Internet users really are convinced that Markle is wearing this color dress as a way to tell the world the gender of her impending child.

3. Boom! It’s a Boy!

Boom its a boy

Why else would Markle wear blue, right?!?

4. She’s Carrying a Boy!

Shes carrying a boy

That’s it. Twitter is convinced.

5. Yes. We All Know This…

Yes we all know this

… but we’re here to blindly guess the gender, okay?!?

6. Here’s the Thing, Though:

Meghan markle is pregnant

Markle and her famous husband were attendinga reception and State Dinner hosted by Jioji Konrote, the President of Fiji. This marked the latest stop on the couple’s tour of the Commonwealth — and it would have been a very odd time to announce a gender in such passive fashion.

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Push Back U.S. Tour Due to Baby

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry won’t set foot on U.S. soil anytime soon, as previously scheduled, and it’s all because of the royal bun in the oven … TMZ has learned. Sources tell us the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are pushing back their U.S.…


Meghan Markle & Prince Harry: Are They Hoping For a Boy or a Girl?

Male heirs are kind of a big deal in the history of the British crown.

In fact, you could say past members of the royal family have been known to really lose their heads over the matter.

But those days are long gone, and in the 21st century, beheadings are reserved for serious offenses such as wearing an ascot that clashes with the tablecloth at high tea.

We kid the Royals because we love them.

And we especially love Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, who are infinitely more fun and interesting than their contemporaries within the Windsor clan.

(Yes, we’re looking at you, Will and Kate!)

As you’ve likely heard by now, Meghan is pregnant with her first child.

And, as is always the case with palace pregnancies, British tabloids and amateur royal watchers alike are desperate for any scrap of new information that might come their way.

Sources say Meghan just entered her second trimester, and the Royals tend to be quite secretive about matters such as this.

So it might be quite some time before we learn anything new regarding the baby’s name or gender.

But at least now we know whether Harry is hoping for a son or a daughter — and his answer says a lot about how things have changed in the royal family of the 21st century.

Harry and Meghan are on their first royal tour at the moment, and they spent the weekend in Sydney, Australia.

According to US Weekly, the couple was spotted strolling near the city’s famous opera house on Sunday.

Witnesses say a passerby shouted to Harry, “I hope it’s a girl.”

Harry reportedly paused for a moment before turning and replying,  “So do I.”

So there you have it.

The Duke of Sussex is hoping for a daughter.

No word yet on whether Meghan is hoping for a girl or a boy, but insiders say she’s been so ecstatic lately it’s impossible to imagine her being disappointed with either outcome.

As for the royal moniker, sources say Harry and Meghan “have a long list of names” to choose from.

In the end, though, they’ll probably go with something boring like Anne or Thomas.

They’re still royalty, after all.


Sunday, October 21, 2018

Thomas Markle: Filled with Love, Actual Joy Over Daughter"s Pregnancy

Thomas Markle has spoken out for the first time since learning his daughter is pregnant.

As previously reported, someone close to Meghan’s controversial and sort of crappy father claimed a few days ago that Thomas was “absolutely delighted” over the blessed Royal News.

But now we’ve heard it directly from the polarizing man himself.

“I was sitting in line waiting to cross the border [between the U.S. and Mexico, where he lives] when I heard the baby announcement on the car radio,” Thomas explained to the Daily Mail on Sunday.

And how did he feel?

What emotions ran through his body upon discovering that he would be a grandfather?

“The first thing I thought about was holding Meghan in my arms as a newborn 37 years ago,” he said emotionally and profoundly, expounding as follows:

“I thought, ‘My baby is having a baby.’ It was a very proud moment.

“I was filled with love, joy and happiness for both my beautiful daughter and my son-in-law. A new baby is a blessing and I look forward to seeing a little Meghan or a little Harry.”

Thomas, of course, has lamented many times in the past about how his relationship with Meghan is non-existent at this point.

He has complained to the press about a lack of access to his daughter and even talked in detail about how unfair it will be for Meghan to keep him from his grandchild, presuming this is what will happen down the line.

The Duchess, for her part, has never said such a thing.

Or much of anything at all when it comes to her dad.

Thomas has lived a quiet and reclusive life in Mexico for years.

He was invited to the Royal Wedding in May, but bowed out at the last minute due to health problems and due to his embarrassment over paying members of the paparazzi to snap pictures of him.

The relationship between father and child has been VERY strained ever since.

According to an Us Weekly source, Meghan did not tell Thomas about the pregnancy ahead of the public announcement last Monday.

“He found out the same time as the rest of the world,” this insider says.

Kensington Palace alerted everyone to the pregnancy via an announcement that reads:

Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby in the Spring of 2019.

Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all of the support they have received from people around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this happy news with the public.

On a tour of Australia in the days after this announcement, Harry and Meghan both made references to the forthcoming baby.

We don’t yet know if it will be a boy or a girl.

But we’ve heard he or she is due to be born in early May.

“I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me,” Thomas tells The Mail, adding of how he did or did not find out:

“Me not getting a call is most likely a misunderstanding about my two back-to-back heart attacks and me missing the wedding. There has been so much misinformation and lies that perhaps made them mistrust me.”

In conclusion, he had only kind things to say about Meghan and her journey to come:

“I wasn’t surprised by the baby announcement. Meghan loves children and she and Harry have been talking about wanting a family from the start. I’m delighted for them both.

“She’s always been wonderful with children and most of her friends have families so she’s used to being around kids.

“She will make a fantastic mother.”


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Control Baby"s Potential Presidential Hopes

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have an interesting decision to make — it has nothing to do with baby names, but it will decide whether their firstborn can be President … of the good ole U.S. of A. We did some digging and…


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Meghan Markle: Endangering Her Unborn Baby By Traveling to Zika Zones?

As you’ve likely heard by now, Meghan Markle is pregnant with her first child.

And as you may have also heard, she and Harry are currently touring the globe on their first official royal tour.

Sources say Meghan chose to announce her pregnancy on Monday due to the fact that she knew she wouldn’t be able to conceal her bump as she spends the next several weeks posing for photo-ops with peasants.

Duchess Meg is already in her second trimester, and insiders say her bump was visible at Princess Eugenie’s wedding on Saturday.

She and Harry shared the big news with family and friends at the reception and filled the rest of the world in just 48 hours later.

So now Preg Meg is now free to travel and wear whatever she wants without some dusty Australian needling her with questions while fending off an eight-foot spider with his didgeridoo.

Yes, Meghan and Harry are currently Down Under, where they’ve spent the past couple days reassuring drought victims that God hasn’t abandoned them, despite the obvious fact that these poor bastards live in Australia.

(Just kidding, Aussies! Throw another shrimp on the barbie for us!)

Unfortunately, the next stops on their agenda have led to serious concerns about the health of Meghan’s unborn baby.

First, the royal couple will hit New Zealand, where they’ll probably be forced to pretend to give a sh-t as Peter Jackson gushes about some lame-ass Lord of the Rings trivia.

Then it’s off to Fiji and Tonga, both of which are still considered “Zika zones” by the CDC.

You don’t hear much about Zika in the news these days, mainly because it’s not much of a problem in the developed world.

But apparently, pregnant women are still advised to exercise extreme caution in Fiji and Tonga.

Insiders say Harry and Meg  “sought medical advice” before the trip and decided the risks are minimal.

That may sound dicey, but to be fair, royal doctors are probably in a class all their own.

Harry can probably just pop in and pick out a new organ from his clone whenever he feels like it, then grab a handful of stem cells from the receptionsist’s desk on his way out.

The same genius who’s been keeping the Queen alive for the past century likely hit Meghan with a super-secret vaccine, and then everyone shared a laugh about how he could totally do something about Prince Charles’ ears but chooses not too for the lulz.

Nothing to worry about!


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Meghan Markle Baby Bump Watch: Is She Showing Yet?

In case you somehow have not heard, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are expecting

… a baby!

Following many weeks of speculation, the couple confirmed that a boy or girl is due in the spring of 2019.

We can expect to learn plenty more as the months tick by, but we have a treat for Royal Fans below.

It"s our very first look at Markle and Harry post-announcement, as they stopped by Sydney, Australia as part of their ongoing tour.

Do you see a baby bump on the ex-Suits actress?

Scroll down, take a look at some photos and get all caugh up now!

1. It’s the Parents-to-Be!

Its the parents to be

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle walk down the stairs of the iconic Opera House to meet folks on October 16, 2018… the first time they have appeared in public since announcing Markle is pregnant.

2. In Sydney

In sydney

Meghan and Harry wave here to fans while on tour in Sydney. We can’t really see a baby bump in this image.

3. On Bump Patrol…

On bump patrol

Do you see one, folks? This profile of Markle in Australia gives us a chance to see her 15-week baby bump.

4. Happy at the Opera House

Happy at the opera house

Meghan looks pretty happy about her pregnancy, doesn’t she? This is our first look at her since learning she has her bun in her beloved oven.

5. Unofficial Aussies!

Unofficial aussies

What a cool snapshot, huh? Markle (her impending baby!) and Harry stand and pose here with a bunch of people in Australia.

6. Harry Speaks Out

Prince harry and duchess meghan markle

“It’s great to be back in Australia, and especially even more so, this is my wife’s first trip here, so I’m very excited to show her this incredible country of yours,” Harry told those in attendance, adding: “We’re both absolutely delighted to be here and to see you serving beer and tea at an afternoon reception in true Aussie style.”

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle All Smiles On Heels of Pregnancy News

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are all smiles Down Under on the heels of their pregnancy announcement … but royal watchers might say something’s missing. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex hit up Australia Monday on the first day of…


Monday, October 15, 2018

Meghan Markle Due Date: Mostly Revealed!

We have an update on Meghan Markle’s pregnancy.

And it may just center on the exact piece of news for which you’ve been clamoring!

Earlier today, the world was stopped in its tracks when Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry confirmed that they are expecting their first child.


Social media users had been wondering for weeks whether Markle was pregnant, with most of them convinced this was the case just a day prior to the official announcement, considering the outfit Markle wore to a wedding on Saturday.

They can now take pride in being correct for a change, following a Kensington Place statement that reads:

Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby in the Spring of 2019.

The spring of 2019 is pretty vague, of course.

The Palace did not reveal whether Markle is due in March… or April… or May… or June.

However, an insider now tells Us Weekly that the former Suits actress is about 15 weeks along.

Even more specifically, according to this source…

“She is due on or around May 2nd.”

This would be especially cool because Princess Charlotte, the adorable daughter of Kate Middleton and Prince William, was born on May 2, 2015.

They could be birthday buddies!!!!!

This may be just one reason why the Palace says Kate and William are “delighted” that Meghan is expecting.

Harry and Meghan, who recently kicked off their their first international tour together in Australia, will be staying at Nottingham Cottage when they become a family of three.

The cottage was recently renovated.

It now includes two nurseries, sources close to the Royal Family have said.

This could mean that Markle is pregnant with twins, but it more likely means that she and Harry won’t be finished procreating after their first bundle of joy arrives.

If the child-to-be is born on May 2, this would make him or her a Taurus.

It would also mean she’d share a birthday not just with Charlotte… but with Dwayne Johnson and David Beckham as well!

How amazing would that be?!?

Elsewhere, while we wait to see what hateful things Samantha Markle has to say about this blessed development, we can quote Prime Minister Theresa May, who has said the following:

“My warmest congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on the happy news they are expecting a baby in the Spring. Wishing them all the best.”

We feel the very same way!


Meghan Markle: She Really is Pregnant!!!!!

Go ahed and celebrate, Internet.

You finally got it right.

Just a day after social media users took a look at Meghan Markle’s ensemble at Princess Eugenie’s wedding and presumed she was pregnant, the former actress and her very handsome husband confirmed the major news…

yes for us

… she really is pregnant!

For reals!

This is not a drill or another example of endless speculation.

Another Royal Baby is on the way!

Just ask Kensington Palace, which released the following statement on Monday morning:

“Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby in the Spring of 2019.

“Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all of the support they have received from people around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this happy news with the public.”


More like downright ecstatic and amazing!

As noted directly above, Markle and Harry got married on May 19.

By about May 20, nearly anyone with a pulse was wondering when they would make this exact announcement.

The stars have not been shy about their desire to procreate, with many observers keeping a close eye on Markle’s fashion choices and even hairstyle (yes, hairstyle) to determine whether she was expecting or not.

So now the wild guesses can end.

And the planning stage can begin.

According to a People Magazine source, Markle is 12 weeks along.

This means, knock on many pieces of wood, that the Duchess is past the point where most miscarriages occur, hence her comfort with alerting the world to her status.

She recently underwent a scan and is “feeling well,” this same insider says.

The news comes hours after Meghan and Harry touched down in Australia for their first international tour together, meaning the pregnancy is not getting in the way (yet) of Markle fulfilling her many Royal Duties.

In the couple’s very first joint interview in November of 2017 Harry evealed that the two are keen to “start a family in the near future.”

Hence the rumors and all the chatter that has been following them around since.

palace announce

Markle’s mother, Doria Ragland, issued a statement via Kensington Palace shortly after the pregnancy was confirmed, saying to the world:

“Ms. Ragland is very happy about this lovely news and she looks forward to welcoming her first grandchild.”

Markle’s father, meanwhile, is also angry that he hasn’t seen an ultrasound photo yet; while Markle’s half-sister says the baby will be “hideous and disgusting, just like his or her mother.”

Just kidding about those last two reactions.

For real, however, Prince William and Kate Middleton are “delighted” for the couple — as are Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, the Palace says.

As a final fact check:

We do not Markle’s exact due date.

Moreover, we do not know whether she has a little boy or girl growing inside of her.

Based on the three times Middleton has been pregnant, however, we can expect to learn these pieces of information as time goes on.

For now, let’s not worry about the details and let’s just celebrate the development itself.



Saturday, October 13, 2018

Meghan Markle Just PROVED She"s Pregnant, Twitter Thinks

No, really, this time we know for certain.

This time it has to be true.

This time there is definitive proof, okay?!?

This is basically what Twitter users are saying in the wake of Princess Eugenie"s wedding, at which Meghan Markle was spotted in an overcoat that folks are positive was used to hide her growing baby bump.

Yes, it"s time for more Meghan Markle pregnancy speculation!

Do people have a point this time around, though?

Check out her ensemble below and then check out a handful of reactions from interested Internet users…

1. Rocking the Overcoat

Rocking the overcoat

That’s a rather large overcoat, Meghan Markle. Are you hiding something under it?

2. Is She Bumpin?

Is she bumpin

Meghan Markle could not just attend Princess Eugenie’s wedding in peace. She was the subject of many pregnancy rumors thanks to this outfit.

3. Was It Cold in There?

Was it cold in there

Markle kept her overcoat on throughout Princess Eugenie’s wedding. Fans can’t help but be curious about why.

4. It’s Being Called!

Its being called

5. Forget the Coat. Look at the Face.

Forget the coat look at the face

6. I Lost Sleep for This!

I lost sleep for this

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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Samantha Markle Confesses: I Want to Get Rich By Trashing Meghan!

It’s been almost five months since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, and  the marriage has been as devoid of drama as most royal unions (sadly, the Fergies of the world are the exception, not the rule).

Fortunately, Meghan’s awful family has provided plenty of unintentional entertainment as they attempt to cash in on their tenuous ties to the throne.

Half-sister Samantha Markle has been doing her best to humiliate Meghan since before her engagement was announced, and at first, some folks gave her the benefit of the doubt.

With the possible exception of obsessive 

It’s not like any of those traits are hugely uncommon amongst C-list actresses.

Meghan and Samantha Markle Split Pics

But as we learned more about both Meghan and Samantha, a clearer picture began to emerge.

Samantha was a failed actress (with a one-time appearance on freakin’ Matlock as her sole IMDb credit), who had been spent most of her life consumed with jealousy toward her more successful little sister.

Even Samantha’s mother sided with Meghan and admitted that Sam’s been a thorn in her sibling’s side for quite some time:

“Samantha has been dogging her for years,” she said of her daughter.

“Everything she has said about her is a lie.”

Despite Samantha having been thoroughly discredited (we now know she had zero contact with Meghan for more thn a decade before the royal wedding), the 53-year-old remains a fixture on the British media circuit.

And as E! News points out, Sam has finally admitted that her main goal in slandering her sister is to get rich by riding Meg’s coattails.

“Let’s face it—we all have to survive,” Samantha said in a recent interview.

“Money makes the world go round, so if you want to call that cashing in, that’s fine, but I think no one in media would refuse a paycheck for talking about the royals and, as a family, we’re not subject to royal protocol.”

Hmm … we think a LOT of people would refuse a paycheck that required them to publicly insult members of their immediate family, but that’s just us.

Samantha’s favorite justification for her repulsive behavior is that she’s “in the media.”

When pressed about her nasty put-downs, she dismisses them as the result of having “worked in broadcasting and radio for a while,” adding that she’s “always been a bit boisterous.”

So when Samantha shows up at Kensington Palace unannounced and has to be turned away by security, she’s not making  her sister’s life a living hell.

No, she’s just trying to earn a living.


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Samantha Markle Gets Denied from Kensington Palace, Leaves Mysterious Note for Sister

Samantha Markle put her money where her mouth is on Saturday morning.

Or, to be more accurate, Samantha Markle put her wheelchair where her Twitter account has been.

What we’re trying to is this:


The awful half-sister of Meghan Markle actually tried to see the Duchess of Sussex at Kensington Place over the weekend.

According to The Daily Mirror, which has even published photos of Samantha at the gates of this famous residence, Markle’s evil sibling made good on her threat to try and see the Royal Beauty early yesterday.

Samantha – who suffers from multiple sclerosis – was pushed by her partner in a wheelchair through an open gate.

British news outlets have sincereported that she got into a verbal “stand-off” with an officer guarding a security checkpoint and was turned away.

Finally convinced she would not make it through, Samantha handed a guard a white envelope and then left.

“Everybody would love to know what’s in that letter,” Samantha tweeted on Sunday.

sam letter

Samantha, of course, is 17 years old than Meghan.

They share the same father, but never shared a household growing up.

They barely really know each other.

Yet this lack of a relationship hasn’t stopped Samantha from publicly disparaging and harassing Meghan, almost since the moment Meghan started dating Prince Harry.

On endless irritating, cruel and self-serving occasions, Samantha has fired off Tweets or given interviews in which she accused Meghan of being a phony… a hypocrite… a spoiled brat… and even a dog killer.

But whatever.

Meghan has almost entirely maintained the high ground and never responded to her half-sister ridiculous rants.

One must wonder whether this will change now that Samantha dared to actually get into the Palace. That’s scared territory.

“This was a huge move on the part of Meghan’s sister to try to see her face to face and the fact she was turned away speaks volumes,” a source told The Mirror, adding:

“This is the closest Meghan has come physically to that side of her family since she married into the royal family but palace staff had clearly been instructed not to allow her access.”

Can you blame her?!?

Just about a week ago, Samantha actually issued Meghan an apology, saying on air:

“There is so much water under the bridge and so much has spun out of control that was never intended to.

“I think everybody [in our family] was hurt at not being included or invited to the wedding, but I felt as though it could have all been nipped in the bud had everyone been included.

“We all just agreed to move forward with positive resolve and the hurt feelings wouldn’t have snowballed.”

In this same sit-down with Great Britain’s Channel 5, Samantha said of her visit overseas:

“I’ve always wanted to see London, but really I wanted to make the trip and sort of speak the wishes and thoughts and sentiments of my father, and hopefully get a message to my sister.”

It appears as if she has now at least done that.

But who the heck knows whether Meghan will bother to read it.

She has far better things to do these days than entertain any thoughts at all about someone such as Samantha Markle.

Such as what, you may be wondering?

Such as GETTING PREGNANT, of course!
